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Problem Statement: Bridging Critical Gaps in Women's Health Information Worldwide

In today's interconnected world, access to accurate and comprehensive health information is crucial
for informed decision-making, especially when it comes to women's sexual and reproductive health.
However, a closer examination of global trends reveals alarming gaps and challenges that hinder
women's ability to make informed choices about their well-being. The gravity of this issue is
amplified by the widespread acknowledgment of the importance of building informed decision-
making policies to ensure women's health and autonomy.

Objective 1: Emphasize Global Significance and Importance

The worldwide landscape of women's health information is riddled with challenges that transcend
geographical boundaries. Numerous studies, including those conducted by renowned organizations
such as the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), have shed light on these
critical gaps. Reports from the Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services (AIMS, 2021)
and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) underscore the urgent need to address barriers
that hinder women's access to accurate and unbiased health information.

A common theme across international literature is the limited support provided to women during
their reproductive journey. Midwives, who play a pivotal role in women's healthcare, face challenges
in delivering effective support for informed decision-making. Reports from midwives in various
countries point to perceived limitations on their professional autonomy (Jefford et al., 2018;
Sonmezer, 2021), inadequate time and resources (Ahmed et al., 2013; Sonmezer, 2017), and the
prevalence of non-evidence-based practices (Farnworth et al., 2021; Henshall et al., 2016).

Moreover, the erosion of women's legal and ethical rights to informed consent has been identified as
a barrier across different healthcare systems. The power differential between healthcare providers
and patients often results in decisions that may not align with the patients' values or preferences
(Shorten et al., 2005). This not only compromises women's autonomy but also highlights the need for
a paradigm shift in healthcare practices.

Objective 2: Transition to Specificities in Tunisia

While the global landscape sheds light on common challenges, it is essential to contextualize these
issues within the unique setting of Tunisia. The implications of limited access to accurate women's
health information are especially pronounced in this North African nation. The caesarean section
delivery rate in Tunisia, particularly in private facilities, underscores the need for informed decision-
making. The routine use of medical interventions during labor and birth reflects a culture that often
prioritizes fear and risk perception over evidence-based practices (Organization, 2015).

These challenges are further exacerbated by limited opportunities for meaningful conversations
between pregnant patients and healthcare providers. Short obstetrical prenatal care visits, coupled
with cultural and language barriers, hinder effective communication and contribute to healthcare

Introducing SheZoneInc: A Solution and Vision

Recognizing the urgency of these challenges, SheZoneInc emerges as a transformative solution to

address the critical gaps in women's health information in Tunisia. By leveraging innovative
technology and collaborative partnerships, SheZoneInc aims to empower women with accurate,
accessible, and unbiased health information. The platform's secure and educational features, such as
user profiles, discussion forums, and a comprehensive resource library, will serve as a beacon of
empowerment for women across Tunisia.

SheZoneInc's mission aligns seamlessly with global efforts to promote informed decision-making and
bridge gaps in women's health information. By fostering a supportive environment that prioritizes
women's autonomy and well-being, SheZoneInc envisions a future where every woman can
confidently make informed choices about her sexual and reproductive health.

In the subsequent sections of this presentation, we will delve deeper into SheZoneInc's alignment
with Social Impact Accelerator's criteria, its implementation capacity, fundraising strategies,
ecosystem integration, and collaborative partnerships. Through a comprehensive approach, we are
committed to realizing SheZoneInc's vision and making a lasting impact on women's health in Tunisia
and beyond.

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