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Tài liệu bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi (môn Tiếng Anh) 2023-2024

ĐỀ 2 (30/08/2023)
Listening: Question 1-10 You will heara radio interview with aman who wants to travel around the world
in a balloon. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences. (test 2- part 2)
Rick's last attempt failed because of (1) ...................................................
Predicting the weather is most difficult over (2) ...................................................
Rick suffered (3) ................................................... in the crash landing
Rick often feels (4) ................................................... and hungry when he's in the air.
Rick's company produces (5) ...................................................
As a boy, Rick admired arctic (6) ...................................................
Rick learnt to fly when he was (7) ...................................................
The most expensive piece of equipment is (8) ...................................................
There are nearly 40 people in the (9) ...................................................
Rick believes he'll succeed when he finds the right (10) ...................................................
Question 11-20
11. Dave Hadley says that the computer system has
A. too many users.
B. never worked well.
C become outdated.
12. The main problem with the computer system is that it
A. is too slow.
B. stops working.
C. displays incorrect data.
13. Timetabling has become an issue because.....
A. there is not enough time for anvone to do it.
B. the system does not handle course options.
C. the courses are constantly changing.
14. To solve the timetabling issues, Randhir suggests that....
A. students should create their own timetables.
B. Dave should have someone to assist him.
C. the number of courses should be reduced.
15. Randhir says that a new system maY .....
A. need to be trialled .
B. still have problems.
C. be more economical.
16. Improving the existing system will take ....
A. a few weeks.
B. four or five months.
C. nine months
Question 17-20: Complete the flow-chart below (track 41 - official guides)
write no more than two words

Next steps
get approval from (17) .................

Complete a (18) ................................form

Book a (19) ................................with the system analyst

Set up a (20) ..................................... with technologies team

Teacher: Trần Quang Khiêm (0706730661)

Tài liệu bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi (môn Tiếng Anh) 2023-2024

Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress
11. A. reign B. vein C. reindeer D. protein
12. A. work B. form C. stork D. force
13. A. eleven B. elephant C. examine D. exact
14. A. overboard B. cupboard C. aboard D. keyboard
15. A. assure B. pressure C. possession D. assist
Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation
16. A. benefit B. badminton C. beverage D. ambition
17. A. Government B. Technical C. Parallel D. Understand
18. A. Copy B. Remove C. Notice D. Cance
19. A. donation B. celebrate C. confidence D. constancy
20. A. financial B. competent C. commitment D. commercial
III/ Lexico - grammar
21. Building a new children's home will cost a lot of money but, ........................., there is an urgent need
for the facility.
A. By and large B. be that as it may
C. to put in another way D. first and foremost
22. ................................your foolishness, we wouldn't have got lost.
A. Had it not been for B. Were it not for
C. If only it had been D. Should it be
23. Being fired from my job was I soon found a better one. (idiom 42/page 20/ CPE)
A. costing a bomb B. breaking even
C. a blessing in disguise D. full of beans
24. It is now generally believed that stress is a major ………….of heart disease.
A. motive B. reason C. cause D. purpose
25. The manager disappeared with the ...............from the concerts
A. reciepts B. takings C. wages D. networth
26. That new painting looks a bit out of …… our living room, don’t you think?
A. room B. place C. space D. spot
27. The region is rich ……. minerals and coal deposits.
A. at B. with C. in D. for
28. John's injury his hopes of getting onto the Olympic swimming team.
A. made a clean breast B. dealt a blow
C. saw the back of D. kicked the bucket
29. Instead of bottling up your feelings, let's have a good talk and clear the ................
A. heat B. air C. atmosphere D. mood
30. We could see ............ Alps were covered in .............snow
A. the/ Æ B. Æ/ Æ C. Æ/ the D. the / the
31. ...................through difficult times together, they were very close friends.
A. To have lived B. They had lived C. Having lived D. Have lived
32. She is a social girl with lots of friends. .................. she can get lonely, like anyone else
A. Even so B. Furthermore C. To some extent D. On the whole
33. .....................................that some areas may never recover
A. The floods were too devastating B. So devastating were the floods
C. Too devastating were the floods D. Such devastating were the flodds
34. ..................... and fail is better than to have never tried at all
A. Trying B. To try C. Try D. Tried
35. I dread to think what will ............... of them if they lose their home.
A. change B. become C. happen D. arise

Teacher: Trần Quang Khiêm (0706730661)

Tài liệu bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi (môn Tiếng Anh) 2023-2024

Question 46-50: Complete the following sentences with the correct fomrs fo the words given.
36. The minimum ............................. to enter the competition is to have one year of cooking experience.
37. At work, we are often trying to impress our colleagues. We want the results of our work to be
..................... in order to show that we are a valuable asset to the company. effect
38. We also go to great lengths to avoid ............... when talking to our colleagues. (understand)
39. However, this can often lead to boring interaction that is not very ......................(meaning)
40. Another issue with wanting to impress all the time is that it can lead to employees being
........................ because they do not want to say something wrong or offensive. (decide)
Identify 10 mistakes in the following passage in any order and correct them. (0) in Line 1 has been done
as an example. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.

Line 1 An endangered species is a population of an organism who is at risk of

Line 2 becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers, or threatened by
Line 3 changed environmental or predation parameters. An endangered species is
usually a taxonomic species, but may be other evolutionary significant unit,
Line 4
The World Conservation Union (IPCN) has calculated the percent of
Line 5 endangered species as 40 percent of all organisms based at the samples of
Line 6 species that have been evaluating through 2006. Many nations have laws
Line 7 offering protection to this species: for example, forbidding hunting, restricting
Line 8 land development or create reserves. Only a few of the many species at risk of
Line 9 extinct actually make it to the lists and obtain legal protection. Much more
Line 10 species become extinct, or potential will become extinct, without gaining
public notice.
Line 11
Line 12

41. .. ...................................................................................................................................................................
42. .. ...................................................................................................................................................................
43. .....................................................................................................................................................................
44. .....................................................................................................................................................................
45. .....................................................................................................................................................................
46. .....................................................................................................................................................................
47. .....................................................................................................................................................................
48. .....................................................................................................................................................................
49. .....................................................................................................................................................................
50. .....................................................................................................................................................................

Teacher: Trần Quang Khiêm (0706730661)

Tài liệu bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi (môn Tiếng Anh) 2023-2024

Question 61 - 67: You are going to read an article about exercise. Seven sentences have been removed
from the article. Choose from the sentnece (A-H) the one fit the gaps (1-7). There is one extra sentence
which you do not need to use.


"Stop lifting weights and ditch the skipping rope. If you want to get fit, head for the dance floor, " say
sports writer Annette Philips."

British dance schools are enjoying an upsurge in Spanish dance sensation Joanquin Cortes." (64)
popularity. Every week over five million people in .........................This includes appearances at major
Britain swing into action on the dance floor instead venues such as the Royal Albert Hall in London and
of going to a fitness club. And the reason is simple - also at glittering celebrity events such as Academy
no matter which particular dance you choose to take Awards ceremony.
up, dancing is a great way to get in shape and keep
fit. And believe it or not, you can actually have fun Perhaps the most difficult aspect of this dance is to
achieving the body of you dream. (61) ..................... master the distinctive S-shape stance. "Hold your
bottom in, Stick up! shout Pasty Caine, a teacher at
"A lot of fitness pursuits are competitive, unlike the Manchester Dance School. "it's stricky getting
dancing, which is a cooperative endeavour," says the stance and the footwork too." (65)
Michael Thompson, a dance teacher who runs Steps, .........Practising the energetic dance will raise your
a popular school in Midlands. (62) ................. This heart rate to around 60%-80% of your maximum.
mutual cooperation makes for a positive emtional This is very benificial for your aerobic fitness.
Dance has another advantage too - it reduces body
While our parents have always recognised the value fat. Recent research indicates that a 12-week
of dancing for pleasure, the younger generation has programme of low-impact dance can help you lose
discovered its benefits for fitness. The dance scence an average of 3 1/2 kilos of fat. (66)
has witnessed an explosion in interest in more exotic ........................... For a 57-kilo woman, this mount to
dances. Salsa, African dance, and even Brazilian 330 calories in a one-hour session.
martial art cum-dance capoeira, have literally bust
into the scence. (63) ................ Regular practise of dance moves can really develop
your muscle tone of you keep it overtime." says
Surprisingly, the latest trend is, in fact, a traditional fitness specialist and sports doctor Helen Young.
dance of European origin - flamenco. It has certainly (67) .................... "But do you know what that great
taken the lead in terms of numbers signing up for thing about it is?" You don't even realise how much
courses. As Thompson explains, "If you ask me, it's effort you're making because you're having a lot of
all thanks to the fun

A. An energetic flamenco session burns around 5.7 E. What's more? you can radically improve your
calories an hour for very kilo of weight. social life at the same time.

B. One of the best thing about it is that it's so easy to F. Since 1995, he has given performances for over
learn. one million people around the world.

C. Several fitness clubs and gyms are now offering G. "It is especially effective in abdominal area and
these as part of their aerobics programme. the legs," she added.

D. But these, coupled with flamenco's extravagant H. "The goal in most dances is to work with another
arm movements, are what make it such a great person, not against them, he explains.

61. .....................................................................................................................................................................

Teacher: Trần Quang Khiêm (0706730661)

Tài liệu bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi (môn Tiếng Anh) 2023-2024

62. .....................................................................................................................................................................
63. .....................................................................................................................................................................
64. .....................................................................................................................................................................
65. .....................................................................................................................................................................
66. .....................................................................................................................................................................
67. .....................................................................................................................................................................
Question 69 - 73
Reading Passage 1 below has 5 paragraphs (A-E). Which paragraph focuses on the Information below?
Write the appropriate letters (A-E) in Boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.
NB. Write only ONE letter for each answer.
69. The way parameters in the mind help people to be creative
70. The need to learn rules in order to break them
71. How habits restrict us and limit creativity
72. How to train the mind to be creative
73. How the mind is trapped by the desire for order.

A. It is a myth that creative people arc born with their talents: gifts from God or nature. Creative genius is,
in fact, latent within many of us, without our realising, But how far do we need to travel to find the path to
creativity? For many people, a long way, In our everyday lives, we have to perform many acts out of habit to
survive, like opening the door, shaving, getting dressed, walking to work, and so on. If this were not the
case, we would, in all probability, become mentally unhinged. So strongly ingrained are our habits, though
this varies from person to person, that, sometimes, when a conscious effort is made to be creative, automatic
response takes over. We may try, for example, to walk to work following a different route, but end up on our
usual path. By then it is too late to go back and change our minds. Another day, perhaps. The same applies
to all other areas of our lives. When we arc solving problems, for example, we may seek different answers,
but, often as not, find ourselves walking along the same well-trodden paths.

B. So, for many people, their actions and behaviour arc set in immovable blocks, their minds clogged with
the cholesterol of habitual actions, preventing them from operating freely, and thereby stifling creation.
Unfortunately, mankind’s very struggle for survival has become a tyranny – the obsessive desire to give
order to the world is a case in point. Witness people’s attitude to time, social customs and the panoply of
rules and regulations by which the human mind is now circumscribed.

C. The groundwork for keeping Creative ability in check begins at school. School, later university and then
work teach us to regulate our lives, imposing a continuous process of restrictions, which is increasing
exponentially with the advancement of technology. Is it surprising then that creative ability appears to be so
rare? It is trapped in the prison that we have erected. Yet, even here in this hostile environment, the
foundations for creativity arc being laid; because setting off on the creative path is also partly about using
rules and regulations, Such limitations are needed so that once they arc learnt, they can be broken.

D. The truly creative mind is often seen as totally free and unfettered. But a better image is of a mind, which
can be free when it wants, and one that recognises that rules and regulations arc parameters, or barriers, to
be raised and dropped again at will. An example of how the human mind can be trained to be creative might
help here. People’s minds arc just like tense muscles that need to be freed up and the potential unlocked.
One strategy is to erect artificial barriers or hurdles in solving a problem, As a form of stimulation, the
participants in the task can be forbidden to use particular solutions or to follow certain lines of thought to
solve a problem. In this way, they arc obliged to explore unfamiliar territory, which may lead to some
startling discoveries. Unfortunately, the difficulty in this exercise, and with creation itself, is convincing
people that creation is possible, shrouded as It is in so much myth and legend. There is also an element of
fear involved, however subliminal, as deviating from the safety of one’s own thought patterns is very much
akin to madness. But, open Pandora’s box, and a whole new world unfolds before your very eyes.

Teacher: Trần Quang Khiêm (0706730661)

Tài liệu bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi (môn Tiếng Anh) 2023-2024

E. Lifting barriers into place also plays a major part in helping the mind to control ideas rather than letting
them collide at random. Parameters act as containers for ideas, and thus help the mind to fix on them. When
the mind is thinking laterally, and two ideas from different areas of the brain come or are brought together,
they form a new idea, just like atoms floating around and then forming a molecule. Once the idea has been
formed, it needs to be contained or it will fly away, so fleeting is its passage. The mind needs to hold it in
place for a time so that it can recognise it or call on it again. And then the parameters can act as channels
along which the ideas can flow, developing and expanding. When the mind has brought the idea to fruition
by thinking it through to its final conclusion, the parameters can be brought down and the idea allowed to
float off and come in contact with other ideas.

Questions 74-78: Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in Boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet.
74. According to the writer, creative people
A. are usually born with their talents B. are born with their talents
C. are not born with their talents D. are geniuses
75. According to the writer, creativity is …..........
A. a gift from God or nature B. an automatic response
C. difficult for many people to achieve D. a well-trodden path
76. According to the writer, ….........
A. the human race’s fight to live is becoming a tyranny
B. the human brain is blocked with cholesterol
C. the human race is now circumscribed by talents
D. the human race’s light to survive stifles creative ability
77. Advancing technology …
A. holds creativity in check B. improves creativity
C. enhances creativity D. is a tyranny
78. According to the author, creativity.............
A. is common B. is increasingly common
C. is becoming rarer and rarer D. is a rare commodity
Questions 79-83: Do the statements below agree with the Information in Reading Passage 1?
In Boxes 79-83, write:
Yes if the statement agrees with the information in the passage
No if the statement contradicts the information in the passage
Not Given if there is no information about the statement in the passage
Example: In some people, habits are more strongly Ingrained than in others,
Answer: Yes
79. Rules and regulations arc examples of parameters.
80. The truly creative mind is associated with the need for free speech and a totally free society.
81. One problem with creativity is that people think it is impossible.
82. The act of creation is linked to madness.
83. Parameters help the mind by holding ideas and helping them to develop

Read the text and decide which answer (A,B,C,D) best fits each gaps
American Football?
Is American football truly an American invention ?Americans started by playing traditional British football
or soccer, as it is sometimes called. As time (84) ............they were more and more influenced by another
British game called rugby. By the time the Americans had (85) ..... a few more changes of their own, there
was hardly anything left of the original British game of football. Anyone familiar with both sports today
may well (86) .................. why the American version is still called football at al. In fact, it more (87) .
........................resembles rugby, especially if you consider the rules of the game. Players run with the ball in
their hands, and there is a lot of physical contact, especially when a player is tackled for the ball. The goal is
similar too - two high posts, but no net, as in football. A goal is scored when the player gets the ball across
the goal line and places it on the ground. This is called a touchdown. However, rugby and American football

Teacher: Trần Quang Khiêm (0706730661)

Tài liệu bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi (môn Tiếng Anh) 2023-2024

do differ in one (88) ..... - the clothes or kit they wear. American football players wear heavily padded
clothes and helmets to protect themselves from (89)........... Both games are action-packed and very exciting,
drawing large crowds of (90) ..............who faithfully follow their team's progress in national leagues, and
who will turn up in all weathers to cheeer their team on.

84. A. ran along B. passed on C. went by D. took on

85. A. done B. made C. caused D. had
86. A. wonder B. suppose C. consider D. think
87. A. greatly B. closely C. nearly D. clearly
88. A. manner B. respect C. aspect D. prospect
89. A. injury B. would C. sprain D. damage
90. A. audiences B. onlookers C. bystanders D. spectators

Question 91- 100: Finish the second sentence in such a way that it measn exactly the same as. the
sentence printed before it.
91. She regrets not studying hard enough for the final examination.
® She wishes ...............................................................................................................................................
92. They believe that the room was badly decorated.
® The room ...............................................................................................................................................
93. I fully intend to find out who is responsible for the graffiti.
® I have every .............................................................................................................................................
94. I didn’t stop worrying about the wild animals until we were safe inside camp.
® It was only when we reached ______________________________________________
95. It’s sad, but unemployment is unlikely to go down this year
® Sad ..........................................................................................................................................................
Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meanming to the first sentence,using the word given. You
must use between three and six words, including the word given.
96. She can’t stand her toothache, so she goes to see the dentist. (PUT)
@ She goes to see the dentist as she can’t .............................................................. her toothache.
97. He couldn’t understand the instruction of this task. (SENSE)
@The instruction of this task .................................................................................................. him.
98. A foreign manager is running our restaurant at the moment. (RUN)
@ Our restaurant ....................................................................... a foreign manager at the moment.
99. The fast food Linda eats affects her health badly. (EFFECT)
@ The fast food Linda eats ........................................................................................... her health.
100. Nora described the trip to us in detail. (DETAILED
@ Nora .......................................................................................................................................... the trip.
Topic: The only way to improve the safety on our own road is to have stricter punishment for driving

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience
Write at least 250 words.


Teacher: Trần Quang Khiêm (0706730661)

Tài liệu bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi (môn Tiếng Anh) 2023-2024


Teacher: Trần Quang Khiêm (0706730661)

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