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Initial Assessment









1. What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to
store, retrieve, and process data. You may already know that you can use a computer to type
documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web. You can also use it to edit or create
spreadsheets, presentations, and even videos.

The term "computer" was originally given to humans (human computers) who performed numerical
calculations using mechanical calculators, such as the abacus and slide rule. The term was later given to
mechanical devices as they began replacing human computers.

2. Why is an electric fan not categorized as a computer device?

The computer is not the fan. Machines that move only on the basis of their construction, rather
than a language that instructs them on how to move, are simply machines, not computers. A computer
is typically programmable with a range of languages that can be used to control the computer's and its
peripheral attachments' behavior. An air fan is not programmable, and while there are speed and
rotating options, they are very limited and cannot be programmed by the user.

3. Why is it important for us to learn about the history of computers?

A computer is an electrical machine that gathers data, stores it, processes it based on user
instructions, and then provides the output. The history before the actual power of computers could be
recognized, the brief notion of computation had to be overcome. The computer's creators had to
recognize that what they were constructing was more than just a number cruncher or a calculator. They
had to deal with all of the challenges that come with creating such a machine, executing the concept,
and actually manufacturing it. The history of computers is the tale of these problems being solved.

Importance of studying the history of computers

It is important to study the history of technology in order to understand how the technologies
we use today originated from simpler ones. This increases our respect for modern technologies. It also
provides engineers with a better knowledge of how and why modern machines function. Engineers can
occasionally uncover solutions to present challenges by researching old technology. Knowing what was
done in the past can help you save time, money, and resources now. Much historical information was
lost as a result of the media on which it was recorded, or as a result of invasion and devastation.

The importance of studying the history of computers

• Studying computer history may provide an interesting picture of how technology has progressed and
developed through time.

• It is critical to understand and improve the current status of a concept or product by studying its
• The history of computers may show where it all started, how far they've come, and how much more
there is to learn.

• Researching the history of computers can help explain why some equipment is popular now while
others are not. The same may be stated about a certain computer maker and which firm manufactures
the most popular brand.

• It explains the interdependence between technology and science.

• Knowledge of science and technology is required for future discoveries.

• To learn or comprehend the changes and reasons of changes in agriculture, production, medicine,
engineering, architecture, and other fields, we must study the history of technology.

4. Briefly discuss what is meant by Computer limitations...

Computer systems have some restrictions based on their capacity, reliance, behavior, and other
factors. Lack of Common Sense, No IQ, No Feelings, No Thinking Capability, No Decision-Making Ability,
No Learning Power, User Dependent, No Implementation Power, Cannot Express Ideas, and For
Knowledgeable Audience: are among the key drawbacks of the computer.


One of the main drawbacks of computers is the lack of common sense in them. They are unable
to make wise decisions based on a straightforward evaluation of the circumstances or available

Computers are without a doubt quick, dependable, and effective. But since there is no fully-proof
method created for computers that could aid in the programming of general logic, they are devoid of
any sense. All of a computer's operations are based on stored programs or logics.


This is another main limitation of computers. Computers often have an IQ of zero, meaning they
lack intelligence. Simply said, computers are unable to perceive or consider any particular course of
action in response to the relevant circumstances. Regardless of how simple or difficult the task is,
everything that a computer is capable of doing has already been programmed into the device.


Since it is still a machine, the computer has no emotions. Computers don't feel anything like
humans do. They have no feelings. The human heart has not yet been built for computers, despite the
fact that computers have many wonderful inventions.

Because they lack the essential components, computers are unable to make decisions. Making
decisions is a difficult process that typically calls for factors like knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, and
judgment skill. The absence of these components prevents the computers from making choices. Only
the instructions provided by the users will cause them to function.


Since computers lack the capacity for learning, they are unable to acquire knowledge on their
own. Despite having performed similar work in the past, they are incapable of performing any work.
Users must continuously provide data or input in order to receive the intended outcome. They must also
already have certain tasks preprogrammed.


Despite the fact that computers are now intelligent, they still require user interaction. The
computer cannot process the task or produce results if no data is provided. However, the user must still
keep an eye on the working process and customize the automation process by providing the necessary
data. Some automated and repetitive jobs can sometimes be handled by contemporary computers on
their own.

5. There are 5 Generations of computers. Identify what sets them apart in terms of: a.) Sizes b.) Users

Generation Sizes Users

First Generation I (1940s- These computers were large Scientists and engineers mostly
1950s) and occupied up entire rooms. used it for calculations, military
applications, and early business
data processing. These
machines required training for
users to operate.

Second Generation (the 1950s Smaller than first-generation Primarily used by businesses
and 1960s) computers, but still huge by and government entities for
today's standards. They usually data processing and scientific
needed air-conditioned calculations. Users often have
accommodations. programming knowledge.

Third Generation (the 1960s Because of the utilization of Increased usage in a variety of
and 1970s) circuits, the size is more fields, including business,
compact. education, and research. With
the advent of high-level
programming languages, these
computers became more
accessible to a broader range of
Fourth Generation (1970s- Because of the advancement of Individuals acquired access to
1980s) microprocessors, size has computers (PCs) with the
become more portable. introduction of these machines,
indicating a shift. Professionals,
students, and regular people
began to use them for a variety
of purposes.

Fifth generation (1980s-present Technological advances have Despite of their integration into
day) resulted in the development of daily life, fifth-generation
smaller yet more powerful computers are used by almost
microprocessors. These everyone in today's society.
developments resulted in the These computers are used for a
introduction of devices such as variety of purposes, including
laptops, tablets, smartphones, communication, entertainment,
and other portable electronics. work-related tasks, learning,
and much more.


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