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Joshua Fernandez Sir.

Jerwin Anas
BSEntrep-2A #133 - CBME 2


As a student, reflecting on these insightful paragraphs in Module 1 & 2 has given me a deeper
understanding of the strategic management process and its significance within organizations.
It's striking to see how this process transcends the boundaries of organizational size and type,
being adopted by small businesses, large corporations, nonprofits, governments, and
multinational conglomerates alike. The empowerment of managers and employees through
this process holds vast potential, fostering a sense of purpose and direction that transcends
limitations. The empowerment of managers and employees through this process holds vast
potential, fostering a sense.

Being proactive rather than reactive resonates with me as a valuable lesson. It's clear that
successful organizations not only react to events but actively shape them. This proactive
approach, intricately woven into the fabric of the strategic management process, offers a
structured and logical framework for steering an organization's future.

One element that stands out is the focus on foreseeing a company's future and creating plans to
bridge the present and the future. This reflects a prudent approach that aligns with the adage
"failing to plan is planning to fail." Without planning can result in failures, because businesses
and individuals who plan ahead are more likely to achieve their goals.

The link between strategic management and vision and mission statements is also enlightening.
These statements aren't just slogans they encapsulate an organization's purpose, values, and
goals. It's fascinating to see how these statements can become the guiding stars for strategy
formulation and implementation, influencing every facet of an organization's activities.

A story told by the previous CEO of Porsche about people working on a building site
emphasizes the need for a defined objective. Routine tasks become important endeavors when
one sees their contribution as being comparable to building a cathedral. This comparison
effectively illustrates the importance of sound strategy and the ability of a well-defined mission
to give the daily grind some meaning.

As I navigate my student journey, these reflections have kindled my interest in strategic

management, emphasizing its real-world relevance and the tools it provides for effective
decision-making. Understanding how organizations develop their sense of purpose through
vision and mission statements, and how these shape strategies, has left a lasting impression on
me. It's clear that the skills acquired in this domain extend beyond the business realm, offering
insights into purpose-driven actions across various facets of life.

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