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Enrollment No: AA.BU.P2MBA2107188

Under the
Guidance of

Ms. Arathi Ramesan Ms. Sonia Anirudhan

Teaching Assistant Founder & CEO
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Four O’ Clock Studio Pvt. Ltd.

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Mentor / Guide Name : Ms. Sonia Anirudhan

Designation : Founder and CEO, Four O’ Clock Studio Pvt. Ltd.
Dotspace, Ushasandhya, TTC Junction, Kowdiar, Trivandrum, Kerala - 695003

This is to certify that the project report entitled

“Organizational Study of Four O’ Clock Studio Pvt. Ltd.” has been prepared by Mr.
Harish EP under my supervision
and guidance, for the fulfillment of Master In Business Administration. His field work
is satisfactory.

Date: 1 July 2023 Signature of Company Guide

Page 2

I do hereby declare that this project work entitled

“Organizational Study of Four O’ Clock Studio Pvt. Ltd. ” submitted by me for the partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Master In Business Administration(MBA)

is a record of my own research work. The report embodies the finding based on my study

and observation and has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or

diploma to any Institute or University.

1/7/2 Harish EP

Page 3

I deem it a privilege to thank our Program Coordinator : Online MBA, Dr. Ajith Sundaram,
Department of Amrita AHEAD, for giving me the opportunity to do the project, which has been
a very valuable learning experience.

I am truly grateful to my External guide Ms. Sonia Anirudhan and my Internal guide Ms.
Arathi Ramesan for their research guidance, encouragement and opportunities provided.

I wish to thank all the respondents from the firms who spent their valuable time in discussing
with me and giving valuable data for my questionnaires.

My sincere and heartfelt thanks to all my teachers at Amrita AHEAD, Amrita Vishwa
Vidyapeetham for their valuable support and guidance.

Last, but not least, I want to express my deep gratitude to our revered Guru Mata
Amritanandamayi Devi to bestow this opportunity in my career.

Page 4
Executive Summary

As part of the curriculum, a two-month mini project focusing on an organizational analysis was
required. Driven by my fascination and curiosity in marketing, I opted to collaborate with an
established startup Four O' Clock Studio. It caught my attention due to its remarkable digital
marketing prowess in achieving notable success within a short period of time. More striking was
its expansion rolled out into the India’s silicon valley recently.

Throughout my internship, I acquired comprehensive knowledge encompassing various facets of

digital marketing, including business development processes, content writing, and social media
management. The emergence of social media and the proliferation of devices, platforms, and
applications have significantly transformed marketing practices. Customers, both potential and
existing, seek to engage in communication, presenting marketers with an opportunity to listen
and respond rapidly and with a higher degree of personalization. However, this evolving
landscape also poses new challenges, and remaining up-to-date with digital marketing can be a
demanding task. Digital marketing equips professionals with the necessary tools to evaluate their
organization's social media and digital marketing strategies, enabling them to identify areas for
improvement. This knowledge is particularly valuable for individuals working in small-to
medium-sized businesses, who seek to leverage new media as a means of fostering growth.

Organizations across various industries are leveraging digital marketing methods to implement
successful marketing strategies. These methods include inbound marketing, which involves
publishing content online through portals, podcasts, e-journals, online campaigns, and social
media marketing, as well as outbound marketing techniques like email marketing and RSS
(Really Simple Syndication) feeds, among others. By embracing these digital marketing
approaches, organizations can enhance their marketing effectiveness and achieve their strategic

Page 5


1 Cover Page 1
2 Bonafide Certificate 2
3 Declaration 3
4 Acknowledgement 4
5 Executive Summary 5
6 Table of Contents 6
1.1. Introduction to the Study 8
1.2. Scope of the Study 8
1.3. Objective of the Study 8
1.4. Methodology 9
1.5. Limitation of the Study 10
2.1. Analysis of the remote external environment 11
2.2. Industry Profile 11
2.2.1. Global Scenario 11
2.2.2. Indian Scenario 13
2.2.3. Regional Scenario 14
2.3. Industry Analysis 14
2.3.1. Industry Key Players 14
2.3.2. Competitor Analysis 20
3.1. Overview of the Organization 23
3.1.1. Background and History 23
3.1.2. Company Vision, Mission, and Values 24
3.1.3. Products and Markets 25
3.1.4. Awards, Recognitions and Certifications 37
3.1.5. Business Performances 37
3.1.6. Strategic Plans, Programs and Long-Term Objectives 40

Page 6
3.2. Organizational Structure 41
3.2.1. Corporate Structure 41
3.2.2. Business and Departmental Structure 41
3.3. Functional Analysis 41
3.4. Organizational Analysis 44
3.4.1. Key Resources 44
3.4.2. SWOT Analysis 46
4.1. Observation 48
4.2. Learning 52
4.3. Conclusion 54
Bibilography 56

Page 7

1.1 Introduction to the Study

In my thesis, I aim to provide a comprehensive analysis of Four O’ Clock, a media organization

specializing in digital marketing services. As we navigate the digital age, media organizations like Four
O’ Clock play a crucial role in helping businesses reach their target audiences effectively through various
digital marketing strategies. Therefore, it is important to understand the operations and strategies of such
organizations to gain insights into their contributions to the field of digital marketing.

1.2 Scope of the Study

In my research, I will explore various aspects of Four O’ Clock's operations, focusing on its background,
services, target market, and competitive landscape. By delving into the organization's founding, history,
and core values, I seek to provide a contextual foundation for understanding Four O’ Clock's evolution as
a key player in the digital marketing industry. Additionally, I will analyze the range of digital marketing
services offered by Four O’ Clock, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing,
content marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click advertising (PPC), and analytics. This analysis will
help in understanding the breadth and depth of Four O’ Clock's capabilities in meeting the diverse
marketing needs of its clients. Furthermore, I will investigate Four O’ Clock's target market and client
base to identify the industries, business sizes, and marketing requirements that the organization caters to,
thereby shedding light on its target market segmentation and ability to tailor its services effectively.
Lastly, I will explore the competitive landscape within which Four O’ Clock operates by conducting a
comparative assessment of other media organizations specializing in digital marketing services. This
analysis will help in understanding Four O’ Clock's competitive strengths, market share, unique selling
propositions, and strategies for differentiation.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

My study on Four O Clock aims to achieve the following objectives:

 To examine the evolution and growth of Four O’ Clock as a media organization specializing in
digital marketing services, including understanding its founding principles, historical milestones,
and key factors contributing to its success in the digital marketing industry.
Page 8
 To analyze the range of digital marketing services provided by Four O’ Clock, exploring the
specific services offered, their methodologies, and their effectiveness in helping clients achieve
their marketing goals.
 To investigate Four O’ Clock's target market and client base, identifying the industries, business
sizes, and marketing needs that Four O’ Clock caters to. This objective will provide insights into
the organization's target market segmentation and its ability to align its services with client
 To evaluate the competitive landscape of media organizations specializing in digital marketing
services, conducting a comparative analysis of Four O’ Clock's competitors in terms of market
share, unique selling propositions, and competitive advantages. This analysis will shed light on
Four O’ Clock's competitive positioning within the industry.
 To assess the strategic approaches and differentiating factors employed by Four O Clock to
maintain a competitive edge, including examining its marketing strategies, service customization,
technological advancements, and client relationship management practices.
 To provide recommendations for the future growth and success of Four O Clock based on the
findings of the study. These recommendations will aim to enhance the organization's services,
expand its client base, and adapt to emerging trends in the digital marketing landscape.
 To contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field of digital marketing by providing
insights and analysis specific to Four O’ Clock's operations and strategies, which can be utilized
by researchers, practitioners, and organizations within the industry.

1.4 Methodology

In conducting this study, I will adopt a mixed-methods research design that combines qualitative and
quantitative approaches to gather comprehensive insights into Four O’ Clock and its operations in the
digital marketing industry. The qualitative component will involve conducting semi-structured interviews
with key stakeholders within Four O’ Clock, such as senior management, department heads, and
marketing experts. These interviews will provide rich qualitative data on the organization's background,
strategies, services, target market, and competitive positioning. Additionally, case studies of selected
clients will be conducted to understand their experience working with Four O’ Clock and the impact of
the organization's digital marketing services on their businesses. For the quantitative component, surveys

will be administered to Four O Clock's clients to gather quantitative data on their satisfaction levels,
perceived value of services, and the effectiveness of different digital marketing strategies implemented
Page 9
by Four O’ Clock. These surveys will be administered online and analyzed using statistical tools to
identify trends, correlations, and patterns within the data.

1.5 Limitations of the Study

While I strive to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Four O’ Clock as a media organization

specializing in digital marketing services, it is important to acknowledge the potential limitations of this
study. The qualitative data obtained through interviews and case studies may be subject to response
biases and limitations associated with self-reported information. The generalizability of the findings may
be constrained by the specific context of Four O’ Clock and its clients, as well as the sample size of the
study. It is important to interpret the findings within these limitations and consider them in relation to the
unique characteristics of Four O’ Clock and its operating environment.

By structuring my thesis around these detailed points, I aim to provide a thorough and insightful analysis
of Four O’ Clock as a media organization specializing in digital marketing services.

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2.1 Analysis of the remote external Environment

Advertising is normally done by a third party known as advertising agency. An advertising agency is a
service based business dedicated to creating, planning, and handling advertising for its clients. An ad
agency is independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the
client's products or services. An agency can also handle overall marketing and sales promotions for its
clients. Types of ad agencies are :
Ø Full service agencies
Ø Creative agencies
Ø Specialized agencies
Ø In-house agencies
Ø Digital agencies or new media agencies

This report is completely discussing about digital or new media agencies. There was a time when
television was the most popular medium for marketers to promote, spread awareness and generate leads
for their products but now the trend has changed and Digital Media has taken its place. Main reasons for
this change are:
Ø Traditional methods are expensive. Compared to digital marketing channels, you could end up
spending lakhs of rupees more.
Ø Traditional marketing channels fail to provide instant feedback and reports about who saw or heard an
ad, and took action. This data is collected long after the initial ad impression is made (and still then, the
statistics are far from exact numbers).
Ø Digital marketing, on the other hand, refers to marketing methods that allow organizations to see how
a campaign is performing in real-time, such as what is being viewed, how often, how long, as well as
other statistics such as sales conversions.

The digital landscape is moving at a lightning fast pace. Every industry has been affected by the
advances in digital. Digital marketing is an essential part of this for companies who want to utilise
the power of the internet in order to boost business. In fact it is a potent combination of technology
and marketing acumen.
Digital Marketing unlike traditional form of marketing is a highly result driven and set objective
practice. One can’t begin a digital marketing campaign without setting the campaign objectives. A
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digital marketer understands the needs of the clients and visualizes their needs to deliver what they
want. Let’s discover statistics in digital world:

77% of people interact with brands on Facebook by looking at posts

17% share news and experiences with others about the brand
13% post updates about brands they have connected with
56% said they would recommend a brand after becoming a fan on Facebook
34% of digital marketers have generated leads from Twitter

2.2 Industry Profile

Digital marketing has undergone a remarkable transformation since the advent of the internet, impacting
businesses globally. Initially relying on email campaigns and banner ads, which were often seen as
intrusive, digital marketing has evolved significantly. The rise of social media platforms and search
engines provided new avenues for businesses to connect with their target audience.

In today's landscape, social media reigns supreme in digital marketing. Platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter, boasting billions of users worldwide, offer unparalleled opportunities for
businesses to engage with their audience. Influencer marketing has also gained traction, as brands
collaborate with social media influencers to promote their products and services.

Looking ahead, the future of digital marketing revolves around personalization and artificial intelligence
(AI). AI enables businesses to analyze vast amounts of data, gaining valuable insights into consumer
behavior and preferences. This information can then be leveraged to create personalized marketing
campaigns that resonate with consumers on a deeper level. To navigate the dynamic digital marketing
space, businesses should embrace these trends and integrate personalization and AI strategies into their
marketing efforts. By doing so, they increase their chances of thriving in an ever-evolving landscape.

2.2.1. Global Scenario

Currently the global digital marketing market has hit a value of approximately USD 321 billion. With

a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.1% from 2023 to 2028, the market is
expected to reach approximately USD 671.86 billion by 2028. These promising figures reflect the high
growth prospects of the digital marketing industry, primarily fueled by the increasing population of
Page 12
content consumers and creators on digital platforms.
North America currently holds a dominant position in the global digital marketing industry, contributing
around 39-40 percent to the total digital marketing category spend. With advanced technology
infrastructure and a mature digital advertising ecosystem, North America has established itself as a leader
in digital marketing practices.

However, the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, particularly driven by China and emerging Asian markets, is
experiencing significant growth in digital ad spend. Investments in technology and digital platforms have
propelled APAC to surpass Europe in terms of market size. With high-scale B2C combined with B2B
digital marketing and e-commerce advertising in countries like China, Japan, and Australia, the APAC
region is expected to continue its dominance in terms of digital activity.

2.2.2. Indian Scenario

Digital marketing has revolutionized the business landscape in India too, which boasts over 700 million
internet users, making it one of the largest digital markets globally. The Indian digital marketing market
reached nearly USD 4.5 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a remarkable CAGR of 32.1% from
2023 to 2028, reaching a value of around USD 24.1 billion by 2028.

One of the significant impacts of digital marketing in India is free access to markets. Small businesses
can now compete on equal footing with large corporations through online advertising channels like social
media and search engines. This has opened up new opportunities for entrepreneurs and small business
owners to reach previously inaccessible customers.

Data-driven marketing strategies are also shaping Indian businesses, leveraging big data and analytics to
gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. This enables businesses to create targeted
campaigns tailored to specific audiences. Additionally, video marketing has emerged as a powerful tool,
providing an economical and effective way to engage audiences across various platforms.

The rise of social commerce is another exciting development in Indian digital marketing, as social media
platforms like Instagram and Facebook have become key channels for businesses to directly sell products
to consumers. Furthermore, digital marketing plays a significant role in supporting the growth of e-
commerce in India, offering tools and techniques such as SEO, social media advertising, and influencer
marketing to drive sales and differentiate businesses.

Page 13
Overall, digital marketing in India offers immense potential by democratizing market access, providing
data-driven insights, enabling social commerce, supporting e-commerce growth, and expanding global
reach. Most importantly, empowering businesses of every size and types to thrive in this digital age.

2.2.3. Regional Scenario

The southern states of India are too experiencing a surge in advertising expenditure, driven by a growing
appetite for consumer goods and services in the region. According to industry experts, the South market
now contributes to around 30-35% of the advertising expenditure (AdEx), with projections indicating
further growth in the coming years.

Southern publications and digital platforms have captured the attention of marketers, offering strong
inventory fills and attracting viewership. Even regional publications in the South have shown a rapid
recovery, and the region has witnessed significant digital consumption of news in local languages. The
prominence of the South market is evident from the customization of advertising campaigns, including
separate creatives for South Indian states and dedicated language-specific content for events like the
Indian Premier League (IPL).

Industry professionals have noted a substantial increase in the South AdEx (Advertising Execution), with
a 29% rise in 2021 over 2020, followed by a 13% increase in 2022 over 2021. Growth projections for
2023 indicate a further 15% increase. Marketers are adopting a tactical approach by focusing on
increasing brand awareness through pan-India campaigns while incorporating localized elements, such as
site-specific outdoor hoardings and collaboration with local influencers. Tamil Nadu holds high priority
for most advertisers, followed by Andhra Pradesh/Telangana, Karnataka, and Kerala, although rankings
may vary based on specific products and advertisers' preferences.
Overall, advertisers are increasingly recognizing the potential and returns on investment offered by the
South market, leading to a shift in focus and increased ad expenditure in the region. With a combination
of digitalization, customized campaigns, and localized strategies, brands are targeting diverse consumer
segments and leveraging the South's strong market presence for better reach and impact.

2.3 Industry Analysis

2.3.1. Industry Key Players

There are global digital agencies as service providers dedicated to developing and executing marketing
Page 14
strategies for global consumer brands. These agencies bundle their strategic marketing services with an
array of complementary offerings to support their clients’ global needs. An agency’s particular
combination of offerings and competitive strengths typically correlates to its roots as a traditional
advertising, direct marketing or digital agency, or as a business consultancy or system integrator. Below
are the top global digital marketing agencies who have set their footprints either directly or through
subsidiaries in India:
WPP: WPP is one of the world's largest advertising and communication companies. Their digital
marketing strength lies in their comprehensive range of services, including digital advertising, media
planning and buying, data analytics, content creation, and e-commerce solutions. They have a strong
global presence and work with numerous top brands across industries.
Omnicom Group: Omnicom Group is a leading global marketing communications company. They offer
digital marketing services through their agencies, specializing in areas such as digital advertising, social
media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), mobile marketing, and customer relationship
management (CRM). They emphasize data-driven strategies and creativity to drive effective campaigns.
Publicis Groupe: Publicis Groupe is a multinational advertising and public relations company. Their
digital marketing strength lies in their expertise in digital transformation, data analytics, and technology-
driven solutions. They offer services such as digital advertising, content marketing, e-commerce, mobile
marketing, and social media management.
Interpublic Group: Interpublic Group (IPG) is a global provider of marketing solutions. They have a
strong digital marketing focus, providing services such as digital advertising, social media marketing,
programmatic media buying, data analytics, and customer experience management. IPG agencies aim to
create integrated digital campaigns that deliver measurable results.
Dentsu: Dentsu is a Japanese advertising and communications company with a strong global presence.
They offer a wide range of digital marketing services, including digital advertising, media planning and
buying, content marketing, data analytics, and e-commerce solutions. Dentsu's strength lies in their
expertise in leveraging technology and data to deliver targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.
Accenture Interactive: Accenture Interactive is the digital marketing arm of Accenture, a global
professional services company. They provide end-to-end digital marketing solutions, combining strategy,
technology, and creative services. Their expertise includes digital advertising, customer experience
design, data analytics, marketing automation, and e-commerce solutions.
Havas Group: Havas Group is a multinational advertising and public relations company. Their digital
marketing strength lies in their innovative approach to storytelling and digital experiences. They offer
services such as digital advertising, social media marketing, content creation, data analytics, and digital
transformation strategies.
Merkle Inc.: Merkle is a global performance marketing agency known for its data-driven approach.
Page 15
They specialize in customer relationship marketing, utilizing data analytics, technology, and personalized
experiences to drive customer engagement and conversions. Their digital marketing services include
digital advertising, search engine marketing (SEM), CRM solutions, and marketing automation.
Ogilvy: Ogilvy is a global advertising and marketing agency with a strong digital presence. They provide
a wide range of digital marketing services, including digital advertising, social media marketing, content
creation, data analytics, and brand strategy. Ogilvy's strength lies in their creative storytelling and
strategic approach to digital campaigns.
MullenLowe Group: MullenLowe Group is a global advertising and communications network. They
offer digital marketing services through their agencies, focusing on digital advertising, social media
marketing, content creation, data analytics, and brand strategy. They emphasize creativity, strategic
thinking, and technology-driven solutions.

Further below are prominent Indian agencies who are not necessarily global brands but have earned their
position into the top in India’s silicon valley and the likes in South Indian states due to various factors
such as their market reputation, client base, portfolio of successful campaigns, industry recognition, and
expertise in digital marketing strategies.
iProspect India:

 It is among world’s largest performance-driven agencies, with 4600 employees

worldwide. Part of the Dentsu Group, it entered India by acquiring Communicate 2, which
was among India’s oldest performance-driven agencies in 2012.
 Clients include BigBazaar, IKEA, Snapchat, etc. There are offices for iProspect in
Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, and Delhi. Earned honours for Best Search Marketing
Agencies, Best Industry Agency, No. 1 Global Digital Performance Agency, and others.
 Key performance indicators include website traffic, conversion rates, return on ad spend
(ROAS), customer acquisition cost (CAC), and campaign performance based on specific
client objectives.

Performics India:

 A subsidiary of Publicis Groupe, a global advertising and communications company.

India’s leading Performance marketing agencies with offices in Mumbai, Gurgaon and
Bangalore. It has independent digital marketing agencies like Resultric (2012) and
Convonix (2013) to strengthen its presence in India. With 800+ experts, its diversified
portfolio includes clients across business vertical and market-leading share in BFSI,
Travel, and Media & Entertainment. Page 16
 Leading companies like Axis Bank, Lenovo, and HDFC are among Performics’ clientele.
Performance indicators include metrics such as search engine rankings, click-through
rates (CTR), cost per click (CPC), cost per acquisition (CPA), and campaign ROI.


 Acquired by Dentsu Group in 2014, has 400+ digital experts. Having offices in
Bangalore, Kolkata, and Delhi, in addition to its headquarters in Mumbai. Its Bangalore
branch oversees clients like Himalaya Group, Jockey India, Bosch Ltd, TATA Tetley,
Peopleworks, and Splash India.
 This digital marketing firm has won awards for being India’s Top Hybrid Digital Agency,
The Best Integrated Agency (2021), and Digital Agency Of The Year (2020–2021). It has
collaborated with other businesses, including Goibibo, and helped grow its clientele. It is
reasonably priced for the services it provides to its customers.
 Key performance indicators include metrics such as social media engagement, reach and
impressions, content virality, brand sentiment analysis, and campaign effectiveness in
driving brand awareness and engagement.


 India’s oldest digital marketing agencies since 1999 remains country’s favourite creative
agencies. Acquired by Dentsu Group in 2013 as its subsidiary. Listest among world’s 10
bravest agencies by Contagious in 2020. What started as a digital studio in Bengaluru,
Mumbai, and Gurgaon is now devoted to creating future brands and employs over 200
people there.
 For IKEA, Google, Flipkart, Uber, Swiggy, and numerous more innovative businesses,
Dentsu Webchutney is in charge of leading their mandates. In 2019, it took home six
Cannes Lions and 20 medals from Spikes Asia, and were named nation agency of the
year, the Campaign South Asia Digital Agency of the Year, and the ET Brand Equity
Agency of the Year. In addition, for “The Unfiltered History Tour,” The Dentsu
Webchutney earned the One Show 2022’s Best of Discipline in Radio & Audio award.
 The case study states that the total GMV of products purchased using Hagglebot on
Flipkart was $1.23M. With a 70% share of the shopping season, Flipkart broke all
previous records to become the dominant force throughout Christmas. KPIs also include
website user experience, user engagement and interaction, conversion rates, customer
Page 17
retention, and client satisfaction.
Social Beat:

 An independent digital marketing agency in 2012 having offices in Bengaluru, Mumbai,

Chennai and Delhi. With team of 170+ experts it has built products like DigiGrad (digital
training), (influencer marketing), and 22 languages for multilingual
 Key performance indicators include metrics such as social media growth and engagement,
website traffic and conversions, lead generation, customer lifetime value, and client


 An independent digital marketing and communication agency.

 KPIs may include metrics such as digital campaign performance, social media reach and
engagement, website traffic and conversions, customer acquisition and retention, and
client satisfaction.


 An independent digital marketing agency.

 Key performance indicators for Pinstorm include metrics such as search engine rankings,
website traffic and conversions, online brand visibility, social media engagement, and
campaign effectiveness in achieving client goals.


 An independent digital marketing and advertising agency.

 Indicators include metrics viz. social media reach and engagement, website traffic and
conversions, content virality, brand sentiment analysis, and campaign success in meeting
client objectives.


 A subsidiary of Publicis Groupe.

 Key performance indicators for Resultrix include metrics such as search engine marketing
performance, paid media ROI, lead generation and conversion rates, customer acquisition
cost, and campaign success in driving business growth. Page 18
It's important to note that the specific KPIs may vary depending on the client's objectives, industry, and
campaign goals. These common performance indicators were tracked to evaluate their success in digital
marketing efforts.

Further the growth of the digital marketing industry, which has an endless range of potential applications,
has led to the emergence of 400 plus digital marketing enterprise agencies in Bangalore itself. However,
you can’t possibly visit every agency due to their sheer volume but few are worth for their dime :

Gowth Hackers Digital : Top digital marketing agency in Bangalore renowned for its awards for being
The Best Digital Agency In India in 2020, The Most Promising Marketing Agency, The Best Advertising
and Marketing firm In India in 2021, and The Best Digital Agency in India in 2022 by Clutch.

Preoccupied with ROI, targeted acquisition, retention, and brand building, it has helped businesses
achieve rapid, scalable, and results-oriented growth. Moreover, it is the reason behind the initial and
ongoing success of numerous startups and well-known brands world wide.
The clients include MNCs, Funded Companies, SMEs, etc. viz. Decathlon, ICICI Bank, Universal
Robots, Tata Communications, Mudrex, Loaney, Faber Castell, CueMath, The New Indian Express, etc.
According to the unique and ROI-focused case studies by Growth Hackers Digital Decathlon, there was
a 10x increase in organic traffic and a 100% increase in MOM.

Langoor : Started in 2009 Bangalore’s top digital marketing agencies employs more than 150 employees
and having offices in Australia, Dubai, India, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Langoor works with leading
clients, including Intuit, Accenture, Ford, News Corp., and many more. In 2019, Havas Group purchased
Langoor and rebranded it as Langoor Havas.
The company Langoor has a distinct division called “Langoor Havas Enterprise” that only serves B2B
clients. Bangalore is home to Langoor’s B2B clientele, which includes companies like Tech Mahindra,
Infosys, Epson, and Adobe, to mention a few.

Ethinos : Assists in establishing a setting that is focused on your company. A variety of well-known
brands in the BFSI, B2B, Edutech, and e-commerce sectors, including Policy Bazaar, Tata Capital, Tata
AIG, Bharti Axa, Mahindra First Choice, Max Hospital, TVS Group, Capgemini, Tata Communications,
Reliance Retails Group, and Westside, are among those in the agency’s portfolio.
In just 40 days, 1 million or more people registered on the site, and for Apollo 24/7, there were 100
registrations every six minutes. The Digital Media Mandate For Wellness Forever, The Clutch Award
Page 19
For Best Marketing Agency, and other honours have been bestowed upon Ethinos. The services are
offered at a high end of the price scale.

Webenza : In 2012, Webenza was launched as a stand-alone digital marketing company. The company
presently works with well-known clients, including Titan, Ezetap, Manipal Hospitals, and ClearTrip, to
name a few. In addition, the Webenza digital marketing agency offers various price points while
considering all of its clients’ budgets.

Metrix Fox : Founded in 1999, is present in more than five nations. The company offers a
comprehensive range of digital marketing services and has worked with over 3000 clients. Brands like
Wipro, HCL, Bosch, Amazon, SAP, and IBM are among those Metric Fox works with.
Around 1200+ employees work for Metric Fox, dispersed across nations such as India, Dubai, Singapore,
Australia, and China. It is a client-focused digital marketing company that offers reasonable rates for its

Ittisa : A pioneering, girls-first digital media agency founded in June 2014. With an incredibly creative
and enthusiastic staff, Ittisa—whose name means “The Ruler” in Sanskrit aims to govern not only the
creative world but also the technology world. At Ittisa, the staff members are a singularly alluring blend
of creativity, diligence, and innovation!
Ittisa helped Flipkart grow from strength to strength and now boasts a community of 100 million users
and over 100K sellers. In addition, it won The Best Marketing Agency In Bangalore award.

2.3.2. Competitor Analysis

Five Model Analysis of Digital Marketing Industry :

Porter's model provides valuable insights into understanding the dynamics of the digital marketing
industry in Bangalore and other South Indian cities. Here, we analyze the industry using Porter's model
to identify key factors influencing its competitiveness.

Threats of New Entry:

 The demand for full-service digital marketing agencies is high in the market.
 A challenge lies in acquiring efficient and skilled workforce
 The initial setup cost of a digital agency is relatively low, though significant investment is
required in backend functions like technology.
 Gaining clients in the early stages can be easy as agency's past experience is not a bigPage
 Government regulations in digital advertising are relatively low compared to the Media and
Entertainment (M&E) industry.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers:

 Numerous suppliers exist, but those with high reach and audience affinity can charge premium
prices for ad placements on their platforms.
 Real-time bidding increases the demand for certain portals, enhancing their bargaining power.
 Suppliers providing valuable data and information have high bargaining power.
 Seasonal campaigns may exert pressure on suppliers to charge higher prices.
 Availability of employees with proper digital advertising knowledge is limited.

Bargaining Power of Buyers:

 Buyers, i.e., the clients of agencies, are highly informed and seek innovative ideas.
 Best clients prefer agencies with a strong track record in the industry.
 Long-term relationships with clients are favoured by agencies, leading to a willingness to
accommodate their negotiations.
 Clients can request changes to campaign patterns at any time.
 MNCs wield more power over agencies, while SMEs are inconsistent with content strategy and
favour short term performance.
 Backward integration by buyers is not feasible.

Threats of Substitutes:
 Numerous substitutes for digital advertising are available viz., Print media, TV, Out-of-Home
(OOH), and Radio.
 Substitutes have historically been popular among buyers and enjoyed high demand.
 TV commercials (TVCs) are a primary competitor, due to the complexity in digital advertising.
 Radio consumption is also increasing.

Rivalry by Existing Competitors:

 The current level of competition is relatively balanced, but it may increase in the future with new
players entering the industry.
 Existing competitors benefit from having high-profile clients and loyal customer bases.

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 Traditional agencies are increasingly focusing on digital marketing.
 Firms in the industry are known for creating diverse and unique campaigns for their clients.
 Most firms possess robust technology support in their backend operationsExpertise in manpower,
combined with attractive remuneration packages, fosters loyalty among employees.
 Some firms gain popularity due to their global or national reach.

Conclusion of Porter’s Five Force Analysis:

 The threat of new entry is low due to the high demand for full-service agencies and the initial
challenges faced by new entrants.
 Suppliers hold significant bargaining power, particularly those with wide reach and valuable data
 The bargaining power of buyers is currently medium, but it may increase in the future as more
players enter the industry.
 Substitutes pose a significant threat, but the trend may change over time.
 Rivalry among existing competitors is high, but firms can stand out by executing unique and
creative campaigns.

Importantly, the Indian market represents a potential opportunity for digital advertising due to its recent
high internet and mobile penetration ratings.

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3.1 Overview of the Organisation

3.1.1. Background and History

Four O’ Clock was originally established as a creative studio in 2000, later evolved as a digital marketing
specialist. Over the years, the company has grown its client base from its local cities to South India's
Silicon Valley. The portfolio now includes a diverse range of clients, ranging from local restaurants,
fashion stores, SMEs to global tech giants. The founders' vision and expertise have been instrumental in
catapulting Four O' Clock to its current position of recognition. With their strong background in IT and
content, coupled with their partners specialization in digital technology and creatives, has led the
company to experience significant growth in recent years.

Sonia Anirudhan, the Founder and CEO of Four O' Clock, is the driving force behind the agency's
success in this digital economy. With a focus on marketing innovative companies, she has successfully
scaled their growth to position them as market leaders. She brings extensive market expertise and a
robust network to optimize her clients' positioning at an international level. Additionally, Sonia is
actively involved in the startup scene as a marketing mentor, business angel, keynote speaker, jury
member, moderator etc. Participated in various social initiatives and conferences, including All Women's
Conference, Sports Festival, and Venture Summit etc. She holds a BTech in IT from CUSAT and has
previous experience from Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi. Her technology and sports management
knowledge has contributed significantly to Play True and played a crucial role in helping Paralympian
Sidhartha Babu to represent India in Tokyo 2020.

Padmanabhan K, another key member of the team, possesses over 15 years of experience in the
Information Technology domain. He is a versatile expert with certifications from Microsoft, Cisco,
VMware, and more. Being the first Amazon seller from Kerala, Padmanabhan has extensive knowledge
of the Amazon platform and has successfully managed large-scale digital marketing campaigns on
platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Seena Pradeep, a PMP Certified professional with expertise in WordPress and digital marketing, holds a
BTech in Mechanical Engineering from CUSAT. She has gained valuable experience working on an
Oracle-based system for EMS in Muscat. Page 23
Apart to this the team consists of experienced digital and creative experts who are dedicated to driving
success for their clients. With their extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the ever-evolving
digital landscape, the team stays ahead of the curve to deliver exceptional results. From strategists and
marketers to designers and developers, each member brings unique skills and expertise to the table.
Working collaboratively, the team crafts innovative strategies, executes impactful campaigns, and
optimizes digital assets for maximum performance.

3.1.2. Company Vision, Mission and Values

“We empower organizations with innovative and scalable digital marketing solutions, driving
unparalleled impact and propelling businesses to new heights of success."

Mission Statement
"We relentlessly revolutionize the global business landscape by empowering organizations with
innovative and tailored digital marketing strategies, harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies
and our relentless drive to maximize online presence, foster meaningful connections, and drive
measurable growth and success for our valued clients."

Ignite Potential: Unleashing and harnessing the inherent value of every brand we collaborate with,
enabling their growth into the future.
Dynamic Action: We take ownership and initiative to constantly propel progress. We are proactive
individuals, always taking decisive action. We fully commit ourselves, delivering tangible and impactful
results for all our partners.
Outcome-Oriented: We possess mastery in our unique skill sets, consistently achieving exceptional
results for our clients.
Lifetime Partners: We understand the importance of relationships and actively cultivate them to build
enduring and trusted partnerships.
Thirst For Knowledge: We continuously seek new ideas and perspectives, embracing every opportunity
to expand our knowledge and drive personal growth.
Innovative Thinking: We approach challenges from diverse angles, employing critical thinking to
optimize efficiency and value for our customers.

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3.1.3. Products and Markets

Digital Marketing - a multi-faceted approach

With a powerhouse of in-house designers, creatives, and marketers, instead of a silo-ed campaign that
gives diminishing returns, Four O’ Clock provides an end-to-end service combining below:
Market Research
Photo & Videography
Graphic Design
Search Engine Optimization
Affiliate/Influencer Marketing
Strategy Build Out
Paid Media Management
Email Marketing
Content Creation
Website Design & Development

However, their key expertise is offered exclusively in the below services:

Content Marketing Services

These services are provided to companies and marketers with the content, strategy, tools and evaluation
necessary to support marketing campaigns or programs. These may include creating a strategy,
developing marketing materials, implementing campaigns, measuring the results and making
recommendations for the future. Types of content may include blog articles, social media posts,
newsletters, emails, videos, e-books, white papers, case studies, infographics, asset designs, sales
collaterals and more.

It might seem like a lot of effort, but the payoff is worth it. In fact, 78% of B2B marketers report that
they saw a massive increase in marketing success when they focused on creating high-quality content.

Page 25
Determining the ROI of a B2B content marketing can be challenging, as it depends on where the content
falls within the marketing funnel. At Four O'Clock, the agency specializes in providing comprehensive
services to enhance content marketing strategy and analyze its effectiveness with the following:
Top of funnel content: Building Awareness. They create compelling blog posts, eBooks, and
informative newsletters that position client’s brand as a respected authority in theri industry. While these
efforts may not directly generate sales, they contribute to establishing brand credibility. The success of
these assets is measured by the number of downloads they receive.
Middle of funnel content: Generating Interest. Client’s downloadable assets are designed to capture
the interest of their audience, who saves them for future reference. Although these assets may not
immediately result in sales, they play a vital role in building brand awareness and fostering multiple
interactions and engagements per download.
Middle of funnel: Facilitating Consideration. This stage requires a little more effort to encourage
potential customers to make a purchase decision. Establishing trust in client’s brand becomes crucial for
nurturing relationships. The agency helps client’s showcase customer success stories and testimonials,
which are effective in attracting B2B buyers and guiding them towards the sale.
Bottom of funnel content: Driving Decision-Making. They specialize in creating persuasive content
that leads potential B2B buyers to the final purchase decision. Through strategically placed calls-to-
action (CTAs) and email engagement via your contact page, they can drive sales numbers and measure
the proportion of client’s engaged audience entering the decision phase.

When looking for a B2B content marketing agency, it is essential to partner with one that not only
delivers top-notch content but also provides robust analytical capabilities. At Four O' Clock, we not only

Page 26
create compelling content but also help you assess its effectiveness and determine if it is generating the
desired results for your business.

Search Engine Optimization:

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a
search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results. SEO may target different kinds of search,
including image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search and industry-specific
vertical search engines.
As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the
actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by
their targeted audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content, HTML and associated
coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing
activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of back links, or inbound links,
social book marking, directory submission is the SEO tactic.

Directory submission
It is a part of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) off page work. Directory Submissions is a process of
submitting your Website URL to theme related Directory like if your site is Health Related you should
Submit your site URL to Health-related directories sites for getting Back link from them.

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Types of Directories: There are basically three types of Directories Submissions:
1. Paid or Featured Web Listing: – In this type of Directories Submission the owner of Directories Site
Will Charge for Submission and your link will approved hand to hand or within 24 hours you will get
fast back links from this type of submission. Some sites offer this package for yearly or lifetime.
2. Free or Regular Web Listing: – It is free for Directory Submission no one charge for free or regular
submission but there is no guarantee for getting approved your link by Administrator and it will take lots
of time.
3. Reciprocal Regular Web Listing: – In this a reciprocal link must be submit to your site when you
activate Directory Link then Directory administrator will approve your link.

Directory Submission Ways

1. Automated Directory Submission: – This way of submission many software and tools are used to
submit directories it will save time and with the help of automated huge amount of submission done in
short time.
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2. Manually Directory Submission: – It is done manually and it will take lots of time to do directory
Process of Directory Submissions

1. Open a Directory Site

2. Click on Submit Link
3. Choose your link type like Reciprocal Link Free, Regular Link Free and Featured Lifetime Link.
4. Fill your Site Title
5. Fill your Website URL
6. Fill Owner Name
7. Fill Owner E-mail id
8. Fill if you Choose Reciprocal Link
9. Fill Website Description
10. Choose Category related to your Site
11. The Click on Submit Link

Search Engine Marketing :

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites
by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through optimization and
advertising. SEM may use search engine optimization (SEO), which adjusts or rewrites website content
to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages, or use pay per click listings.

Page 29
There are four categories of methods and metrics used to optimize websites through search engine
1. Keyword research and analysis involves three steps ensuring the site can be indexed in the search
engines, finding the most relevant and popular keywords for the site and its products, and using those
keywords on the site in a way that will generate and convert traffic. A follow-on effect of keyword
analysis and research is the search perception impact. Search perception impact describes the identified
impact of a brand's search results on consumer perception, including title and Meta tags, site indexing,
and keyword focus. As online searching is often the first step for potential consumers/customers, the
search perception impact shapes the brand impression for each individual.
2. Website saturation and popularity, or how much presence a website has on search engines, can be
analyzed through the number of pages of the site that are indexed on search engines (saturation) and how
many backlinks the site has (popularity). It requires pages to contain keywords people are looking for
and ensure that they rank high enough in search engine rankings. Most search engines include some form
of link popularity in their ranking algorithms. The following are major tools measuring various aspects of
saturation and link popularity: Link Popularity, Top 10 Google Analysis, and Market leap’s Link
Popularity and Search Engine Saturation.

Pay per click (PPC):

Pay per click (PPC), also called cost per click, is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to
websites, in which advertisers pay the publisher (typically a website owner) when the ad is clicked. It is
defined simply as “the amount spent to get an advertisement clicked.”
With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market.
Content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system. PPC "display"
advertisements, also known as "banner" ads, are shown on web sites or search engine results with related
content that have agreed to show ads.
In contrast to the generalized portal, which seeks to drive a high volume of traffic to one site, PPC
implements the so-called affiliate model, which provides purchase opportunities wherever people may be
surfing. It does this by offering financial incentives (in the form of a percentage of revenue) to affiliated
partner sites. The affiliates provide purchase-point click-through to the merchant. It is a pay-for-
performance model: If an affiliate does not generate sales, it represents no cost to the merchant.
Variations include banner exchange, pay-per-click, and revenue sharing programs.
Pay-per-click = Advertising cost ÷ Ads clicked

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There are two primary models for determining pay-per-click: flat-rate and bid-based. In both cases, the
advertiser must consider the potential value of a click from a given source. This value is based on the
type of individual the advertiser is expecting to receive as a visitor to his or her website, and what the
advertiser can gain from that visit, usually revenue, both in the short term as well as in the long term. As
with other forms of advertising targeting is key, and factors that often play into PPC campaigns include
the target's interest (often defined by a search term they have entered into a search engine, or the content
of a page that they are browsing), intent (e.g., to purchase or not), location (for geo targeting), and the
day and time that they are browsing.

Social Media Marketing

In today's dynamic digital landscape, social media marketing services have become indispensable for
businesses across all industries. As algorithms evolve, businesses have the opportunity to diversify their
strategies and effectively target the right audience at precisely the right moment through social
advertising. Every social channel offers its own distinct approach to reaching people, each with its own
advantages. Consequently, businesses in virtually any industry can leverage the potential of social
advertising to engage, educate, and convert their unique audience.

Four O’ Cock elevates your social media presence with a strategic plan by:
Discoverig Your Audience - At the core of every social media channel are real people, and that's where
our focus lies. They take the time to deeply understand your brand story and the needs of your audience.
The result? An authentic social media marketing plan that truly connects with your customers.
Market Research and Competitor Audit - Conduct comprehensive market research and analyze your
competitors to gain valuable insights. This allows them to assess your brand and messaging, ensuring
that your social media strategy stands out in the crowd.
Ideation and Strategy Development - By understanding your business goals and priorities, they form an
informed opinion and develop a tailored strategy. With teams years of expertise, they can guide you
through Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and You Tube to make the most of each
Goals and Strategic Foundation - They help you define your goals and establish a strong strategic
foundation. This includes selecting the right channels, creating impactful ad visuals and compelling copy
that align with your brand.
Campaign Creation for Real Results - Their team excels at developing creative ads that drive real results
- from increased traffic and engagement to conversions. They work with you to set a budget that ensures
Page 31
maximum effectiveness and affordability. Utilizing time-tested best practices, we create a comprehensive
bidding strategy.
Collateral Build Out and Marketing Calendar - They assist in building out your collateral and create a
marketing calendar to ensure a cohesive and well-planned social media presence.
Analyzing and Optimizing for Success - They take the responsibility of monitoring your paid social
campaigns off your shoulders. Their team consistently checks campaign metrics to ensure their strategy
is delivering the desired outcomes. Through data-based optimizations and continuous A/B testing, they
maximize your return on investment.
Tracking Implementations and Engagement - They implement effective tracking mechanisms to measure
campaign performance accurately. By leveraging data-driven insights, they optimize your social media
engagement to foster stronger connections with your audience.

UI/UX Design Services

In the realm of digital interactions, UI/UX design services hold the key to captivating users on platforms
such as mobile apps and websites. By combining visually appealing brand elements with meticulous user
research and testing, UI/UX design enhances the overall user experience. At Four O Clock, they
specialize in providing customized UI/UX design services that span the entire product development
process and address any user experience challenges. The team is dedicated to crafting exceptional digital
experiences that leave a lasting impact on your audience.

Their design thinking process includes:

Discover: Deeply comprehend your business goals, target audience, and project requirements through
meticulous user research and insights.
Define: Establish clear objectives, user personas, and project scope as the bedrock of a user-centered
Ideate: Generate a wealth of creative ideas and concepts, exploring diverse design possibilities for
innovative solutions.
Prototype: Develop interactive prototypes to meticulously test and refine the user experience, proactively
addressing any usability issues.
Test: Conduct rigorous user testing to validate design decisions, gathering valuable feedback and insights
for continuous improvement.
Refine: Iteratively enhance and fine-tune the design based on user feedback, ensuring alignment with
your brand identity and user expectations.
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Deliver: Provide polished design assets and comprehensive documentation, collaborating seamlessly
with your development team for flawless implementation.

Thus their UI/UX design thinking process merges creativity, empathy, and strategic problem-solving to
craft visually captivating and user-centric digital experiences.

Online Display Ads:

Display advertising is a type of advertising that is located on websites. It can be seen in a wide range of
different formats and contains items such as texts, images, flash, video and audio. The main purpose is to
deliver general advertisements and brand messages to the plus 40 million people connected to the
Internet each month. Four O’ Clock uses different formats to give clients the best of this medium, such
· Video
· Expendables: flash files that expand when the user interacts on mouse over
· Overlays: ads that appear and that it is possible to remove clicking a close button
· Sponsorship: including a logo or adding a brand to the design of a web site.

To help to better selecting the right format for type of ad, Interactive Advertising Bureau has created a
Display Standard Ad Unit Portfolio that works as guideline that can be followed by the creative. IAB has
also created a universal standard for display ad sizes Page text. There are four dimensions that have been
decided as universal and are respectively:
· Banner 728 x 90
· Rectangle 336 x 280
· Skyscraper 160 x 600
· Square 250 x 250

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Mobile Marketing:

Mobile marketing is marketing on or with a mobile device, such as a smart phone. Mobile marketing can
plague customers with time and location sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods,
services and ideas. In a more theoretical manner, academic Andreas Kaplan defines mobile marketing as
"any marketing activity conducted through a ubiquitous network to which consumers are constantly
connected using a personal mobile device". Ways of mobile marketing:

Mobile marketing via SMS has expanded rapidly in Europe and Asia as a new channel to reach the
consumer. SMS initially received negative media coverage in many parts of Europe for being a new form
of spam as some advertisers purchased lists and sent unsolicited content to consumer's phones; however,
as guidelines are put in place by the mobile operators, SMS has become the most popular branch of the
Mobile Marketing industry with several 100 million advertising SMS sent out every month.

MMS : MMS mobile marketing can contain a timed slideshow of images, text, audio and video. This
mobile content is delivered via MMS (Multimedia Message Service). Nearly all new phones produced
with a color screen are capable of sending and receiving standard MMS message. Brands are able to both
send (mobile terminated) and receive (mobile originated) rich content through MMS A2P (application-
to-person) mobile networks to mobile subscribers. In some networks, brands are also able to sponsor
messages that are sent P2P (person-to-person).
Good examples of mobile-originated MMS marketing campaigns are Motorola's ongoing campaigns at
House of Blues venues, where the brand allows the consumer to send their mobile photos to the LED
board in real-time as well as blog their images online.

Mobile web marketing : Google and Yahoo! provides web pages specifically meant for access by mobile
devices is also an option. The Mobile Marketing Association provides a set of guidelines and standards
that give the recommended format of ads, presentation, and metrics used in reporting. Google, Yahoo,
and other major mobile content providers have been selling advertising placement on their properties for
years already as of the time of this writing. Advertising networks focused on mobile properties, SMS
resellers and advertisers are also available. Additionally, web forms on web pages can be used to
integrate with mobile texting sources for reminders about meetings, seminars and other important events
that assume users are not always at their computers. In addition Mobile websites are another aspect of
mobile web marketing and can be a tool than can used to help make purchasing goods and services easier
as well as create better communication opportunities between trades.
Page 34
QR codes : It allows customers to visit a web page address by scanning a 2D image with their phone's
camera, instead of manually entering a URL. The resultant URLs typically include tracking features
which would be unwieldy if typed by the customer. Originally approved as an ISS standard in 1997,
Denso-Wave first developed the standard for tracking automobile parts in Japan. QR codes have been
growing in popularity in Asia and Europe, though seen slow at adoption in North America. Some high-
profile QR campaigns in the United States have included billboards by Calvin Klein in Times Square,
QR codes for every SKU in Home Depot and Best Buy stores, and a scavenger hunt promoting Starbucks
and Lady Gaga. Apple passbook implemented as a native app for iOS6, has employed QR codes as one
of the ways that the iPhone (or iPod Touch) users can take a real world action ie. scan the Barcode on
their Passbook. In addition to QR codes, the Passbook (application) also supports PDF417 and Aztec 2D

Email Marketing

Email marketing is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using email. In its
broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing.
It usually involves using email to send ads, request business, or solicit sales or donations, and is meant to
build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness. Email marketing can be done to either sold lists or a current
customer database. Broadly, the term is usually used to refer to sending email messages with the purpose
of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its current or previous customers, to encourage
customer loyalty and repeat business, acquiring new customers or convincing current customers to
purchase something immediately, and adding advertisements to email messages sent by other companies
to their customers. Email marketing carried out at Four O’ Clock are majorly:

Transactional emails
Transactional emails are usually triggered, based on a customer’s action with a company. To be qualified
as transactional or relationship messages, these communications' primary purpose must be "to facilitate,
complete, or confirm a commercial transactions that the recipient has previously agreed to enter into with
the Sender", along with a few other narrow definitions of transactional messaging. Triggered
transactional messages include dropped basket messages, password reset emails, purchase or order
confirmation emails, order status emails, reorder emails and email receipts.
The primary purpose of a transactional email is to convey information regarding the action that triggered
it. But, due to its high open rates (51.3% compared to 36.6% for email newsletters), transactional emails
are an opportunity to engage customers: to introduce or extend the email relationship with customers or
Page 35
subscribers, to anticipate and answer questions or to cross-sell or up-sell products or services.
Many email newsletter software vendors offer transactional email support, which gives companies the
ability to include promotional messages within the body of transactional emails. There are also software
vendors that offer specialized transactional email marketing services, which include providing targeted
and personalized transactional email messages and running specific marketing campaigns (such as
customer referral programs).

Direct emails
Direct email or interruption based marketing involves sending an email solely to communicate a
promotional message (for example, an announcement of a special offer or a catalog of products).
Companies usually collect a list of customer or prospect email addresses to send direct promotional
messages to, or they can also rent a list of email addresses from service companies, but safe mail
marketing is also used.

B2B Channel Marketing

Four O’ Clock targets B2B marketing clients for strategizing their business with channel partners to
nurture buyer relationships and achieve measurable ROI. Evaluating sales platforms of client’s
distributors, resellers, brokers they develop content that’s most relevant to decision-makers who need
their products or services, making clear to them why they need to buy and why from them only. A key
part of this channel marketing is to meet buyers at exactly the right touch points along their sales
journeys — pinpointing the very narrow opportunity before too early and too late.

The channel marketing services rely on these components perfected over the years:

 Market analysis
 Sales process mapping
 Detailed customer profiles
 Channel selection, opportunity and risk analysis
 CRM implementation
 Pipeline analytics
 Inbound and outbound support

Sales Enablement

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This service empowers the client’s sales team with comprehensive product knowledge and collaterals,
enabling them to effectively address customer challenges and seamlessly integrate solutions. It equips
with the right tools and resources, delivering tailored solutions at the perfect moment for their buyer's
journey. Providing sales team with powerful tools to create impactful sales collaterals with the aids of:

Pair Personalization with Precision - Harness the potential of personalized content while maintaining
control and ensuring accuracy to resonate with each prospect.
Accelerate Deal Cycles - Bid farewell to time-consuming searches. Quickly access and leverage the right
sales collaterals to propel deals forward swiftly.
Send Collaterals in a Flash - Effortlessly produce and distribute sales collaterals at scale, ensuring
compliance and maximizing efficiency through automation.
Experience the transformative power of simplified sales collaterals that fuel revenue growth and propel
your business to new heights.

3.1.5. Business Performances

General overview of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics indicates a very positive
performance by Four O Clock in digital marketing space. Here are some important factors considered:

 Revenue Growth: Increasing revenue demonstrates the ability to attract and retain clients, and it's
a key measure of business performance. YoY projected growth is near 20%.
 Client Retention Rate: This shows that the agency is delivering effective services and maintaining
long-term relationships with its clients. Current rating is between 80 to 90% bracket.
 Return on Investment (ROI): Measuring the ROI of marketing campaigns is crucial. The agency
tracks the effectiveness of its strategies and demonstrate that its services generate a positive
return for clients. ROI is measured through various metrics such as cost per acquisition (CPA),
customer lifetime value (CLTV), or return on ad spend (ROAS). Average ROI for client
campaigns stands at 200% considering major clients spending of Rs. 1,00,000 on a campaign
which are generating 2,00,000 in revenue.
 Website Traffic and Engagement: Monitoring website traffic, user engagement, and conversion
rates are important for a client. A successful agency should be able to drive targeted traffic to
clients' websites and optimize conversion rates through strategies like search engine optimization
(SEO), content marketing, and user experience (UX) design. Website traffic increased by 75%,
with average conversion rate of 4% in comparison to previous year website traffic was at 50%
and average conversion rate being 3%.
Page 37
 Social Media Metrics: With the growing importance of social media marketing, tracking metrics
such as follower growth, engagement (likes, comments, shares), and reach is crucial. A strong
social media presence can enhance brand awareness and generate leads for the agency's clients.
Trends in client portfolio indicate increase of client’s followers in social media platforms are by
40%, with average engagement rates steady at 7%.
 Online Reputation: Positive online reviews, testimonials, and client feedback are indicators of a
good agency. Monitoring online reputation and maintaining a positive image can attract potential
clients and build trust in the agency's services. Online Reputation : Maintained a 4.5-star rating
on review platforms, received positive testimonials from 90% of clients.
 Employee Satisfaction: A digital marketing agency's success is also tied to the satisfaction and
expertise of its employees. Low turnover rates and positive feedback from team members can
indicate a healthy work environment and contribute to the agency's overall performance.
Employee turnover rate is at 5% and 95% of employees reported high job satisfaction.

Though these are general indicators from real-world performances, the specific metrics may vary
depending on the agency's goals, target market, and the services it offers to its preferred clients. It's
essential for agencies to define its own key performance indicators and track them consistently to
evaluate its business performance accurately.

Few of Four O Clock’s milestones:

Page 38
•One of their prestigious global client based out of Bengaluru is AllGoVision, an AI-powered Video
Analytics provider – with implementations in 30+ countries

• The mandate to ideate, design and execute Marketing Communications Programme to augment sales
globally was assigned exclusively to Four O' Clock in the year end of 2000.

•In June 2022 - launch of ANPR was set out in India. An effective strategy laid out to take care of the
specific contexts arising from the Indian scenario. This included Identifying the scope, potential market
segments and arriving at a time bound, cost effective plan of action

•They were able to execute an India-specific strategy to launch ANPR. Using a mix of digital marketing
tools and channels like e-mail campaigns, Google search campaigns, LinkedIn campaigns, blogs, SM
campaigns, customer implementation posts and videos they could establish ANPR-based solution as a
must for a wide range of market segments in India

•78 leads generating business worth more than 100 times the marketing spent

• Furthermore, Four O' Clock's commendable expertise extended beyond the aforementioned
accomplishments, their formulations and execution of various channel partner’s MDF were the most
Page 39
rewarding testimonials. Some of them included prestigious CMPs with tech giants such as Intel,
Milestone, NVIDIA, Vimeo and many more.

Additionally, few of their latest works which has got reputation and revered in industry circles.
Branding - Uday Suites, Lush Creamery, Global Language School, Choco
Brand Campaign - Mather Projects
Illustration - Kerala Classics
Publication Design - Kerala Classics
Brochure Design - Cultural Current, Doha, Newg Events
Publication - Eating Out in Kerala

3.1.6. Strategic Plans Programmes and Long Term Objectives

The following strategic plans and long-term objectives are considered in future:

 Market Expansion Strategy: Developing a plan to enter new markets or target new customer
segments, including market research, competitor analysis, and marketing campaigns tailored to
those specific markets.
 Brand Building and Awareness: Creating a comprehensive brand building strategy to enhance
brand recognition, increase brand awareness, and establish a strong brand presence across various
digital channels.
 Content Marketing Strategy: Developing a content marketing plan that includes creating high-
quality, relevant, and engaging content to attract and retain a target audience. This may involve
content creation, distribution, and promotion across various platforms.
 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategy: Implementing an SEO strategy to improve organic
search visibility, increase website traffic, and enhance the website's ranking on search engine
result pages.
 Social Media Marketing Strategy: Creating a social media plan that focuses on leveraging popular
social media platforms to engage with the target audience, increase brand visibility, and drive
website traffic.
 Paid Advertising Campaigns: Designing and executing paid advertising campaigns across
platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or LinkedIn Ads to drive targeted traffic, increase
conversions, and maximize return on ad spend.
 Conversion Optimization Strategy: Implementing strategies to optimize conversion rates, such as
improving website user experience, conducting A/B testing, and analyzing data to identify areas
Page 40
of improvement in the conversion funnel. Webinars and Influencer Marketing are two strategical
services in pipeline poised to significantly enhance client's conversion rates.
 Customer Retention and Loyalty Programs: Developing initiatives to retain existing customers,
enhance customer loyalty, and encourage repeat purchases. This may involve personalized
marketing campaigns, loyalty programs, and targeted email marketing.
 Data Analytics and Performance Measurement: Establishing a system to measure and analyze key
performance indicators (KPIs) to track the effectiveness of marketing efforts, identify trends, and
make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

3.2. Organisation Structure

3.2.1 Corporate Structure

Currently following corporate structure is adhered which includes various roles and departments for
effective operations and service delivery.

 Executive Team:
 CEO/Managing Director: Responsible for overall strategic direction and decision-making.
 Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): Oversees marketing strategies, business development, and client
 Chief Operations Officer (COO): Manages day-to-day operations, including project management,
resource allocation and financial management.
 Additionally Support, Operations, Sales and Marketing departments are explained under next
section with their functional areas.

3.3. Functional Analysis

Sales & Marketing

 The sales and marketing teams proactively identify potential clients in the digital marketing
industry. They conduct thorough research on each client, including factors such as their industry
experience, online presence, popularity, and target audience. Once the research is complete, the
team contacts the relevant decision-makers within the client organization to introduce the digital
marketing agency's services and discuss the potential for collaboration. There are two specialized
teams: the national team, responsible for engaging clients within the country, and the
international team, handling clients from overseas. Page 41
Account Management

 Responsible for client relationships, understanding client goals, and ensuring client satisfaction.
They plays a crucial role in assisting clients in maximizing the effectiveness of their digital
marketing efforts. They provide comprehensive support services, including installation
assistance, troubleshooting, maintenance guidance, upgrades, subscription management, query
resolution, and refund processing.

Mobile Technology

 The mobile technology team focuses on creating, developing, and designing self-service mobile
applications for clients. They specialize in crafting customized and branded applications for
popular platforms like Apple, Google Play (Android), and Windows 8. These applications enable
clients to maintain their brand identity and engage with their target audience through standalone
mobile experiences.

Digital Marketing

 The digital marketing department is responsible for promoting the agency's services across
various digital platforms, both online and offline. They execute marketing campaigns through
channels such as social media, search engines, and other internet-based platforms. Additionally,
they monitor competition, prevent content piracy, generate innovative marketing ideas, analyze
magazine sales, explore new market segments, devise strategies to reach target customers, and
build a strong brand presence.

Web Design & Development

 The web team focuses on delivering an exceptional web experience to clients and their customers.
They translate specifications into visually appealing website designs and develop static pages
accordingly. Their responsibilities include creating site graphics, developing flash animations,
optimizing existing graphics, making necessary copy edits, implementing tracking codes (e.g.,
Google Analytics), configuring content management systems (CMS), and ensuring compliance
with web standards

Customer Support

Page 42
 This department guides customers through the entire process of leveraging digital platforms for
their marketing initiatives. They assist with crucial steps such as pricing strategy, uploading
content in various formats, ensuring the quality of published content, and managing any technical
issues or concerns that arise during the process.


 The accounts department is responsible for providing comprehensive financial support and
services. They manage accounts payable and receivable, maintain inventory records, handle
payroll processing, track fixed assets, and analyze financial data to ensure the company's financial
stability. Accountants not only generate necessary financial reports and maintain accurate records
but also contribute to strategic decision-making.


 The administration department supports daily operations and executive duties within the digital
marketing agency. Their responsibilities include managing schedules, handling correspondence,
screening calls, organizing and distributing information, providing specialized support to other
departments, ensuring quality control, optimizing resource allocation, and coordinating overall
departmental activities.

Human Resource

 The human resources department oversees the management of employees within the digital
marketing agency. Their functions encompass various aspects such as recruitment, promotions,
job assignments, salary determination, performance evaluations, personnel record maintenance,
consultation services, policy development, employee benefits administration, and employee well-
being support.

3.4. Organisational Analysis

3.4.1. Key Resources

Four O’ Clock leverages below resources to streamline their processes, improve communication,
enhance lead generation efforts, and ultimately deliver better results for their clients itself. Each tool
plays a crucial role in different aspects of the digital marketing strategy, enabling them to maximize their
Page 43
effectiveness and drive client success.
 CRM - Nutshell:
o Centralized Customer Data: Nutshell's CRM allows them to store and organize client
information in one place, providing easy access to important details such as contact
information, communication history, and client preferences.
o Enhanced Client Relationship Management: By utilizing Nutshell, they track interactions,
manage tasks, and set reminders, ensuring timely follow-ups and personalized
communication with clients. This helps strengthen client relationships and improves
customer satisfaction.
o Sales Pipeline Management: Nutshell's CRM features enable them to manage sales
pipelines effectively. It allows them to track leads, monitor sales activities, forecast
revenue, and identify opportunities for growth.

 Email Marketing - Mailchimp:

o Targeted Email Campaigns: Mailchimp enables their clients to create and send targeted
email campaigns to specific client segments. This helps in delivering personalized
content, offers, and updates to clients, resulting in higher engagement and conversion
o Automation and Workflow: Mailchimp's automation features allow them to set up
automated email sequences, nurturing leads, and maintaining regular communication with
clients. This saves time and ensures consistent messaging across different stages of the
customer journey.
o Performance Tracking and Analytics: Mailchimp provides detailed analytics on email
campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. This data helps
agencies measure the effectiveness of their email marketing efforts and make data-driven
decisions for optimization.

 Lead Generation - Leadpages:

o Landing Page Creation: Leadpages allows agencies to build custom landing pages quickly
and easily. These landing pages can be optimized for lead capture and conversion,
ensuring a smooth and compelling user experience.
o Lead Capture Forms and Pop-ups: Leadpages provides tools to create lead capture forms
and pop-ups that can be strategically placed on websites and landing pages. This helps
agencies capture visitor information and generate leads.

Page 44
o A/B Testing and Optimization: With Leadpages, they conduct A/B tests to experiment
with different variations of landing pages and forms. This enables them to identify the
most effective elements and optimize their lead generation efforts.

 Social Media Management Tools:

o Hootsuite: It helps them to schedule and manage social media posts across multiple
platforms, monitor brand mentions, and engage with audiences.
o Buffer: Provides social media scheduling and analytics features, allowing agencies to plan
and optimize their social media content.

 Analytics and Reporting Tools:

o Google Analytics: Enables them to track website traffic, user behavior, conversions, and
other key metrics to gain insights and measure the performance of digital marketing
o Data Studio: Helps to create interactive and visually appealing reports by integrating data
from multiple sources, including Google Analytics, social media platforms, and
advertising platforms.

 Project Management Tools:

o Asana: Facilitates project planning, task management, and collaboration among team
members, ensuring efficient workflow and timely project delivery.
o Trello: Provides a visual and flexible project management system that allows agencies to
create boards, track tasks, and monitor progress.

 SEO Tools:
o SEMrush: Offers a suite of SEO tools for keyword research, competitive analysis,
backlink analysis, and website auditing, helping agencies optimize websites for better
search engine visibility.
o Moz: Provides SEO analytics, keyword research, and link building tools to improve
search engine rankings and monitor website performance.

 Advertising Platforms:
o Google Ads: Allows agencies to create and manage pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
campaigns on Google Search, Display Network, YouTube, and other Google platforms.
Page 45
o Facebook Ads: Enables agencies to target specific audiences and create effective
advertising campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network.
o LinkedIn : It allows agencies to optimize clients' profiles for professional branding, run
targeted advertising campaigns, establish thought leadership through content sharing,
engage with relevant groups and communities, facilitate talent acquisition, and network
with industry professionals for potential partnerships. By utilizing LinkedIn resources,
they help clients to enhance their online presence, generate leads, build credibility, and
expand their professional networks to achieve their business goals.

 Content Creation and Collaboration Tools:

o Canva: Assists agencies in creating visually appealing graphics, presentations, and social
media posts without the need for extensive design skills.
o Google Docs: Facilitates collaboration among team members for creating, editing, and
sharing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

These resources help Four O’ Cock streamline their operations, improve campaign effectiveness,
enhance client communication, and deliver measurable results. The specific tools used may vary
depending on the project focus, client requirements, and preferred workflow.

3.4.2. SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is an auxiliary arranging strategy to assess the qualities, shortcoming,

openings and dangers associated with a task or in a business adventures. A few creators credit
SWOT to Albert Humphrey, who drove a change at the Stanford examine foundation during the
1970s utilizing information from fortune 500 organizations. Here's a SWOT analysis of Four O’


 Strong brand reputation and recognition in the industry.

 Wide range of digital marketing services offered, including web design, social media marketing,
content creation, and SEO.
 Experienced and skilled team of professionals with expertise in various disciplines.
 Proven track record of successful campaigns and client satisfaction.
 Strong client portfolio, including reputable brands and companies.
 Innovative and creative approach to digital marketing strategies. Page 46
 Effective project management and efficient execution of campaigns.
 Strong focus on data-driven decision making and analytics.
 Ability to adapt to changing market trends and technologies.


 Relatively higher pricing compared to some competitors.

 Limited geographical reach or presence in certain markets.
 Dependence on key clients or industries, which can increase vulnerability.
 Possibility of resource constraints during periods of high demand.
 Potential challenges in keeping up with the rapid pace of technology advancements.


 Expansion into new markets and regions.

 Leveraging emerging technologies and platforms to offer innovative services.
 Forming strategic partnerships with complementary agencies or technology providers.
 Growing demand for digital marketing services and increasing digital adoption.
 Offering specialized services in niche industries or markets.
 Providing consulting and training services to businesses looking to enhance their digital presence.


 Intense competition from other digital marketing agencies.

 Market saturation in certain segments or regions.
 Rapidly evolving digital landscape, requiring continuous adaptation and skill development.
 Potential budget constraints among clients during economic downturns.
 Increasing data privacy and security concerns impacting digital advertising practices.
 Potential emergence of new disruptive technologies or platforms.
 Content piracy and intellectual property infringement.
 Channel conflicts with distribution partners

Page 47

My observations from the entire study during my internship are enlisted below:

A significant number of professionals in the real sector recognize the value and potential of digital
Through my study of digital marketing, I have witnessed its emergence and rapid growth in today's
In client servicing, I have found that convincing clients can be challenging, as they are knowledgeable
about digital marketing and require an explanation of how we stand out from competitors.
Many sectors initially prioritize digital marketing channels like search engine optimization, search engine
marketing, and social media marketing, indicating a high acceptance of these three channels.
Approaching companies becomes easier by first sending an email to the relevant sector and then
following up with a call. In some cases, the company may even contact us after seeing the email.
Indian customers actively seek information, considering factors like quality, price, and customer
experiences before making a purchase.
Advertisements have a significant impact on stimulating B2B customers, but this influence is primarily
driven by opinion leaders.
Indian youth show a strong inclination toward online purchases, particularly for electronic products and
A current trend among the youth is watching TV programs through online portals, possibly due to the
convenience of time and the ability to catch up on missed episodes.
Similarly, people exhibit a preference for online news portals over traditional newspapers, driven by the
ability to access news updates more quickly.
In both cases, marketers lose one opportunity but gain another avenue to reach their target audience.
Information analyzed from different sources indicate 90% of the surveyed individuals own a mobile
phone or smartphone and a laptop or PC. Additionally, 96% of them have an internet connection on at
least one of these devices, indicating widespread internet penetration.
While tablet penetration is relatively low in rural and suburbs, more than 30% of the sample still owns a
tablet. This provides brands with three additional platforms to reach and engage their target audience.
Around 33% of the surveyed individuals use their gadgets, such as mobile phones and tablets, when they
are with friends. This demonstrates the potential reach as they tend to share interesting and appealing
content with others.

Page 48
Additional survey findings: Data was gathered for responses to the following questions:

1. What percentage of your organization's total marketing expense budget is allocated to digital
marketing ?

Fig : Digital Advertising Accounts for 12.5% of Digital Marketing Budgets

Marketing leaders support a diverse and increasingly complex marketing mix. As per Gartner, marketers
were asked how much of their digital marketing budget they're allocating to different activities such as
mobile marketing or analytics.
Above Figure shows that marketers allocated 12.5% the biggest share of their digital marketing budget to
digital advertising. Still, marketers wrestle with digital advertising's effectiveness. Advertising agencies,
technology providers and brand advertisers are working to address this concern by improving
measurement standards and formats. Content creation and management account for the second largest
share of digital marketing budgets. This is driven, in part, by the desire to populate the infinite appetites
of inbound marketing channels. Social networks, customer forums, and the blogosphere are examples
that drive inbound inquiries or actions. However, you need to create content that delivers the right
message to the right person at the right time, regardless of how the dialogue gets started. That means
content is equally needed to meet the demands of outbound marketing as well. The enormous pressure to
Page 49
create, manage and distribute content for multiple marketing activities through the right channels will
only increase as customers use more digital channels for collaboration, researching and acquisition of
products and services.
Top priorities for increased budgets in 2014 are commerce experiences, social and mobile marketing, and
content creation and management.

2. Up to 50% of Digital Marketing Activities Are Outsourced.

The pace of change and needs for specific skills force marketing to seek services from external providers.
We asked marketers to estimate what percentage of the work is performed internally by employees or
contract labour, and what percentage is performed externally or outsourced.

Culturally marketing is accustomed to outsourcing. Working with agencies, data providers and external
technology providers are an intricate part of marketing processes. This hasn't changed and may be
increasing. The responses reveal that digital marketers need help lots of it with specialized tasks such as
search marketing, online advertising and mobile marketing. For the most part, marketers outsource one-
third or more of their work to an agency, digital services organization or other external provider. Below
Figure shows that, on average, marketers outsource one-half of their search marketing the highest
proportion of any marketing activity. Media companies, financial services firms and retailers keep a
majority of their search marketing work in-house.

Digital marketers are more likely to maintain social marketing in-house, with one exception: Marketers
at manufacturers outsource 53% of their social marketing activities. We find that social analytics, and
content creation and management are areas of focus for outsourcing. Monitoring and analysing social
activities require time and new technologies. And keeping customers interested through social channels
requires constant feeding and nurturing with new content. As a rule, outsourcing your digital marketing
activities is a smart tactic when you don't have in-house resources to stay on top of quickly changing
technologies and techniques, or need specialized talent. But you need to monitor results, ensure these
providers have a stake in your success, and assume some risks.

Figure: Marketers Outsource This (Percentage) Portion of Digital Marketing Activities

Page 50
3. The Top 3 Digital Marketing Activities

Key to Marketing's Success - Corporate Website, Social Marketing and Digital Advertising.

Marketers are focused on the marketing mix that will drive success. We asked digital marketers to
identify the three digital marketing activities that are most important to their success. Below Figure
shows that the corporate website and digital advertising share the distinction of being the No.1 digital
marketing activities that are important to marketing's success. Social marketing emerged as the next most
important activity.

Our survey results suggest that the corporate website will not be displaced by a brand's social media
presence anytime soon. That's all the more reason for marketing leaders to continuously invest in testing
and optimizing their websites, paying attention to all aspects from customized landing pages to
compelling content that encourage visitors to be engaged with your brand.
Only 9% of respondents said that analytics is most important to their success. We believe this is an
oversight. You need to use analytics to support continuous improvement, understand your customers'
requirements and drive results. Page 51
Figure: What Activities Contribute to Marketing Success

Data was gathered from responses to the following: Please prioritize which of these digital marketing
activities are most important to your marketing organization's success by choosing three and ranking
them most important, second most important and third most important.


During my internship at Four o' cock, a digital marketing company, I had the opportunity to learn and
grow in various aspects of the field. Here are some key takeaways from my experience:

Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities in Digital Marketing: I gained valuable insights into the
unique challenges and opportunities that exist within the digital marketing landscape in both domestic
and international space.

Basic Knowledge of Digital Marketing Strategies: I acquired a fundamental understanding of essential

digital marketing strategies such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing
(SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), and Online Reputation Management (ORM).

Page 52
Importance of Client Satisfaction: I learned the significance of fulfilling every client requirement,
regardless of its scale. Ensuring client satisfaction is crucial in building strong relationships and
delivering exceptional results.

Effective Client Pitching: Through practical experience, I honed my skills in effectively pitching to
clients during meetings. I learned how to present ideas, communicate benefits, and address client

Exposure to a Corporate Environment: My internship provided me with a valuable corporate experience,

exposing me to the professional world and its dynamics. This exposure broadened my understanding and
prepared me for future endeavors.

Applying Classroom Knowledge: I had the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained during
my first year of marketing management curriculum. This practical application enhanced my
understanding of digital marketing strategies and their implementation.

Leadership Skills: I learned that leadership plays a vital role in achieving success within an organization.
Developing leadership qualities is crucial for effectively dealing with customers, managing projects, and
inspiring team members.

Embracing Healthy Competition: Engaging in healthy competition motivated me to continuously

improve my skills. By observing and learning from competitors, I gained valuable insights into their
strengths and areas for growth.

Collaboration and Teamwork: Digital marketing work heavily relies on teamwork. I experienced the
importance of collaborative efforts to achieve the best outcomes and deliver exceptional results.

Time Management: One of the most significant lessons I learned was effective time management.
Balancing multiple tasks and responsibilities while meeting deadlines is crucial for success in the fast-
paced digital marketing industry.

Professional Communication Skills: I developed formal communication skills and learned how to
effectively communicate with individuals at different levels of management to ensure efficient workflow
and task completion.

Page 53
Adapting to Diverse Situations: Each day presented different challenges, even though the tasks might
have been similar. I learned how to adapt to varying situations, whether it was dealing with clients,
vendors, or creative teams.

Observational Learning: Observing my colleagues in action proved to be a valuable teacher. When faced
with unfamiliar tasks, I learned the importance of keen observation and using it as a tool for learning and

Work-Life Balance: My internship taught me the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Despite the demands and stresses of agency work, I witnessed how my colleagues managed to balance
their professional and personal lives.

Overall, my internship at Four O’ Clock provided me with practical knowledge, valuable skills, and a
deeper understanding of the digital marketing industry. I am grateful for the experiences and lessons
learned during this period, and I am confident that they will contribute to my future success in the field.


In conclusion, the successful completion of this internship at Four O' Clock has underscored the pivotal
role that digital marketing plays in shaping the future of the industry. It has become evident that digital
marketing extends beyond mere ad placements, encompassing integrated services and channels that
enable marketers to effectively reach target audiences and build strong brands. In today's digital era, it is
the connected individuals across various digital platforms who truly act as the custodians of a brand,
emphasizing the importance of establishing a strong digital presence.

Customers exhibit a strong affinity towards digital media, which serves as a primary source of
information and facilitates two-way communication between brands and their audience. With its cost-
effectiveness and numerous touch points, digital media offers an ideal platform for transforming products
into recognized brands. Through strategic engagement on digital platforms, brands can effectively
captivate their target audience, expand their customer base, and reinforce brand recall.

As the significance of digital presence continues to rise, digital agencies are experiencing exponential
growth and financial success through digital advertising. This increased awareness and investment in
digital marketing strategies have propelled the industry forward, making it crucial for marketers to grasp
the intricacies of digital marketing and incorporate them into their future strategies.

Page 54
I am confident that this project study serves as a valuable resource for marketers seeking to gain a deeper
understanding of digital marketing and develop effective plans for their future endeavours. By harnessing
the power of digital platforms, marketers can leverage their brand's potential and navigate the ever-
evolving landscape of digital marketing successfully.

Page 55

1. The Top Advertising and Marketing Groups Worldwide,

2. Leading Interactive Agencies (2017),
3. Leading Agencies by Country (2017),
4, Digital Marketing: Shaping the Indian Business Landscape (July 2023), The Pioneer
5, Top Retail Digital Marketing Trends for 2023, Gartner
6, The Essential Guide to Crafting a Marketing Budget in Digital Economy (Nov 2019), Gartner
7, 15 Best Digital Marketing Agencies in Bangalore, Digital Uncovered
8, Basuroy, Tanushree (June, 2018), Digital marketing channels with the highest ROI India
9, Digital Agencies in India (2018),

Page 56

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