Week 6 - Course Pack Quiz - Tibayan

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There is no doubt that there are a lot of social media users

these days. There are a lot of things we can do on it but we should

still know how to be responsible on using this platform, know
what to stay away from, and be mindful on what we are going to
do or post on social media. Social media is made up of several
platforms that various individuals can use, and each platform
has a unique set of guidelines that users should follow. There are
a lot of things we should refrain from doing, like bullying,
posting or sharing inappropriate content, and sending
insensitive text messages. This way, we can use social media to
our hearts' content without harming ourselves or others.

Social media refers to methods of communication where

individuals produce, share, and/or exchange knowledge and
concepts in online groups and networks. Without the usage of
monitoring and parental control software, it is very likely that
children may be exposed to inappropriate content like violence
and pornography. A social media user's false sense of protection
behind the screen can lead to inappropriate behavior such as
bullying, slander, or sending/posting dangerous photographs.
Many workplaces and schools have social media usage
guidelines. It's crucial to comprehend and abide by the
regulations of your institution. Additionally, make sure you
abide by the policies of the particular social networking site you
are using. Read through everything as you set up your account to
ensure that you are aware of the requirements and the consents
you are giving. Change the default option to one that is more
suitable for you by going through the privacy settings. Avoid
using third-party software as well. These are frequently
unreliable and only serve to collect your personal data.

Since a lot of people use social media on a daily basis, we

think that responsible using of social media is a must. We need to
follow each rules and regulations that it consist in order to use
this platform in a good way. It can be advantageous but at the
same time disadvantageous to us depends on how we use it. It
has a lot of opportunities that can benefits us like a way of
communication, a way to show our thoughts and feelings and
also it can serves as a connection that connects us around the
world. We should be aware on everything that we do on social
media since one mistake can lead to misunderstanding that
might cause harm for us or to other people.


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