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. Starting log.

. Writing to log.txt
. Initializing SUGAR v0.0.4j.
. Running on Windows.
. Using SDL 2.0.22
. Using Lua 5.1.4
. Running from: C:\Users\medta\Desktop\Shotgun-King-The-Final-Checkmate-Repack-\Shotgun King The Final Checkmate\
. Created new memory chunk '_sugar_'.
. FreeType library was initialized.
. Using FreeType 2.12.1
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x01F4 bytes to fit new 'default_font' req.
. Correctly requested 'default_font' 0x01F3 bytes at 0x01 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. The 95 glyphs font 'default' was created.
. GFX system initialized.
. Time system initialized.
. Input system initialized.
. Successfully opened audio driver, device frequency is set to 48000.
. Audio system initialized.
. All systems initialized.
. Opened dat 'data.sgr' with 121 blocks.
. Deleted font 'default'.
. Correctly requested 'default_font' 0x01F3 bytes at 0x01 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. The 95 glyphs font 'default' was created.
. Directory 'mods/' not found from .
. Loaded sfx 'alleluia' from file 'assets/sfx/alleluia.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'ammo' from file 'assets/sfx/ammo.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'ascend' from file 'assets/sfx/ascend.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'backup_call' from file 'assets/sfx/backup_call.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'backup_land' from file 'assets/sfx/backup_land.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'bishop_resist' from file 'assets/sfx/bishop_resist.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'black_mist' from file 'assets/sfx/black_mist.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'book_float' from file 'assets/sfx/book_float.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'boss_crumble' from file 'assets/sfx/boss_crumble.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'boss_jump' from file 'assets/sfx/boss_jump.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'boss_land' from file 'assets/sfx/boss_land.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'cancel' from file 'assets/sfx/cancel.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'card_land' from file 'assets/sfx/card_land.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'castle' from file 'assets/sfx/castle.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'catch' from file 'assets/sfx/catch.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'conscription' from file 'assets/sfx/conscription.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'crystal_xpl' from file 'assets/sfx/crystal_xpl.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'decay_jingle' from file 'assets/sfx/decay_jingle.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'detected' from file 'assets/sfx/detected.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'eat' from file 'assets/sfx/eat.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'flash_boss' from file 'assets/sfx/flash_boss.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'grenade_beep' from file 'assets/sfx/grenade_beep.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'grenade_bounce' from file 'assets/sfx/grenade_bounce.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'grenade_xpl' from file 'assets/sfx/grenade_xpl.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'gust' from file 'assets/sfx/gust.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'healing' from file 'assets/sfx/healing.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'hero_leave' from file 'assets/sfx/hero_leave.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'hero_light' from file 'assets/sfx/hero_light.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'hero_spawn' from file 'assets/sfx/hero_spawn.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'hero_spawn_boom' from file 'assets/sfx/hero_spawn_boom.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'hurt' from file 'assets/sfx/hurt.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'hurt_boss' from file 'assets/sfx/hurt_boss.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'incantation' from file 'assets/sfx/incantation.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'jump' from file 'assets/sfx/jump.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'legacy' from file 'assets/sfx/legacy.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'level_up_sel' from file 'assets/sfx/level_up_sel.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'level_up_zoom' from file 'assets/sfx/level_up_zoom.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'lift' from file 'assets/sfx/lift.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'lost_king' from file 'assets/sfx/lost_king.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'menu_in' from file 'assets/sfx/menu_in.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'menu_out' from file 'assets/sfx/menu_out.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'missile' from file 'assets/sfx/missile.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'next_vig' from file 'assets/sfx/next_vig.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'next_vig_2' from file 'assets/sfx/next_vig_2.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'pause' from file 'assets/sfx/pause.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'promote' from file 'assets/sfx/promote.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'refill_wand' from file 'assets/sfx/refill_wand.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'reload' from file 'assets/sfx/reload.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'scope' from file 'assets/sfx/scope.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'sel_opt' from file 'assets/sfx/sel_opt.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'shell_ground' from file 'assets/sfx/shell_ground.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'shell_land' from file 'assets/sfx/shell_land.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'shell_spark' from file 'assets/sfx/shell_spark.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'shield' from file 'assets/sfx/shield.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'shoot' from file 'assets/sfx/shoot.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'show_book' from file 'assets/sfx/show_book.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'spawn' from file 'assets/sfx/spawn.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'spawn_final' from file 'assets/sfx/spawn_final.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'start' from file 'assets/sfx/start.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'start_detune' from file 'assets/sfx/start_detune.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'throw' from file 'assets/sfx/throw.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'tic' from file 'assets/sfx/tic.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'tile_move' from file 'assets/sfx/tile_move.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'tile_out' from file 'assets/sfx/tile_out.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'trg_in' from file 'assets/sfx/trg_in.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'trg_out' from file 'assets/sfx/trg_out.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'turn_card' from file 'assets/sfx/turn_card.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'unsoul' from file 'assets/sfx/unsoul.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'unused_xpl' from file 'assets/sfx/unused_xpl.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'use_card' from file 'assets/sfx/use_card.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'wand' from file 'assets/sfx/wand.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'wrong' from file 'assets/sfx/wrong.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'wrong_shield' from file 'assets/sfx/wrong_shield.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'xpl' from file 'assets/sfx/xpl.wav'
. Loaded music 'boss_A' from file 'assets/music/boss_A.mp3'
. Loaded music 'boss_B' from file 'assets/music/boss_B.mp3'
. Loaded music 'ending_A' from file 'assets/music/ending_A.mp3'
. Loaded music 'ending_B' from file 'assets/music/ending_B.mp3'
. Loaded music 'gameover' from file 'assets/music/gameover.mp3'
. Loaded music 'gameover_w_fx' from file 'assets/music/gameover_w_fx.mp3'
. Loaded music 'ingame' from file 'assets/music/ingame.mp3'
. Loaded music 'level_up_A' from file 'assets/music/level_up_A.mp3'
. Loaded music 'level_up_B' from file 'assets/music/level_up_B.mp3'
. Loaded music 'title_A' from file 'assets/music/title_A.mp3'
. Loaded music 'title_B' from file 'assets/music/title_B.mp3'
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x0101F4 bytes to fit new 'gfx' req.
. Correctly requested 'gfx' 0x010000 bytes at 0x01F4 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Created the 256 x 256 surface 'gfx'.
. Correctly loaded 'assets/gfx/gfx.png' into 'gfx' surface.
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x022DF4 bytes to fit new 'cards' req.
. Correctly requested 'cards' 0x012C00 bytes at 0x0101F4 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Created the 240 x 320 surface 'cards'.
. Correctly loaded 'assets/gfx/cards.png' into 'cards' surface.
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x02F184 bytes to fit new 'title' req.
. Correctly requested 'title' 0xC390 bytes at 0x022DF4 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Created the 298 x 168 surface 'title'.
. Correctly loaded 'assets/gfx/title.png' into 'title' surface.
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x05DF84 bytes to fit new 'title_bg' req.
. Correctly requested 'title_bg' 0x02EE00 bytes at 0x02F184 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Created the 600 x 320 surface 'title_bg'.
. Correctly loaded 'assets/gfx/title_bg.png' into 'title_bg' surface.
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x075F84 bytes to fit new 'intro' req.
. Correctly requested 'intro' 0x018000 bytes at 0x05DF84 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Created the 128 x 768 surface 'intro'.
. Correctly loaded 'assets/gfx/intro.png' into 'intro' surface.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x07D784 bytes to fit new 'crumble' req.
. Correctly requested 'crumble' 0x7800 bytes at 0x075F84 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Created the 320 x 96 surface 'crumble'.
. Correctly loaded 'assets/gfx/crumble.png' into 'crumble' surface.
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x08D784 bytes to fit new 'achievements' req.
. Correctly requested 'achievements' 0x010000 bytes at 0x07D784 in chunk
. Created the 256 x 256 surface 'achievements'.
. Correctly loaded 'assets/gfx/achievements.png' into 'achievements' surface.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x08DACC bytes to fit new 'save' req.
. Correctly requested 'save' 0x0348 bytes at 0x08D784 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x099E5C bytes to fit new 'Shotgun King_screen' req.
. Correctly requested 'Shotgun King_screen' 0xC390 bytes at 0x08DACC in chunk
. Created new window 'Shotgun King'.
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x09A75C bytes to fit new '__boot_sheet__' req.
. Correctly requested '__boot_sheet__' 0x0900 bytes at 0x099E5C in chunk
. Created the 96 x 24 surface '__boot_sheet__'.
!! Couldn't find 'time' uniform in shader.
. Deleted surface '__boot_sheet__'.
!! Couldn't find 'screenSize' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'curve' uniform in shader.
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x0BE90C bytes to fit new 'Shotgun King_screen' req.
. Correctly requested 'Shotgun King_screen' 0x030E40 bytes at 0x08DACC in chunk
!! Couldn't find 'time' uniform in shader.
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x0C290C bytes to fit new 'pcd_sheet' req.
. Correctly requested 'pcd_sheet' 0x4000 bytes at 0x0BE90C in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Created the 128 x 128 surface 'pcd_sheet'.
. Correctly loaded '../../punkcake/punkcake_sheet.png' into 'pcd_sheet' surface.
. Loaded sfx 'pcd_slap' from file '../../punkcake/slap.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'pcd_chomp' from file '../../punkcake/chomp.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'pcd_punkcake' from file '../../punkcake/punkcake.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'pcd_delicieux' from file '../../punkcake/delicieux.wav'
. Deleted surface 'pcd_sheet'.
. Correctly requested 'Shotgun King_screen' 0xC390 bytes at 0x08DACC in chunk
. Steam API initialized.
. Correctly requested 'grenade' 0x6C00 bytes at 0x099E5C in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Created the 576 x 48 surface 'grenade'.
. Correctly requested 'mini_xpl' 0x0C00 bytes at 0x0A0A5C in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Created the 192 x 16 surface 'mini_xpl'.
. Defined 22 buttons for player 0.
. Successfully wrote 'save.bnk'.
. Successfully wrote 'save.bnk'.
!! Couldn't find 'screenSize' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'curve' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'time' uniform in shader.
. Successfully wrote 'save.bnk'.
!! Couldn't find 'screenSize' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'curve' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'time' uniform in shader.
. Successfully wrote 'save.bnk'.
!! Couldn't find 'screenSize' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'curve' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'time' uniform in shader.
. Successfully wrote 'save.bnk'.
!! Couldn't find 'screenSize' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'curve' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'time' uniform in shader.
. Successfully wrote 'save.bnk'.
!! Couldn't find 'screenSize' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'curve' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'time' uniform in shader.
. Successfully wrote 'save.bnk'.
!! Couldn't find 'screenSize' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'curve' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'time' uniform in shader.
. Successfully wrote 'save.bnk'.
!! Couldn't find 'screenSize' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'curve' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'time' uniform in shader.
. Successfully wrote 'save.bnk'.
!! Couldn't find 'screenSize' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'curve' uniform in shader.
!! Couldn't find 'time' uniform in shader.
. Successfully wrote 'save.bnk'.
. Quitting required.
. main loop exit
. Initiating shutdown.
. Steam API shut down.
. Deleted surface 'grenade'.
. Deleted surface 'achievements'.
. Deleted surface 'cards'.
. Deleted surface 'mini_xpl'.
. Deleted surface 'crumble'.
. Deleted surface 'gfx'.
. Deleted surface 'title'.
. Deleted surface 'title_bg'.
. Deleted surface 'intro'.
. Deleted font 'default'.
. GFX system shut down.
. Input system shut down.
. Audio system shut down.
. Deleted memory chunk '_sugar_'.
. Application ran for 557.247000 seconds.
. All systems shut down.
. Ending Log.

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