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Hạ Long Bay

Vịnh Hạ Long

Made by: Proaseth, Leeleap, Sam, Norin.

(103326, 103320, 103842, 103295)
• Which category
does Ha Long Bay
fall under?
• What type of
landscape is it?
• What type of
values is Ha Long
Category of Ha Long Bay
Ha Long bay in Hanoi, Vietnam is a natural
landscape, and a very famous landmark
worldwide. It’s name Ha Long Bay meaning
“Where the dragon descends to the sea”.
This famous destination is mainly unaffected
by human activity. Ha Long Bay is made up
of hundreds maybe even thousands of
islands and islets, forming a majestic
seascape of limestone pillars. Because of the
amount of islands, people living in Ha Long
Bay have to travel on boat and have to live
on floating islands above the water.
Identifying the type of landscape
Ha Long Bay is a Karst type of landscape with lots of emerald waters
and islands made of limestones topped by rainforests. The limestone in
this bay has gone through 500 million years of formation in different
conditions and environments. The evolution of the karst in this bay has
taken 20 million years under the impact of the tropical wet climate. Ha
Long Bay is as big as 1,553 km², which is quite small compared to the
largest Karst known to man, the Pojle Karst in Southern Italy.
Identifying the type of values of Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay is mainly an aesthetic and
cultural value, as it is a very famous and
beautiful landmark in Vietnam. It also has
it’s cultural values in its poets, movies,
and literature. It was first recognized as a
World Natural Heritage Area solely on the
basis of its outstanding landscape value.
The beauty and aesthetic value of natural
landscape of the Bay reflect the shapes
and the colors of jewels. However, it is
geological structure and material of the
bay that have created the jewels.

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