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A big sister is the best, with such a big heart,

And ready to love tiny baby, from the very start,

A big sister is the best, she is always so loving and caring,

She knows her mama is also baby’s mama now, and does not mind sharing,

A big sister is the best, she is helpful, and she always knows,

When helping mama tidy up, she is careful that everything in its right place goes,

A big sister is the best, she understands so many important things now,
And knows mama needs to help baby with everything, because he still does not know how,

A big sister is the best, she is just so thoughtful and kind,

When it is baby’s nap time, a quiet game to play she can find,

A big sister is the best, and always knows the right thing to do,

If baby is cranky, she makes him smile by playing a game of peek-a-boo,

A big sister is the best, she knows that being a big sister is the most wonderful thing ever,

And when baby is bigger, they will both have so much fun together!

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