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We will Change The File System To NTFS of your pendrive and Also We will Change the

Device Policy inorder To Speedup your Pendrive. Follow Below Steps

1: Plugin your Pendrive, Right click on your pendrive and select Format (You will Loose All
your data in your pendrive so better Take a backup) Then,Select NTFS File system, Uncheck
Quick Format And Click On Start.

Note: We Are Changing The File system to NTFS Because FAT 32 Can not Handle Large
amount of data

2: After Formating Your Pendrive and Converting it To NTFS file System, Its now Time to
Change the Device Policy.

Now Again Goto Your Pendrive Properties , click on Hardware Tab. Select Your Usb Device
from the list and click on Properties .
After Clicking on Properties You will see a new Dialog Box,Click on Change Settings, Another
Dialog Box will appear , Click on Policy Tab and Select Better Performance, Click ok .
Thats it. I will Recommend to Restart Your Computer
Note : Understand That After Changing the Device Policy , Your Data Transfer Speed Will
Increase But Make Sure You Click on ” Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media” Before
Removing Your Pendrive.

Bonus tip: I will also recommend you to Check your Pendrive for errors.Errors in Your Pendrive
May even Cause To Slow Down your Pendrive Data Transfer Speed. You Can Do It by
Navigating to Pendrive Properties > Tool > Check.

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