Cover Letter - McKinsey

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Dear Hiring Committee,

As someone who thrives at the intersection of technology, strategy, and human ingenuity, I
was thrilled to discover the opening for a Business Analyst Intern at McKinsey & Company—a
firm that embodies these dimensions in its core ethos. My journey from an eager engineering
student in India to a dedicated Master of Science in Management scholar in Singapore has
been anything but ordinary. It's a journey marked by a ceaseless quest for learning,
punctuated by experiences that have shaped not just my skill set but also my worldview.

During my tenure at ZOHO, I found myself entranced by the transformative power of

technology. I spearheaded the integration of Deluge with Backstage, an initiative that
transcended mere software enhancement to become a catalyst for operational efficiency. We
automated complex workflows and, in doing so, reduced manual task completion time by an
awe-inspiring 65%. This experience was a masterclass in the art of leveraging data analytics to
drive strategic decision-making—an art I understand is cherished at McKinsey.

But ZOHO also taught me the quintessential skill of grace under pressure. When tasked with
facilitating a seamless 5G launch at the prestigious Indian Mobile Congress, I was confronted
with a labyrinth of software bugs and a ticking clock. The experience was a crucible, forging
my problem-solving and leadership skills in the fires of real-world urgency. I emerged from it
not just successful but also profoundly changed, now fully primed for the high-stakes, fast-
paced challenges that McKinsey thrives on.

At BYJU's, my role took a different hue but was no less transformative. Here, the focus shifted
from technology to people—from circuitry to psychology. I exceeded ambitious sales targets
by 50%, not merely through persuasive communication, but by genuinely understanding the
unique needs and ambitions of each prospective client. I orchestrated strategic customer
meetings and employed nuanced negotiation tactics to not only close deals but also to build
lasting relationships. These are skills that I believe would be invaluable in understanding and
solving the challenges that McKinsey’s diverse clientele present.

Why McKinsey? Because you are not just consultants but visionaries. You don't just solve
problems; you transform entire industries. And it is this audacious mission that resonates
deeply with me. I am exhilarated at the prospect of contributing to such a dynamic
environment and am eager to bring my unique portfolio of skills in analytics, problem-solving,
and client engagement to bear on McKinsey’s most pressing challenges.

Shunmuga Sundaram Kanthasamy

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