Creation Myths - Stories + Task

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POEMS Treaties
POEMS Treaties
r na ls r ies e r s
Jou D ia Let t
Folk literature, also called folklore or oral
tradition, the lore (traditional knowledge and
beliefs) of cultures having no written language. It is
transmitted by word of mouth and consists, as does
written literature, of both prose and verse narratives,
poems and songs, myths, dramas, rituals, proverbs,
riddles, and the like. Nearly all known peoples, now
or in the past, have produced it.
Folk literature, also called folklore or oral
tradition, the lore (traditional knowledge and
beliefs) of cultures having no written language. It is
transmitted by word of mouth and consists, as does
written literature, of both prose and verse narratives,
poems and songs, myths, dramas, rituals, proverbs,
riddles, and the like. Nearly all known peoples, now
or in the past, have produced it.
Folk Literature (Oral tradition)



Myth. A traditional story, usually involving supernatural
beings or events, that explains how some aspect of human
nature or the natural world came to be. A creation myth or
story is a specific kind of myth which provides explanations



Basis for the social order

Any model which explains how
the universe came into existence.

Beginnings, origins of everything

(matter and life).
Any model which explains how does
the existing world function.

It aims to understand and explain

natural laws, phenomena, and the
physical universe.
Basis for the social order

Mythical stories support and

validate social customs, values
and laws, by linking them to
important events in the past
(whether real or fictional).
Social Order =
But what do
you mean with The established
"social order"?
between what is
right and
The Four Creations A potawotomi story
Odin and Mir Birth in the Dawn
The Separation of Heaven and Earth Life from the Moon and Stars
The Story of Corn and Medicine The Moon and the Morning Star
The Origin of Japan and her People Gaia
Death, and Life and Death
The Apache Creation
Creation by and of The Self
Marduk Creates the World
The Golden Chain 1. Choose one creation story from the
The Menominee and Manabush menu (just click on it) and read it.
The Naba Zid-Wendé 2. For each story, explain what is the
Pan Gu and Nü Wa cosmogony, the cosmology and the basis
Yahweh for the social order.
The Elohim

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