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The rubric shows what I use for discussion board questions for grading.

Each question will have the

same requirements but different topics, and so, the rubric for any given discussion board question
assignment will be the same. With this rubric, the maximum points is 15 and the least points would
be 0.

Outstanding Proficient Basic Needs

3 points 2 points 1 point
0 points

Critical Responses It is clear that Thoughts are No evidence

Thinking are full of thought, insight, planned but of insight or
thought, and analysis have commonplace analysis
insight and taken place

Connections Clear Connections to Limited No

to Readings connections content are connections connections
or Real-Life to current made, but may and may be in to content or
lesson or not be clear or only general real-life
real-life are too obvious terms

Timeliness Posting is Posting is made in Posting is Posting is

made in time to give made in time made at the
time to give classmates at to give last minute
classmates least 2 days to classmates at
ample time respond least 1 day to
to respond respond

Response to Two or more Two or more At least one No response

Others substantial responses, need response,
responses to more needs more
another substance OR One substance
response to
another student

Timeliness Both One response is Response is Response is

in Response responses made in time to made in time made at the
to Others are made in give classmate(s) to give last minute or
time to give ample time to classmate(s) on the due
classmate(s) respond and the at least 1 day date
ample time other is made in to respond
to respond time to give
classmate(s) at
least 1 or 2 days
to respond OR
Response is
made in time to
give classmate(s)
at least 2 days to

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