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Welcome to Grade IX






First Term Syllabus
 Chapter 2: Data Transmission
 Typesand methods of data transmission
 Methods of error detection
 Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption

 Chapter 3: Hardware
 Computer Architecture
 Input and Output Devices
 Data Storage
 Network Hardware
Chapter 2:

Chapter 2: Data Transmission

Key Terms [10 marks]

1. Data Packets or datagrams
2. Cyclic redundancy Check(CRC)
3. Router
4. Nodes
5. Real time streaming
6. Interference
7. Skewing of data
8. Encryption
9. Cipher text
10. Quantum computers
Data transmission is the transfer of data from one digital device to another. This
transfer occurs via point-to-point data streams or channels.
The two devices could be in the same building or thousands of kms away.
Irrespective of the distance travelled, the transmission of data needs to be
considered with respect to:
• how the data is transmitted
• how can errors following transmission be detected and can the data be
• the role of encryption to make sure data that falls into the wrong hands can’t
be used.
It is also important to consider ways of checking for errors in data once it has
been entered into a computer.
 Data sent over long distances is usually broken up into data packets
 The packets of data are usually quite small, typically 64 KiB, which are
much easier to control than a long continuous stream of data.
 The idea of splitting up data in this way means each packet can be sent
along a different route to its destination.

This would be of great benefit if a transmission route was out of action or very
The drawback of splitting data into packets is the need to reassemble the
data when it reaches its destination.
Structure of a packet
Packet header consists of:
 The IP address of sending device
 The IP address of receiving device
 Sequence number of the packet—to ensure all data packets can be reassembled into the
correct order.
 Packet size—to ensure that all packets have arrived intact.

Payload consists of the actual data being sent in the packet.

Packet trailer consists of :
 some way of identifying the end of the packet; this is essential to allow each packet to be
separated from each other as they travel from sending to receiving station
 an error checking method; cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs) are used to check data
1. Write down three benefits and three drawbacks of
packet switching.

2. What is hopping and hop number?


Marked homework: (10 marks)---to be submitted on

A4(typed or handwritten) Tuesday 22/8/23.
Another method of sending packets is called circuit switching. Find
out the difference between packet switching and circuit switching.
 the direction of data transmission (for example, can data transmit in
one direction only, or in both directions)

 the method of transmission (for example, how many bits can be sent
at the same time)

 how will data be synchronized (that is, how to make sure the
received data is in the correct order).
 Simplex data transmission:
 Simplex occurs when data can be sent in ONE
DIRECTION ONLY (for example, from sender to
receiver). An example of this would be sending data
from a computer to a printer.
 Half-duplex data transmission
 Half-duplex occurs when data is sent in BOTH
data can be sent from 'A' to 'B' and from 'B' to 'A' along
the same transmission line, but they can't both be done
at the same time). An example of this would be a
walkie-talkie where a message can be sent in one
direction only at a time; but messages can be both
received and sent.
 Full-duplex data transmission
 Full-duplex occurs when data can be sent in BOTH
DIRECTIONS AT THE SAME TIME (for example, data can
be sent from 'A' to 'B' and from 'B' to 'A' along the same
transmission line simultaneously). An example of this
would be a broadband internet connection
Types of data transmission
 Serial
Serial data transmission occurs when data is
WIRE/CHANNEL. Bits are sent one after the
other as a single stream.

Note: Serial data transmission can be simplex,

half-duplex or full-duplex.
USB is now the most common type of
input/output port found on computers and
has led to a standardization method for the
transfer of data between devices and a
computer. It is important to note that USB
allows both half-duplex and full-duplex data
Methods of Error checking
There are a number of ways data can be checked for errors following transmission:
► parity checks
► checksum
► echo check.
Parity checks:
Parity checking is one method used to check whether data has been changed or corrupted
following data transmission.
. The parity can be either called
EVEN (that is, an even number of 1-bits in the byte) or ODD (that is, an odd number of 1-bits in
the byte).
One of the bits in the byte (usually the most significant bit or left-most bit) is reserved for a parity
bit. The parity bit is set according to whether the parity being used is even or odd. For example,
consider the byte: parity bit 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
Parity Check
 An extra bit (parity bit) added to a string of binary code to ensure the number of 1-bits are
either even or odd, depending upon the parity check system used.
 The sending and receiving computers agree the protocol to be used (even or odd)
 The sending computer adds the correct parity bit to the binary data (either an extra 1 or 0)
 The sending computer sends the binary data, including the parity bit
 The receiving computer checks to make sure the overall parity of the data received is as
agreed (an even or odd number of 1 bits)
 If the parity of the data is incorrect, the receiving computer will request that the data is
transmitted again
Drawbacks of parity checks
 If two bits are transposed (change places) then the computer could be fooled into thinking
the data is correct and not corrupted
 If two random bits change state then the system could also be fooled
Parity Block

This method of error checking is similar to a traditional parity check except the data
is arranged in a virtual table with parity bits added to each row and column.

A single corrupted bit can be spotted at the intersection of a corrupted row and

Multiple corrupted bits would also flaw this system.

 A checksum is a small-sized block of data derived from another block

of digital data for the purpose of detecting errors that may have been
introduced during its transmission.
 The procedure which generates this checksum is called a checksum
function or checksum algorithm.
 Depending on its design goals, a good checksum algorithm usually
outputs a significantly different value, even for small changes made to
the input.
 If the computed checksum for the current data input matches the
stored value of a previously computed checksum, there is a very high
probability the data has not been accidentally altered or corrupted.
A block of data is sent alongside a calculated checksum value. The receiving computer
also calculates what it believes should be the checksum. The checksum values are then
compared to see if an error has occurred during transmission.


The sending computer uses the block of data to be sent, and a predefined
mathematical algorithm, to calculate a checksum value.

The sending computer sends the data, plus the checksum value
The receiving computer uses the data it receives to also calculate what it believes should
be the checksum, using the same mathematical algorithm

The two checksum values are compared by the receiving computer

Due to the nature of the algorithm, it is highly unlikely that corruption has occurred if the
checksum values match. If the checksum values don’t match, the receiving computer
requests that the data is transmitted again
Echo Check
 With an echo check, the receiving computer sends a copy of the data immediately back to
the sending computer for comparison.
 The sending computer compares the two sets of data to check if any errors occurred during
the transmission process.
 If an error has occurred, the data will be transmitted again.

Drawback of echo checks

 If the two sets of data are different you will have no way of knowing whether the error
occurred when originally sent, or when it was sent back
 Echo checks require a lot of extra data to be transmitted
Written work
Qs. Name the three error checking methods. Explain each of

Qs. Describe how data is transmitted using a USB connection. Also

give three benefits of using a USB connection to connect a mobile
phone to a computer

Marked Homework:
Use the internet to research how half-duplex data transmission
is used to create a wi-fi connection. Why is half-duplex, rather
than full duplex data transmission used in wi-fi connection?
Check Digit
A check digit is the final digit in a code of numbers.
It is calculated from all the other digits in the code.
It’s purpose is to spot human errors on data entry.
Check digits are often found in barcodes, product codes or ISBN book numbers.
There are many different mathematical algorithms that can be used to calculate a check digit. Different industries
will have their own preferred method.
1.The check digit is calculated and added to the barcode, packaging, product code etc at the point of
manufacture. A human types the long numerical code into a computer, e.g. the cashier will type the barcode
number when a scanner fails or packaging is damaged. The computer calculates what it believes should be the
check digit, based on the numbers entered by the human.
2.The computer then compares it’s calculated check digit with the check digit typed in by the human (the last digit
in the long code). If the two don’t match, then the human has made an error when typing in the numerical code,
e.g. barcode number.
3.The human will be asked by the computer to re-enter the numerical code

Good for spotting human errors such as:
• Incorrect digit entered
• Transposition of a digit or two digits
• Extra digit
Symmetric and asymmetric
Written Test of

Chapter 2 on
Monday 4 September 2023

Qs.1 Define data transmission. What are the factors to be considered

when transmitting data? [4]

Qs. 2 Maisey purchases a new printer and connects it to her computer

using the USB port. Explain two benefits of using a USB connection. [2]

Qs. 3 Name and explain the modes of data transmission. [4]

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