Music Performance Contract LEVEL 2

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Contract 2023-2024
• 01322 629400 Main College

• 01322 629472 Teresa Rees-Boughton

• 01322 629422 Box Office

• 01322 629400 Student Services

• 01322 629420 Student Finance

• Welcome • Diversity
• Signing This Form • Respect
• Three Ps • Front of House
• The Miskin • Coming to the Miskin Theatre
• Attendance and ID Badges • Films
• Illness and Absences • Copyright and Plagiarism
• GCSEs and Functional Skills • The ’Miskin’ Name
• Personal Responsibility • Trips
• Professional Courtesy • Declaration

• Congratulations on becoming a member of Miskin Music!

• While you are here you will have the opportunity to undertake roles and
responsibilities that are similar to, or indeed the same as, the expectations of the
professional music industry.
• Alongside those expectations are important rules and guidelines that allow
everybody to enjoy working in a safe and productive working environment.
• It is vital you adhere to these rules, and adopt a professional mindset now and
throughout the course.
• This contract is a reminder of the attributes of professionalism.
• Success on this course can only come through active collaboration. Following
these guidelines should make it easier to work in union, meaning we can achieve
our goals with the journey a rewarding experience.
It’s important that you have read and understood this document. Seek
clarity where necessary. During the 6 week trial we will expect you to
show willing to undertake the responsibilities stated within.

Ensure a parent/guardian has also read and approved the contract (If
under 18), and return a signed and dated declaration form.*

*Found at the end of this document. Also available to download at:
• A successful journey is underpinned by a clear understanding of the needs of the industry, and the
expectation that you are prepared. Having the equipment required, ensuring notes have been made,
feeling confident and being in a professional frame of mind, are all ways to ensure you prepared to
undertake daily challenges at college. Your journey here will then in turn reward you with being prepared
for the challenges of Higher Education or the Music Industry itself.

• Without being prepared it is hard to be punctual. There is no place in the industry for those who are not
punctual. Your sessions will start on time and you may not be allowed to join them if activities are already
taking place. When working collaboratively, being late may impact the work of others.

• Punctuality is just one quality required for being professional. Every day at college will require you to also
consider the importance of self-discipline, appearance, courtesy and respect for others, unselfishness and
a great deal of common sense. A professional will also endeavour to broaden their appreciation of the
• You are now part of The Miskin Theatre.

• Miskin Music is just one area of the wider Miskin Company, which includes artists of all kinds,
including actors, musicians, designers, photographers, visual artists and dancers.

• You will be expected to support the work of the wider company. This means all music gigs in the
Miskin Venue, but also includes performances by the dancers and actors in The Miskin Theatre too.

• You will be required, with advanced warning and training, to perform ‘Front of House’ duties for at
least one show. This will most likely occur in the evening and could be at the weekend.

• As Miskin students, your tickets are free, but you must book. If you have booked but then cannot
attend you must let the box office know. Tickets for all Miskin performances will be available four
weeks before the opening night, from the box office or online at:
• Your attendance is expected to be excellent. You will be marked by the tutor on a register. All attendance marks
are cross-referenced with the ID badge swipe information. Letting anyone into the college with your ID will result
in disciplinary action.

• You must wear your ID badge and correct lanyard at all times at college.

• The music areas are strictly for music students only.

• If your session requires you to ‘sign-in’ prior to the start time, the
form on which you sign becomes a legal document. As such, it
will require your usual signature, the correct date, and cannot be

• Signing in tells us who is here and who is not. It is vital during

emergencies, such as a fire evacuation. If you are in, but haven’t
signed in, then serious problems could happen.
• If you are ill, or an absence is unavoidable, you need to let us know before 9:30am.

Email your personal tutor:

• Asking a friend to report your absence, or using social media, is not acceptable. Either yourself or a parent/guardian must
contact the college directly on the email above to leave a message. Make sure if you are going to be late, that it is clear what
time you expect to arrive

• Doctor and dentist appointments should be arranged for a day when you are not due to be in college. If this is not possible then it
must be discussed prior to booking and made as early in the day as possible. An appointment card or letter from the surgery must
be shown to your personal tutor before you attend. Even through the proper channels, please be minded that your education will
be affected the more time you have absent.

• Holidays taken in term time will likewise affect your education, and indeed may seriously affect your grade and therefore chance
of progression. We seriously advise you to not book holidays during term time. We are always “in production”, which means we
don’t always work to school term dates, including half terms. However, you will still be allocated holidays but these will be
arranged around the rehearsal and performance schedule. Holidays cannot be taken during company time so please check
with your personal tutor before booking anything.

• Please see term dates on:

• Some of you may need to attend English and
Maths classes. These are arranged around your
Music course so you are not missing out on any
aspect of your main discipline.

• The same high standards of behaviour and

professionalism are expected here, and should
there be any concerns we will act as if the slip in
standards occurred on your main course.

• Anyone taking GCSEs or Functional Skills will need

to be aware that if you have not achieved 90%
attendance for these sessions by the end of the
year you will not progress onto the next year.
• Personal hygiene must be maintained from day to day.
You’re working closely with other people so make sure you
shower daily and wear clean clothes.
• Your reputation precedes you. A good reputation makes
for good opportunities.
• Patterns of repeated lateness will indicate to us that you
do not have the professional mindset to work in the music
industry. Set your alarm, arise and be sharp. Relying on
someone else to get you out of bed is not how
professionals operate.
• Equipment maybe required. Ensure you have
remembered to bring to college what you need to
complete your daily tasks. You will be expected to have
spare sticks, strings, straps, batteries etc
• Make yourself available for rehearsal/gigs/workshops and
F.O.H as required. Don’t expect to be excused for other
part-time employment. You are expected to be in session
until 5 o’clock every day and will not be excused early for
other employment.
• The following are understood to be reasons for not being put in a performance or dismissing a musician from a

• Persistent absence - unless we are producing The Sound of Silence we cannot put you in an ensemble– it is up to
you to be here.

• Repeated lateness - set your alarm and stop relying on someone else to get you out of bed. You cannot enter
sessions late, and information won’t be repeated. If you care, be there.

• Disruption to the work of others - If you are here we do not expect school-child misbehaviour.

• We are looking for musicians not distracters.

• You will only get out of your training what you put into it.
• Smart Phones – There is a place for smart phones in
your working day, so long as you: do be sensible:
and don’t be rude.

• Phones can be useful for research and notetaking,

but can also become a distraction and can seriously
disrupt the workflow of yourself and others. Don’t
make phone calls, or start messaging, without
agreement from the tutor.

• If your tutor lets you know that it's a 'no phones, session,
then you need to make sure your phone is out of sight, in
your pocket or bag.

• Don’t go AWOL without being given permission. If

you need to use the toilet let somebody know.

• Be back from breaks on time. Please be aware that an hour break for lunch is not enough time for you
to get a shuttle bus to Dartford town centre and back again.
• We are committed to equality, diversity, social inclusion and social justice.

• We oppose discrimination in any form, including inappropriate conduct,

bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment and discrimination.

• We support BLM.

• Each individual should have the opportunity to maximise their full potential,
and therefore we believe that at the Miskin:

• There is respect for and protection of each individual’s human rights

• There is respect for the dignity and worth of each individual
• Each individual has an equal opportunity to participate in society
• The ability to achieve each individual’s potential is not limited by prejudice
or discrimination
• For each other - you have a responsibility to your fellow
RESPECT company members to make their journey as pleasant and
successful as yours. Be supportive. Encourage one another.
Give and take advice.

• For staff – we will communicate with you in a professional and

adult fashion, so long as this is reciprocated. We will pull you up
on non-professional behaviour, including how you speak to staff
or how you treat college equipment. But we will also work with
you to overcome problems and give guidance where necessary
if we think you will respect the advice.

• For yourself – look after your body and mind. Do not make poor
decisions with regards to drugs or alcohol. Be prepared and be in
a good frame of mind. Seek help when required, and don’t be
afraid to ask.

• For your environment – take pride in the exceptional facilities you

have to use while studying here. There are a few easy things to
remember that will keep the studios looking great: don’t chew
gum in the studios; only vape outside and only in the areas assigned
for smoking and vaping; Eat or drink in the canteen; and tidy as you
go (drinking water is permitted in a sealed container).

• You will undertake Front of House duties during your training as a musician.
• You are part of a larger company and have a responsibility to the other companies as they do
• Doing FOH for each other enables us to keep working and producing. You will need to dress smartly
and elegantly and behave responsibly on FOH – you are representing the theatre to the public and
it is a major responsibility.
• Remember that lateness or absence seriously compromises the safety of the public and could
compromise your theatre license. If there aren’t enough FOH staff, it means that the theatre won’t
be able to open, which means no shows.
• Please be aware that you will be putting professional practice into action within The Miskin Theatre,
which is a publicly licensed, professional environment in which you are being given the opportunity
to publicly test your skills and gain creditable industrial experience.
• This will be evidenced throughout FOH whereby you will be graded on your contribution to the
• Enjoy your theatre and all the facilities
at The Miskin. However, it’s important
to note that the public bars at The
Miskin Theatre are subject to national
licensing laws. If you are over 18, have
ID ready to show. BE DRINK AWARE
• We expect impeccable behaviour
from you when watching ANY
performance at the Miskin.
• Remember you may be sharing the
audience with members of the public.
Act as you would in any public space.
• Support the artists as best as you can.
They are still learning their trade, just
like you. Anti-social behaviour caused from alcohol
consumption will not be tolerated.
• Research is intrinsic to your studies. This may mean watching films and footage that
have been categorised by the BBFC for an older age group. By signing the
declaration form attached to this document, your parents/guardians are consenting
to allow the viewing of material of any certification.
• You will not be asked to watch anything that might make you uncomfortable, and
everything you are asked to watch will have relevant context to the project being
• Photographic, film and recorded evidence taken during auditions, rehearsals and
performances, remains the sole property of The Miskin Theatre, North Kent College.
• Your work will require independent secondary research. Copying from the internet
and additional sources, without proper Harvard referencing, is not allowed.
• Awarding bodies are within their right to remove you from their programme if you
have used uncredited sources.
• Copyright violations may also arise and prove costly.
• Third party software and plug-ins cannot be downloaded onto college computers.
• By signing the declaration, you are consenting to your image and voice being used
throughout and following your training. You may choose to opt out at any point
during or after your course by emailing
• Our name is important to us and will hopefully become very important to you.
To this end you need to be aware that use of "The Miskin" on the net or on
social media is seen by everyone and we expect it to be used with care and

• Bringing The Miskin into disrepute is taken seriously by us. Under NO

circumstances should you be uploading any footage to YouTube using
the word Miskin unless agreed by us.
• All being well, we are hopefully going to plan some
trips to interesting places that will be beneficial to
your course.

• Extra consent forms will be issued if the trip requires

independent travel.

• All of the professional attributes expected during

normal college life will be expected in whichever
venues we visit. When you are there you are
ambassadors for the Miskin, and remember:

we value the Miskin name.


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