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Validation of Theoretical Results for a Simply Supported Beam

with Point Load Acting at the Centre with SOLIDWORKS Simulation

The Problem Statement:

Consider a simply supported beam with a length of 1000 mm. A point load of 1000 N is applied at the centre
of the beam. The beam has a rectangular cross-section with dimensions 50 mm (height) by 50 mm (width).
The material used for the beam is Alloy Steel with a yield strength of 620.422 MPa and a young’s modulus
of E =2 10,000 MPa. Determine the Shear Force Diagram, Bending Moment Diagram, upper bound Stress,
and deflection in the beam. Validate the simulation results with analytical results.

Solution Approach:
1. Identify the properties of the beam:
• Length (L): 1000 mm
• Point Load (F): 1000 N
• Cross-sectional dimensions: 50 mm (height) by 50 mm (width)
• Material properties: Alloy steel with a yield strength (σ_yield) of 620.422 MPa

2. Reactions at the supports: Since the beam is simply supported, the reactions at the supports are equal
and half of the total load. Each support will have a reaction of 500 N.
3. Bending moment at the centre: The point load applied at the centre of the beam creates a symmetrical
load distribution. Thus, the bending moment at the centre is half of the total load multiplied by half of
the beam's length:
M = (F/2) * (L/2) = (1000/2) * (1000/2) = 250,000 N·mm (or) 250 Nm

4. Moment of inertia (I): For a rectangular cross-section, the moment of inertia can be calculated using
the formula:
I = (b * h^3) / 12 where b is the width and h is the height of the cross-section
I = (50 * 50^3) / 12 = 520,833.33 mm^4
5. Maximum Stress (σ_max): The maximum stress can be calculated using the formula –
σ_max = (M * c) / I where M is the bending moment, c is the distance from the centroid to the extreme
fiber, and I is the moment of inertia. For a rectangular cross-section, the distance from the centroid to
the extreme fiber is half of the beam's height.
c = h / 2 = 50 / 2 = 25 mm
σ_max = (250,000 * 25) / 520,833.33 = 12.00 MPa

6. Verify the maximum stress: The upper bound stress (12.00 MPa) should be compared with the results
obtained using SOLIDWORKS Simulation.

7. Maximum Deflection at C: We know that Δmax = F * (L^3) / 48 * E * I where E is the young’s modulus
of the material, and I is the Moment of Inertia of the beam. Substituting the values, we get –

Δmax = 1000 * (1000^3) / 48 * 210,000 * 520,833.33 = 0.1904 mm

8. Shear Force Diagram: An additional check for validation is to verify the consistency between analytical
and SOLIDWORKS Simulation shear force diagrams.
9. Bending Moment Diagram: Another method to validate the results is to verify the consistency between
analytical and SOLIDWORKS Simulation bending moment diagrams.

Conclusion and Discussion:

We have successfully confirmed the accuracy of the given problem. Based on my calculations, the stress
values obtained have an error within 0.1% and the error percentage for deflection results is around 1.5%
between theoretical and simulation results. I am satisfied with the results, but it is important to note that
this is only one of the several validation types available in SOLIDWORKS Simulation.

These findings not only serve academic purposes for discussion but also highlight the simplicity of setting up
simulations in SOLIDWORKS. Fortunately, this suggests that errors in simulation studies can be attributed to
either oversimplification or unnecessary complexity. The example mentioned above is just one of many
verification problems accessible in the Simulation Help tab. I hope that you have found this article to be
helpful and informative.

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