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FIN 8702 Corporate Analysis and Valuation

1. Department/ School: School of Management (SoM)

2. Course Name: Wealth Management 3. Course Code 4. L -T- P 5. Credits

FIN 8702 L-T- P 3

3 -0- 0

Programme Core Programme Elective Open Elective

6. Type of Course (Tick



7. Prerequisite(s), if any (Mention course code and name)


8. Frequency of offering (check one): Odd Even Any Semester Both Semester

9. Focus: Employability Entrepreneurship Skill Development Basic Knowledge

10. Student-centric methods used for Experiential learning

enhancing learning experiences (Tick relevant)

Participative Learning

Problem-solving methodologies

11. Brief Syllabus:

UNIT I Acquisitions and Takeovers

UNIT II Corporate Strategies and Tactics

UNIT III Valuation Methods

UNIT IV Funding and Synergy

Total lecture, Tutorial and Practical Hours for this course (Take 15 teaching weeks per semester)

Lectures: 45 Tutorials: 0 Practical’s: 0

12. Course Outcomes (COs)

Possible usefulness of this course after its completion i.e., how this course will be practically useful
to the students once it is completed

COFIN8702.1 Deep – dive into various forms of corporate restructuring

COFIN8702.2 Analyze the strategic rationale for and against an M&A transaction

COFIN8702.3 Value a firm using various valuation techniques such as valuation multiples,
discounted cash flow model, and discounted abnormal earnings model

COFIN8702.4 Explain how to capture value through M&A and create synergies

13. UNIT WISE DETAILS No. of Units: __4__

Unit Number: 1 No. of Lectures: 12 Title: Acquisitions and Takeovers

Content Summary:

Background on Acquisitions, Historical perspective of mergers- waves of merger

Why do companies resort to M&A

Sources of value in M&A

Major forms of M&A – Mergers, Acquisitions, Consolidation

Downsizing of the organization: Sell-off and Divestures- spin-off, split off, split up, Equity carve-outs
explanation and rationale, voluntary liquidations, analysis and valuation of Sell off, Govt. divestment plan
for PSUs.

Unit Number: 2 No. of Lectures: 10 Title: Corporate Strategies and Tactics

Content Summary:
Growth opportunities and M&A

Ansoff’s product matrix

BCG Matrix

Grand Strategy Matrix

Product Life cycle and strategy

Takeover & Defense Tactics

Unit Number: 3 No. of Lectures: 15 Title: Valuation Methods

Content Summary:

The philosophical basis for valuation, Approaches to valuation

Key financial and commercial factors affecting the business.

Discounted cash flow valuation: cash flow to the firms, expected growth, discount rate, asset life, terminal

Residual Earnings Model

Abnormal Earnings Growth Model

Comparable valuation or relative valuation: defining a peer group, picking the right multiples, standardized
values and multiples, determinants of multiples, and use of comparable firms.

Asset-based valuation method.

Unit Number: 4 No. of Lectures: 8 Title: Funding and Synergy

Content Summary:

Provisions of Companies Act 2013 and SEBI regulations on funding for acquisitions

Funding of Acquisitions - LBOs; payment of consideration

Evaluation of post-merger success/failure, testing of synergies achieved

14. Instructions for students

a) Before coming to the class please read latest news on Mergers and Acquisitions
b) All students must secure at least 40% marks in each evaluation component
c) All students must maintain attendance at least 75%
d) All students must submit a project either in group or single

15. Multi-Disciplinary Approach

(Please mentioned whether this course is multidisciplinary or not)
Yes ✔ No

Describe (if yes): Finance, Economics, Strategic Management

16. SDG Number SDG level of correlation

(Mention SDGs number out of 17 SDGs for which this (Mention the level of correlation for each SDG)
course is mapping)

a) SDG……4……… ✔
1. Weak 2. Moderate 3. High

b) SDG……

1. Weak 2. Moderate 3. High

13. Title of Lab Manual (if applicable): NA

14. Books Recommended:

Text Books:

T1. Godbole, P.G. (2013). Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring, 2 nd Edition; Vikas
Publishing House Pvt Ltd., NOIDA, India
T2. Stephen, H. Penman. (2013). Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 3 rd Edition,
McGraw Hill Education (India)
Reference Books
R1. Damodaran, A. (2001). Corporate finance: Theory and Practice, 2 nd Edition; John Wiley

R2. Kapil, S. & Kapil, N.K. (2018). Mergers and Acquisitions: Strategy, Valuation, Leveraged
Buyouts and Financing, Wiley

E-Book: NA

Reference websites:,

14. E-Learning Resources


Animated Lab Videos:

MOOC Supplemented:

Participative Learning Component

Sr. No. Topic Submissions/Assessment COs covered

1. Discussions through case studies Exams (MSE & ETE) CO1, CO2,
CO3, CO4

2. Numerical solving on valuation methods Exams (MSE & ETE) CO3


3. Problem discussion on the process for Exams (MSE & ETE) CO1, CO2
valuation of mergers and acquisitions and CO4
and buyouts Assignment

4. Valuation of a real company and finding Exams (ETE) CO3

the value of its shares

Activities for Differential Learning Needs

Sr. No. Learning Level Activities Assessment

1. Slow learners Extra classes, assignments, one to Assignment, MSE,

one interaction, guest lectures Test
2. Intermediate learners Skill training, Journal club activities, Test, feedback, viva
guest lectures

3. Advanced Learners VAC courses, skill training Presentation, viva,


Practical Content

Sr. No. Title of the Experiment Software/Hardware Unit Time Required

based covered


Value Added Experiments: NA

Project (To be done as a group of 3 members):

You, a team (group of 3 students) of equity analysts, are working for the equity research division of a
large financial institution. Your task is to prepare a report on the financial valuation of ONE company.
After analyzing the company using concepts and techniques learned in this course, your group will
make recommendations on whether your clients should invest in the company’s shares.

Evaluation Scheme (Choose one)



1 Theory Mid-semester examination 20 Must Secure 40%

Marks Out of total
End Semester examination 60 Marks

Continuous Evaluation Through Class 20



Criteria Developing Level Competent Level Exemplary Level

(1 mark) (2 marks) (3 marks)
Assignment Some of the relevant Most of the relevant All relevant concepts
concepts applied. concepts are applied. applied. Excellent
A conclusion was Cogent and intelligent concluding section
attempted but some conclusion. drawing together the
points missing. various points made.
Internal evaluation 40-60% 60-80% >80%
(MSE + class
External Evaluation 40-60% 60-80% >80%

Mapping of PO’s and CO’s

Disciplinary Knowledge

Research-related Skills

Self-directed Learning
Communication Skills

Analytical Reasoning

Critical Thinking

Moral & Ethical



Course Outcome PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

3 2

COFIN8702.2 2 3 2

COFIN8702.3 2 3 3 3 3

COFIN8702.4 2
3 2 2 3 2
1.25 0 2 1.25 1.25 0 0.75 0 2 0 1 0.5

1=weakly mapped 2= moderately mapped 3=strongly mapped


S. No. Lecture/ Topics / Sub- Topics Course Pre-Reading

Tutorial Outcomes

1. L Introduction to the course C0FIN8702.1 NA

L Major M&A deals of the C0FIN8702.1 News articles

2. previous year

L Meaning and Reasons for C0FIN8702.1 Godbole Ch.1

3. corporate restructuring

L Activities under corporate C0FIN8702.1 NA

4. restructuring

L Major forms of corporate C0FIN8702.1 Godbole Ch.2

5. restructuring – Merger,

6. L Acquisition control C0FIN8702.1 NA

L Successful/partially C0FIN8702.1 NA
7. unsuccessful

L Partially C0FIN8702.1 NA
8. unsuccessful/unsuccessful

L Divestiture, Demerger, Carve- C0FIN8702.1 NA

9. outs

L Divestiture, Demerger, Carve- C0FIN8702.1 NA

10. outs

11. L Reduction of Capital, Delisting C0FIN8702.1 NA

12. L Case discussion C0FIN8702.1 Case handout

L Growth opportunities and M&A C0FIN8702.2 Godbole Ch.3 &
13. 4

14. L Ansoff’s product market matrix C0FIN8702.2 NA

15. L Ansoff’s product market matrix C0FIN8702.2 NA

16. L Ansoff’s product market matrix C0FIN8702.2 NA

17. L BCG Matrix C0FIN8702.2 NA

18. L BCG Matrix C0FIN8702.2 NA

19. L BCG Matrix C0FIN8702.2 NA

20. L Grand Strategy Matrix C0FIN8702.2 NA

21. L Product Life Cycle and Strategy C0FIN8702.2 NA

22. L Case discussion C0FIN8702.2 Case handout

L Introduction to valuation C0FIN8702.3 Damodaran

23. Ch.24

24. L Myths about valuation C0FIN8702.3 NA

L Approaches to Valuation – C0FIN8702.3 Damodaran

25. merits, and demerits Ch.25

L Approaches to Valuation – C0FIN8702.3 NA

26. merits, and demerits

27. L Discounted Cash Flow method C0FIN8702.3 NA

28. L DCF model of valuation C0FIN8702.3 NA

29. L Equity valuation C0FIN8702.3 NA

30. L Firm Valuation C0FIN8702.3 NA

31. L Numerical on DCF method C0FIN8702.3 NA

32. L Numerical on DCF method C0FIN8702.3 NA

33. L Relative Valuation method C0FIN8702.3 NA

L Numerical on Relative C0FIN8702.3 NA
34. Valuation method

L Numerical on Relative C0FIN8702.3 NA

35. Valuation method

L Which approach to use? C0FIN8702.3 Damodaran

36. Ch.26

37. L Funding of Acquisitions C0FIN8702.4 Godbole Ch.15

38. L Companies Act & SEBI C0FIN8702.4 NA

39. L Leveraged buy-outs C0FIN8702.4 NA

40. L Management buy-outs C0FIN8702.4 NA

41. L Payment of consideration C0FIN8702.4 NA

T Numerical on share swap C0FIN8702.4 NA

42. method

43. L Synergy – Case discussion C0FIN8702.4 Case handout

44. L Revision

45. L Revision

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