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What is Democracy?

Why Democracy
Quick Revision
What is Democracy? Pakistan: Major oocisions by Eloctod
Democracy is a form of government in which Leaders
the rulers are elected by the people. People • ln r~\kisl,\\\, l~t'1Wr,d l'cn t'.' l\ \n ~h. 111.11 1,-d ,\
choose their government by elections. But in militnr~ l"l'f.'ltl\l' in l ),·1,,lwr I rn)~) . l It- \I\ I'\ d11t'\\ i.
some countries there are government other dt:'mo(ratkalh t'll'\'kd ~o\ cl ni 1wn t ., nd di•,·L1t t'd
than democracy. himself as tlw l ~hkf F,en,th ,. nf tlw ,·n111H1 ).
Lnh.'r, ht' chan~l'tl his dt's1~1,.,tt1\I\ 11, P1 l''-idl'11l.
• In Myanmar there is army rnle, where people
has no role in choosing the government • In 2l)0'2, he..' nrg.mis1·d ,\ n.~tt'n'ndum h1 1\w
• Dictators like Augusto Pinochet of Chile ;u·e countt) lh.H g1.mlt•d him ,1 l"n c v,·,n· t':\.\1'1''\t1H1 ,
not elected by the people. • ln August, '.200'.2, Mnsh~u r,,ftNsth•1l :t l.t.'ga\
• In monarchies such as Saudi Arabia~ the king is Framework Ord<,\r th.11 .1m1..'1Hkd nw
the ruler not because the people have chosen, but Constih1tion of Pnkist:m. ,\Cl.'1)rdi1ig t\l thi.-. 1l1<\t'
because he is born in a royal family. the Prcsidt•nt r.,n dismiss Uw nation.ii \ll'
l>rovilldal asst'mhlh.'s.
Features of Democracy
• The work of tlw civilian Cabinet was :--up<•1, t
The democracy has the following feah1res by a National St'curity C'ont\l·il domin.111·d
• RuJers are elected by the people who take all military ofikcrs and the Hnal lHl\\'('t' WtlS it1
the major decisions. hands of military otl1n•rs and l ;._,m,, :ll Mush.,
• Elections offer a choice and fair opportunity to himself. This condition can not lw lt'1 nw<I
the people to change their cwTent rulers. people's rule.
• This choice and opportunity is available to all • From this the first feature of dt"molTa.rv b c\c,.
the people on an equal basis. that in dem~)crary the final <h.•(·isiun nmkit1g p1 1
• It is a form of government where the elected must rest with thost' pc•opl(' who .Ut' <•lt•1.:1cd.
leaders_ have to do some functions and respect
some nghts of the citizen. Free and Fair Electoral Competition
Democracy can be understood through some of ~his feature of rlr•morrnry nm bt• lllHkrstmid
the following examples irom the cases of China and Mexico.

CBSE New Pattern ,,., .

Socia/ s
- .
cience 9th (Term I)
---- - --
case of China tforRightS
Rule of Law and Respec
• The members of China's . .
Quanguo Renmin D . :arha111enl called Case of Zimbabwe I from White
. cl. dcpcncencc I
People's Congress) ~ibi~o Dahui (National • Zimbabwe attarne an, j onwards, t 1e
after every five years. e e ectc>d by the people miuorily rule in }980. horn lC~ zANlJ-PF
country has been ruled by a plar y
• The National People's C d m strugg r.
appoint the President of thongress has the power to wl1ich led tJ,e free O b I as been
e country Robert Muga e, 1
• Before contesting electi · . • The party leader, since independence.
approval of the Chin ones, a candidate needs the Lhe President of t~e count~ this arty through
ese onunu .st p
Only its members or members ~ arty.
violence and harassment O
• Elections are always won the o~position
parties associated •with th of eight smaller .
e communist p ty . k d J. ournal1sts.
a11owe d. to contest elections. a.r are polilic1ans wor ers an , · hts
1 fl w and citizen s ng
• There was no ru e O a b was forced
case of Mexico were not respected. Robert Muga e
• Mex~co became independent in 1930. It holds oul from office in 2017. th
elecLions after even,I sbc ye t . • There are some conditions that ap?ly to e way
Pres1 ent. It has never been d
ars O e1ect its
.. a government is run after the elections
. ta t or •s ru Ie.
un er m1 11tarv
·1 or ot do whatever
- A democratic govemmen t cann .
• But till 2000, all the Presidential e Iecti ons were il likes, simply because it has won an election.
won by the p~. (Institutional Revolutionary - It has to respect some basic rules or we can say
Party). OppoSition parties contested but never it has to respect some guarantees to the
man~ged ~o win. PRI used dirty tricks to win the minodties.
elections like forcing people to vote for PRI Every office bearer has certain rights_an~
shifting polling booths at the last minute, e:c. responsibilities assigned by the constitution
ln both the cases of China and Mexico elections and the law.
does not offer the people any serious choice. - Each of them are accountable not only to the
people, but also to other independent officials.
Thus, another feature of democracy is that a
democracy must be based on a free and fair • Thus, another feature of democracy is that a
democratic government rules within limits set
electrion, where those currently in power have a
by constitutional law and citizen's rights.
fair chance of losing.
One Person, One Vote, One Value Why Democracy?
• The Principle of Universal Adult Franchise is Arguments against Democracy
accepted all over the world. I Iowever, lberc arc (i) Le~ders keep changing in a democracy.
many examples which denies the equal Right Tlns leads to instability.
to Vote. For example, (ii) Democracy is a.11 about political
In Saudi Arabia, till 2015 women do not have competition and power play. There is no
the Right to Vote. scope for morality.
Estonia has made its citizenship rules in such a (iii) Many people have to be consulted in a
way that people belonging to Russian minority democracy which leads to unnecessary
find it difficult to get the Right to Vote. delays.
In Fiji, the electoral system is such that, the (iv) Elect_ed leaders do not always know the
vole of an indigenous Fijian has more value best mterests of the people wl . l1 l d
than that of an Indian-Fijian. bad decisions. uc ea s to
• Democracy is based on a fundamental ~rinciple (v) Democracy leads to corruption, as it is
of political equality. This gives us the third based on electoral rompetif
feature of democracy that in a democracy, each (v1·) O r d in:iry people do not know
wh .
adult citizen must have one vote and each vote good tor them so the ma at 1s
must have one value. decide anyth· Y Y not be able to
mg properly.
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DemO(;f(Jtic Decision Making

• A.;.oc:raric deci.s:io:::r in.Yoh·es- consnlrarion "-..
a::d COTI3e:li an iliose people who are ant~
'::,-,,- -har decision.
• Po,•,-e.riul and non-po,\-erful people should h'f;
ihe sa:m.e role in taking the dediiolli.
• Thm.. democracy is a principle that can be ap:-~
k~--! ~ ~-=-- - •
to any sphe-r:e of life and can take man:· forJIE
::::,--,•-~~ ~-;_,::::. ~-:~m·o: \.-l!.!L-.t.!L:i.
_ _..
:..,: ._ .:. ::;.......
- in..,.?n-
- ~----~ ~ "--"-=.~ __,,, • • In a deID.ocracy, . eYe.rY., citizen musr be able w
:ne_ ~n· ~ 1iuTt~ m to COIT,'1:-;{7 OUT 01,•,TI play an equal role in decision-making.
;~~- • E\·ery democracv has to try to realise the idc~
r- :.e-. · ~¢....-,.·. ~tl!~r ire role~ ha~.·e i:O of democratic d~cision-making. Every 04.
n-·~r' :l -r::c i____ -rr ·".,,.,...;~,.......,1..
-"~::-_ .,...r .i..~ ,--,c, ,,...,,,,.,
_ -i -.,i.\.., be democragt re-quires a constant effon to save a:..
. .::ZS.~~
. _
,_7_;_ r_C,.v...:..: ~:...,"" ':J.!. '--~

nrengthen democratic forms of decision-mak::f

-- -~ .........
- , .::--~.:: ... ::-~'2'~~ -·


-- -- ..... -

.:. .~~ ;--) .''
:l-'.'--' .\..:'~~ ; • ~ .) . ? : ;, 1: ., ~~t'
OS. :- ···:·- ~~-:.a:-ru Pio.~.: :.\~t:s::uli
:...~. . .-='".:: .?. '~-.:L fr:!ll.ilc' Wu!"'~ l.h'llt?,· t:--..,l
==~.:-e me- C:.t1~s:i:'J.tio.n of ~jj"r.1n. .~ , -1\~ ...,.-~ , ~, ~,~-~~ , ,' ~\?J? ~ \c'.i'S-
: ~:.r..;_,s: ~-1.·.: 14. Whi\·h p.trt, .,~,, .n $ won t'~ ..'c.ti. ."t~~ ~0:
:1 1\:-,t J' t·~~2 M<"\.h"\' ~l!h.'t' It~ ll'H,l:<.'}'k'0-1t'Hl.~t' in l9.m
06. fu:, the \\--rut. nf the chilian ua:il :\\\':
cat--;,mei in m~nised lw u haticnml V ) fi~, (') , t : •-'="
Se_,.1.._ri:x Co~cil which is dominated tt:i \ ,.tl - - ~ (\

b, ..... . •t• ~$ P_:l::-tv

lb r~'?~ ..-.: 1~,, -,·~:t?,.r (:.1) l -~~

2) The f>n::~te.t' 1t lS. ~\'lndl ,.me.' \l (ht' lt.}U\mi,\, is 111.1t

lolhJwt•d m ,\ dt·mort.\lk fonn \U
07. In Pa..\i5rail the finii ptl\•:eI rt>stN
~'ll\ t'l':lll\\t'lll.'
,11ith ..... {u) ~:--:-,Ir <l l~'t !~ h' ttit' :' ;
:: E 2- .• e:: ~w~-sertat v~-s 1,,.\
r-.~ -•"'l' .,t•....
\,~, ,1lv S:l?e,1\.\','
i: M :~"\ Af .:£' ...£ ~•~:-;\,n,
(c ~ ·:? ::: .es 1~.,: \,'' ,\' '~ult,,tlon 1,Hkl' ~ ,1 , i
,j =,:-~(a)s--.d(: (ctl P ,, n~! 1'1-) t'~, ..\ t. ,1 .. ,, ,~
,~n:n ,, (111 () ,
CJJST: NeW P11 tt ~ · u " ---- ,

• ''ft-fl • JJfl ';JJJ f ,,.,,,.,,,,.'


16. ( JJII' pt ' I •1(111 IJIJI "

( 11 r 1 tnc 1 11<·f'Jl'
(,i) / 111 ,,, 11,1111 ff11f'JI /(I IJ ,
(Id I 11 . 11 ,,,11 ,11111111·, tH1I, 11,U• ,rrld l;,,',t ,,, ':
1,, 1,, 1)/i/l /,dllf ', ,,
(r) I 1d1[if'f',l1/)l,r1(j 11,l{•Onl ;r1r,o:1nhl--,h (;,
(rJ) 11n,,r1 rJI11,,. dt, 11 1111

17. Iii<· ,·uutilt Y wtud1 ww, rulr;d Ly


ZANIJ-f>I- ,1fl1·r 11. ;1tLt1in 1;d

i11d,:p<·11dt·fl( (• Ill l'JH(J.
(,1) I ',lrir1iri lr1/1 ;Jt/lA
(r,)/1111bq!J•w (rJ1 i Jori<; rA ttl':'f:

18. Whirh ,l Ihr.: f,Jll<1Wi1Jg fo>tat..tmr~nt i~ 25.

<<Jrrr·d for Zimba.bwr~?
(,,) l lr.:cl i11r,r, 1/C;r<: 11rJr, r1 J Prw:idtr,t HwFJjr; Of
w,1r1q Jrif ;:,ir r1rnr..t1u;:,

(b) (j(J /<Jr(HT18(1l. ti&', r,hcir (J(;i:l 'i'1f:; V1,. r,•it11tirJn

I (1 ir Ut:.;oc;r; lr1(; (JJ 1/U (/ 't'",(; r::,(f:;', IJ(;;r. V{'nat cor: --:! u ·:.10-:; can we ,:!ra_v.; fra;;: ,
26" • l • "J
(cl PutJlir, r1rr1t<:".I',, rJHr r1v/r&t1ow:.: 11<::r<; pditic~ rJ Z1I11na::,we.
dr::clarr:d illeg;/
(rJ)M (Jf thr: abr11r::
19. The king of a cnuntry imp0sw; a ban on
pr,Jitkal gathering'-., demonstratir;ns and
rallies. Thi~ dcnit~ the dr;m<Jcratic
fcalure which ascierL4> ........... .
(a) Rulr; r;f 1.8 // 27. In which of the foHowu11g period c-i
(b) Rr;r,p~r,• f r1r nghtt; China face one of the "om re.c-mrl~ ~
(r,) Frc:f; nnd fair f:lf;ction famines that have occurred in tht \\ _::
{<Jl f/onr-: rA the ,.:tHJ ,F-
20. Which rl the fo]!rJwing countries didn,t
pr<1vide right to vrJte until .LO 15 trJ the
28. Find the incorrect option.
(aJ fnrj,~ (v) Po:rw,td't
(~ O~rr'J<::·.:: _ :: c:: -;: -: :! o,.. ~ .: _ ~;-="·=
P' r-c·~ ::' ~• ~ : '?"=. '?~-= .
(e,J '",~,,,Ji Arabia (d} Rus~/::: f"r/ ;;. ~=:-,.~:::~-::c5Pf-,-:,,.. \"T'~-,., z -~::
( Uf --,::,-,,.
.. ·:..:L..,, _ --J.,.. ___ 1.. --'--J' •'I'...; -

21. The Principle of democracy is ( ('"- .-~::::mn,_--JC-"

..... ;.....-- .e;:,ff:,~ - .,._,,
,.. = -- - c:~
t' - - • ~

applicable W ......... . case,:; en 2 es,:~ ':: OT''....P=~ • - ...

(r.11 i'(nlt i:.a, rights (JO
(b} frghl to f;fe Ofl f
{ (rH !:i at?nnr: .. a· ~ ~ ... -s-· s
3r,~~._ iri-•a . . . ~
(c) Ri'Jht tG epeech only {d) Any -::pt e<E of l fe

22. v\'hich one of the following is 29. \'Vruch of the following fear ~ are
C<Jnsidered as an accountable form of necessa..11· co pro,;de the ba:...c righ~
g<Jvemment? the ci~s~
(a) A..utocratic q0vernmer.• : .. l he "'e-E ·o .::,,..,.. -c:-:;: :· =--;
(b)D,c:tn tcrial gMernmen · : ~a ~=- i: - -~~
{c) Derno-::ratic qoverwl"le'lt
(dJ M,rtary g011errir.,.1er t
r,o.• H ,11
l~'i \1 1 ,111, ,, ,Jtl,) 1,,1 ,, 11, " 1

1il 11d,,1111 di,,, , 1/ 1111 ,1 11 ,l• , ,,, I ,, /

pl11, ,,,, " id, 11 ll,,11 11 ,,,. NI 11 1)1 h~,
11 ,,, ,,.1, 1t1,I I l, d,,11 ,'
(11) I Iill IJ j "t
II,) I 11d I 1,,1,1
31 (, )111 1,1 1, ,11,
(11)11111/1 1111 ljp , 11

3/ , Wl,i. Ii ,,r 11,, 1, ,Jl ,, 11111,Pi ,q I'' ,11,,11, ,1

H11 1h I H,n 11 ,d, , ,j l ,,, w(
(11) 1 111111 111111 ,i l,, 1 11111111 1,1111lr,l1 1 •I f,,1 f l', tit 'I
1111 , I 11111 I)1 111 1,,1 ,,
(1,) l 1t 1 , ltl 1,1t1 I .i1,, 111, 11 ,•,l •1t ltj ,1•,l11 ,, . z,f'
(1) l '1 11q ,l 11 •ii" 111,t !tr " 111 )H Ir, /1 1'1 •l '1'J
jll qi lj1 I 1111/ 11111,11,11 ,
(,I ) /\II 1 d 11 111 ril111'11
32. I ) i' \1111, I.,,\ \\ •1\l } au. 111 wlrlt I,"' ti,, 1.,11(1W11 1v, ' ;,...,.., cl••rn,,uiliy

( • \ I' \I pd It I\ .I I\ 11 I I
•I I' I 1I't ll I " I
I( ll I I did11'I p1 11v1d1 ., , •1t111 ,k1 .. ,.,,Jut1,,r1 t
' ' p o \\ t ' I' 11I
1s " " :i(' .it w IP,
,, .... ,, ·I\ , ti 11111 l I11 •11 • Cl) l{ 1111, 1v11,,1 p,11, t' I' ,,11q1lt111, 1;

(11) f 111vl il i111 1 ,,, Ji,, .. 1,,,1111, ,111

(.'1111111 ,!11 1\
(Ii ) IJ I I III' 111•: IIV (, ) 1:,,11, ,pt /1 1, ,,rl,ri1r1J · 1, ,i /1 ,r1
k l 1 111 I llj\li1l{\
lil )N1 11li 11t111 111 : 11 , (ii) /\ II 1111111 1, ii JIIV IJ
. . '' li\'lt,,, th.,u '""' 11lh1 •1 li1n11 uf 39. Wliid, l,od y i11 l11d i: 111 pc,l iti, '-ii •,y-,11• rn
~ 11, i'l l\llh'lll i,1 , ,•:-.pu11d11i_l: lo 1111• 111•1•d N iN :111 (' X1 11npl1• 111' dir N 't d t· rrir,c rn,·y?
nt dw p1 •11pl, -. (.i) / II, 1 I 1. 1r l•, il,1rl
(ctl r11 ,' l t1I l\f -liq, (h) ~hlll , 11 ,·liv (I,) I 1, 111 1 I1.iy, 11 ':<1 r111 l I
11 1 (1 ) fl1 ,1r,1 :~. rlll i. 1
k} 1 1 1111 1 I,\\ \ (d l N11 111 1 11 1 ll11 •:i11
(LI) Vldlit1 n ~;,1h l1t1
34. lu r l,ut,,,t pf ,111 hh-,tl d, •11111n,1n. 40.
"'l'1 \h ' dcnh1C1'. 1l, will c :111w In u
, l'lllllt \' u11h wlw11 1111 lllll' ts

(,l) li t ll 'l11plPWd (It) l,111dl 1•~,:;

k)lHJlhJI \ l 1l b\'tl ld)IHl lll ' 11 l lh 1J f, 1'

35. \Vh k h of th,· foll, l\\'i11~ is 11nl ,, !-1,0od

t\t ~ \1111('1\( in fanmr ()r d1'1llOn,1cy '11
Which one of the following option best
(LI) l 'i'1)f,ilt' f L'\11 ft L' t 1 ,lllll t'qll , 11 ltl '1 d1 ' llllll' I cll:Y,
signifies this cartoon?
(Lil U1 1 111t•i' t•s , L'~u lvf' t' 1111ll ic t~; 111 ,1 IH' ll l'r
(c1) lJernocracy strengthen by military.
k ) Ur>n1fl(' r,ll ti' ii o vc• , 111111'nl ,~ 11101 i'
(bl Democracy restoration by military.
llllll t.1l l(o t o t 11,, pr•u pl tl.
, 1\ 1
(c ) In democracy ru lers often use gun s/power
to r ernain in power.
(d) llN111wr1JL IL'S 11 l ' ll 1l11l' prus 1w 1tn1 s thur1
(d) lJernocrncy always come s in co untry when
l lll \t11~
guns/ power is used.
l)h "'-'t ion

t ll

,. ~\ ~; ~:-' ~ : :- ~ '~ .'~ .. l :.: ~' ~ h ' \,

~~~ o.""" ,'!") "':--~ ~:', ~, I

- ~; - =- _: ~ \ l
-.;;.~ .. -=--__.;_
--= - _.::::._ llir'! l .t~, 11
_\.. tN::-'!l 'F'!'".-Ull,''' \)11'-. Rn.: rt~ ~'-'rt' m
t)'!'"~: , \.'';uu 46.
~ X.!.::_.,_:~ :i'l..°'P ~-~ ') l:-.,,1f'ti h,
c .~;:-~
:\ \ ,~~h,'1T:\f
~ -- ,::~:1~~~~ J. lc.'~'ldt'r R(,btt1
~ - -
~i:' ~ .:".!l~l"\.l!U'' Mtlf,~lht" 47.
~•-:y •

4. Fonnt'd in wi
in ~tl:',ko

:~:~s 48.
:::- ~ ~
- 8 C C
- 3 (b} 3 4 2
( .: :) (c1 3 2 metho
45. ~rarch the following. cont1ic

List I List Il
49. Asse
A. General Musha.rraf fed a 1. 1958 1
mili9· coup in Reaso
43. B. Mexico got independent in
2. 1980
C. Zimbabwe attained
take tt
3. 1930 I
independence in 50. Asse~
D. Famine in China ______ -!. _:: 1999
can d<

Codes Rease
8 C D rules
(a) ?
J 4 2 const
(b} .J 4 2
(c) 4 3 2 l Case Ba!
(d) 2 4 3 l 1. Read
In p,
CBS£ New Pattern ~ Social

Assertion/Reasoning H CQs
• -
\Q. ~•:os • ..!.€
• -,:.i
=-i) Intr.=-
quest1ons given below • thPr - ~ .-u-e two
sW tements m.arke~ a:i .c,._.:, ~1.1-0u. (,)
•\ ·:;; -e.,.,....; ,... ~-a .1

Reason. (.R). Read

. \.l-:i.e 5 '"ateme
~- ·" d,_.._.
n-.,s a:r.. cr~-
the correct opno~:S. · ~

46. Assertion (A) A refe:-enc:urr.. W2.S

held in Pak:ist.a:P in the vear 2002.
Reason ~R Pervez 1YI:is~a...-aff was
granted &.·e :-·ear ex-tens.ion as: .Preskl,cc-ar_
47. Assertion (A ) Pakista..1- is consic.e:=eci.
as a democratic country.
Reason (RJ In :Pakistan the final
po"\--.-ers rested with milku:y officers.
48. Assertion (A) Democracy n::ipro"".·e
the quality of decision-making.
Reason ,R, Democracy pro-..,ride
method to deal v..irh diffe:-ences and
49. Assertion (A) Democracy is not a :: M _: ~ ~' ~- ~ ~--::.==-: ;: -=--r--~-
magical solution for all the problems. :: "-: '!=: = :-
::--=:..--: i:. ='::~ =-=--:. :: .
Reason {R) Democracy as a form of t '1 _':_"",= --::c= r.. -::--;=:.-: ,,.-":. ==---s-~-~: :: .... ::-
government only ensures that people =-~-: ·""!==-· ~-: -s: -;_r~-==-_r~_.....-:::__
- - - --- =: .J: G v-7~
take their own decisions.
50. Assertion A democratic government
can do whatever it likes, simply
because it ha5 won .a n election.
Reason A democratic government
rules within che limits set by
constitutional Jaw and citizt:n's rights.

Case Based HCOs

1. Read the source and answer the
folloY-ing questions.
In Pakista~ General Pervez .
Musharraf led a military coup m
October 1999.
(ii) Wliv I n11 llw ( 'l,111(• i ,· C:r,vf 11 ,r,1,•n1 ri,,
(i 11) • , <•1•' id F, 1,11,t•w1,, lc
,,.,. 11
I,,. 1 rtllr•d ri µ,r,w , 0 1, wr rt
J\ ((pf( 1111: ell I'
11 , d1 •11111Lt 11 l1 1
t 1,cl,·1 ",' tlw WPI k ol 1111• I ,,, ifu,11 , ul ,1111 •1 ,,v,•tt ilu1tiµ,li t•li-c 111111 1
n, r lw ld 11)1 "''
"' 1•,t1u~1r 11 , '" ~ ,, 1w, v1i.:1·d l>y tli1· ......... • I,) ri r, v<• t1J1t1 t, ril 1 '"" •t rr,uril 1l,1r I, th
, iJ r 1i,,,11 ,c·1 ,,1,vt• l 't it111 l ,1 t·ll' 11 il 1 " ' • I ,fi( •jlli I
(t,) , ., /Ill (' ~l1111 ,.1 ll l (I,) 111,v, 111111 , 1,11 ,,. dw 1/ . fo , r,,r d l, 1 lrit
(t ) 111ii1t1rv 11f/1 L1 11 •. (ii tli l' N, !l 1c ,11 , il f:1 •< 111l1v I' ,,i v.
rr 111111111111 •'
(' 111!11 l' li (1) 111,y r,i111111llil ,l1 rl1, 'I l ll !lf fi',('111 ,,m<•r11(1
(II) Nl111 l' 1111111• , d,(IVI' 1:11111(1.
(iv) Tlit• p(lw1·1 lo t:,ke li11ttl d<'ci ~:ion i11 (cl) ,\1111v11i,11 c:· i11iil111J1t1111, r, , ,1 ,,,. 1, r,n,
l'11kisl1111 1t•slt·d with (iii) Which nf' 11 11 • followi11,14 r, l: il ,P111 c rit n
( 1) I lo c i ('c/, t'PI L'U'lll t1l1vc1 uf N11t lc 111, il is / lilt' Cllll'l'l" I :.110111 Clii11H~
A ; ~f'llllilt l'S.
(Ii) I /1 1 c lt1lf t l 1 p,, ,,:,.1ll c1t1vL• Lil r'1ovi11c1nl
A. Elt•clio11s :11t• lwc•cl i11 (;Vt·1y six y1;~
Ac.r: p111l1li uc::, for el<xtio11s tlw J>arli:'111u·nl.
(l') A, 111v ,,1 I1c lci/ ,; LlfHI Ct·11L'f i,il Mu r. hc11 r ,,I B. Tia- P.1rlia11wnt has the JH>Wer to
(LO All cd lhL 1liuvc 1
appoint the Pn•sicknt of the c<rn111 ry
2. Reod lht• givP11 pasi.:age tllld unswn the C. A candidate needs the approval of
lt1llowi11g qm•stions. the ChinC'se Army to conlesl
111 China. elections regulurly held .in.- elections.
nftn l'Vt·, y fivl' yt•ars for t'lt•cling the D. Multi-party system is followed in
l'll1111try•~ P.u liaml'nt, called Quanguo China.
Hc11111i11 Daibiao Dtihui (Nutiona1 Codes
PPopl(''s Cougn·ss). (a) Only A (b) Only B
Tht' National Peoplt>'s Congress has the (c) Both 8 and C (d) Both C and D
power lo appoint tht• President of the (iv) Which of the following statement is
COlllllry. incorrect?
Jt has nearly ~l.000 nwmbers elected {a) In China elections do not offer any Croice
from all over China. Some members (b) In China, people have to choose the iulinq
un· dedl d by the anny. Before
party and the candidates approved oy it.
contesting elections, a candidate needs (cl The National Peop e's Congress has nearh
tlw approval of the Chine~c Communist three thousand m :!mbers elected rrom all
Patrty. over China.
(d) In a democracy, the final decisio11-mahing
U11ly those who are members of the power rest with the people.
Chinese Communist Party or eight
~maller parties allied lo it were allowed 3. Read the given passage and answer the
lo rnuh•st elections held in 2002-03. following questions.
Tiu., government is always formed by Zimbabwe attained independence from
the Communjst Party. White minority rule in 1980. Since then
(i) Tlw Chinese Parliament is called ........... . the country has been ruled by
(a) ~at ion 1I People's Congress ZANU-PF, the party that led the
(bJ Pct1ple's conyress freedom struggle. Its leader, Robt.•rt
k) Chmese Commurnst Congress Mugabe, ruled the country since
(cl) I he Communist Con(Jre..,s of China independence.
-, T 11

-----=--•"a t:lern ... . .
Socra/ S .
c 1enr.e 9th 47
(Tl'rtll [)
aJ s Were h I
ways Wun bv . e d J cgu lal'I , .
1\ll ur,al-
D IJ(: W·
/ ~ANu • 1)1•' P) i.llld.
(c) /\ d0mocrcll1C qovcrnmN,1 c.1nro1 do
unfair . ~ P 0 pul;t 1 I · ' c:,; idc•nt wh,1t ev01 ,r likes. 5-1mpty bec:-it s:- 11 h '~ '" .-,
pract.:1ce , . >ut a lso u
vean; t. . s in c!PcC sec 1 ,m t'lcct 1On .
,' . u:; g rJve, nrnc tons. Over tlw (d) 111 dt~mocr ,1c:y, t ulN:-."r:crl Dy ih(' nt, P:
C:1Jnsl:itution se nt c·han1Jc•d ll canno t 10k0 nll t h0 m,1jor dN',s1r-ns
th.. veral ti o · 1c
. c powers of the P1 ti:cs lo incrl"asl' (iv) Which of tlw following fart, rm~ corrt'Ct
h1m less accoun1at l f!s1dcnt and make with rcspC'ct to Rc)b~rt Mugahr ?
() • • I) P.
ppos1tion pa,t (,1) Ile c1lw,:iys followc,i ~ rrngn,~i r Jp!lrr.-~.:-ri
"'•- • d anc.I -- Y
h '.....'r u.oSC " s. were
•• work,·r to benefit tlw cornrnon pc,oplt>.
p b11• t 1ll Ir nw ·t' . (b) I le always intendrd 10 rc,,w('rt 7.:r•h. hwE'
u JJC protests . J 1.c mg disrupted Ir om a pml!Etmi?ntary tit"'rnocrficy ini l) ~
· ~ · ctn< < c rn . . ·
agambl the !'<Jv .-. onstra.ttons one party sorialist s1.:it0
·1 1 I o
I icga. T1:iere were declared . nincnt
'~' .. (c ) He w~s an autocrallc lt>3dl"'r.
',.,Jh . W.t:,c1Jawth·t[' .
n6' t to c lt , p . a mllt<'d Lhc (d) Both (b) and (c)
T ,1 . . ic resident.
c evu,mn and r· d " 4. Read lhc source and ;Hts" t'T tht'
the govemm. t ._1 tr> wrrc controlled by following qnestions.
. c n and gavt• o I h
ru Img party's ve - .· •1· nyt c China's famin<.' of t9S8 1~)61 ,, ~s d1l"
. d . . 1 :,; ion. here were
m ependen t n«:wspapcrs but lh . worst rC'cordcd famine· in\\ orld h1~wry.
goven ,m ,•n t baras SC . - r
, d IJOSC JOUrnalists Ne:Hly thrN' cron.' chith'St' pt'()plt' d1l'ct in
l . . I
~110 wen t agamst it. this fa min<.'. Dunng thost' d.n ~ lnd1.1 ·~
economic condititm was not much hl"ltt'l'
~ne govern ment ign<Jrcd some court than China. Yd lndi:.1 did not h.,, t' .,
judgements that. went against it anci faminr of Lhl' kind C'hin:1 had.
pt es~-urised judges. I fo was fcwcc-d out E<..'o,wmists think that this" ,1s ., rt'~uh nf
of office in 2017. difft'rc"nt govt'rnnwnt pt)lkit'S in rlw h, t)
(i) V/hich of the foll<Jwing sl~tcmcnt is/arc C'l>untrit'S. Tlw t',ist<.'rh:(' of dt~llh'fr.\CY in
oorrccl in the case of Zimbabwe'-? India madt' t lw h\\ li.rn p;t)\ t'mmt'·nt "
rc>spond ll> food scardt, in .l \\ .\\ th.,t tht'
(at Popular governmcnl& rJrt: alw.iy:.;
( 'hit H's<' ~t)\ l'nlmt'nt did th)t. Thl''\ 1-x,int
(b) Popular governments ca n t)r! tJr1rJr,rnocr :ii ic~. out that no l.tq~l" sl'al<.' fami,w h.1s c.'\ t'r
takl'n plat'<' in an in(it'pt't\CTt'nt .w,d
(c) Popula r leader· ca n lJr' ~wtocr;i ti r:.
dt'monatir Ct mntr\'. If Chin,\ tOl) h.ui
{d) Both (o) and (c)
multi party t~h-ctions, .m t)ppt)Sitfo.n p.u"I,
(h) \~hat kjnd of opprc~sivc prnclicl's wert' and a pn•ss lrt't' It) niticist' tlw
adopted under the rufr· of Mugabe•:' . ~t>Vt'nlll\t'lll, tlwn St) m,\I\\' pt'c.)pll' m.n
( ) Pubhc p,otn t ar id { ti<J[1111~;1 not havt' dit•d in tht' familw.
tho gover nmcnt were dc:t.,ldr"d ,11,,q.1I.
This <'xamplt• htin~-s tmt tltlt' ,lt' tlw
(bt Oppo ,t,on party workers werf'! ti,tr :1GJ(' d
n•asons why clt•mt>n.H') is t.'tmsidt•t,'<i tlw .
and lh ir meeting d1 sruptr d. .
ht'st form of ~ll\'t'rntnt'l\l :'
(c.) TtlCfl WU c.l lr!W tlrnl 1,rnitod I 1111 rtrJlll I (J
1)t•mocrncy is lwtt<-r tlun ,u\\ othe,
etiltCI C thf! fJrC rcJunt .
form t.>f t,\O\'t'I nnwnt in n•sponding t,>
(d) 1.11 of the atiov . tlw 1wt•ds of tlw pt't)plt'. A
Which of the following stat.crm•ut is non d~moc1 ntir ~O\ t't nnwnt lll.l) .mrl
m) ('tlll u•spond to the p«'oplt•'s 1lt'f'd~ hnt
incorrect! , l«·ud tu iri ta1>1l1ty. it all df•1wnds on tlw ,, a~lw:s of dw
(i:,t ()i-mocriJCV at ,oover rirTH' r1t rulu w1lt1111 pt•opl<' who I ult•.
(t) Ad mo,,ratH 9 t onol htW □ rid l ,t11u11,
,y c;.on•,t I tu
t 1I
11mJI .J >

CB.SC Nrw Parrf'rn ~ s~
------- ~raf Snl'rice 9t h fT
CBSEJ\~ p~
H Tht>- Hl l,·, , d,,n 1 ,._,nt "'· tlwv ch , 11 '1
dt' c- 1si 0 n m a k in g - T h 1~ c~n{~ ~ ~
uch H' ' cd o nce and fo r all T h 1s ·
h.\\\' h' .'K l .i , "'rd1n~ 11, th,· ,,1:-h f'~ t,f 1ht>
l"''i-'h°', . \ , lt'--\l h\\.' r,t. , T~ \llf'-'~ th .II the 1 t"CpLtrf'S a c c, n t effo rt 10 .,..,. t- lo:- . -· ~7,or 'l(_ · "ll."'\ r.,
~lrrngthen d e rn oc ra uc form , of
n tl<' f ~ h..\\ , . "' i\ll t' l .Hi tt, dw nN:'lls l)f UH'
de--cis1 on -ma.kin~-
p,t','i'k _-\ d"-' nh-,,..T ,\Ci,· ~\' ' t·n,nwn t is "
t~'Ht'I " ' ' t'I H ill<'\\( tx"'C',\\l~t• it is. fl ll\ O!'e \\""hat ~ f.' do a.s citizens can rnah a
.t,,'-"Ul;Mt,li' h'n" l'f ~\}\ t'nutw nt. diffe ren r- e to o u r cour,1r,,
,\' \\ '"h, ,, •._~ C-hHu ·~ frumnt' of l 9..'>~- l 9t, I m ore o r less democratic. This is :J,.
~ -::aro<"\i t\S the ,,. v~t rt"'('o rdt.'Ci fa:rninP U1 mength and the weakness o f ·
the-' ,, \.,rid ~ dem ocrao-: th e fate of the couni:rv
depends ~ol JUSt on what lhe rule~
do, b ut mainl)' o n v.ha1 we, as
.:' ' - '-3 • ..."" 1 ~~t ~ ' ~3 : ~"'\ ~ i:""-.J: · ... ~~ ¥$ '3,r·1 ~ t'e citizens. d o- This is w h at disti:n~ .,
~=-' ~.. _ ,~~: ~ ~ ~~t3' --- • 2 2 "'· "'~ S~ C't'2De
1..- fl~..

' ~ . ~"': ~ ' ~, \ ..~ . . . :, \ t' \

ct ?j . democracy fro m o ther governmen(l
Other forms of government like
..:, :.,
,u' ~ -G<:n t>mnwm of China was criticised monarchy, dictatonhip o r one-pam :n ~)

~ - au~" -------- - - rule do not require all citiz.eru to ~ f: ;.

part in politics-
In fact most non-democratic
governments would like citizens n~
to take part in politics _But democrac.
depends on active political
iu' Democr-ac-v is be-ner than any other form participation by all the citizens_
of l-'U, ..emmenc as
That is why a study of democracy m~
,3 ·: · ?s.:".:-..., os : :; r~e "eeo 0f , ne oeop;e _ focus on democratic politics. would
. :' ' :' · .:-1 ~ t>S 3...- <', t" 2J !O cear ,, :: n c ;f fer en ce s
like citizens not to take part in polin.cs..
But democracy depends on active
political participation by all rhe c i ~
That is why a study of democrag,· ml!1
_i , Responding co the people's need in a non- focus on democratic politics_
democratic _g overnment depends on the
(i) Democracy improves the quality of
· 3 ' ";:- e e· rr·e o e:r o s -i;on p3rt ) _
decision-making because .......... .
:- ' cAcc'""?SS of l "e pecp!e_
- -:~f ,!o s:-e s c ' : n-e rc !e r _ (a) Decisions are t aken by e-duca t ed ~!?: >
(b ) Dec isions are t ake n by co ns1.; l1:.a1 Cf' ,r :
discussion .
5,. Read -t he gi.Yen passage and answer the (c l Decisions ar e taken ov er a 10 ;1.g ~er:c. -
foilo"ing questions: t ime.
(d ) All dec isions are appr ove d b) .J ~c-::: ~- 1
This also means that no country is a
perfect democracy. The features of (ii) How does Democra,cy allow us to
democracy that we discussed in this correct its own mi.stakes?
chapter prmide onJy the minimum (a ) Re-electing t he same go ... err•,2 " , -: 48. r:
conditions of a democracy. enable it to co rrec t its rn; s 1a1.e 5
(b) The rulers can be cnangea .
Thar does not make it an ideal {c) Enc ouraging m as~ pr ot e-:; t '.:> a.q::: ~s; · • ,
democracy. Every democracy has to try ru li ng c; overnm e nt
co realise the ideals of a dem ocratic [ d ) Non e o f t he above
CBS£ New Patter ~ .
,- - - - - ~ : : _ 11 Socia[ Sci 49
___e_n_ce_9:_l:.:_h~(~~.:e~rn~i.:._l)~---- --------------
(iii) Democracy is better
goven1ment beca than other forms of (iv) Which of the following statements is
(a l It allows change use ..... .. ........ .
true about democracy?
(bl It allows voting.· (a) It is a good form of governmem due to
(c) It allows right to .. lesser corruptions.
(d) It allows us to corr . · (bl It ensures higher rate of economic growtn.
ect its own mistakes. (c) It is a rule by majority.
(d) It respects the individual dignit; of citizers.

Multipfe Choice Questions ANSWERS

1. {b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 10. (a)
11. (a) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (d)
12. (a) 13, (c) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (d) ?')
4...__ (c) 23. (d) 24. (b) 30. (c)
25. (c) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (d)
31. (b) 32. (a) 33. (c) 34. (c) 40. (b)
35. (d) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (c)
41. {b) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (a) 45. (c)
Assertion/Reasoning MCOs
46. (a) 47. (d) 48. (b) 49. (a) 50. (d)
Case Based HCQs
1. (i) (b) (ii) (a) (iii) (c) (iv) (c)
2. (0 (a) (ii) (b) (iii) (b) (iv) (d)

3. W (d) (ii) (d) (iii) (d) (iv) (d)

4.(iJ (c) (ii) (a) (iii) (d) (iv) (c)

5. (i) (b) (ii) (b) (iii) (d) (iv) (d)

On the other hand, Democracy provides
Assertion/Reasoning MCQs different methods to deal with differences
'> harraf announced a national and conflicts as it provides Fundamental
46. In 200'...., Mus t d his presidency by five
referrendum to ex en Rights to each citizen which help to reduce
years and legitimise _his ~e. H; w:Uman conflicts.
. . . d bv the Pakistan s me a, .
cnnc1se .. . and democracy actiVIsts 49. Both statement are true, as democracy is not
rights o~ac1ons referrendum was based a magical solution for all the problems. it has
on the ba.Sis. that th~ fraud. Thus, option (a) is not ended poverty in our country and in
on malpractices an other countries.
correct. · ountry It as a form of government only enoures that
. red as democratic c people take their own decisions because it is
47• Paki stan is not con de d .th mili~~rv officers.
e reste wi -, based on consultation and discussion.
because powers ar(A) is false but (R) is true.
Henc,e, statement Democratic decisions always involues many
t. D mocracy
• (b) is correc e aki as it person, discussion and meltings.
48. Here opuon . of decision-m ng
improves the qualityl
involves many peop e.
. ~· Socitt l Sricm:e [H11 trerrn ri
Clf.~t Nl'W paUCUI --..

50 re ,- ,,.,... · H d1•n1oc1 r1cy 1h,•ri,

11 I ,,·c,,t, ,, 111
d t 'llll>rt I ' J 1· •. ,I •clioJl!, wl1crc th(J\(:
. I ' II
ex1,s ',
I •(. I I J ., { II tr I I
,vf• .1 frtir < 1:.1rl c;1• r;j
ct111 c11t ly iu 1'1,w<·1 1'
l( ,,1:iliy, i, [t'ct i o11 f:. .
. , f 1 m of guvcrnrr,,,nt 1r1
3. (i11) l knt(ll"l lll'Y , ~ I I 0

wliich l
.. ,1t,rtt.·d by th,· pcr1p e t.a11:,, a!

(a) Ru1Ct1i lH< { . . ,

lh<' n1 ajo1 d ('C1s1ons. . .
. . · r•·. ·s a choice wnd fair
(·l)> 1,' lt'{·hons ·to ic1 ' I
w tlic p<;oplc to c iange the
oppt11 t11111 y
n 1 ncot rulCl's, . .
tuoity is avatlable fo
(c) and oppor . ..,
I . 011 ·w cqu~,if basts, and
B3se-J MCQs all t h e p1.~t>p t ' .
. of this choice leads lo a
1 . Th.:> n:'t~n-e1u.ium ".is 1.:",nsidt"red . (d) The o,crc1sc , . l
, limited by basic ru es o th
• {i ffih.-:c::srimrivnal t,y d\t' l\1kist.mi ~ kdt.t .u.1d
govcnunccll · .. . .
HaL1,u.1 Ri,::-hn- OQ;-.utisari"~n. ln tht' n:~rnc constitution and c1 t1zc11s r.tghts.
L"'i rt'~rre-ndur11. rnush.m-af .,.·htlil\g~~t h1~ 4.(iii) A democratic government is a better
dc~1'3nl'll ~m..! c_'\.'\:tc?ndt'd his p~s1dt'rn.-y by
government because
frn" Yc:'\U'S, (a) it is " more accoimtablc form of
\ii Gene-ml ~fush.m-.._1f lt"d ,l n1ilitary
c-0uo in Ol.'wb~r l~l~)~l. He- "'Yl'Ifhrt'W ~t
den~ocr.uicJ.lh dt:>1..·tt'd in . (b) ~ provides a method .to deal with
P.lkistan 1I1d decl~u-ed hirns<>lf the 'Chie-t differences and contl1cts.
Exec-uch e· af die c0u11or-Y. (c) it allows pt'Ople to correct their own
Ul In .t'1
·-·, tu....,• ·t ·'L>(1· 1 Pern.~z Musha-craf issued n
:.;.u~ - ·-,
Letral ran1e,~ ork Order tfoit antcnded the (d) it onhann."s the dignity of citizens.
eo;stirucion of P.1.kistan. 5. (i) Democracy improves the quality of dec~si
a' Accor.dine- tu rhis Llrdt•r. d1e President making b(~cnusc it is based on consultation
, Gill dismiss the nation,11 and provindnl nud discussion. A democratic decision
a.....semblies. involves many persons, discussions and
(bJ The work of 1.he ci,ilian cabinet is mePtings. When number of people put the
super,-ised bY a :\fational Sernrity views togl'lhcr, they are able to point out
Coundl which is dominated bv milirnry possible mislukes in any decision. This
officers. redm:C's the chances of irresponsible
(i\·) £lec1ed represe-ntacives had some powt'rs decisions.
while che final power rested with militar~ (ii) There is no guarantee that mistakes canrw
officers and General Mmushairat~ be mndc- in democratic form of
2. (ii) In China. elections are rt'b'1Jlarl~· held aftrr gov~rnmcut.
en•ry five years. Before contesting t'lcctions, The udvantag·c in a democracy is that sul"
a candidate needs approval of the Chinest) mistakes can be corredt.•d with the help 01
Communist Party. The goYernment is public discussions. Either the rult.'rS ha,'t'

always fom1ed bv tlu. . Conu11unist P,trty. cha.ngt' tlwir dt•dsions or they will b~
This is the. reason that China is not changt•d by tlw people.

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