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7th Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: 26/8/20
11 AM
Location: ACBT, Room 2.9
Secretary: Roshan
Chairperson: Chamath
Attendees: Sorushan, Chamath, Rehan, Ronnan, Jenul, Dan, Roshan, Isira, Nithish
Apologies: Sandaru
Old Business: Ronnan was supposed to have the project proposal done by this week. Jenul
was supposed to provide us with the available dates of the projector for us to place the
order. Sorushan will show us his design for the posters since he was supposed to design it
for this week.
New Business:
 Chamath took the role of lead brainstorm this week and stated that we will be
holding the event on the 4th of September since it was the date that the auditorium
will be free for us to use. He also stated that we would have to advertise the event in
the next few days in order to achieve a high number of customers.
 Ronnan and Sorushan completed the project proposal and got permission from the
principal for the event, the event is now approved and ready to go on the 4 th of
 Jenul confirmed that we would have the projector on the 4th as well, which lines up
perfectly for the date of the event. This has been ordered and the date of the event
is now confirmed.
 Rehan and Sorushan will have to print and put up the poster that the team has
decided on for the event, this week.
 Chamath stated we would need a few consoles and controllers that we will need for
the gaming stall.

Action Items:
 Sorushan will put up the posters in a few days after they have been printed.
 Nithish and Rehan will have to ensure all the foods and drinks are ready for the
event day.
 Chamath will have to look for consoles and controllers that we require on the event

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