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6th Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: 19/8/20
11 AM
Location: ACBT, Room 2.9
Secretary: Jenul
Chairperson: Sorushan
Attendees: Sorushan, Chamath, Rehan, Jenul, Dan, Roshan, Isira, Nithish
Apologies: Sandaru, Ronnan
Old Business: Ronnan was given task of completing the project proposal along with the
letter of permission for this week. Nithish and Sorushan was given the task of finding out the
amount of each ingredient needed for making popcorn and mocktails. Roshan and Jenul
were supposed to figure out a solution for the projector.
New Business:
 Sorushan was lead brainstorm for this weeks’ meeting. He provided us with the
information that we would have to advertise the event, this week or the next since
we are getting closer and closer to the proposed event date. He also said that we
would have to get permission from the teacher and principal next week.
 Nithish provided the exact amount of everything needed regarding the food and
beverages for the event day. He also gave us the amount of money we would each
have to put in for the cost of the food and drinks.
 Dan and Isira stated that they had found a friend willing to provide us with a
Bluetooth speaker for the event.
 Roshan and Jenul proposed the great idea of renting the projector we require for the
day of the event. This would require us to put in money in advance to order it and
also confirm the date of the event after requesting permission.
 Ronnan was unable to complete the project proposal and so we will have to
postpone the event a few days ahead to compensate for it.

Action Items:
 Ronnan will have to complete the project proposal with non excuses for next week.
 Jenul will have to call the shop willing to provide us with a projector and check the
available dates.
 Sorushan will have to design posters for the event and print them, as well as tickets
for the peeps who join us on the day. In addition to this, he will have to get the
permission from the principal for the event.

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