Animal & Plant Cell

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Animal Cell

1. Nuclear Pore- channels for the selective transport of nucleic acids
and proteins into and out of the cell nucleus.
2. Nucleolus- produce and assemble the cell's ribosomes.
3. Cytoplasm- holds the components of the cell and protects them
from damage.
4. Mitochondrion- power generators of the cell, converting oxygen
and nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
5. Centriole- organizing microtubules that serve as the cell's skeletal

6. Cell Membrane- provides protection for a cell and also provides a

fixed environment inside the cell.

7. Ribosome- the site of protein synthesis in the cell.

8. Golgi Apparatus- a factory in which proteins received from the ER

are further processed and sorted for transport to their eventual

9. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum- combination of lipids, including

cholesterol and phospholipids, which are utilized in the development
of new cell layer.

10. Lysosome- the digestive system of the cell, serving both to degrade
material taken up from outside the cell and to digest obsolete
components of the cell itself.

11. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum- produces protein for the rest of the
cell to function.
Plant Cell

1. Endoplasmic Reticulum- port of passage of proteins into the
endomembrane system, and it is additionally engaged with lipid
biosynthesis and capacity.
2. Cell Wall- gives an underlying system to help plant development
and goes about as the main line of protection when the plant
experiences microbes.
3. Cytoplasm- maintains the shape of the cell, provides crucial
support to the internal structures and is the suspension medium
for the organelles.
4. Cell Membrane- provide protection to the cell from its surroundings.

5. Vacuole- help maintain water balance.

6. Mitochondria- blend of ATP through the coupling of a film potential

to the exchange of electrons from NADH to O2 by means of the electron
transport chain.

7. Golgi Apparatus- the site at which the complex polysaccharides of

the cell wall are synthesized.

8. Nucleolus- produce and assemble the cell's ribosomes.

9. Nucleus- stores the cell's hereditary material, or DNA, and it

coordinates the cell's activities.

10. Ribosome- the one who produces protein.

11. Chloroplast- produce energy through photosynthesis and oxygen-

discharge processes, which support plant development and harvest

12. Amyloplast- responsible for starch biosynthesis and storage.

13.Peroxisome- sequester different oxidative responses and assume

significant parts in digestion, receptive oxygen species detoxification,
and flagging.

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