pr2 Assignment1

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Practical Research 2

Assignment #1
1.) What is Quantitative Research?
- Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data to describe,
predict, or control variables of interest. This form of research helps in the testing of causal
relationships between variables, making predictions, and generalizing findings to larger

2.) What are the characteristics of Quantitative Research?

- Here are some examples of the characteristics of Quantitative Research:
Large sample size- The ability to use larger sample sizes is undoubtedly one of the biggest perks
of quantitative research.
Measurability- Due to its quantitative nature, the data gathered through quantitative data
collection methods is easily measurable.
Close-ended questions- Quantitative research utilizes close-ended questions, which can be both
beneficial and disadvantageous.
Reusability- Since it doesn't involve open-ended questions, quantitative research results can be
used in other similar research projects.
Reliability- Quantitative data is considered more reliable since it is usually free of researcher
Generalization- Quantitative research uses larger sample sizes, so it is assumed that it can be
generalized easily.

3.) Differentiate Qualitative from Quantitative Research

- As qualitative and quantitative studies collect different data, their data collection methods differ
considerably. Quantitative research rely on numerical or measurable data. In contrast, qualitative
research rely on autobiography or documents that illustrate in detail how people think or respond
within society.

4.) Explain the importance of research to the following:

a. Education
- When it comes to education, research is crucial since it not only enables individuals to learn
and educate themselves about whatever it is they are attempting to study, but also strengthens
their cognitive abilities. The Importance of Research in terms of education is vital, and without
it, society would not be where it is now.
b. Medicine
- Research is essential in the field of medicine because research allows us to find cure to diseases
that mankind has ever known. It also those who are in the field to utilize the drugs or medicine
that they created through research to ensure the safety of it once it is released to the public.
c. Science & Technology
- In terms of science and technology, research is essential because without it, there would be no
discoveries or experiments, and civilization would not advance. Research has made it possible
for us to more easily access the discoveries and creations of the researchers and innovators who
improved our lives via their contributions to the world in which we live.
d. Business
- Research in the field of business is critical because it allows business owners to understand the
supply and demand in the market for their product or service. It also enables them to understand
their target market's goals and needs, as well as minimize costs and develop solutions to
challenges that their business encounters.


Sreekumar, D. (2023, June 9). What is Quantitative Research? Definition, Methods, Types, and
Examples | Researcher.Life.

Quantitative research: Definition, characteristics, benefits, limitations, and best practices |

Voicedocs. (n.d.).

G. (2021, May 20). What Is Qualitative vs. Quantitative Study? GCU.

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