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Chemical Geology 266 (2009) 194–204

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Chemical Geology
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / c h e m g e o

A new procedure for separating and measuring radiogenic isotopes (U, Th, Pa, Ra, Sr,
Nd, Hf) in ice cores
Sarah M. Aciego a,⁎, Bernard Bourdon a, Maarten Lupker b, Joerg Rickli a
Institute of Isotope Geochemistry and Mineral Resources, Clausiusstrasse 25, NW, ETH-Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques, CNRS, BP20, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A new method for the radiogenic isotope (U–Th–Pa–Ra, Sr, Nd, Hf) analysis of the soluble and insoluble
Received 14 January 2009 components found within ice cores is presented. Melting experiments with rock standards in the presence of
Received in revised form 29 May 2009 EDTA indicate that carbonates, as well as silicates, can be buffered sufficiently to preclude dissolution. The
Accepted 2 June 2009
use of EDTA allows adsorbing species, such as Th and Hf, to remain in solution during melting thus fully
Editor: J. Fein separating the dust (insoluble) and sea salt (soluble) components of the ice after filtration. A new elemental
separation scheme for low sample masses, less than 5 mg solid material, utilizes 4 primary ion exchange
Keywords: columns and two “clean-up” columns to fully isolate U, Th, Pa, Ra, Sr, Nd, and Hf while maintaining high
U-series yields. Elution schemes measured for USGS rock standards and a Chinese loess are presented to provide a
Hf comparison for variable matrix compositions. Mass spectrometer techniques were modified to measure small
Nd aliquots of the standards, equivalent to the amounts found in ice core samples, 10 ng and less. A MC-ICPMS
Sr was employed for the measurement of U, Th, Pa, Ra, and Hf; results of the experiments show that with ion
Ice cores
yields up to 1%, rock standards have errors for 234U/238U of 1%, 230Th/232Th of 1.5%, [228Ra] of 9%, and 176Hf/
Sea salt 177
Hf of 100 ppm. MC-TIMS measurements of Sr and Nd show similar errors for small sample sizes: 87Sr/86Sr
of 50 ppm and 143Nd/144Nd of 80 ppm. This new analytical method increases the number of possible tracers
measured from a single sample, reducing separation times and sample consumption, as well as providing the
addition of a radiometric clock, U-series, to the traditional suite of isotopic tracers, Sr, Nd, and Hf.
© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction each of these elements depends on the amount of sample available and
the matrix material. In the case of ice cores, the amount of material is so
The isotopic compositions of the hydrosphere and cryosphere are low (b 1 mg dust/kg ice) that pre-existing methodologies are insufficient
primarily controlled by rocks exposed at the Earth's surface. Analyzing to measure Sr, Nd, Hf, and U-series in a single sample.
and interpreting the isotopic compositions of uranium-series isotopes The purpose of this work is threefold. First, provide a method for
(U, Th, Pa, Ra), strontium (Sr), neodymium (Nd), and hafnium (Hf) has clean separation of the soluble (precipitation, sea salt, and adsorbed
become a powerful tool to trace surface processes (e.g. climate change, elements) and insoluble components (carbonate and silicate dust) for
ocean circulation and chemical weathering) both in terms of fluxes and ice samples. Second, provide a chromatographic method that allows
timescales. One of the more powerful tools for studying these processes quantitative separation and recovery of each element of interest (U–
is the ice core record; ice sheets record temperature, humidity, Th–Pa–Ra, Sr, Nd, Hf). Third, show that the former procedures allow
atmosphere composition, sea ice extent and dustiness all as a function for accurate and precise measurements of the isotopic compositions.
of time. The Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic composition of dust within ice can These techniques should be applicable to ice cores, as well as to other
provide information about source area, transport pathways and source studies of sub-milligram samples such as pore and river waters,
area climate (Biscaye et al., 1997; Delmonte et al., 2004; Fischer et al., micro-milled speleothems and evaporation rinds.
2007). Work by Pettke (2002) and Van De Flierdt et al. (2004) indicate
that Hf may be an additional useful tracer for the provenance of dust, 2. Experimental procedures
although its concentrations are low. Furthermore, Fireman (1986) and
Goldstein et al. (2004) have hypothesized that U-series disequilibria can 2.1. Reagents, lab ware, and spikes
develop in ice due to recoil of daughter products from particulate solids
trapped within the ice. The methodology for separating and measuring All chemical separation and sample handling were performed
under class 10 laminar flow hoods within a class 10,000 clean
⁎ Corresponding author. laboratory. Ultra-pure reagents were used throughout the chemistry
E-mail address: (S.M. Aciego). steps: HCl, HNO3 and HF were double distilled in a PicoTrace cupola

0009-2541/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.M. Aciego et al. / Chemical Geology 266 (2009) 194–204 195

distillation apparatus and ammonia purchased from Seastar Chemi- removed by pipette. The 233Pa spike was separated from Th and other
cals. Water was purified using the milli-Q Element Millipore elements using the procedures of Bourdon et al. (1999). Spikes of 84Sr,
purification system, resulting in 18.2 MΩ grade water. Ethylenedia- Hf, and 150Nd were used to determine total procedural blanks and
minetetraacetic acid (EDTA) was purchased as an ultra-pure grade yields.
diammonium salt and dissolved with water to form a 0.5 M solution.
Purification of the EDTA solution can be accomplished by cation 2.2. Separation of dust from ice core samples
exchange at 0.01 M (Volpe et al., 1991) to a baseline value of 100 ppt U
and Th, and b0.05 fg/g Ra. Purification for Ra using cation exchange is 2.2.1. Principles
much more efficient than for U and Th. These elements are retained on The components we are attempting to separate from ice cores
the column resin by adjusting the pH: Ra is retained at pH b 9 while U consist of three main parts: carbonate and silicate solids, soluble
and Th are retained at pH b 4 with complete separation at pH b 2 (Fritz materials, including elements dissolved in precipitation and sea salt,
and Umbreit, 1958; Nelson, 1964). However, EDTA must be buffered and adsorbed materials. The behavior of these components initially
above pH 2 otherwise it precipitates within the column; acceptable Th during transport to the ice sheets and finally during sample processing
and U blanks are hard to achieve which may explain why Goldstein et determines the laboratory procedures we have used to separate them.
al. (2004) reported ~ 100 pg blanks with this methodology. In order to Silicates are primarily clays—illite, kaolinite and chlorite (Biscaye
attain better blank levels, we used additional cleaning steps. After one et al., 1997)—with some quartz, minor pyroxenes and olivine (Sala
pass through the cation column at pH 4, to remove the radium and et al., 2008). The source of the carbonate within the dust fraction is
strontium, further purification was accomplished by repeated pre- difficult to determine, as both dust and marine solids could be sources.
cipitation–dissolution steps. Following the work of Mitchell et al. However, there is some indication that the marine influence can
(1984), we found that precipitating with clean concentrated HCl, dominate the carbonate budget. Banta et al. (2008) found that silicate
decanting the supernatant, rinsing with clean 1 M HCl, then re- dust deposition on Greenland at coastal ice core sites was fairly equal
dissolving in H2O buffered with ammonia resulted in halving the to the deposition at inland ice core sites, but coastal sites had three
blanks. Repeated precipitation–dilution steps result in 0.5 M EDTA times more carbonate load. Similarly, Sala et al. (2008) showed that
with b10 ppt U, Th, Sr, and Nd, b0.05 fg/g ppt Ra, Pa, and Hf. The pH of ice from Talos Dome, close to the Ross Sea, had both hydrous and
EDTA solutions was adjusted by adding ultra-pure ammonia. anhydrous carbonates with the hydrous form dominating the total
In order to avoid contamination, either from manufacturing or abundance, indicating a near marine source. More importantly, while
previous samples, an aggressive cleaning procedure was adopted for the hydrous carbonate dissolves rapidly during ice melting (Sala et al.,
all PFA and PTFE lab ware. Materials were first rinsed in ethanol, then 2008), the anhydrous form can be buffered and remain insoluble.
boiled sequentially in reagent grade fresh aqua-regia, 25% HCl, and The soluble fraction will be some mixture of sea salt, which
18 MΩ water. Finally, the lab ware was cleaned with a mixture of hot contains seawater trace elements, and precipitation. Precipitation in
double distilled HNO3 and HF before rinsing with milli-Q Element the form of rain will dissolve some fraction of dust traveling in the
water. same air mass. Dissolution of dust by snow should be limited in high-
We used a range of rock standards and elemental solutions to altitude inland ice core locations because of the drying of the air
evaluate the success of the melting, filtration, and chemical proce- masses. Conversely, lower altitude, near ocean ice core locations will
dures, as well as mass spectrometer techniques. Three rock powders have a mix of wet and dry air masses (Fischer et al., 2007), which
are certified USGS standards (AGV-2, BHVO-2, and BCR-2), which have could produce precipitation with higher trace element concentrations.
been characterized for elemental and Sr, Nd, and Hf isotopic The fraction adsorbed onto the dust grains will contain the particle
measurements. Two other rock powders are U-series standards reactive U-series daughters, such as 230Th and 231Pa that are ejected
(TML and AThO) that are well characterized for both concentrations from dust grains during uranium decay, as well as some easily
and isotopic compositions. We also used a loess sample (CDL) from scavenged trace metals such as Pb. Ideally, in order to extract as much
Central China as an internal lab standard with similar characteristics information as possible about dust and sea salt, we would like to be
to dust found within ice cores: diverse mineralogy including clay able to fully separate these three components. During melting of the
minerals and carbonate, a size distribution varying from 0.2 to 10 µm, ice core, dissolution must be minimized for both anhydrous carbonates
and an isotopic composition more suitable for comparison to ice core and silicates while preventing adsorption of elements present in the
dust or source area samples. Dilute Alpha Aesar standards (certified soluble fraction or ejected from dust grains. Filtering should fully
3% concentration accuracy) were used to test the melting, filtration separate the soluble and insoluble fraction. This procedure is different
and elution procedures. Spikes were calibrated either with our in- from other ice core procedures designed for mineral dust analyses,
house gravimetric standards (made from Hf, Th, Sr, and Nd solids) or which use a decanting method (Delmonte et al., 2004) or remove all
with international reference standards (226Ra NIST SRM4966, 238U carbonates (Biscaye et al., 1997).
NIST SRM 3164). The biggest hurdle in this procedure is not dissolving the solid dust
Single element spikes of 229Th, 233U, and 236U were prepared at grains which would mix the isotopic compositions of the seawater and
dilute concentrations, less than 0.12 ppb, such that weighing errors continental sources of material. For pure isotopic tracing (e.g. Sr
could be minimized for ultra-low level samples. The 228Ra spike was isotopes) this effect is secondary, but is of the highest importance for
prepared using standard techniques: a ~ 50 year old 50 mg aliquot of a the U-series dating technique. If congruent dissolution occurs, the
Th(NO3)4 salt was dissolved and the radium was separated by cation outer surface will be affected first, and since this domain in the dust
exchange (Volpe et al., 1991). The initial 228Ra/226Ra ratio of the tracer grains is responsible for the excess of daughter nuclides in the ice,
was 1.309 ± 0.011, and this ratio was corrected for decay of 226Ra and dissolution will push both the liquid and the solid fractions toward
Ra using λ226 = 0.1205 yr− 1 and λ228 = 4.332 × 10− 4 yr− 1. The secular equilibrium and an incorrect, young age. The second source of
Pa spike was prepared regularly every 4–6 months by neutron uncertainty created by dissolution is that carbonates will dissolve at a
irradiation of 232Th in the Paul Scherrer Institut reactor in Villigen, faster rate given the slightly acidic conditions of polar ice (Sala et al.,
Switzerland. Solutions of Th metal were dried in pre-cleaned quartz 2008). Dust-derived carbonate will have an isotopic composition that
glass ampoules 4 mm in diameter and 10 cm long, resulting in 1 mg of could differ from the local marine carbonates and sea salt, thereby
Th in nitrate salt form at the bottom of each ampoule. The ampoules affecting isotopic tracers of sea salt and surface seawater as well as the
are evacuated to less than 0.01 mbar, then sealed by melting the glass. initial conditions for U-series dating.
After irradiation, the tops of the tubes were cut off with a diamond Previous work on U-series dating of ice focused primarily on
saw, the salt dissolved in a concentrated HNO3–dilute HF mixture and adsorption (Fireman, 1986) and minimizing dissolution of silicate
196 S.M. Aciego et al. / Chemical Geology 266 (2009) 194–204

material (Goldstein et al., 2004). The EDTA method employed by

Goldstein et al. (2004) on Allan Hills ice was successful at desorbing
the daughter products and preventing dissolution of the silicate
material. But the high initial 234U/238U they calculated could indicate
dissolution of carbonate enriched in 234U, such as the local non-
seawater carbonate (Henderson et al., 2006). EDTA leaching is a
standard protocol used to clean sediment samples, but often in
conjunction with carbonate removal (Di Palma and Mecozzi, 2007).
However, there is evidence that buffering the samples to over pH 10
would minimize dissolution (Rihs et al., 2004), and EDTA concentra-
tions less than 0.0005 M could result in carbonate dissolution at the
same rate as in water (Fredd and Fogler, 1998). In order to test these
assumptions we performed a series of experiments with carbonate
and rocks powders, as described below.

2.2.2. Dissolution with controlled adsorption experiments

Standard powders (BCR-2, CDL, and Merck carbonate) were pre-
filtered with clean ethanol to remove the less than 0.2 µm size fraction
and the powders dried under ambient air conditions. Approximately
10 mg of material was placed in a Teflon container containing 500 mL
of EDTA for 6 h. EDTA concentrations ranged from 0.1 M to 0.00025 M
and pH from 2 to 14. These initial tests immediately showed complete
carbonate powder and moderate CDL (10–50%) dissolution at EDTA
concentrations above 0.01 M and pH below 8. The pure silicate
material (BCR-2) was largely immune to changes in concentration,
and showed minor (1–10%) dissolution at pH b 4. Subsequent
experiments used the optimum lower concentration (0.0005 M),
varying pH and included 229Th and 233U tracers to monitor adsorption.
Fig. 1 shows the results of these experiments for Th. Even at low EDTA
concentration, the pH below 8 causes massive dissolution of CDL,
which is likely due to the loss of carbonate. This difference in silicate
versus carbonate dissolution is shown in Fig. 1b. The Th adsorption
shows a maximum at neutral pH, likely the result of a less aggressive
acid attack and low complexing capability of the EDTA; at high pH, the
NH+ 4 starts to replace exchangeable cations on the grain surfaces
which “helps” the EDTA complexation by blocking the active Fig. 1. Adsorption–dissolution experiments of rock and loess powders in the presence of
adsorbent sites. Uranium adsorption generally followed the same 0.0005 M EDTA. (a) Sequential dissolution of loess sample CDL and adsorption of Th at
pattern as Th, but was in all cases less than 5%. Based on these pH 2 to 12. Complete desorption of Th only occurs at pH above 8; while loess dissolution
is minimized only at pH above 10 (b) Comparison of dissolution of loess CDL and rock
experiments, we found that a 0.0005 M EDTA solution at pH 12
standard BCR-2 at pH between 8 and 13.
resulted in minimal dissolution and maximum desorption.

2.2.3. Quantitative recovery of ice core components 5 mL 7.5 M HNO3 and 0.5 mL concentrated HF. The filter solution was
Quantitative recovery of the components within an ice core was decanted and the filter rinsed twice with 7.5 M HNO3 before the
tested with simulated ice cores using standard materials. 0.2 ng of combined rinses were dried down. Based on the measured 232Th/
U and 229Th spikes in 1 M and 3 M HNO3 were put into two liter 229
Th and 238U/236U ratios of the liquids, there was zero dissolution of
Savillex beakers and neutralized with a 1 mL of 5 M NaOH, then the BCR-2 and less than 0.01% of CDL. Total procedural blanks were
beakers were half filled with milli-Q water and frozen. Aliquots of pre- between 10 and 12 pg. Measurements of the 229Th/232Th and 236U/
filtered standards BCR-2 and CDL were sprinkled onto two ice cubes, U of the solids indicated approximately 0.5% adsorption of the Th
while a third was left as a blank, before the beakers were filled and re- onto both standards and less than 0.1% adsorption of U. For the
frozen. purposes of using the U-series for dating ice core ice, the adsorption
Ice samples were removed from the freezer and allowed to warm behavior of U, and in particular 234U, is the most important.
at room temperature for approximately 10 min. After 10 min, the ice
could be easily removed from the Teflon beakers. The ice cylinders 2.3. Column chemistry
were placed on specially designed PFA Teflon racks where they were
rinsed once with milli-Q water before being de-contaminated with Splits of standard rock powders were dissolved in 50 mg batches
PFA chisels. After approximately 0.5 cm was removed from the outer using a standard HNO3-HF digestion followed by drying in HCl and
part of the cylinder, the ice was rinsed once more and placed in a clean dissolution in 9 M HCl with boric acid to complex any remaining
Teflon beaker to melt. Addition of 0.05 M EDTA at 30 minute intervals fluorides. Concentrated H2O2 (500 µL) was added to the dissolution of
maintained concentrations within the melt at approximately CDL to oxidize organic material.
0.0005 M. Aliquots equivalent to 0.25–5 mg of material were processed
Samples were filtered immediately after melting (4–6 h) with a through a TruSpec ion-exchange column (Fig. 2a). The Eichrom
PTFE filtration unit equipped with PFA filters of 0.2 µm pore size. The TruSpec resin (50–100 mesh) was loaded in cleaned PFA columns with
filtrate was collected and dried down in a clean nitrogen atmosphere. a 500 μL reservoir and changed after every use. This first stage column
The liquid residue, including EDTA, was treated with 2 mL 7.5 M HNO3 splits the sample into three cuts for subsequent chemical separation.
and 0.5 mL concentrated HF in a capped 15 mL beaker. The filter with The first cut, containing the Sr, Pb and Ra fractions, was eluted in
standard rock powder was placed in capped 60 mL Teflon beaker with 1.75 mL 9 M HCl, the second cut, containing the High Field Strength
S.M. Aciego et al. / Chemical Geology 266 (2009) 194–204 197

Fig. 2. (a) Histogram showing the elution scheme of the first (TruSpec) column for elemental separation. Columns were made of heat-shrink Teflon formed with 3 mm internal
diameter and 5 cm long with column volumes of 500 µL. Dashed line for Th indicates the difference in elution for the USGS standards; Th in loess samples shown in solid.
(b) Histogram showing the elution scheme of the first LnSpec column for the REE–Th–Hf separation. The columns have the same dimensions as those in (a).

Elements (HFSE) and the Rare Earth Elements (REE), was eluted in 1992), Ra (Pietruszka et al., 2002), and Pb (Vajda et al., 1997). Yields
2 mL 3 M HCl and 3.5 mL 0.25 M HCl and the last cut, containing the U were checked by isotope dilution of BCR-2 and found to be N90% for Sr
and Pa fractions, was eluted in 2 mL 0.1 M HCl–1 M HF. This separation and Ra and N97% for Pb. The Ra was further purified using a small
is adapted from Goldstein and Stirling (2003). (0.4 mL) AG50 X 8 cation column; the Ra fraction was dried, re-
The first cut collected from the TruSpec elution was dried down dissolved in 1.25 M HCl and loaded on the column. Ca, the remaining
and brought into solution in 0.2 mL 3 M HNO3 before loading on a impurity, was rinsed off in 4 mL of 2.5 M HCl prior to the pure Ra
SrSpec column. The Eichrom SrSpec resin (50–100 mesh) was loaded elution in 5 mL of 6 M HCl.
in precleaned PFA columns with a 100 μL reservoir and changed after The second eluted cut from the TruSpec, in ~ 1.1 M HCl, was dried
every use. Ra was immediately eluted in the loading solution as well as down to half volume, 3 mL, and treated with ~ 2.5 mL 11 M HCl, to
0.2 mL 3 M HNO3. After rinsing rubidium (Rb) in 2 mL 3 M HNO3 and bring it to ~3 M HCl, then loaded directly on an Eichrom LnSpec
barium (Ba) in 3 mL 7.5 M HNO3, Sr was eluted in 3 mL 0.05 M HNO3 column (Fig. 2b). The Eichrom LnSpec (HDEHP) resin (100–200 mesh)
and Pb was eluted in 4 mL of 6 M HCl. This separation scheme is a was loaded in pre-cleaned PFA columns with a 700 μL reservoir and
combination of traditional SrSpec chemistry for Sr (Horwitz et al., changed after every use. Based on the work of Munker et al. (2001),
198 S.M. Aciego et al. / Chemical Geology 266 (2009) 194–204

we developed a new method to separate the REEs, Th, and Hf. After sensitivity via the introduction system was attained by using a
eluting the REEs in 8 mL 3 M HCl, ytterbium (Yb), lanthanum (La) and nebulizer with a 50 µL/min uptake rate; the lower uptake rate
titanium (Ti) were rinsed off the column in 8 mL of 6 M HCl followed decreases the overall drop size as well as the range in drop sizes,
by a 0.09 M citric acid–0.4 M HNO3–1% H2O2 mixture and Th eluted in thereby increasing the transmission efficiency. By controlling the
4 mL 3 M HCl–0.1 M HF. Finally, after rinsing the zirconium (Zr), Hf nebulizer uptake rate with an external high precision gas flow
was eluted in 5 mL 6 M HCl–0.3 M HF. Yields were checked by isotope controller made by Voegtlin of Switzerland, which maintained
dilution of AThO and BCR-2 and found to be N90% for Th and Hf. nebulizer gas flow rates to better than 0.1%, the beam stability was
The REEs, collected from the previous LnSpec column, were loaded optimized with sensitivity. In order to decrease clipping of the beam
in 0.05 M HNO3 onto a second LnSpec column. The resin was loaded and over-steering through the lenses, a series of re-alignment tools
onto a tall 2 mL column and compacted to ensure a better separation. was made. These tools provided mechanical guides for re-assembly of
The columns were calibrated individually and thoroughly cleaned the front end of the Nu Plasma with perfect aperture alignment from
with 6 M and 1.5 M HCl before re-use. After rinsing lanthanum (La), sampler cone to line of sight valve. After these adjustments, the
cerium (Ce) and praseodymium (Pr) with 5 mL 0.25 M HCl, Nd was steering voltages dropped below 20 V for the transfer lenses, and the
eluted in 0.3 M HCl. Subsequently Sm was eluted in 1 M HCl. Final sensitivity increased by another 10–20%. These small incremental
yields, checked by isotope dilution of BCR-2, was N85% for Nd. increases resulted in typical sensitivities between 0.35% and 1.2% for
The third cut from the initial TruSpec column, containing the U and beam sizes between 200 and 450 V/ppm for Th, U, Ra, Pa, and Hf;
Pa in 3 mL of 0.1 M HCl–1 M HF, was dried down to ~ 1 mL and further higher than for TIMS measurements, with the exception of Ra.
acidified with 1 mL of 11 M HCl to bring the solution to ~ 5 M HCl– Uranium was measured statically with 234U collected in ion counter
0.5 M HF. This solution was then loaded directly onto a second pre- IC1. Each sample was bracketed with a solution of SRM960, diluted to a
cleaned TruSpec column (50–100 mesh, 100 μL). The higher HCl similar concentration as the samples (2–5 ppb, equivalent to 1 ng of
normality permitted the fixation of U onto the resin, while the HF kept sample uranium). Initially, we had planned to measure the ion counter
Pa in solution. Pa was collected in the initial eluant plus 200 μL of 5 M relative gains by peak jumping between a Faraday cup and the ion
HCl–0.5 M HF and U collected in 0.1 M HCl–1 M HF. Yields for both U counter with a 235U beam, but found that the difference in the efficiency
and Pa, checked by isotope dilution of TML standard, were N95%. between 10− 2 and 10− 5 V beams to be an additional source of
All of the columns were initially calibrated using certified standard uncertainty; instead the 238U/234U ratio (18,918; Cheng et al., 2000) of
solutions of known concentration containing both the trace elements the bracketing SRM960 was used to calculate the ion counter efficiency.
under investigation and the major elements that can negatively affect Uncertainties in the linearity and stability of the ion counter over a range
elution chemistry and sample measurement. The final elution curves of ion beam intensities on MC-ICPMS instruments have been noted by
were obtained using BCR-2 and CDL; the final elution curves for the other workers (Richter et al., 2001; Hellstrom, 2003; Ball et al., 2008). At
Ra–Ba and U–Pa separations were generated by doping the standard the low count rates (500–1500 cps) found in such low concentration
materials with a known amount of 231Pa and 226Ra. Fig. 3 is a flow samples, it is difficult to apply a correction that accurately accounts for the
chart showing the full chemical separation scheme. The purity of all count rate dependence of the ion counter gain, therefore concentrations
fractions was checked using a quadrupole ICP-MS to ensure that each between standards and samples were matched as best as possible. Ratios
fraction was clean enough for direct analysis and free of high were corrected for mass bias by normalizing to 238U/235U =137.88 using
concentrations of major or trace elements that would interfere with the exponential law; 238U/236U ratios of the samples were corrected for
analysis or optimization of instrument conditions. mass bias using the 238U/235U ratio of the bracketing standard.
Prior to measurement, all elements separated using the ion Measurements were acquired in 30 cycles of 8 second integrations after
exchange columns were treated with several drops of concentrated 30 s of baseline measurements at the half masses. Baseline measure-
HF, HNO3 and 100 µL of H2O2 to remove any organics (e.g. from the ments perform the primary function of accounting for noise in the
resin) that could inhibit ionization or clog the nebulizer. Faraday cups and background signal originating in the source (desolvat-
ing unit and plasma). In the case of U-series measurements, baseline
2.4. Mass spectrometry measurements must also account for the mass tailing of large ion beams
(e.g. 238U, 232Th) into the ion counters, therefore half mass log-weighted
2.4.1. MC-ICPMS baselines are optimal (Hellstrom, 2003). For U-series results reported
U, Th, Ra, Pa, and Hf were measured on a Nu Instruments MC-ICPMS here, on-peak wash solution blanks were run prior to each measurement
equipped with two ion counters and a retardation filter. The cup and sample measurements were not made unless blank values on all
configurations for the five elements measured by ICP-MS are shown in isotopes were at Faraday/ion counter ESA deflected baseline values.
Fig. 4. The small sample sizes coupled with the low concentrations of Thorium was also measured statically, with 229Th in Faraday cup
trace elements in typical dust samples necessitate low blanks and L5, and 230Th in the ion counter IC1, equipped with a retardation filter.
backgrounds from the mass spectrometer. A dedicated set of cones and Samples were bracketed with a mixed Th105-SRM960 solution to
a 50 µl/min nebulizer for low abundance work were cleaned prior to provide the combined mass bias–gain correction for 232Th/230Th and
every session; cones were soaked in 10% RBS soap solution before the 238U–235U mass bias correction for 232Th/229Th ratios. Concentra-
hand-polishing and the nebulizer was rinsed overnight with 10% HCl– tions of Th105 were equivalent to 2 ng of material (4 ppb solution),
5% HF. Shared lab torches and spray chambers were cleaned overnight while the SRM960 was more concentrated (10 ppb) for accurate 238U–
in 3 M HNO3. U measurements for the mass bias correction. Similar to the
Some modifications to the Nu Plasma standard layout allowed us to uranium measurements, low count rates (100–500 cps) on the ion
increase our sensitivity significantly while maintaining beam stability. counter necessitated matching the concentration of the samples and
Nu cones have three designs, an original and two experimental, AB standards as close as possible to avoid non-linear variations in the gain
and WA. The cone configuration of AB sampler and WA skimmer with count rate. Prior to every measurement, a 100 point peak scan
increased the sensitivity by 30–50%. The drawback of this configura- was made from 229.5 to 230.5 and an exponential fit applied to the
tion is that the abundance sensitivity increases from 0.1 ppm to 6 ppm, mass scan to subtract the 232Th tail (Hubert et al., 2006; Ball et al.,
which is a major drawback for measuring thorium isotopes. As a 2008). Baselines were measured prior to measurement at the half
consequence, we used the traditional AB–AB cones for Th and Pa. Two mass, but only used for correcting the 238U/235U and 232Th/229Th
other variables can be adjusted on the Nu Plasma to increase ratios. Data was acquired in 30 cycles with 8 second integration times.
sensitivity: the introduction system, aspiration and desolvation, and Protactinium was measured dynamically with simultaneous 233Pa–
the alignment of the fixed lenses can be optimized. An increase in the Pa measurement. The 233Pa beam was collected both in IC1 and IC2
S.M. Aciego et al. / Chemical Geology 266 (2009) 194–204 199

Fig. 3. Summary of the chemical separation scheme for clean cuts of Ra, Sr, Pb, Th, Hf, Nd, U, and Pa.

to account for differences in ion counting efficiencies. Protactinium Radium was measured dynamically with simultaneous 228Ra–226Ra
was doped with SRM960 in order to correct for mass bias using an measurement and the 228Ra beam was collected both in IC1 and IC2 to
internal 238U–235U correction. Prior to data collection, a 20 second account for differences in ion counting efficiencies. Radium measure-
baseline was measured at half masses. Samples were measured with ments were bracketed with SRM960 standard to account for mass bias
5 second integration times until the solution was exhausted (15 to using an external 238U–235U correction. Prior to data collection, a
45 cycles). Typical sample sizes for yields and spike calibrations 20 second baseline was collected at half masses. Samples were
ranged from 50 fg to 200 fg of 233Pa and 50 fg to 100 fg of 231Pa. measured with 5 second integration times until the solution was

Fig. 4. Cup configurations for Nu Instruments (Nu008) MC-ICPMS measurements. U, Th and Hf were static measurements, while Ra and Pa were measured dynamically to account for
differences in ion counting efficiencies in IC1 and IC2.
200 S.M. Aciego et al. / Chemical Geology 266 (2009) 194–204

exhausted (15 to 45 cycles). Sample size for the TML standard as for the Nu Plasma (Belshaw et al., 1998). However, other protocols
reported in Table 1 was 10 fg of 226Ra spiked with 80 fg of 228Ra, exist to measure baselines: half peak, as described earlier for U-series
although yields were measured on 100 fg of 226Ra to ensure accuracy. measurements where mass tailing can be significant, and on-peak
Hafnium was measured statically with the isotopes collected in the without ESA deflection in a wash solution prior to sample aspiration.
full range of Faraday cups. Monitoring of the 182W, 175Lu, and 172Yb The latter protocol is usually implemented to correct for memory of
beams allowed us to correct for interference at masses 174 and 176. the desolvating unit (e.g. the blank of the wash solution), or
Hafnium was normalized using an internal exponential law correction, interferences (e.g. 204Hg for 204Pb measurements; Simonetti et al.,
with 179Hf/177Hf = 0.7325. Corrections for Lu and Yb interferences were 2005). A combined acid background and baseline Faraday cup noise
made using the natural abundances (175Lu= 0.97416, 176Lu= 0.02584, value has dubious advantages because memory effects are not
Yb = 0.2183, 174Yb = 0.3138, 176Yb = 0.1276; Rosman and Taylor, constant and the sample solution may behave differently than the
1998). Interference corrections to 176Hf/177Hf were less than 100 ppm. wash solution due to matrix effects in the plasma. In order to evaluate
Bracketing measurements of the hafnium standard JMC475 were run the two methods, we measured the USGS standard BCR-2 with and
between every sample with a 30 cycle, 5 second integration routine. Hf without the ESA deflection and found no discernible difference.
compositions of the samples were measured using the time resolved Therefore, we measured both solution and rock standards using ESA
(TR) protocol provided in the Nu Plasma software package for laser deflection for the baseline, evaluating our blanks by isotope dilution
analyses. Using this protocol, the magnet was set using the peak center and memory effects by the reproducibility and accuracy of the
of the previously measured standard and background zeroes measured bracketing standard, JMC475.
prior to sample introduction. After an on-peak baseline was measured,
the sample was aspirated and a 1–3 minute continual measurement was 2.4.2. Sr and Nd measurements by TIMS
made. This method of analysis lowers the amount of material required, Strontium and neodymium were measured on the ETH Thermo
thereby making measurements on ~1 ng of Hf possible. One of the Triton mass spectrometer. Both elements were loaded onto rhenium
sources of error when using the TR protocol for laser ablation can be filaments that had been previously outgassed for 2 h at 4 A and 10 min
large variations in beam intensity and an ineffective tau correction, at 5 A. Solution standards of SRM987 for Sr and JNdi-1 for Nd were
which accounts for the signal decay time on the Faraday amplifiers. measured during the same TIMS runs as the samples.
When using the TR protocol for solutions, this effect is negligible because The Sr fractions were dissolved in 7.5 M HNO3 to yield a 10 ppm
the beam is stable. The precision and reproducibility using the TR solution (1–50 µL). 1 µL (10 ng) of sample was mixed with 1 µL TaCl5
protocol are comparable to the standard protocol for high concentrated activator, the sample and activator were loaded onto a filament while
uranium measurements (Andersen et al., 2004); the results presented heating with a current of approximately 600 mA. Once the sample was
here show the precision and reproducibility using the TR protocol for Hf dry, the filament was heated up slowly to ~ 2 A for 10 s. For half of our
isotopes. samples we added an additional step to the loading procedure: after
For Hf measurements, baselines were measured on-peak while the heating to 2 A, we added 0.1 µL of TaCl5 and dried down at 0.5 A. This
beam was deflected by ESA. Baseline measurements made in this last step helped stabilize the sample onto the filament. Prior to
manner are an accurate representation of the stability and reprodu- measurement, while the filament was warming up, a baseline was
cibility of the Faraday cup “noise”, and therefore is the default method measured for 250 s. The filaments were heated slowly by increasing the

Table 1
Compilation of standard data for 0.25–5 mg sized aliquots.


U, ppm 2.24 ± 0.02 10.99 ± 0.06 1.72 ± 0.01 2.22 ± 0.06
nt; ns 28; 5 6; 2 3; 2 3; 3
Literature1 2.24 10.52
U/238U activity 1.001 ± 0.013 0.997 ± 0.008 1.006 ± 0.006 0.912 ± 0.016
nt; ns 91; 13 12; 2 15; 4 18; 6
Literature2 1.00 1.00
Th, ppm 7.32 ± 0.08 32.07 ± 0.72 5.94 ± 0.03 4.95 ± 0.05
nt; ns 28; 5 12; 3 3; 2 3; 3
Literature1 7.4 29.74
Th/230Th activity 183477 ± 2450 176540 ± 1976 209961 ± 3993 165123 ± 3860
nt; ns 64; 13 6; 2 15; 4 18; 6
Literature1 182150 173010
Th/238U activity 1.09 ± 0.03 1.01 ± 0.02 1.01 ± 0.02 0.83 ± 0.03
Ra, fg/g 3916 ± 342
nt; ns 6; 1
Literature1 3600
Ra/238U activity 1.06 ± 0.10
Hf/177Hf 0.282995 ± 0.000044 0.282867 ± 0.000043 0.283101 ± 0.000050 0.282630 ± 0.000037
nt; ns 13; 2 27; 6 14; 2 18; 4
εHf 7.99 ± 1.54 3.48 ± 1.51 11.73 ± 1.78 −4.92 ± 1.31
Literature3 7.60 3.57 11.88 0.512099 ± 0.000023
Nd/144Nd 0.512770± 0.000022 0.512643 ± 0.000037 0.512996 ± 0.000026 6; 4
nt; ns 2; 2 11; 3 2; 2 − 10.52 ± 0.37
εNd 2.58 ± 0.43 − 0.09 ± 0.81 6.98 ± 0.50 0.714040 ± 0.00338
Literature4,5 2.97 − 0.08 6.79 12; 4
Sr/86Sr 0.703986 ± 0.000052 0.705018 ± 0.000027 0.703482 ± 0.000052
nt; ns 6; 2 14; 4 6; 2
Literature4,5 0.703981 0.705013 0.703497

Errors are reported as 2SD of the mean. nt is the total number of measurements while ns is the number of individual solutions (dissolutions). Note, these are secondary standards,
primary standard solutions gave the following values: 5 ppb SRM960, mean = 23,356, 2SD = 0.75%; 5 ppb Th105, mean = 269,542, 2SD = 2.5%; 15 ppb JMC475, mean = 0.282155,
2SD = 0.000029; 1 ng JNdi, mean = 0.512102, 2SD = 0.000042; 10 ng SRM987, original mean = 0.710253, 2SD = 0.000106, with modified procedure mean = 0.710255,
2SD = 0.000032. References for literature values: (1) Pietruska et al., 2002 (2) Ball et al., 2008 (3) Weis et al., 2007 (4) Weis et al., 2006 (5) Weis et al., 2005.
S.M. Aciego et al. / Chemical Geology 266 (2009) 194–204 201

current at 200 mA/min with the analyzer gate closed until the filament the ionization filament to 1650 °C. While warming, Faraday cup
temperature reached 1300 °C. The filament was then heated until a baselines were measured for 300 s. Once the evaporation filament was
10 mV 88Sr beam was detected, a first focusing was done and the at 1.8 A and the temperature measured by the pyrometer was at
strontium peak centered before further heating to obtain a beam of 1650 °C, the analyzer valve was opened and manual focus begun. The
≈100 mV. Initial measurements acquired data at this low beam filament was slowly warmed up to 2.2 A while focusing the ion beam.
intensity for 10 blocks of 20 cycles with 8 second integrations, resulting Once 144Nd was at 50 mV, measurements were started, with
in internal and external errors of N200 ppm. Better internal (10 ppm) additional heating between blocks to obtain a signal of 100 mV on
and external (50 ppm) errors were achieved by continuing to heat the Nd. Data was acquired in 4 second integrations for at least
filament to reach 5–6 V 88Sr prior to data acquisition for 10 blocks of 200 cycles. 143Nd/144Nd was normalized to 146Nd/144Nd to 0.7219
20 cycles with 4 second integrations. The modified loading procedure using the exponential law and mass 150 was monitored for Sm
and manual heating of the filaments between blocks was necessary to interferences; no Sm was ever detected. One of the drawbacks of
maintain the higher beam intensity. An internal mass fractionation measuring Nd as a metal is that the ionization efficiency is not as high
correction was applied to 87Sr/86Sr using the exponential law and the as with oxide measurements (e.g. 3% instead of 5%; Caro et al., 2008).
isotope ratios were obtained by normalizing to 88Sr/86Sr = 8.375209. However, we found that the inherent uncertainty in oxygen
Rubidium interferences were corrected by monitoring 85Rb in the composition when measuring NdO+ (Thirlwall, 1991; Griselin et al.,
center cup. Rubidium beam sizes were less than 10− 13 A, such that 2001) and the difficulties in achieving perfect separations (Pr, La, Ce)
corrections did not exceed 100 ppm. would be more problematic to overcome than the slight difference in
Neodymium was loaded onto double Re zone refined filaments and external errors that a lower sensitivity would entail.
run as a metal. Samples were dried down and 1 M HCl–1 M HNO3
added to yield a 1 ppm solution. 1 µL of sample (1 ng Nd) and 0.1 µL of 3. Isotopic measurements: reproducibility of standards, spike
0.1 M H3PO4 were mixed and loaded drop wise onto the evaporation correction and error analysis
filament while heating with a current of 0.8 A. After the filament was
fully dry, the filament current was increased up to 1.8 A to burn off the U, Hf, Sr and Nd isotopic results are shown in Fig. 5, with the
phosphoric acid, then brought up to 2.2 A for 10 s. For measurement, compilation of data, including Th and Ra, with external reproducibility
the ionization filament was warmed up first to 1500 °C at 200 mA/ in Table 1. Five rock standards and one internal lab standard of loess
min, then evaporation filament at 100 mA/min to 1.8 A while bringing were used to evaluate precision and accuracy. The use of rock

Fig. 5. Reproducibility of rock standards. Individual measurements of (a) 143Nd/144Nd, (b) 176Hf/177Hf, and (c) 87Sr/86Sr of BCR-2, and (d) 234U/238U activity ratio of AthO. Literature
values for standards are marked by solid lines (a. Weis et al., 2005, 2006; b. Weis et al., 2007; c. Weis et al., 2005, 2006; d. Ball et al., 2008), while mean values of this data set are
marked by the dashed lines (see Table 1 for values). For (a,b,c) different symbol shapes indicate individual dissolutions and each data point is an individual measurement. For
(d) light gray symbol denote unspiked samples, dark gray symbols indicate spiked samples with a spike subtraction applied to correct the 238U/234U; each data point and error is
based on the mean and standard deviation of standards for the session (1–3 days).
202 S.M. Aciego et al. / Chemical Geology 266 (2009) 194–204

standards serves the dual purpose of evaluating the chemical the material. This variability is found both in the Sr and U isotopic
separation methods as well as the reproducibility of samples on the composition but not in Hf and Nd, likely indicating the source of the
mass spectrometers. Precision of these measurements was estimated heterogeneity is varying concentrations of carbonate (e.g. Honda et al.,
based on the long term running means and standard deviations of the 2004).
standards, at the same beam sizes (intensities) applicable to small Neodymium results all show 2σ SD errors between 40 and 80 ppm,
(1 mg) dust samples. and all are in good agreement with the published data (Raczek et al.,
We evaluated three rock standards (ATHO, TML, and BCR2) to 2003; Weis et al., 2005, 2006). The long term 2σ SD of JNdi-1 is the
examine the U-series reproducibility and the efficacy of our spike same (80 ppm) as the most frequently run rock standard, BCR-2.
corrections. The 2σ external reproducibility obtained for 234U/238U
with ATHO and BCR were 1.3% and 0.6% on 1 ppb solutions, equivalent 4. Comparison with other methods
to 1 ng of sample material. The 2σ external reproducibility obtained for
Th/232Th with ATHO and BCR is 1.3% and 1% based on 1.5 ppb and Ice processing procedures vary largely among research groups and
3 ppb solutions, equivalent to 1 and 3 ng of sample material measured depend on the isotope of interest. Bulk melting results in measure-
over the course of approximately two years. Standard runs at higher ments of Pb, Sr, Nd, and trace element concentrations that are
beam sizes have equivalently lower errors comparable to previously combinations of dust and sea salt (Basile et al., 1997; Biscaye et al.,
published work (Hellstrom, 2003; Andersen et al., 2004): 2σ SD of 0.1% 1997; Hinkley and Matsumoto, 2001; Burton et al., 2003, 2007). At a
(234U/238U) and 0.45% (230Th/232Th) for 30 ppb solutions. minimum, bulk measurements of Sr isotopes could provide dubious
Our measured values are in good agreement with published values. interpretations of provenance, since as much as 40% of the Sr could be
The accuracy of the measurements can be directly derived by of sea salt origin (Hinkley and Matsumoto, 2001; Banta et al., 2008).
considering the raw ratios (234U/238U), and indirectly, by the activity Separation by centrifuging and decanting without filtration (Del-
ratios of 230Th/238U and 226Ra/230Th. U-series activity ratios of the monte et al., 2004) may leave some sea salt components admixed
standard TML are well-known to be in secular equilibrium (Luo et al., with the dust fraction. Filtration to 0.4 µm or centrifuging, filtration
1997; Rubin, 2001; Pietruszka et al., 2002; Ball et al., 2008). Both 234U/ and acetic acid leaching without initially buffering the melting ice
U and 230Th/238U have low errors and for TML show activity ratios of 1, would likely partially dissolve carbonate in the sea salt fraction
within error. We have used the same chemical separation with spiked removal (Bory et al., 2003; Delmonte et al., 2008). In all cases, strongly
and unspiked aliquots of ATHO and BCR in order to evaluate the accuracy adsorbed elements (Th, Hf) would partially remain in the dust
of the spike subtraction, these results are also shown in Fig. 5d. There is a fraction, as we have shown in Section 2.2 for Th. In contrast, Goldstein
slight difference in the average (0.1%, upper line), but well within 2 SD of et al. (2004), extracted soluble and adsorbed materials with EDTA and
the two means. filtration. However, the possibility of incomplete dissolution of
The radium and protactinium present a different problem. For the carbonate was not addressed. In this work, we attempted to
purpose of this work, we only show the elution curves and yields distinguish between the total sea salt and non sea salt fractions by
using doped samples because the amount of Ra and Pa in 1 mg of dust effectively preventing carbonate dissolution prior to filtration.
is too low to measure using existing techniques (b0.25 fg). However, Most of the individual chromatographic separations have been
Goldstein et al. (2004) found 30–200 mg of material in marginal ice described elsewhere; here we have combined differing methods to
sheet ice from Antarctica. Therefore, there is the possibility that Ra allow clean separations of many elements from a single split. This
and Pa would be high enough to measure in some special samples. In method is therefore particularly adapted for small sample sizes. This
order to evaluate the errors in measuring Ra and Pa, we chose to includes a more complete elution scheme for the LnSpec for HFSE to
optimize our detection limits and yields on small sample sizes. For Ra, separate Th from the REEs and Hf (as well as Zr). Also, we find that
1 mL solutions of TML running at 10 fg/mL yielded 2σ SD errors of 9.5% combining Ra chemistry with Sr–Pb chemistry is possible. This
and within error of the literature value (Pietruszka et al., 2002). In the scheme could be valuable for other hydrology studies that incorporate
absence of a second rock standard with a well-known 231Pa traditional tracers with U-series measurements. Our aggressive
concentration, we were only able to calibrate the spike. Errors in the chemical cleaning procedures for the lab ware, use of ultra-pure
spike calibration based on external reproducibility of the spiked TML reagents, careful decontamination of ice, and use of Teflon filters has
are b2% for 1 mL aliquots of 100 fg/mL solutions. resulted in total procedural blanks that are an order of magnitude
Hafnium isotopic results are shown in Fig. 5b. Recent work (Weis better than other published values in ice samples for U, Th, (10 pg)
et al., 2007) provides good characterization of “true” values and all of (Goldstein et al., 2004) and Nd (1 pg) (Delmonte et al., 2008), similar
our measured standards agree with those published values within to published values for Ra and Pa (0.05 fg) (Goldstein et al., 2004), but
error. All of the rock standard data shown were measured using the worse than others for Sr (150 pg) (Burton et al., 2002).
time resolved (TR) method, so are an accurate reflection of running a The techniques for measuring isotopic systems by MC-ICPMS and
limited amount of sample with small beam size. External 2σ SD errors TIMS are similar to those previously published with quantification of
of the daily JMC475 means are only slightly larger than in run 2σ SE, errors on small samples. Not just internal errors, but true accounting
typically 0.6 ε units. 2σ SD errors on the rock standards are all for reproducibility, which is particularly important for making age
~ 40 ppm for solutions equivalent to 0.5 to 1.5 ng of Hf. These errors are calculations. U-series measurements are improved by stabilizing and
comparable to the 2σ SD 46 ppm external reproducibility measured by maximizing beams such that internal and external errors are
(Weis et al., 2007). improved. This includes optimizing nebulizer running conditions so
Comparison of Sr isotopic values of the rock standards to other that uptake rates (e.g. aerosol size) are low enough to boost sensitivity
published values indicates minor offsets, but they all fall within the 2σ while being high enough that the amount of solute is larger than a
SD uncertainties (Raczek et al., 2003; Weis et al., 2005, 2006). The in- single drop. The use of a high precision gas flow controller for the
run precision for each individual measurement is less than 10 ppm, nebulizer kept uptake rates and beam intensities stable. Alignment of
while the external reproducibility is larger (50 ppm). The original the lens apertures also increases sensitivity by increasing the
loading and running technique limited our beam size to 1–2 V and our proportion of the beam that actually reaches the detectors. And for
external errors to ~ 200 ppm for BCR-2 and for SRM987, while with a both U and Hf, a modified cone configuration increased the sensitivity
modified loading procedure to stabilize the sample on the filament the by 50%. In comparison to other methods based on TIMS, we have
beams reached 5–6 V and errors were reduced to 50 ppm (Fig. 5c: similar errors on sample sizes 1–2 orders of magnitude lower for U
measurements 7–14). Loess standard CDL shows a higher variability in and Th, (Goldstein et al., 2004) and comparable results for Ra and Pa.
Sr/86Sr than the other standards, likely due to the heterogeneity of For Sr, our initial errors were quite high (~200 ppm), especially
S.M. Aciego et al. / Chemical Geology 266 (2009) 194–204 203

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