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Set of safety instructions in order to avoid risk of incident at workplace.

Safety Moment- Safety Information Matrix

Guide you to achieve safety by:

• Follow site safety rules
• Keep safety always at priority
• Follow safe procedures (OSP)

Objective – What you’re going to learn

Every job contain hazards & risk if appropriate safety measures are followed risk of incident can be
prevented. In this training we had tried to aware you about the safety measure to be adhere as per the
various activity at workplace.
• General activity
• Workplace hygiene activity
• Technical activities

Introduction- Safety Information Matrix
Address Unsafe act and conditions using 5P’s

People - Start TBT with greetings like Hello , Namaste etc.

Place of Work - The operators should be alerted & reminded by the supervisor on the exact location of their
works & inform them what is expected from them.

Procedure of work - Sequence of activities in order and the confirmation on use of correct tools /tackles.

Pros & Cons- If approach /access/ egress / positioning / securing, ambience, right sequences of works, right
use of tools /tackles etc are not carried out ,then what could be the consequences & how to deal with any
consequential emergency situations (if arises) at the position of works.

Personal Protective Equipments - Use of gadgets, accessories which are essential for protecting human body
from any injury or damage.
Note : Use safety Information Matrix now to address the unit members.
You must know

A General Mandatory Prohibited Warning

1 Round the • Reporting (near miss & incident) • No Smoking at workplace • Risk of fire
clock at site • Conduct Tool Box Talks (TBT) every shift • Use of mobile phone while • Risk of injury &
• Use PPE as per work requirements working illness
• Uniform and shoes • Working under the influence
• Periodic Supervision/monitoring of alcohol or drug.
• Orientation of new employee • Bypass safety measure
• Electrical hazard sign board & shock treatment chart in utilities • Frivolity or horseplay while
and plant working
• Safety signage & poster • Loose Long hair, chain, ring,
• Permit to do maintenance and repair work bangles, un tucked shirt
• Grooming as per company standard
• Safety notice board
• Training as per 52 week calendar
• Ready fire extinguisher

You must know

B House keeping Mandatory Prohibited Warning

1 Chemical handling (Dilution, • Use PPE (Mask, Gloves & goggle) • Untrained person • Risk of chemical exposure - causes
using) • Room ventilation • Chemical spill severe burn
• Follow OSP •Use of ordinary bottles • Suffocation and breathlessness'
2 Chemical storing (store • Clear Labeling of containers • Cans without lid • Risk of chemical exposure - cause of
room) • Safe Stacking of containers • Cans without identification label severe burn
• MSDS & COSHH • Storage near source of heat or • Suffocation
• Room ventilation fire • Risk of fire
3 Mopping walkways • Use PPE (Gloves & shoes) • Walking on wet floor • Risk of slip & fall
• Use of warning sign
• Area barricading
4 Wash room cleaning • PPE (Mask, Gloves, gum boots & • Working without PPE • Risk of slip & fall
goggle) • Wet floor
• Ventilation

You Must know

C Maintenance of HVAC Plant/equip Mandatory Prohibited Warning

• Use PPE (gloves & goggles)
• Walking on wet floor • Chemical exposure
1 De-Scaling • Area ventilation
• Poor ventilation • Suffocation
• Area illumination
• LOTO for panel and machine • Respiratory illness due to dust
• Walking on wet floor
2 AHU filter washing • PPE (Mask, Gloves & goggle) • Risk of slip, trip & fall
• Poor ventilation
• Walk ways obstruction free • Electrocution
• LOTO for panel and motor
• PPE (Gloves, goggle, hard hat) • Unsafe walkways
• Risk of electrocution
3 Cooling tower cleaning • Use of proper ladder • Working in Inadequate
• Risk of fall from height
• Follow OSP illumination
• Supervision

You Must know

D STP Room Mandatory Prohibited Warning

1 Pump operation • Electrical isolation by rubber mat • Operation with wet hand • Risk of electrocution
• Use PPE ( Mask, ear plugs/ muffs, ) • By pass safety interlocks of machine • Risk of injury
• Room ventilation & illumination • Running powered machine without • Risk of fire
• follow OSP safety guard.
• Machine guarding
• Electrical hazard sign board & shock treatment chart
• Supervision
2 Chemical mixing • Use PPE (gloves, goggle & mask) • working without PPE • Risk of chemical exposure
• Follow OSP • Walkways wet or slippery floor • Risk of slip, trip & fall
• Ventilation & illumination • Improper securing of chemicals • Suffocation
• Arrangement of eye wash facility
3 Tank Inspection • Use PPE (gloves, goggle & mask) • working without PPE • Suffocation
• Follow OSP • Obstructed walk ways slippery • Risk of slip, trip & fall
• Ventilation & illumination ladder .
• Safe walk ways & ladder

You Must know

E Electrical Room Mandatory Prohibited Warning

1 Equipment • Implement LOTO & PTW system • Inadequate experience or • Risk of injury (by use of
servicing/ • Tool Box Talks & instruction under training defective or wrong tools)
maintenance • Supervision • Without PPE • Risk of electrocution & burn
• electrical isolation by rubber mat • Walkways wet or slippery • Risk of slip, trip & fall
• Using PPE ( gloves, helmet) • Poor illumination.
•Safe/ certified tools & equipments • Defective tool & equipments
• Follow OSP • obstructed walk ways
• Emergency lighting
2 HT,LT panel • Supervision • Untrained, inexperienced or • Risk of injury (by use of
operation • Electrical isolation by rubber mat under training operators defective or wrong tools)
• Using PPE (gloves) • Loose cable joints • Risk of fire (loose joints)
• Electrical hazard sign board & shock treatment chart in • Walkways wet or slippery • Risk of electrocution & burn
electrical • Poor illumination. • Risk of slip, trip & fall
• Instruments functional properly • Defective instrument
• Follow OSP • Obstructed walk ways
• Single line diagram (SLD) displayed at panel • Poor ventilation of electrical

You Must know

F DG set Mandatory Prohibited Warning

1 DG running condition • Supervision • Untrained, inexperienced or under training operators • Risk of electrocution
• Electrical isolation by rubber mat • Any leakage (fuel/engine oil/coolant) • Risk of injury & suffocation
• Using PPE (ear plug/muffs) • Walkways wet or slippery • Risk of fire
• Instruments functional properly • Poor illumination.
• Follow OSP • Abnormal sound & smell of machine
• DG set DO's & Don'ts displayed • Defective instrument in panel
• Checks (A,B &C ) as per schedule • Obstructed walk ways
• Emergency lighting • Poor ventilation of electrical room
• Ready Fire extinguishers
• Room Ventilation
2 Transferring diesel to • Using PPE (gloves, goggle & mask) • Without PPE • Risk of fire
day tank • Follow OSP • Pump motor without earth connection. • Land contamination
• Ventilation & illumination • Smoking • Risk of slip, trip & fall
• Use of spillage tray • Electrical loose join & connections
• Level marking & tank capacity display • Diesel spillage
• Level tube clear
3 Filter change • LOTO of machine • Walking on wet floor • Respiratory illness due to
• PPE (Mask, Gloves & goggle) • Poor ventilation dust
• Walk ways obstruction free • Risk of slip, trip & fall

You Must know

G Diesel Unloading Mandatory Prohibited Warning

1 Vehicle parking • Designated parking bay • Vehicle engine on • Risk of vehicle movement
• Wheel choking arrangement • Movement of other leading to incident.
• Engine switch off vehicles
• Area barricading
2 Diesel shifting • use PPE (gloves & mask) • Use of mobile phone • Risk of fire & explosion
• vehicle static discharge connection • Hot work or fire • Fuel spillage
• spillage tray • Smoking
• hot work permit • Starting of vehicle
• Supply disconnection of pump. engine.
• safety signage at yard
• Fire fighting arrangement

You Must know

H Elevator Mandatory Prohibited Warning

1 Operating • Safety Instruction in lobby (don't use in case of fire) • Smoking in Car • Trap in case of use in fire
elevator • Do's & don'ts displayed in car • Over loading of car
• Emergency call facility operational • Use of lift in case of fire
• Displayed emergency contact nos. • Use of defective lift
• Panel functional properly
• Functional emergency lighting & fan through UPS backup.
• Door sensor operational
2 Elevator • Locking of machine lift room • No smoking • Risk of incident due to
machine room • Fire extinguisher & alarm system • Loose cable joints inadequate maintenance.
• Electrical isolation by rubber mat • Walkways wet or slippery • Risk of fire
• Room ventilation. • Poor illumination. • Risk of injury by
• Electrical hazard sign board & shock treatment chart • Defective instrument entanglement by rotating
• Hazard warning diagonal line • Obstructed walk ways parts
• Good house keeping • Poor ventilation
• Emergency lighting • Use as store room
• Rotating parts guarding

Q1. What you learnt from?
A. Nothing is impossible B. Type of signage's
C. Every task should be followed by safety procedures & instructions. D. Do’s & Don'ts
Q2. What we need from you?
A. Your concentration and approach for safety at workplace B. Support
C. Grooming D. All as above
Q3. How you can work safely at electrical equipment's?
A. working under someone B. Tools
C. Appling LOTO & PTW system D. Trainings


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