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Learning Objectives:
1. To value the significance of study of Corrections and its responsibility in the Criminal Justice
in the Philippines;
2. To state the important terms used in the study;
3. To describe the management functions of the correctional supervisor; and
4. To recognize the objectives of correctional supervision.

Introduction management. It concerned with the custody,

treatment, and rehabilitation of criminal
Corrections is one of the major offenders.
subjects in the BS Criminology program. As
a matter of fact, there are at least two CORRECTION AND THE CRIMINAL
correction subjects that must be taken and JUSTICE SYSTEM
passed by criminology students in order to Criminal justice system is the
be able to graduate. These are the machinery of any government in the
institutional corrections or CA 1n and non- control and prevention of crime. It is
institutional corrections or CA 2n. The latter composed of the pillars of justice, and
deals more on community-based treatment these are as follows:
programs while the former is focused on the a. Law enforcement
incarceration and detention of persons. In b. Prosecution
this subject we place emphasis on c. Court
institutional corrections. d. Corrections
e. Community
Corrections is a concept which
describes both a wide range of diversified
programs, agencies, and institutions and an PENOLOGY is the study of punishment
equally broad range of philosophical goals, for crime or criminal offenders. It includes the
ideals, and theory about the nature of study of control and prevention of crime
human’s society, crime, and the criminal through punishment of criminal offenders.
offender. The term is derived from the Latin word,
It is a branch of the criminal justice “POENA”, which means pain or suffering. It is
system concerned with the custody, otherwise known as Penal Science. Penology
suspension and rehabilitation of criminal can be defined also as the division of
offenders. It is the field of criminal justice criminology that deals with prison
administration which utilizes the body of management and the treatment of offenders
knowledge and practices of the government and concerned itself with the philosophy and
and the society in general involving the practice of society in its effort to repress
processes of handling individuals who have criminal activities.
been convicted of offenses for purposes of
crime prevention and control. PENAL MANAGEMENT is the manner
or practice of managing or controlling places
CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION is of confinement as in jails or prisons.
study of practice of a systematic

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