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August 22, 2023 ~ 1* reading September 12, 2023 ~ 2 reading 2023-36 2023-36 (2"° READING): TO CREATE A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS SEASIDE FARMS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 3 Applicant/Purpose: Robert S. Guyton (agent) / to create the Seaside Farms PUD. 4 5 Brief: 6 ‘© The Seaside Farms PUD request is in conjunction with Ordinance 2023-37 (annexation 1 request for a comer parcel at of Robert M. Grissom Pkwy and Pine Island Road). 8 ‘The current site is a vacant piece of land that does not have any habitable structures on 9 it at this time. 10 + The project consists of 6 multifamily buildings, and a commercial outparcel. n + Public improvements include: 2 ‘© area stormwater improvements; 1B ‘© a 10' multipurpose path along Pine Island Rd between Grissom Pkwy & Hwy 15; 4 0 Improvements to Pine Island Rd to accommodate turning movements, 1s, ‘* Planning Commission unanimously (7/0) recommends approval (8/1/23). 16 ‘© Changes at 1st Reading: 7 © to eliminate short-term rentals, 8 ©. to specify Robert Grissom Pkway as the primary entrance, 9 © to clarify no substance abuse treatment facilities, and 20 © to clarify that the developer will extend the multipurpose path along Pine Island 21 all the way to Hwy 15. 2 23 24 ‘+ The PUD will be developed in seven phases: 25 © 6 phases within the residential portion of the Project shall consist of one (1) 26 residential building in each phase, provided that such buildings may be constructed 2 in any order, and more than one phase of the Project may be constructed at the 28 ‘same time. 29 © Phase 7 of the construction is the commercial area within the PUD. 30 * All phases of the Project are expected to be completed by the 7" anniversary of the 31 approval of this PUD. 32 * Aswith all PUDs, it is important to weigh the impact and scope of the public improvements 33 against the asks of the developer. 44 35 Notification: Ad in newspaper, agenda published and posted, one phone call off the sign 36 requesting information, caller was happy with the project. 37 38 Alternatives: Amend or deny the ordinance, 39 40 Financial Impact: Bringing the property into the City will allow for additional tax revenue, 41 business license revenue and development. a2 43. Manager's Recommendation: “4 © Trecommend 1* reading (8.22.23). 45 * recommend 2" and final reading (9.12.23) 46 47 Attachment(s): Ordinance, staff report ORDINANCE 2023-36 CITY OF MYRTLE BEACH ) AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE A STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT COUNTY OF HORRY ) KNOW AS SEASIDE FARMS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Itis hereby ordained that the Seaside Farms Planned Unit Development (hereinafter the “Subject Property’) is created pursuant to the terms and conditions of this ordinance. The development authorized and approved by this ordinance shall be located on that parcel of land identified with Horry County PIN as 425-00-00-0313 as shown on the Compiled Survey prepared by G3 Engineering & Surveying dated March 17, 2023, attached hereto and incorporated herein by referenced as APPENDIX “A” The existing site conditions with regards to the Subject Property are shown on APPENDIX “B" attached hereto, which depicts a site that is cleared, with little remaining vegetation. There are no vertical improvements to the Subject Property at this time. In addition, the site elevations are relatively flat, as shown on the current topography map attached hereto as APPENDIX G" The development authorized by this ordinance shall be generally as represented by that Proposed Overall Master PUD Site Plan drawn by G3 Engineering & Surveying, and is attached hereto and incorporated herein by referenced as APPENDIX These appendices to this Ordinance shall generally represent the development authorized by this, Ordinance, with the understanding that the Zoning Administrator or the Community Appearance Board may amend the plans to some degree. Pursuant to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Myrtle Beach, Appendix A, Zoning, Section 19.03.H as shown on Appendix *H'’ attached hereto, the plans referenced in this Ordinance are representative of the manner in which the Subject Property shall be developed and any such development shall be in strict compliance with the approved final plans for development and revisions thereto approved by City Staff. Section 1 - Purpose of Planned Unit Development The PUD fits within the context of the existing surrounding development. The site is currently vacant with some tree cover along the perimeter of the Subject Property, but generally being a cleared and undeveloped site. The approximately 17.84 acre Subject Property is currently outside of the corporate limits of the City of Myrtle Beach, and is zoned HC under the ordinances of Horry County. Upon annexation and approval of the PUD, the Subject Property will be oveoped asa Multi-Family Residential complex, primarily for occupancy as a primary residence, together with a commercial area acting as both a transition and a buffer from the highly traveled Robert M. Grissom Parkway, and offering typical neighborhood commercial uses. Parking area, amenities, open spaces and other conveniences for self-contained living within the PUD, are anticipated for the PUD, and each of the elements of such project are indicated on the Site Plan. The project includes restricted access to insure the safety and well-being of the residents, together with both vehicular and pedestrian connections to Robert M. Grissom Parkway and Pine Island Road, as well as improvements to City stormwater drainage network, landscaping, decorative fencing, and internal security cameras. {tHELexDeNSe lof tie!deVElopeEr The developer will install storm water improvements for the benefit of the general area surrounding the Subject Property, install multi-purpose paths safely connecting residents of the Project to Robert M. Grissom Parkway together with off-site improvements to the surrounding roadways. Maintenance for all improvements within the project, including the Open Spaces and drainage, will be the responsibility of owner, its successors, and assigns, as will the exterior landscaping on private property and both safety and decorative fencing Section 2 — Location of the Planned Unit Development ‘The Subject Property is accessed primarily via Grissom Parkway and Pine Island Road. The Subject Property is bounded to the North by Robert M. Grissom Parkway, to the West by a large drainage canal and undeveloped property, to the East by Pine Island Road, and to the South by existing attached single family townhomes. A Map of Existing Zoning for the surrounding properties is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as APPENDIX Section 3 - Permitted Uses Permitted uses in Buildings 42-6 are multi-family residential units. Within the commercial esidential uses shall be allowed, outparcel, multifamily residential and the following nor 34 ‘Accounting office, advertising agency, [Administrative service establishments of a business ‘character which supply general needs of an intangible Inature to the public including establishments performing management duties in the conduct of government, business, utilities, or industry [Advisory service establishments engaged in providing Imonetary and specialized professional knowledge to ithe community, including offices of paralegals, lobbyists, and designers. \Architects office [Arts and crafts studio Automated teller machines, free standing Bakeries, retail [Banks [Barbershops, beauty salons, and cosmetologists Blueprinting services ‘Booksellers / book stores [Brokers [Business consultants, offices of (Chiropractic care establishments (Clothing stores | Commercial center | rr [Confectionaries (Copy shops and business service centers (Cosmetology establishments \Credit office \Customer service/reception centers for interval lownership operations [Drapery shops, custom (Dressmaker Dry cleaning establishments Engineering office Eyeglass sales, [Facilities for active recreation not otherwise listed Facilities for passive recreation Financial office Florists and flower shops. Galleries Gift shops (Golf courses, miniature \Grocery and food stores Hardware stores Health care establishments engaged in the science and lart of preventing, curing, recovering from, or alleviating injury or disease, and associated offices, including medical, surgical, psychiatric, osteopathic, and dental, Dut not primary specticaly exuding treatment fr recovery from substance abuse SSeS else ee uses eses sob sceoneonusassoanneenen {Health clubs, gymnasiums, exercise and workout areas [Heavy durable goods sales not otherwise listed |Home decorating accessory shops sales Home occupations Horticultural nursery a Jewelry sales and repair Law office Liquor package stores | \Mailing/addressing services Massage establishment, therapeutic Museums [Music sales [News and magazine stands (Outdoor display and merchandise area Pharmacies Photography developing establishments Photography studios Pool halisibiliard parlors Professional organizations, offices of [Prosthetic facilities Real estate offices Religious establishments providing for religious service land development Restaurant, with drive-through service Restaurant, without drive-through service Restaurant with outdoor dining Retail, big box [Retail establishments providing convenience items and Iservices [Rock climbing walls Rooftop gardens |Service establishments of a business character lproviding maintenance, installation, and repair for Ispecialized service needs to individuals or other lbusinesses, including sales and service operations, and lstenographic and letter writing services [Shoe repair {Studios (art, dance, or music) [Studios (martial arts, athletic) [Tennis facilities, indoor or outdoor [Theater, indoor |Theater, outdoor [Travel agencies isitor accommodations not otherwise listed isitor information receptic ‘Section 4 - Accessory Uses Accessory Uses allowed are uses customarily accessory to multifamily dwelling complexes 44 42 43 44 45 46 47 luding but not limited to the following: Parking, provided such parking is designed and/or used for the storage of motor driven vehicles, owned and used by the occupants of the dwelling to which it is accessory, together with employee parking and guest parking. Accessory parking shall not be used for (i) a commercial vehicle licensed as a commercial vehicle by the State of South Carolina; or (ji) any vehicle of more than one ton in capacity except in the commercial portion of the PUD. Mailbox clusters. Outdoor recreation fields and leisure spaces which may include any combination of game lawns, basketball courts, volleyball courts, badminton courts, pickle ball courts, fire pits, picnic areas and picnic shelters, outdoor grills, and exercise equipment. Laundry facilities. Entertainment centers and fitness equipment. Management/maintenance/custodial offices and storage. Security and guest monitoring desks. Accessory uses within the commercial outparcel shall include: parking and overnight parking for commercial vehicles, overnight mail deposit boxes, mailboxes, fue! dispensary centers, 5 n 2 B “4 1s, 16 "7 18 19 20 21 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4 42 43 transportation loading and unloading facilities, walk-in coolers and freezers and equipment storage enclosed. All such accessory uses shall be located on the same parcel as the permitted use that such accessory uses support. Section 6 - Dimensional Requirements 6.1 Minimum lot area: 10,000 square feet 6.2 Minimum lot width: None 6.3 Minimum lot depth: None 6.4 — Maximum height: 65 feet 6.5 — Minimum front yard setback: 25 feet 6.6 Minimum rear yard setback: 25 feet 6.7 Minimum side yard setback: 15 feet 6.8 — Minimum pervious surface per lot: 20% 6.9 Minimum Building Separation: 20 feet Section 7 — Parking Standards The Subject Property will comply with the parking ordinances of the City in accordance with the requirements under the MU-M Zoning District as shown on APPENDIX *!" attached hereto, except to the extent such parking requirements may be modified by variance or special exception. Section 8 - Landscaping/Buffering/Open Space Requirements Landscaping will meet or exceed all landscape/buffering/open space requirements as described in Article 9 Landscaping and Tree Protection of the City of Myrtle Beach Zoning Ordinance and as consistent with the requirements of the MU-M Zoning District as shown on APPENDIX *J" attached hereto. Care will be taken to provide appropriate plant material to provide both visual interest and environmental sensitivity. Decorative fencing Six (6) feet in height will be provided along the perimeter of the Project abutting Pine Island Road and Robert M. Grissom Parkway. ‘The remaining perimeter of the Project shall be enclosed with a black chain link fence, Six (6) feet in height. A minimum of 25% of the PUD will be devoted to active and passive open space, which may consist of lakes, parks, amenities, and buffers. The Open Space proposed for the Project is, shown on APPENDIX *E” attached hereto. Section 9 - Lighting Standards The development will meet or exceed the lighting standards for the MU-M Zoning District by the City of Myrtle Beach as shown in the zoning ordinance, Article 12, Lighting and Glare as shown on APPENDIX “K" attached hereto. Section 10 — Signage Requirements 19 The development will meet or exceed the signage requirements for the MU-M Zoning District by the City of Myrtle Beach as found in the zoning ordinance, Article 8 Sign Regulations as shown on APPENDIX *L” attached hereto. Section 11 - Special Requirements In order to assist the City of Myrtle Beach with its ongoing beautification efforts, and subject to the issuance of appropriate encroachment permits, the developer will install a Ten (10) foot wide multi-purpose path along the boundary of the Subject Property, where such boundary is abutting the Pine Island Road and Robert M. Grissom Parkway right-of-way, outside the boundary of the Project but within the respective right-of-way for each roadway, to provide safe access for .edestrians and bicycles to Robert M. Grissom Parkway. In addition, the rem oT] ie co oi multi-purpose path from the Eastern boundary of the Subject Proper at Pine Island Road, to Highway 15, ; Install coated chain-link fencing along the perimeter of the Project, with decorative fencing along the property lines abutting Pine Island Road and Robert M Grissom Parkway; plant street trees and shrubs along the property lines abutting Pine Island Road and Robert M. Grissom Parkway, consisting of existing varieties approved by City staff. Section 12 - Technical Design Criteria The developer's technical design for new construction, grading, excavation, backfilling, surcharging, and all site improvements will follow the Code of Laws for the City of Myrtle Beach 12.1 For new construction, soil erosion control measures for each Phase will be designed and installed per the requirements of the City and of DHEC. 12.2 Alldevelopment shall comply with the requirements of the City's Stormwater Management Ordinance (Chapter 18, Stormwater Management as shown on APPENDIX “M” attached hereto) within the confines of the site plan referenced herein. 12.3. Water and sanitary sewer systems connected to the City lines will include design, sizing, and calculations for domestic water and wastewater pipes, water meters, manholes, and other water/sewer appurtenances required to serve and accommodate the development’ needs. Any easements needed for either or both systems will be deeded to the City as required during the development of each Phase. All design sizing, and calculations will bbe subject to review and approval by the City Engineering Department. 12.4 For new construction, in order to maintain proper surface drainage, curb and gutter or rolled asphalt will be installed for all entrances, paved asphalt areas, and public or private street areas in the PUD per Public Works guidance. 12.5 _Allutiities shall be provided underground except for necessary boxes, transformers, tight fixtures and other appurtenances. All utility plans and construction methods shall comply with City requirements. Conceptual utility design is shown on APPENDIX *F" attached hereto. 12.6 All Phases shall be constructed in general adherence with the Plans that are a part of this, Ordinance. 30 12.7 _ Internal driveways will be paved with a minimum of 22 feet of asphalt pavement. Section 13 - Public Improvements Public improvements will consist of the following: 13.1 Installing storm drainage improvements the capacity of which shall include a portion of the existing storm water within the boundary of Pine Island Road and Robert M. Grissom Parkway, and improve the existing large drainage canal along with Wester boundary of the Subject Property. 13.2 _ Installation of a multi-purpose path Ten (10) feet in width, outside the perimeter fencing of the Project, providing safe access from the Project along both Pine Island Road and Robert M. Grissom Parkway, outside of the boundary of the Subject Property. within the respective right-of-way of Robert M. Grissom Parkway and Pine Island Road 46, subject to the issuance of any required encroachment permits. 13.4 Developer shall install improvements within the right-of-way of Pine Island Road to accommodate ‘turning movements in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineering Department and South Carolina Department of Transportation Payments for public improvements are due upon issuance of building permits, except for public improvements to be installed by the developer, which public improvements shall be complete or bonded for completion (in accordance with the bonding requirements of the City) on or before the date on which the certificate of occupancy is issued for the Sixty (6") residential building Section 14 — Phasing Plan and Construction Schedule ‘The Subject Property will be developed in seven phases. Six phases within the residential portion of the Project shall consist of one (1) residential building in each phase, provided that such buildings may be constructed in any order, and more than one phase of the Project may be constructed at the same time. Phase 7 of the construction is the commercial area within the PUD, which is anticipated to be complete by the fifth anniversary of the approval of this PUD. Alll phases of the Project are expected to be completed by the seventh anniversary of the approval of this PUD. Any extension of this proposed development schedule must be approved by City Council, and must be supported by facts and circumstances warranting an extension. If at any time, construction falls more than 2 years behind the schedule filed with the plans and this Ordinance, the Planning Commission may recommend that the City Council, after notice and public hearing thereon, repeal this Ordinance. The developer shall be notified at least 90 days prior to any revocation hearing. Upon repeal of this ordinance, the HC-2 Zoning District would be deemed applicable. Section 15 — Summary of variations between existing zoning districts and PUD provisions u 2 B 4 1s 16 7 18 19 20 21 2 23 25 ‘The primary difference between the requirements of the PUD and existing HC zoning within Horry County, is that the HC zoning district within Horry County is much more intense than the MU-M zoning district within the City. In addition the PUD reduces the number and intensity of uses for the remaining commercial portion of the PUD, and eliminates the majority of the allowed uses within the MU-M Zoning District which neighboring properties are likely to find offensive. Section 16 — Enactment Provision and Signature Lines Enactment Provision ~ This ordinance is effective upon second reading of City Council. Brenda Bethune, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Adkins, City Clerk 1* Reading: August 22, 2023 2" Reading: September 12, 2023 ol ~ ofl ean a ait Te YVR io nt TH ta rb i Ss ne Existing Conditions {i S =e ed ® q i el Appendix “C Master Site Plan goo! 7 a gil on'3 aes (on! iPS 2a Surrounding Properties APPENDIX “D" Zoning Map of APPENDIX “G”" ‘Topography 6

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