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Journal of Cleaner Production 293 (2021) 126130

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Blockchain technology and the circular economy: Implications for

sustainability and social responsibility
Arvind Upadhyay a, *, Sumona Mukhuty b, Vikas Kumar c, Yigit Kazancoglu d
University of Brighton, UK
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
University of the West of England, UK
Yasar University, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Blockchain technology is a revolutionary new protocol for sharing and updating information by linking
Received 16 January 2020 ledgers or databases in a decentralised, peer-to-peer, open-access network. Blockchain is designed to
Received in revised form ensure the data is stored and updated in a secure, tamper-proof and irreversible way. Despite being in its
10 January 2021
nascent stages, the blockchain research is developing rapidly in different fields, making it imperative to
Accepted 26 January 2021
Available online 3 February 2021
capture the ethical and sustainability implications of blockchain development and implementation. The
circular economy also focuses on enhancing sustainability and social responsibility, alongside economic
^as de
Handling editor: Cecilia Maria Villas Bo growth. In this article, we critically review blockchain technology’s current and potential contribution to
Almeida the circular economy through the lens of sustainability and social responsibility. This paper contributes to
the Industry 4.0 literature by identifying, collating and organising the disparate research on blockchain,
Keywords: with a critical focus on its positive impact and potential repercussions for the ethics agenda. Within this
Blockchain narrative review, we argue and highlight the extant and potential alignment of blockchain with circular
Circular economy economy. Our findings show that blockchain technology can contribute to the circular economy by
helping to reduce transaction costs, enhance performance and communication along the supply chain,
Social responsibility
ensure human rights protection, enhance healthcare patient confidentiality and welfare, and reduce
Industry 4.0
carbon footprint. We also evaluate the challenges to blockchain implementation for circular economy, in
terms of trust, illegal activities, potential for hacking and the need to address these through suitable
legislation and policy development. Furthermore, we acknowledge the potential upfront costs involved
in implementing blockchain technology, although we observe that the benefits are likely to exceed the
challenges. We conclude this article with recommendations for future research in this field.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction inter-connected. Lu (2017) captures this concisely, stating that In-

dustry 4.0 features “digitization, optimisation, and customization of
Industry 4.0 or the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ as introduced production; automation and adaptation; human-machine interac-
by the German federal government in 2011 (Lasi et al., 2014), places tion (HMI); value-added services and businesses, and automatic
high emphasis on enhancing industrial capabilities through the data exchange and communication” (Lu, 2017). In other words,
intensification of technological applications and digitalisation Industry 4.0 aims to bring about the development and synthesis of
(Luthra et al., 2020). Industry 4.0 embraces smart systems har- digital, physical and biological technologies (Li et al., 2017) through
nessed through information technology (IT) (de Sousa Jabbour software and programming expertise.
et al., 2018a) and encompasses digital and virtual technologies To achieve this fusion, digital technology currently remains the
which are product and service focused (de Sousa Jabbour et al., core driving force of Industry 4.0 (Li et al., 2017). A key aim and
2018b), facilitate real-time data exchange and updates, and are feature of Industry 4.0 is the facilitation of inter-connection be-
tween machines, digital devices, transactions, and various stake-
holders including suppliers, buyers, and customers (de Sousa
* Corresponding author. Jabbour et al., 2018b), in real-time. The ‘Internet of Things (IoT)’
E-mail addresses:, has made this interconnected communication possible to an extent.
(A. Upadhyay).
0959-6526/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Upadhyay, S. Mukhuty, V. Kumar et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 293 (2021) 126130

Furthermore, a revolutionary new technology, which promises to economy and argues the interlink between the two. This is followed
make this possible in a more secure fashion, is Blockchain by an evaluative review of blockchain and its application in
technology. different sectors, in relation to sustainability and wider social re-
Blockchain technology may be defined as an online, open- sponsibility implications. Within this review, we argue and high-
source distributed ledger where transactions between different light the extant and potential alignment of blockchain with circular
stakeholders can be recorded and updated simultaneously and in economy. The final section encompasses the key conclusions, and
real-time (Iansiti and Lakhani, 2017). Blockchain is designed so that provides recommendations for future research in this field.
these transaction records can be authenticated in a reliable way and
the records are irreversible (Iansiti and Lakhani, 2017). Blockchain 2. Research methodology
is a peer-to-peer system that eschews the role and power of cen-
tralised control over transactions, their record-keeping and access We conduct this research by adopting a narrative and integra-
to these records. Thereby it can facilitate the fusion of transactions, tive literature review approach as advocated by Torraco (2005). An
stakeholders as well as machines, a key feature and aspiration of integrative literature review is considered suitable where the
Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0’s IoT entails communication and inter- subject matter is new and needs further exploration (Torraco,
connectivity between things like electronic devices, smart devices 2005). There is a need for this review as blockchain is a new
including smartphones, and transportation systems using unique technology, which is rapidly gaining implementation interest in
codes (de Sousa Jabbour et al., 2018b). Blockchain has the potential different sectors. Organisations are enthusiastic to capitalise on
to underpin and bring security to this key Industry 4.0 aspiration of cost and time efficiencies. However, there is an increased need and
IoT. Blockchain can also facilitate automation of transactions in a interest to balance this with sustainability and social responsibility
permanent and verifiable manner (Iansiti and Lakhani, 2017), imperatives embodied in the cleaner production and circular
helping to save time and resources and thereby eliminating in- economy agenda, an example of which is the UN sustainable
efficiencies or waste. development goals (SDGs) towards 2030 (United Nations, 2015).
Industry 4.0 can also be linked to the aims of the Circular The exponential level and speed of investment in blockchain
Economy (de Sousa Jabbour et al., 2018b), which is to achieve a implementation experiments make it crucial to investigate block-
regenerative, closing the loop economy with minimal waste chain technology in terms of how it can make a beneficial contri-
(Geissdoerfer et al., 2017), aspiring to detangle environmental bution to sustainability and social responsibility, while raising
pressure from economic enhancement and harmonise between the awareness of the potential ethical drawbacks of blockchain. To
environment, economy and society (Ghisellini et al., 2016). Circular accomplish this, we need to draw linkages between different bodies
Economy seeks cleaner production arrangements, adoption of of literature; achievable through an integrative study (MacInnis,
renewable technology and know-how, and development of 2011; Torraco, 2005). Through this review, we aim to generate
appropriate policies and tools (Ghisellini et al., 2016). Blockchain by new perspectives on the implication of blockchain technology on
virtue of its make-up as an open-source, peer-to-peer, distributed the ethical business agenda of industry 4.0.
ledger system and automation capabilities; has the potential to We draw upon the combined literature of blockchain technol-
create cleaner economic transactional processes and help achieve ogy and its applications in business, sustainability and social re-
the much-needed balance and harmony between the environment, sponsibility to capture the current influence of blockchain and
economy and society. Effectively the implementation of a Circular develop an analysis on its potential implications. In doing so, we
Economy can also contribute to the Green Economy agenda also analyse relevant literature on the circular economy, a core
(Ghisellini et al., 2016) through the development and diversified aspect of which is sustainability. We critically synthesise segre-
implementation of blockchain technology. gated fields of literature to develop a combined conceptual analysis
Arguably, the underlying premise of the Circular Economy is the leading to new perspectives. The rationale for this approach be-
ethical business agenda of cleaner production (Hens et al., 2018), comes apparent through a review of the literature on blockchain,
sustainability (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017) and social responsibility followed by circular economy and sustainability, leading to the ar-
(Esken et al., 2018). This encompasses both service and guments illustrating how blockchain can augment as well as hinder
manufacturing industries in the economy. Blockchain technology as the sustainability and social responsibility imperative.
a powerful distributed ledger tool of secure interconnectivity has In this study, we included articles focusing on blockchain in the
the prowess to facilitate cleaner production of goods and services field of business and its applications; as opposed to articles on
and address the ethical agenda of business development. computational language and algorithms. Furthermore, we included
While blockchain technology was first developed and intro- articles on sustainability and social responsibility based on whether
duced in 2008 (Xu et al., 2019); it has taken several years for there was a link with industry 4.0, circular economy, or blockchain
different industries to recognise its potential value and utility in itself. To establish the relevance of the articles, we included articles
exponentially enhancing efficiencies and reducing waste. Despite where the search terms were evident in the title and/or the ab-
being in its nascent stages, the associated research is developing stract. We conducted initial article searches on academic search
rapidly in different fields, making it imperative to capture the engines including EBSCO Business Source Premier, Web of Science,
ethical implications of blockchain development and implementa- Science Direct and Cross Ref. Thereafter, we adopted a snowballing
tion and bridge this gap in the literature. approach and identified suitable articles from citations of the ar-
Therefore, the aim of this article is to critically review blockchain ticles retrieved from exploration on academic search engines. We
technology’s current and potential contribution to the circular discovered that the majority of articles on blockchain were pub-
economy through the lens of sustainability and social re- lished 2015 onwards with a surge in such articles between 2017 and
sponsibility. This paper contributes to the Industry 4.0 literature by 2020. The bulk of the articles on circular economy were published
identifying, collating and organising the disparate research on post 2010. Despite the apparently short timeline, research in this
blockchain, with a critical focus on its positive impact and potential field is increasing at an exponential rate, making this review a
repercussions for the ethics agenda. timely one. Due to the nascent nature of blockchain research, this
This study is structured as follows: The following section ex- review was not restricted to ‘top journals’ only, although it includes
plains the methodology adopted in conducting this research. The a high number of top journals.
subsequent section reviews the concept of blockchain, circular Sustainability and social responsibility are relatively established
A. Upadhyay, S. Mukhuty, V. Kumar et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 293 (2021) 126130

topics, but blockchain is a novel invention, which is just over a prevented its implementation (Szabo, 1997). Smart contracts are
decade old, and its implementation in different sectors is still defined by pre-specified terms, incorporating rules and penalties,
gathering pace. In order to analyse the make-up and applications of set up on the blockchain employing a Turing-complete contracting
blockchain in the context of sustainability and social responsibility, language (Lai & Lee Kuo Chen, 2017). This facilitates the setting-up
it is important to understand the technology, how it works and its and auto-execution of complex contracts (Moll and Yigitbasioglu,
core features. Thereafter we can evaluate its alignment with and 2019; Omohundro, 2014). These contract terms are openly visible
implications for sustainability and social responsibility in the Cir- to all nodes on the network or blockchain (Moll and Yigitbasioglu,
cular Economy. Therefore, in the following sections, we commence 2019). A smart contract is triggered when it receives data which is
with a conceptual review of blockchain technology, leading on to a assessed in terms of the pre-defined contractual terms. If the pre-
synthesis of this literature with the circular economy, sustainability set conditions are met, the required outcome is generated i.e.
and social responsibility. completion of the transaction, otherwise, an error message is
released, which is discernible to all nodes on the smart contract
3. Key concepts: blockchain technology and the circular blockchain (Rozario and Vasarhelyi, 2018). The diversified imple-
economy mentation of smart contracts in different fields also promises to
lower the cost of transactions.
3.1. Blockchain technology Blockchain technology was developed as a communication tool
between different ledgers to upgrade digital currency transactions
Blockchain technology was developed and first introduced by simultaneously and irreversibly. The primary application of block-
Satoshi Nakamoto (pseudonym), as an open distributed ledger tool chain being, recording the cryptocurrency bitcoin’s usage and
for the use of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin (Nakamoto, 2008). transactions. Since its initial application in cryptocurrencies and
Although scepticism towards its complexity initially stifled block- evolution to implement smart contracts, blockchain application has
chain development, growing recognition of its advantages has led extended to the banking and finance sector (Iansiti and Lakhani,
to burgeoning research on its applications. Blockchain has been 2017) and accounting field (Moll and Yigitbasioglu, 2019). Block-
hailed as both a foundational (Iansiti and Lakhani, 2017) and chain is subsequently being experimented with and researched in
disruptive technology (Jesse, 2018; Xu et al., 2019). The key the health sector (Engelhardt, 2017; Radanovic and Likic, 2018),
attractive features of blockchain technology include its use as a supply chain management (Saberi et al., 2019; Schmidt and
distributed ledger, decentralised control, transparency, perma- Wagner, 2019), marketing, smart technology schemes, insurance
nency of transactions, robust makeup preventing tamper or (Püttgen and Kaulartz, 2017), patents and copyrights (O’Dair and
manipulation, and openness of accessibility (Iansiti and Lakhani, Beaven, 2017)and so on. What makes blockchain attractive to
2017; Xu et al., 2019). Blockchain technology development has different sectors are the principles underpinning the technology,
now developed into three versions, Blockchain 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0; namely, peer-to-peer sharing, distributed storage capability,
aligning with different types of implementation. tamper-resistant security and the potential for secure automation.
Blockchain technology “handles blocks e uniquely identified,
linked transaction records e in a chain” (Treleaven et al., 2017, p. 3.2. Circular economy
15). It functions, so that once a transaction is updated and
authenticated by all the relevant nodes or key parties in the The concept of Circular Economy attempts to integrate eco-
network, it is irreversible and cannot be over-written or re- nomic activities with environmental welfare in a sustainable
sequenced. This makes blockchain a very secure distributed led- manner (Murray et al., 2017). The circular economy aims to depart
ger and resultantly all parties have access to identical and correct from the practice of ‘make, use, dispose’ and encourages the cyclical
records (Iansiti and Lakhani, 2017; Moll and Yigitbasioglu, 2019). implementation of processes and use of processes. It aims to
Furthermore, peer-to-peer interconnected ledgers ensure that up- restrict the depletion of natural resources and waste, through its
dates in any one ledger are visible and accessible to all. Further- cyclical use and embodies cleaner production through the three Rs
more, blockchain is a perpetually expanding, distributed yet shared ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ (Murray et al., 2017), both in the
ledger secured cryptographically, using digital fingerprints manufacturing and service economy. Circular economy defines a
(Treleaven et al., 2017). new approach to addressing sustainability and social responsibility
In order to add new blocks to the chain, cryptocurrency mining issues; paying particular attention to the social aspects of sustain-
is adopted which entails deciphering a mathematical conundrum ability. It embraces a loop system of economy-environment col-
via large intricate computations, until the target value is reached. In laborations creating a closed-loop economy (Mathews and Tan,
the physical world, this is like using trial and error to arrive at the 2011). Within the loop, the circular economy aims to keep mate-
correct combination for a safe. Miners on the network compete to rials, products and outputs in circulation for the longest time, by
find blocks by solving the conundrum quickest; and add these to preserving their value (Bocken et al., 2016). Alongside, economic
the chain. In return, they are rewarded in new cryptocurrency. Each growth while protecting the environment, Circular Economy also
block needs to contain a proof-of-work, which is ratified by other aims to create social equality (Xue et al., 2010). Murray et al. (2017)
nodes on the network. This ensures the security and tamper- also highlighted the need for the Circular Economy agenda to focus
resistance of the chain (Flint, 2014; Moll and Yigitbasioglu, 2019). on achieving social equality. In addition to being considered by
The system is set up so that there is a limit on the amount of some governments like China, industry and academics, the Circular
cryptocurrency released into circulation. Blockchain, therefore is Economy is being championed by think-tanks in the west like the
established on the principle of simultaneous cooperation and Ellen MacArthur Foundation (MacArthur et al., 2015). Natural re-
competition within the network (Narayan and Tidstro €m, 2020). sources are finite and irreplaceable, while economic growth and job
Blockchain 2.0 technology can also be employed to implement creation is still a necessity, hence there a need business models
automation of transactions (Iansiti and Lakhani, 2017; Moll and fostering sustainable living, production and consumption (Murray
Yigitbasioglu, 2019), which can be set up via digital, self- et al., 2017) both in the manufacturing and the service sector.
executing ‘smart contracts’ (Xu et al., 2019). This concept was Hence, increasingly, organisations are keen to adopt the circular
initiated by Ethereum, a blockchain platform; although the concept economy concept in integrating sustainability into economic ac-
was first coined by Nick Szabo in 1993, but the lack of infrastructure tivity (Bocken et al., 2016). Seeking to generate economic value in
A. Upadhyay, S. Mukhuty, V. Kumar et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 293 (2021) 126130

tandem with sustainability and social welfare is leading firms to- to value creation and value appropriation (Narayan and Tidstro €m,
wards co-creation of sustainable market value through trans- 2020). This is a core feature of the blockchain technology and can
formative business strategies (Loorbach and Wijsman, 2013). In the aid in achieving the above circular economy outcomes through its
context of circular economy, Spring and Araujo (2017) propose principles of decentralisation, distributiveness, and tamper-
designing products as distributed networks rather than a unitary resistance (Iansiti and Lakhani, 2017; Narayan and Tidstro €m,
product; with service-value opportunities at various transition 2020) coupled with its functionality for smart contracts (Catalini
points of a product life-cycle (Spring and Araujo, 2017). and Gans, 2016) and tokenisation (Narayan and Tidstro € m, 2020).
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation, dedicated to holistic devel- Sustainability and wider social responsibility imperatives are
opment and implementation of the circular economy proposes achievable through business models facilitating decentralisation
three principles for circular value creation (Ellen MacArthur and circulatory value creation in products and services. The circular
Foundation, 2015). First, preserving and enhancing finite supply economy aim is to minimise or eliminate waste (Schulte, 2013),
of natural resources through dematerialisation and virtual delivery which can be facilitated by transforming product/services end-of-
of utility, and embracing renewable technologies and processes. life into restorative value by enhancing longevity or deciphering
Second, optimisation of products and processes through recycling, new forms of consumption (Sousa-Zomer et al., 2017), thereby
refurbishment and remanufacturing to regenerate resources and keeping them in sustainable circulation. Furthermore, some au-
recirculate them without diminishing value. Third, reducing dam- thors encourage linking the conceptualising of the circular econ-
age, designing out waste and use of renewable and resilient re- omy to systems thinking, with a business model considering the
sources for economic growth (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2015). wider network of stakeholders to ensure the cyclical life cycle in
They also advocate the ReSOLVE framework to nurture the circular designing products and services (Murray et al., 2017; Narayan and
economy: regeneration, sharing, optimisation, loop, virtualisation Tidstro€ m, 2020). Here-in blockchain technology can significantly
and exchange. Regeneration entails renewals and restoration of contribute by providing the underpinning technology, linking
ecosystems. Sharing focuses on reusing, upgrading and sharing complex networks and databases with built-in designs and con-
asset usage. Optimisation includes enhanced performance/effi- figurations to update all connected databases simultaneously,
ciency, waste removal and big data usage, remote sensing and irreversibly and facilitate automation where needed. For the suc-
automation. Loop refers to recycling, remanufacturing, and cess of such innovation, different firms on the network or chain,
biochemical extraction from organic waste so outputs act as inputs need to embrace the new technology and reconfigure as well
in the economy. Virtualisation encourages dematerialisation in the (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017; Narayan and Tidstro€ m, 2019). The inno-
form of e-books, digital music and online marketplaces. Finally, vative technology of blockchain protocol is being considered a
exchange entails adopting new models of services and business and strong driving force for digital economy (N. Upadhyay, 2020). The
applying new technological inventions like 3D printing and following section evaluates the different current and potential ap-
blockchain platforms (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2015). Argu- plications of blockchain protocol in various sectors and their im-
ably, this circular economy framework of sustainability can be plications for the circular economy aims of sustainability and social
achieved significantly through digitalisation and particularly responsibility.
blockchain technology. The following section argues the link be-
tween blockchain technology and the circular economy. 4. Discussion of blockchain and its applications:
sustainability and social responsibility implications for the
3.3. Blockchain and circular economy linkage circular economy

Increasingly digitalisation is making it possible to implement We have already established that sustainability is a core focus of
the Circular Economy vision of being regenerative and restorative. the circular economy. Sustainability, in turn, subsumes three core
These particularly include industry 4.0 technology like artificial interlinked pillars in the form of economic, environmental and
intelligence, big data analysis, cloud computing, internet of things social factors (Purvis et al., 2019). These pillars are also embedded
(IoT) and 3D printing (de Sousa Jabbour et al., 2018a,b; Despeisse in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations, 2012)
et al., 2017; Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2019; Pagoropoulos towards 2030; emphasising economic development which is
et al., 2017). The advent of blockchain technology has provided a environmentally conscious, sustainable and socially responsible
secure, interconnected yet distributed system to facilitate tamper- (Purvis et al., 2019). Industry 4.0 investment in digitalisation pro-
proof and green implementation of IoT (Jiang et al., 2019), 3D vides immense opportunities to achieve sustainable economic
manufacturing (Vatankhah Barenji et al., 2020), additive growth while preserving the environment and being socially
manufacturing (Mandolla et al., 2019), food supply (Ellen responsible (Beier et al., 2020). One of the most potent digital de-
MacArthur Foundation, 2019), health care (De Aguiar et al., 2020) velopments in this regard, is blockchain protocol. In this section, we
and so on. Blockchain can be applied to develop and coordinate analyse how blockchain protocol and its applications in different
novel circular economy networks (Narayan and Tidstro € m, 2020). In sectors, can benefit and challenge the circular economy through
relation to the ReSOLVE framework (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, sustainability and social responsibility considerations.
2015) presented in the previous section, blockchain platforms can As blockchain was introduced as a distributed ledger to record
effectively cater to the elements of sharing, optimisation, virtuali- the cryptocurrency bitcoin transactions, most naturally the finance
sation and particularly exchange. Thereby opening up a treasure and accounting sectors were pioneers in testing its wider applica-
trove of regenerative digital possibilities for the circular economy tion. Various banks started experimenting with private blockchain
goal of sustainability. to replace paper-based and manual recording and authentication of
In the context of the circular economy, we may consider transactions, especially in the context of financial trading cross-
blockchain as a social technology or tool for coordination. It helps to border transactions and foreign exchange (Iansiti and Lakhani,
connect and coordinate multiple distributed databases (Swan, 2017). Use of blockchain and smart contracts is heralding trans-
2015), which can be all be updated simultaneously and accessible formations in the initiation, processing, recording, resolution, audit
to all parties. The circular economy can also benefit from simulta- and reporting of transactions (Schmitz and Leoni, 2019). For
neous cooperation and competition within the loop, adopting a example, smart contracts facilitate automating transactional pay-
decentralised principle of value creation and circulation as opposed ments by linking with GPS functionality and updating activities at
A. Upadhyay, S. Mukhuty, V. Kumar et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 293 (2021) 126130

different locations (Iansiti and Lakhani, 2017). These systems contributions to sustainable social responsibility in the economy.
thereby contribute to social responsibility by preventing fraudulent Blockchain technology could potentially reduce carbon foot-
transactions. Furthermore, there is an opportunity for new financial print. Blockchain protocol is being implemented in the automobile
models to move towards more sustainable investments contrib- industry, not just to trace ownership but also develop secure
uting to the economy (Schulte, 2013). Blockchain protocol can help automated driving technology. Blockchain can be employed to
raise venture capital in a more equitable manner through crowd- ensure tamper resistant vehicle security and protect automatic cars
funding and making access to finances fairer for all sections of so- from being hacked (Dierksmeier and Seele, 2020), a primary
ciety (Dierksmeier and Seele, 2020; Greenberg and Mollick, 2017). concern in using self-driving cars. Assurance of security will
Blockchain technology can be very attractive in supply chain encourage consumption of these cars thereby reducing fuel usage
management (Venkatesh et al., 2020). Supply chains are perpetu- and emissions. Similarly, Tang & Tang (2019) proposed using
ally aspiring to reduce waste and enhance efficiencies (Upadhyay blockchain technology to develop a distributed carbon ledger
et al., In Press). Using blockchain technology to link the distrib- linking carbon asset management with carbon emissions trading
uted ledgers, databases and stakeholders in the entire supply chain schemes to effectively facilitate carbon accounting and control
can enhance efficiencies and ensure savings in cost as well as time. greenhouse gas emissions (Tang and Tang, 2019). Adopting block-
Long and complex supply chains can be monitored with relative chain platform is also being advocated in developing smart cities
ease and efficiency by recording key data in the blockchain during with low carbon emission and green environment (Sun and Zhang,
the journey of the product from raw material source to manufac- 2020).
turer to customer (Xu et al., 2019). In this manner, product-quality While the future of blockchain in fostering the circular economy
and cleaner production is can be ensured, by transcending local and is bright, currently the path is not necessarily smooth. There are
global boundaries. For example, in diamond manufacturing, using many challenges we need to be mindful of in implementing its
blockchain, the gems can now be tracked through the blockchain widespread application. The paradox of simultaneous competition
from the source mines to the final consumer (Iansiti and Lakhani, and cooperation (Bengtsson et al., 2016) within a blockchain in the
2017). Blockchain can thereby align supply chains with circular circular economy, can give rise to issues of co-dependency, conflict
economy sustainability through traceability and transparency and trust (Narayan and Tidstro € m, 2019). The automation feature of
(Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2019) and reduce hard copy usage, smart contracts have also led to concerns amongst the community
fuel usage, encourage energy renewal and substantially reduce of accountants, auditors and lawyers about the status quo and
waste in supply chains. As blockchain is irreversible, the records of future nature of their roles (Iansiti and Lakhani, 2017; Schmitz and
resources, updates and stakeholders can help generate cyclical Leoni, 2019). The underpinning philosophy here is to move from
processes for supply chain management. Furthermore, blockchain the transactional to the relational; and design business models
records help monitor and proof to the customer, the environmental supported by professionals, focusing beyond profit-oriented mar-
sustainability of products manufactured. It also helps to ensure and kets towards the societal and social welfare (Narayan and Tidstro €m,
assure the customers that child labour was not used and human 2020). Blockchain aims to elicit the trust of stakeholders through its
rights were protected in the production and supply chain process decentralised and immutable algorithmic system (Engelhardt,
(Dierksmeier and Seele, 2020). Thus, through collaboration and 2017). Herein, blockchain acts as the trusted third part authenti-
knowledge sharing in the blockchain, we can achieve sustainability cator of transactions. As all the records are stored and updated with
and social responsibility goals and foster a circular economy. different nodes of the network, the onus of trust shifts from a third-
Healthcare is another important area where blockchain protocol party broker with information to all stakeholders on the network,
and smart contracts are gaining momentum through permissioned thereby providing security and preventing tamper (Schmitz and
blockchain (Engelhardt, 2017). Here, every blockchain is encrypted Leoni, 2019). Arguably, as trust in the system is developed
maintaining privacy as different parties on the chain can only ac- through usage, blockchain technology will develop longevity and
cess information they have the right to access through crypto- make valuable contributions to the circular economy through
graphic codes. Accuracy, completeness and appropriate sustainability and social responsibility.
accessibility to healthcare records is a key concern in the health As stated earlier, the primary ethical attraction of blockchain is
sector. From an ethical and social responsibility viewpoint, patient decentralisation of power and control (Dierksmeier and Seele,
records technology needs to ensure patient confidentiality, and 2020; Flint, 2014) providing an open access distributed ledger for
access by correct persons at the right times. The promise of privacy all interested stakeholders. The decentralisation helps to eliminate
through an encrypted private blockchain, ability to interlink power and information concentration with intermediaries like
different databases for data completeness, inter-operability and agents, brokers, lawyers, banks imposing surcharges for the infor-
cost-savings by removal of third-party trust broker overhead re- mation they provide. Eliminating dependence on intermediaries
quirements, has led to research and investment in how blockchain reduces time and financial costs to the contracting parties
protocol can be implemented for patient data records maintenance providing moral benefit (Dierksmeier and Seele, 2020) and social
and public health initiatives (Engelhardt, 2017; McGhin et al., 2019; welfare. However, this could also be seen as a double-edged sword,
Yue et al., 2016). The simultaneous ease of access for appropriate as blockchain supported cryptocurrencies could be adopted to fund
stakeholders and security offered by blockchain can also empower criminal activities and avoid paying taxes (Flint, 2014). This could
patients to own, share and co-create their own health data in a include increase in money laundering, trading on the dark web in
transparent manner (Schumacher, 2017; Yue et al., 2016), facili- illegal substances, flesh trading, human trafficking and other illegal
tating more patient control. Blockchain in healthcare can also activities (Seele, 2018); undetected by the authorities. The counter
create and take advantage of the smart contract functionality in argument to this is that the same illegal activities can be and are in
dispensing and delivering public healthcare like updating and ful- existence using regular currencies or cash.
filling prescriptions (Engelhardt, 2017). Use of blockchain in A cautionary argument against blockchain is that complete se-
healthcare records management can also prevent prescription and curity can never be a promise, where we have physical contact and
healthcare fraud (Engelhardt, 2017; McGhin et al., 2019) and facil- multiple users; and despite anonymity and encryption a small risk
itate pharmaceutical recall of unsafe of defective products (Wu and of hacking remains (Xu et al., 2019). Infamously the bitcoin ex-
Lin, 2019). Thereby implementation of blockchain and its smart change system was hacked, which revealed that while blockchain
contract functionality in healthcare can make profound protocol was robust in and of itself, security needed enhancing
A. Upadhyay, S. Mukhuty, V. Kumar et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 293 (2021) 126130

while linking separate systems connected to different stakeholders or systematic stance. There is a dearth of articles studying how
accessing the blockchain (Iansiti and Lakhani, 2017). However, it is blockchain technology can contribute to the circular economy. Our
argued that blockchain by virtue of being interlinked and interop- article is one of the few to do so and we encourage more research in
erable has the ability to detect fraud in real time and thereby pre- this arena. There is also a lack of studies focusing on social re-
vent or minimise it fraud (Wang and Kogan, 2018) thereby helping sponsibility within the circular economy model. A gap, we attempt
firms contribute to social responsibility. to bridge in this study. We recommend further research on struc-
The complex nature of blockchain smart contracts, makes it turing the social responsibility concept within the circular economy
extremely challenging for different parties to decipher the legality model. Moreover, legislation in different countries is likely to in-
surrounding these contracts (Upadhyay, 2020). In developing fluence the development and implementation of blockchain. Future
governance and legislative tools, special attention needs to be paid research on potential policy and legislative implications for block-
to designing the rules, regulations and standards governing chain and circular economy development will also be valuable. We
blockchain and smart contracts. Legislation and policy develop- also recommend further studies on how developing countries with
ment of digitalisation needs to balance the ecological and infrastructural challenges can develop circular economies with the
economical needs, so that firms and investors can develop circular help of blockchain technology.
economy business models, which preserve the environment and
yield economic returns on their investments (Ghisellini et al., Declaration of competing interest
2016); using the technology. Proper governance and policing can
also protect the general public from illegal activities of people The authors declare the following financial interests/personal
attempting to implicate blockchain nodes in illegal activities and relationships which may be considered as potential competing
crypto-jacking (Dierksmeier and Seele, 2020). interests:
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contracts needs significant upfront investment, to reap long-term References
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