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Students Perception

I. Demographic Profile

Name (optional): __________________ Year Level and Major: ___________________

Age: _______

II. Put a check mark in each item regarding to your answers.

1. Do you engage the self-care routine?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

2. How much time do you spend in engaging self-care routine?

[ ] 5-20 minutes [ ] 20-40 mins [ ] More than 40 minutes

3. What self-care routine do you engage in??

[ ] Regular Exercise [ ] Go to sleep early [ ]Mindfulness Meditation [ ] Others

4. Do you usually spend time in engaging self-care routine?

[ ] Oftentimes [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never

5. Do you think self-care routine improves your cognitive performance and operational decision-


[ ] Yes [ ] No
III. Put a check mark (✓) on each item if your answer is Strongly Agree (5), Agree (4) , Neutral

(3) , Disagree (2), and Strongly Disagree(1).

Indicators 1 2 3 4 5

1. Self-care routine improves our concentration. _ _ _ _ _

2. Self-care routine reduces our stress. _ _ _ _ _

3. Self-care routine enhances our mood. _ _ _ _ _

4. Self-care routine reduces our mental fatigue. _ _ _ _ _

5. Self-care routine builds up analytical and critical thinking. _ _

_ _ _

6. Self-care routine improves our imagination. _ _ _ _ _

7. Self-care routine improved our physical health. _ _ _ _ _

8. Self-care routine increases our creativity. _ _ _ _ _

9. Self-care routine helps better emotional regulation. _ _ _ _ _

10. Self-care routine enhances better time management. _ _ _ _ _

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