Crash Course 1-1-1-2

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Crash Course 1


Crash Course 1
(Deletrear y pronunciar palabras del español)

(AHH) (BAY) (SAY) (DAY) (A)







Crash Course 1
(Deletrear y pronunciar palabras del español)

 Pronunciación de las letras del español.

 The five vowels in Spanish (a,e,i,o,u) are always pronounced the same way.

(AHH) (A) (EE) (OH) (OO)

 The letter h is silent. Thus the words hola and ola are pronounced the same
 There are three double letters that represent a single sound: ch (chay), ll
(eyay), and rr (erray).
 chico llave perro
Crash Course 1
(Deletrear y pronunciar palabras del español)

hola chocolate
gracias llama
mañana vista
adiós pizarra
Crash Course 1
(Deletrear y pronunciar palabras del español)

 Pronunciación de gue, gui.

 The letter u is silent in the syllables gue, gui. In these syllables, gu sounds like
the letter g in ga, go, gu.
 hamburguesa
 guitarra
 gato
 amigos
 espaguetis
 guantes
Crash Course 1
(Deletrear y pronunciar palabras del español)

 Pronunciación de que, qui.

 The letter u is also silent in the syllables que, qui. In these syllables, qu
pronounced like the letter k or c in ca, co, cu.
 queso
 esquiar
 casa
 bosque
 esquí
 comida
 cuaderno

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