Cpy - Diet Trimester

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(Associate Centre – Indian Yoga Association)



30 Days
Theory + Practical
❖Presentation Teachers:
❖Theory exam Smt. Dr. Rajeswari Prabhakaran – Yoga Therapist & Reiki Healer
❖Practical Exam Smt. S. Selva Sundari. B.L., M.Sc., PGNDYS, RYT, ANYTT, YCB L3 & L6…
Theory :
1. History and view on Pregnancy in ancient scriptures – Garbha Sanskar
2. Anatomy of Reproductive System both Male & Female
3. Understanding of Pregnancy
4. Preparation before conception
5. Assisted Pregnancy
6. Trimesters of Pregnancy
7. Stages of Labour
8. Lifestyle and dietary suggestions for the 3 trimester
9. Stress and its effects during pregnancy
1. Nee

10. Need for Yoga during pregnancy

11. Postnatal Yoga Practices
Practical :
Yoga Practices during Pregnancy
1. P
Trimester-wise pregnancy nutrients needed First trimester pregnancy
diet plans (Conception - 13 weeks)

A vast variety of nutrients are needed, but the most important are:
• Iron, folic acid , vitamin C and vitamin B6.
• Iron is needed to prepare healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen
around your body. Iron deficiency anaemia is quite common. An hb
count of 12 is considered as iron deficiency and below 10.5 as
anaemia. It makes you feel tired and breathless.
• Folic acid protects your baby from neural tube disorders such as
spina bifida and other birth disorders like cleft palate.
• Vitamin C is the powerhouse that is needed for tissue building and
absorption of iron.
• Vitamin B6 might help in managing your nausea.
Second trimester pregnancy diet plans (14 - 27 weeks)

• The baby’s growth focus in this trimester is brain and bone

growth. For this, the mum needs calcium and vitamin D.

• Omega 3 is essential for your baby's brain development.

• A lesser-known but equally-important nutrient is beta

carotene, a form of vitamin A that builds healthy blood and

Third trimester pregnancy diet plans (28 - 40 weeks)

• Growth is speeding up as the baby prepares to put on weight

and mature internal organs to get ready for entering the


• Keep eating a well-balanced and healthy diet. Your energy

requirement will increase as your baby is building layers of


• Vitamin K is essential for blood to clot, which is important

after childbirth. So it is recommended that in your third

trimester you eat plenty of food rich in vitamin K so that your

body is not low on this vital nutrient at birth.

Pregnancy Diet to manage nausea and morning sickness

Boiled vegetables calm the tummy. Rich in folic acid, asparagus, spinach

and broccoli are good choices.

•Roast cardamom seeds, powder them and have a small pinch through the


•Snack on dry crackers or toast. It helps to always keep a little food in the


•Have lemon water or, sniff a lemon or simply bite on the slices.

•Sip tea made of 1/4 tsp. ginger powder and/or fennel seeds and hot water.

•If the smell of cooking is making you sick, make a sandwich with grated

carrots and hung curd dip.

•Sun-dried Amalaki or Indian Gooseberries work wonders. Slice them, dry

them, and store them.

Calorie-requirements for each trimester of Pregnancy

•About 1,800 calories per day during the first trimester

•About 2,200 calories per day during the second trimester

•About 2,400 calories per day during the third trimester

Kokum / Kudampuli

High in Vitamin C, low in fat and calories, low

sugar and high in fiber.

Tender coconut water‍:

Coconut water is rich in carbohydrates
and electrolytes such as potassium, sodium,
and magnesium. A lesser known fact is that the
sweet and pleasant fragrance of coconut has a
good psychological effect that helps diminish
anxiety and slow the heart rate.
Vitamin A rich foods :

Carrot and Spinach

The mixture of carrot and spinach is rich in vitamin
A and iron, both these compounds are essential
for the production of healthy red blood cells and
haemoglobin. This natural drink improves the
capacity of your bones to absorb the calcium in
the drink.

Peanut is a plant-based protein-rich ingredient
and jaggery is loaded with iron. Together they
make a great supplement and a healthy snack. Get
Vitamin B1, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Vitamin K
needs met by this nice, crunchy snack.
Vitamin A rich foods :

• We need this vitamin for healthy skin, eyesight, and bone growth.
• During pregnancy you need 770 micrograms daily.
• Carrots, dark, leafy greens, mangoes, tomatoes, apricots and
• sweet potatoes are good sources.
Nutmeg or jaiphal is packed with nutrients: minerals such as
magnesium, manganese and copper; and vitamins such as B1,
B6. It will relax you and help you sleep better.

Calcium requirement during pregnancy

Helps to build strong bones and teeth.
During pregnancy you need 1,000 milligrams (mg)
Main sources:
• milk, cheese, curd, almonds, soy milk, bok choy,
• green vegetables.
• Green Pea
• Paneer
Helps red blood cells deliver oxygen to your
baby. During pregnancy you need 27 mg daily.
• Sources include legumes, peas, spinach,
broccoli, apples, strawberries and iron-
fortified cereals. Raagi

Vitamin C
Promotes healthy gums, teeth, and bones, and
helps your body absorb iron. During pregnancy
you need 85 mg daily.
Good sources include
• citrus fruit, capsicum, broccoli, tomatoes,
and strawberries.
Vitamin D
Aids your body in the absorption of calcium to help
build your baby’s bones and teeth.
During pregnancy you need 600 international units
(IUs) daily. Sources include exposure to
• sunlight, fortified milk, mushrooms, mint.

Vitamin B6
Helps form red blood cells and helps
your body use protein, fat, and
carbohydrates. During pregnancy
you need 1.9 mg daily. You can find
vitamin B6 in whole-grain cereals,
beans and bananas.
• Black Chick Peas
Vitamin B12
Helps form red blood cells and maintains your nervous system.
During pregnancy you need 2.6 micrograms daily. You can find
this vitamin only in animal products.
• Good sources include paneer, mushroom, fish, poultry, and

Folate / Folic Acid

A B vitamin important in the production of
blood and protein, it also reduces the risk of
neural tube defects (a birth defect of the brain
and spinal cord). You can find folate in
• green, leafy vegetables, liver, orange juice,
legumes (beans, peas, lentils), and nuts.
Model Indian Diet Chart or Pregnancy
First Trimester
Pre-Breakfast: 1 cup chilled milk.
•Breakfast: Moong daal cheela with chopped spinach in it.
•Mid-morning: Lemonade with rock salt
•Lunch: wheat /jowar roti, green leafy vegetable, salad, buttermilk, flax seeds chutney
•Evening Snack: Banana. You could chop it and add a dash of lemon
•Dinner: Mixed dal khichdi , roasted papad
•Midnight hunger pangs: Handful of roasted chickpeas
Second Trimester
Pre-Breakfast: Soaked dry fruits and nuts
•Breakfast: Paratha with curd and ghee
•Mid-morning: Lassi
•Lunch: Multigrain rotis, seasonal vegetables, salad, pickles, dals and rice
•Evening Snack: Makhana , one seasonal fruit
•Dinner: Khichdi, pickle, papad, soups , multigrain stuffed parathas
•Midnight hunger pangs: Sesame , peanut jaggery laddoos
Third Trimester
Pre-Breakfast: Coconut milk
•Breakfast: Grain porridge
•Mid-morning: Tender coconut water
•Lunch: Multigrain roti, local vegetables, salad, chutneys, pickles
•Evening Snack: One local fruit, 1 glass milk
•Dinner: Khichadi, rice, dal, thalipeeth,
•Midnight hunger pangs: Pickle , soups, papad
Ayurveda Tips for Pregnancy Diet
Ayurveda strongly recommends a diet based on fresh green vegetables, fruits and freshly
cooked dishes. Ideally, highly spicy and oily food should be avoided for maintaining a
balanced metabolism.
Here are 5 nutrition tips for pregnancy as per Ayurveda:
•A balanced diet as per Ayurveda is the one which consist of shad rasa (six tastes) and
termed as Shad rasatmak Aahar - Madhra (sweet), Amla (sour), Lavana (salty), Katu
(pungent), Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (astringent).
•Avoid eating curd after sunset as it might upset the digestion and increase kapha dosha in
the body as evening time is kapha kaal
•Always drink buttermilk after lunch. This helps to light digestive fire and ease digestion.
•Vegetables from the Gourd family like bottle gourd, ivy gourd, bitter gourd, ridge gourd ,
pumpkin are recommended for pregnancy diets as these are light to digest, cool on the
body, reduce acidity and are nutrient dense.
•Ghee and home-made white butter are the healthiest fats and play a vital role in the
brain development of the foetus as per Ayurveda.
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