Normal Distribution

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NoTmal Ditibton DATE:

I: udatu ot a alanu tweme ven an atitude test TheiT

makn weTe tnd to e hormally drtibuted with mean 60
S vtanderd deviation 50ohat erantae ot ntdexta
uCored moTe than 6o naks. Olenn thoun 56 maTKn
(u) between 45 865 mATkn.

Q Ayamtle ot o0 dry badtery cela teted to nd the er

t lite aoduced the follewirg seneltol
m =12huur, 3hourw
Ausuming tte deta to bk nemaly ditikuted, had leeuaje
of bodteryeeh ave exeted to havelite

3. The hegtn ot an adelt fenae bhelaten one nermaly

divtibted with mean /62 am8 3.d 5 Cm Findthe
Pophability hat a random chouen adelt Pemale ba taller
than JsD om.

5. The cutomer acenihtu ot eedain de farhut tore have an

ae coent balances ee naTnally diileted,


Cunnecutt vely osm

osm a macline about a normal dititden
wAdh nean o'4515Cm& d o' 00g em, Find the nnter

36D buinevy ctablihment in a year in

36, 0UDBAd
of 219, 0U0, avuuming that the wates in tee
ove noTmall'y diutiuted Find D he nemkerbuineuot buuinemes
the uat t lih arte mote
than?40, UUD
ively to rarg bten 290, Gus
ft a noml carve in he fem

Given fhu folteuirg data:

3 4 1
AYe noTmaly
ditituted wh mean m 14D and 8 g.d (ourundo. Fird dhe
D move dhen 52 unds
x follboy he norna didibetin N4), Fin 4

II: he Conmenive utength ot nntee ot eenent can ke

nodeled by a no TINal ditibudien uith a menst G0U0ks
Per naaYe centimeter& a ud 6t 100 kas Rer nuaTe centinetr
lat io the puatetiity hut aearleu vhenth ts less
(E what ia the oobebi lity that a vanple b treny ubetoen
586D 3 5900 Kalcn

elanu B0-65|65-40 70-7575rg0lg0-95 8s-qo0-s16-10

Frequony 3 335 326 135

19 ,SouTA dets hin nobile plune t Xmintes cach day. Xta a

g2ndem v ickle wkich mey be nudelled by nomal diotittion
uith mean 28 minter s id hinete,
find he oobability that ona artiuar dey Suras uts
hin mobil Phane der
) ktwen to3 2D ninute
4. he nean heglto s00 tudeta in 151 cm d ia |Scm
AYe nomally ditibted tind huns

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