MT22MVD018 Nano 11

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m=(9.8*10^-31);%% mass of electron
hc=6.63*10^-34;%%plank constant
hh=hc*hc; %%calculate square of plank constant
v=0.3;%%%height of potential barrier
b= 5*10^-9; %%thickness of potential well
k2 =sqrt(2*m*(v-e)/hh);% finding k2
k=k2*b; %% k is defined by k2.b
sh=sinh(k).*sinh(k);% finding sinh^2(k2.b)
v1=v*v;% finding the v0 square
plot(e,t,'linewidth',2);title('tunneling probability vs energy');
ylabel('tunneling probability');


Q2) Explain what would happen if E< Vo in the classical case.

A particle would not have enough energy to climb to the top of the potential barrier in the
classical case if its energy E is less than the potential energy Vo. Instead, the barrier would
reflect the particle back. This is due to the fact that the particle is viewed in the classical
model as a wave with a specific wavelength; if the wavelength is too large to properly fit
within the potential, the wave will be reflected. The classical wave theory governs this
phenomenon, which is referred to as total internal reflection. The wave function of the
particle would be reflected back from any potential barriers, making it extremely unlikely to
find the particle beyond them. It's critical to remember that this traditional theory only
applies to macroscopic objects like balls and cars and not to microscopic elements like
electrons. Quantum mechanics is necessary for accurate description of the behaviour of
microscopic particles.
Q3) Explain the impact on tunneling probability w.r.t the barrier width L.
When a particle can pass through a potential barrier even though its energy is lower than
the potential energy of the barrier, this phenomenon is known as tunnelling in quantum
mechanics. The height of the barrier, the energy of the particle, and the width of the barrier
are some of the variables that affect the likelihood of tunnelling. The likelihood of tunnelling
falls off exponentially as the barrier's width rises. This is due to the fact that as the barrier
gets wider, the particle's wave function propagates farther into it, increasing the likelihood
that the particle will be reflected back. Mathematically, the tunneling probability is given by
the transmission coefficient, which can be calculated using the wave function of the particle
and the potential barrier. For a potential barrier of width L, the transmission coefficient is
given by: T = 16(E/Vo)*(1-(E/Vo))*exp(-2L√(2m(Vo-E))/ħ) where E is the energy of the
particle, Vo is the potential energy of the barrier, m is the mass of the particle, and ħ is the
reduced Planck constant. As we can see from the equation, the transmission coefficient
decreases exponentially with increasing barrier width L, which means that the probability of
tunneling decreases as the barrier width increases. Therefore, a wider barrier would be
more difficult for the particle to tunnel through than a narrower one, assuming all other
factors remain constant.
Q4) Explain the effect of an applied field on a material junction like the metal—insulator—
metal junction with the resulting band diagram.
Two metal electrodes in contact with an insulating layer make up the MIM junction. Due to
the disparity in work functions between the metal and the insulator, the energy band
diagram of the MIM junction exhibits a potential barrier at the metal-insulator interface at
zero bias voltage. While the insulator has a bandgap between its valence and conduction
bands, the metal electrodes have a flat energy band. The applied electric field changes the
potential barrier when a bias voltage is applied to the junction. The probability that
electrons will tunnel across the junction increases as the barrier height decreases and the
barrier width widens. The applied electric field changes the potential barrier when a bias
voltage is applied to the junction. The probability that electrons will tunnel across the
junction increases as the barrier height decreases and the barrier width widens. The
modified potential barrier is depicted in the figure at various bias voltages. A higher current
flows through the junction as a result of the potential barrier becoming thinner and the
probability of tunnelling increasing as the bias voltage rises. The band diagram also
demonstrates that, while the energy levels of the insulator do not change with increasing
bias voltage, the Fermi level of the metal electrodes shifts. Overall, the figure illustrates the
effect of an applied electric field on the potential barrier and the resulting band diagram of
an MIM tunneling junction.
The analysis has been done with the energies and probabilities of tunnelling and the graph
has also been plotted then the comparision of tunnelling has been overviewed with the
classical physics. The three cases of energy differentiations has been studied along with the

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