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University of Cebu

Department of the Allied Courses

Cebu City
Date: __________
Subject: NCM Elective 1—Logic and Critical Thinking Subject Time/Days: _____________________
MW (10:30- 12:00 PM)
School Year/Semester: 2022-23/2nd Sem. Term: Prelim—Midterm Period
Individual Activity 1
(Introduction: The Import of Critical Thinking in my Life as a Human Being)
Giducos, Ilenvy S.
Name: _______________________ Course/Year: _________
BSN 1 EDP No: __________

I. Instructions:

- Read the article provided on separate pages:

o “What is Critical Thinking?”
- Based on the reading, do the following items below;

a. Identify one experiential situational example that challenges you to exercise critical
thinking as understood in the article referred to.
b. What one specific understanding of critical thinking can you extract from the reading
article that you can relate to your experiential situational example provided above?
c. Out from relating your experiential situational example and an understanding
considered within the reading article, how would you justify in your own analysis the
practical import of critical thinking in your life as a human being?
d. If you may suggest, how can you encourage human beings to be faithful to their
condition being a rational animal? Provide five ways.

- Use Arial as the font type with 12 font size for the entire composition of the output.
- Submit the output into your correct LMS.
- Submit on: February 4, 2023/11:59 PM.
- Be on time in the submission.
- 40 point.

- The answers to the above items (a-d) will constitute the body of the output.
- Observe the standard structure of the composition;

1. Introduction 2-3 sentences only

2. Body 1 paragraph with 15 sentences only
3. Conclusion 2-3 sentences only

II. Output:

- Starts here below

Critical thinking is a cognitive process that involves analyzing and evaluating

information to draw conclusions and form good judgments. It is an important part of
problem-solving and decision-making, and it involves the use of logic and reasoning.

As a student, I often face challenging situations that require me to think critically.

For example, when I am assigned a research paper, I must use critical thinking to
determine which sources are reliable and which are not. I must also think critically when
analyzing the data I have collected and forming an argument. From the article I read, I
understand that critical thinking should be reasonable and logical. Therefore, it requires
me to consider the evidence and make a reasonable conclusion. Using critical thinking, it
enabled me to form an argument based on evidence and facts, rather than on
assumptions and opinions. Additionally, it also helps me make decisions that are
beneficial for me and others. Overall, critical thinking is an essential skill for success in
life. In order to attain human beings to be faithful to their condition being a rational animal,
one can: Encourage people to think critically and question the information they are
presented with; Teach people to be open-minded and consider different perspectives;
Provide people with the tools to analyze and evaluate information; Stress the importance
of logical reasoning and evidence-based decision making; and promote critical thinking
in education.

In conclusion, critical thinking is an important part of problem-solving and

decision-making. By understanding the importance of critical thinking and practicing the
skills associated with it, people can make better decisions and come to more accurate

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