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Portfolio - Professional Discussion

The portfolio is to contain evidence from projects or tasks that you have recently completed or are in progress at your place
of employment.

The portfolio structure is split into several directories:

Directories 1 to 4 are core competencies that need to be met; and directory 5 is pathway-specific. Remove directories not
required. As an example, if you were on Enterprise Architecture pathway, you will need the following:

Each directory contains 2x Microsoft Word documents:

 evidence_mapping.docx - is a checklist detailing the criteria to be met for the competency area
 report.docx - is where you will be showcasing your evidence. Each criteria is split into 3 headings
o Background: research on the domain area
o Evidence: taken from your normal day-to-day duties and embedded directly into the document
o Analysis: reviewing evidence collated and seeing how it correlates with background research

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