TA5 Tiet 19-26

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Week: 10 Date of teaching: Monday, Novemer 8th 2021 - 5A, 5B, 5C

Period: 19 Tuesday, November 9th 2021 - 5D

Unit 6. How many lessons do you have today?
Lesson 2/(P42)
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Use the words and phrases related to the topic how often someone has a subject.
- Ask and answer questions about to ask and answer questions about how often
someone has a subject.
2. Capacities:
- Students develop communication, cooperation, self-study, problem-solving abilities.
- Students develop skills of listening and speaking.
- Students know how to combine words with gestures, gestures, facial expressions
when communicating.
3. Attitudes:
- Students get interested in the lesson and participate actively in all class activities.
- Students love school subjects.
II. Language focus:
- Sentence patterns: How often do you have (English)?
I have it (four times a week)
- Vocabulary: How often do you have (English)?
I have it (four times a week).
III. Teaching aids:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, Flashcards, soft book.
2. Students’: books, notebooks.
IV. Teaching processes:
Steps of Activities Students’ activities
1.Warm up: What and where
Ss go to the board to write adverbs of frequency - Write adverbs of frequency
expression. expression.
2. Look, listen and repeat.
* Set the context:
- Have Ss turn their book to page 42.
- Focus Ss’attention on - Ss students turn their book
+ The pictures: ask Ss the names of the
characters. - Look at the dialogue
Are they Nam and Mai?
What are they talking about?
+ The text:
Nam and Akiko are talking about how often
Akiko has English lesson.
- Tell Ss that they are going to hear the dialogue
between Nam and Akiko.
- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to - Listen and point to the
listen silently.
- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to appropriate line in their books.
listen, and point to the appropriate line in their
- Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the - Ss listen and repeat
lines in the speech bubbles. Pause after each line
for Ss to repeat a few times.
- Divide the class into pairs to take turns to say - Students take turn to read the
the lines from Nam and Akiko. dialogue.
- Ask some pairs to demonstrate in front of the - Pairs to read the dialogue
* Presenting new structure:
- T turns to the dialogue of “Look, listen and - Find model sentences
- T elicits the structures by asking Ss some
questions and ask Ss to speak out the model
sentences. Write them on the board, get Ss to
repeat a few times in turns.
How often do you have (English)? - Read model sentnece in
I have it (four times a week). chorus and in pairs
- Ask Ss read the model sentences - Give meaning and using
- Concept check: meaning using, intonation - Model with T
- T gives more examples
3. Point and say
- Have Ss look at the word cues and run through. - Ss take turn to repeat the
- T models first: sentence patterns.
T: How often do you have Vietnamese? - Ss make examples.
S: I have it four times a week.
- Have Ss to repeat the sentences in the bubbles
a few times.
- Have Ss to work in pairs
- Monitor the activity, check the pronunciation - Some pairs perform the task at
(sound, assimilation of sound and intonation) and the front of class.
offer help when necessary. Others observe and give
- Call on some pairs to perform the task at the comments
front of the class. Others observe and comment.
4. Let’s talk.
* Pre- task:
- Have Ss turn their book to page 42. - Ss take turn to repeat the
- Run through the guiding questions and the sentence patterns.
answers. - Identify the pictures
- T models with class in order to give Ss what to
T: How many lessons do you have today? - Ss make examples.
S: I have Science, Vietnames, and English.
T: How often do you have Vietnamese?
S: I have it every school day.
* Task cycle:
- Pairs
- Ask Ss to take turns to ask and answer.
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task in - Pairs
front of the class. Praise the Ss if they add some
extra language based on what they know.
* Language focus:
Ask Ss to play Slap the board on 6/P43 - Play the game in two teams
5. Wrap - up
- Make a few questions to check Ss’ - Recall
comprehension of asking and answering about
- T comments the lesson.
- Ask Ss to remember the structures.
IV. Evaluation
--------------------=   =--------------------
Week: 10 Date of teaching: Friday, November 12th 2021- 5B, 5A, 5D, 5C
Period: 20 Unit 6. How many lessons do you have today?
Lesson 3/(P44)
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to:
1. Knowledge:
- To pronounce correctly the sentences stress of questions and the answers
’How many ’lessons do you ’have to’day? - I ’have ’four.
’How many ’crayons do you ’have? - I ’have ’five.
’How many ’books do you ’have? - I ’have ’six.
’How many ’copybooks do you ’have? - I ’have ’seven).
2. Capacities:
- Students develop communication, cooperation, self-study, problem-solving abilities.
- Students develop skills of listening and speaking.
- Ss master in singing in English through learning the stress of words and sentences.
3. Attitudes:
- Students foster and develop the qualities of confidence, solidarity and love to the
life and working.
- Students love reading sentences with the right intonation..
II. Language focus:
* Phonics: sentences stress of questions and the answers
* Sentence patterns (Review).
III. Teaching aids:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, Flashcards, soft book.
2. Students’: books, notebooks.
IV. Teaching processes:
Steps of Activities Students’ activities
1. Warm up - Game
Whole class play Noughts and crosses game - Play the game (2 teams)
T gives instruction and the rules of the game.
Divides class into two teams and named
2. Listen and repeat
- Ask Ss to open their book on Page 44. Run - Look at the sound, the words
through the four sentences and the answers to the and the sentences
board. Draw Ss’ attention to the stress of the
sound ’how,’lessons, ’have, ’four, ’crayon, ’five
’books, ’six ’copybooks, ’four ’seven. Tell them
to listen and pronounce these stress correctly.
- Ask Ss to look at the stress, words and - Ss practise saying the stress of
sentences on the board. Pronounce the focused questions and the answers
stress (first in isolation and then in the words:
’how,’lessons, ’have, ’four, ’crayon, ’five
’books, ’six ’copybooks, ’four ’seven a few
times as a model.
- Pre- teach: crayon “visual”: bút màu, phấn mầu - Listen
- Ask Ss to repeat a few times.
- Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and - Ss listen to the recording and
repeat the focused sounds. Repeat the step. repeat.
- Ask some Ss to say the sentences, paying - Ss repeat in choral and
particular attention to the pronunciation of the individual repetition of the
stress of ’how,’lessons, ’have, ’four, ’crayon, sound, words and sentences
’five ’books, ’six ’copybooks, ’four ’seven. until pupils feel confident.
Provide help and correct mistakes when - Ss look at the book and
necessary. answer questions.
- T comments.
- Game: Lucky numbers - Play the game (2 teams)
T asks Ss to use the question:
How many… do you have? to ask and answer
about quantity of things by playing Lucky
+ How do you play this game?(one student say th
+ Divide class into two teams
+ Comment.
3. Listen and circle a or b. Then say the
* Pre-task
- Ask Ss to look at the uncomplete sentences on - Ss listen to the recording
2/P44. - T: How many questions are there? twice and get the information
How many blanks do you have to fill in? and they hear to the complete the
help them to identify the task. sentences
- Tell them that they are going to listen and circle - Ss listen again to check
to complete the questions and the answers. Then
say the sentences aloud.
- Run through the uncompleted sentences. - Ss swap their answers before
* Task cycle checking as a class.
- Ask Ss to listen (3 times) and circle the
uncompleted sentences.
- Ask Ss to exchange their answer with their - Ss give answer individually.
partners before reporting them to the class.
* Language focus
- Ask Ss to report the answers.
- Read out the answers to the class. Provide
explanation(s) when necessary.
- Teacher’s comment.
4. Let’s chant
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on 3/P44 and ask - Look at the chant
How many subjects are there? and How often - Listen to the chant
someone has a subject.
- Ss listen to the chant (twice)
- Ask Ss read the chant and sentences by - Listen to the chant
- Ss clap the hands forward rythym.
- Ask Ss work in groups/pairs. - Do the chant
- Call out some pairs to demonstrate in front of - Pairs
the class. (Ask Ss to use the other answers)
5. Wrap - up
- What have you leanrt today? - Recall
- T comments the lesson.
- Recite the chant at home.
IV. Evaluation
--------------------=   =--------------------
Week: 11 Date of teaching: Monday, Novemer 15th 2021 - 5A, 5B, 5C
Period: 21 Tuesday, November 16th 2021 - 5D
Unit7. How do you learn English - Lesson 1/(P46 - 47)
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Use the words and phrases related to the topic how someone learns English.
- Ask and answer questions about how someone learns English.
2. Capacities:
- Students develop communication, cooperation, self-study, problem-solving abilities.
- Students develop skills of listening and speaking.
- Students know how to combine words with gestures, gestures, facial expressions
when communicating.
3. Attitudes:
- Students get interested in the lesson and participate actively in all class activities.
- Students love English subjects.
II. Language focus:
- Sentence patterns: How do you practice (reading)?
I ( read English comic books).

- Vocabulary: Review
III. Teaching aids:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, Flashcards, soft book.
2. Students’: books, notebooks.
IV. Teaching processes:
Steps of activities Students’ activities
1. Warm up
T and Ss talk about favourite subject: - Ask and answer
- What lessons have you got today?
- How often do you have English?
- How do you learn it?
2. Look, Listen and repeat
- Get Ps to read the context sentence. Elicit the - Ss students turn their book
names of each character in each picutre and
what are they talking about. - Look at the dialogue
- Set the context: You are going to hear Tom asking Mai about her
way of learning English. Then read the line in each picture, pausing
at times to check. Ps’comprehension. Explain the phrase: practise +
- Listen and point to the
- Play the recording twice: once for Ps to listen appropriate line in their books
all the
way through and once for them to repeat few - Ss listen and repeat
times. - Students take turn to read the
- Divide the class into groups to take turn to say dialogue.
the lines from Tom and Mai. - Pairs to read the dialogue
- Model sentences: - Find model sentences
How do you practice reading? - Read model sentnece in
I read English comic books. chorus and in pairs
- Ask Ss read the model sentences - Give meaning and using
- T: Concept check: Meaning, use and intonation. - Model with T
- T gives more examples.
3. Point and say
- You are going to practise talking about your
way - Look and read the word cues
learning English. - Model with T
- Run through the pictures.
- Model the task with the whole class. Point to
picture a - Ss take turn to repeat the
and ask: sentence patterns.
How do you practise speaking English?
Class: I speak English everyday - Some pairs perform the task at
- Ask Ss to work in pairs. the front of class.
- Call on some open pairs to go through the rest Others observe and give
of the comments
pictures. Focus on pronunciation and fluency.
the activity and ofer help when necessary
- Select a few pairs to perform the task in front of the class. Praise if
the pair has a good performance of propnunciation or laguage usage. - Ss take turn to repeat the
4. Let’s talk. sentence patterns.
Pre- task - Identify the pictures
- Have Ss turn their book to page 47. - Ss make examples.
- Run through the guiding questions and the - Pairs
- Model first - Pairs
- Select a few pairs to perform the task in front of the class. Praise if
the pair has a good performance of propnunciation or laguage usage.
5. Wrap - up - Recall
- What have you learnt today?
- T commemts.
- Ss listen to the song on 6/P47 and sing along
IV. Evaluation
--------------------=   =--------------------
Week: 11 Date of teaching: Friday, November 19th 2021- 5B, 5A, 5D, 5C
Period: 22 Unit 7. How do you learn English - Lesson 2/(P48)
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Use the words and phrases related to the the importance of lerning English
- Ask and answer questions about the importance of lerning English.
2. Capacities:
- Students develop communication, cooperation, self-study, problem-solving abilities.
- Students develop skills of listening and speaking.
- Students know how to combine words with gestures, gestures, facial expressions
when communicating.
3. Attitudes:
- Students get interested in the lesson and participate actively in all class activities.
- Students love school subjects.
II. Language focus:
- Sentence patterns: Why do you learn English?
Because I want to (sing English songs).
- Vocabulary: foreign language, French
III. Teaching aids:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, Flashcards, soft book.
2. Students’: books, notebooks.
IV. Teaching processes:
Steps of Activities Students’ activities
1.Warm up: (Kiểm tra bài cũ) Chatting
How do you practise speaking/ reading/ - Ask and answer
2. Look, listen and repeat.
- Teach new word:
+ foreign language “example”: ngoại ngữ
+ French “Vietnamese”: tiếng Pháp, người Pháp
- Get Ss to read all the new words in chorus, in - Read new words
groups, then individuals.
- V- C- T “Rub out and remember”.
* Set the context: - Rewrite new words
- Have Ss turn their book to page 48. - Ss students turn their book
- Focus Ss’attention on
+ The pictures: ask Ss the names of the characters.
Who are they? - Look at the dialogue
What are they talking about?
+ The text:
Akiko and Hoa are talking the importance of

- Tell Ss that they are going to hear the dialogue - Listen and point to the
between Akiko and Hoa. appropriate line in their books.
- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to
listen silently.
- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to
listen, and point to the appropriate line in their - Ss listen and repeat
- Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the lines - Students take turn to read the
in the speech bubbles. Pause after each line for Ss dialogue.
to repeat a few times.
- Divide the class into groups/ pairs to take turns to - Pairs to read the dialogue
say the lines from Akiko and Hoa.
- Ask some groups/pairs to demonstrate in front of
the class.
* Presenting new structure:
- T turns to the dialogue of “Look, listen and
repeat”. - Find model sentences
- T elicits the structures by asking Ss some
questions and ask Ss to speak out the model
sentences. Write them on the board, get Ss to repeat
a few times in turns.
Why do you learn English?
- Read model sentnece in
Because I want to (sing English songs).
Ask Ss to read model sentences. chorus and in pairs
- Concept check: meaning using, intonation - Give meaning and using
- T gives more examples - Model with T
3. Point and say
- Have Ss look at the table and run through word
- Look and read the word cues
- T models first: Picture a
Why do you learn English? - Model with T
Because I want to watch English cartoons on TV.
- Have Ss to repeat the sentences in the bubbles a - Ss take turn to repeat the
few times.
sentence patterns.
- Have Ss to work in pairs
- Monitor the activity, check the pronunciation
(sound, assimilation of sound and intonation) and
offer help when necessary.
- Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front
of the class. Others observe and comment. - Some pairs perform the task at
- Game: Lucky numbers the front of class.
+ Give instrucsion and team’s name. Others observe and give
+ How do you play the game? comments
- Comment.
4. Let’s talk
* Pre- task:
- Have Ss turn their book to page 48.
- Run through the guiding questions and the - Identify the pictures
answers. - Ss take turn to repeat the
- T models with class in order to give Ss what to do sentence patterns.
T: How do you learn English?
S: I practise with friends/evryday. - Ss make examples
T: Why do you learn English?
S: Because I want to talk with my foreign friends.
* Task cycle:
- Ask Ss to take turns to ask and answer. - Pairs
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task in front
of the class. Praise the Ss if they add some extra - Pairs
language based on what they know.
* Language focus:
- Ask Ss to play How I learn English (Charades) on
6/(P49). - Play the game
- T gives instructions:
- T models first:
5. Wrap – up
- What have you learnt today
- T comments the lesson.
- Ask Ss to remember the structures and vocab. - Recall
IV. Evaluation
--------------------=   =--------------------

Week: 12 Date of teaching: Monday, Novemer 22nd 2021 - 5A, 5B, 5C

Period: 23 Tuesday, November 23rd 2021 - 5D
Unit 7. How do you learn English? - Lesson 3/(P50)
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to:
1. Knowledge:
- To pronounce correctly the sentences stress of questions and the answers:
’How do you ’practise ’speaking? I ’speak ’English ’every ’day.
’How do you ’practise ’reading? I read English comic book.
’How do you ’practise ’writinging? I write email to my friends.
’How do you ’learning ’English? Be’cause I ’want to ’sing ’English ’songs.
2. Capacities:
- Students develop communication, cooperation, self-study, problem-solving abilities.
- Students develop skills of listening and speaking.
- Ss master in singing in English through learning the stress of words and sentences.
3. Attitudes:
- Students foster and develop the qualities of confidence, solidarity and love to the
life and working.
- Students love reading sentences with the right intonation..
II. Language focus:
* Phonics: sentences stress of questions and the answers
* Sentence patterns (Review).
III. Teaching aids:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, Flashcards, soft book.
2. Students’: books, notebooks.
IV. Teaching processes:
Steps of Activities Students’ activities
1. Warm up
- T ask whole class: How are you today? - Sing the song
- Whole class sing and do actions the song “ How
do you learn English?”
- T: What does the song talk about?
- How do you practise speaking/ reading/ writing/ - Answer, ask and answer
2. Listen and repeat
- Ask Ss to open their book on Page 50. Run - Look at the sound, the words
through the four sentences and the answers to the and the sentences
board. Draw Ss’ attention to the stress of the
sentences. Tell them to listen to the recording
(twice) and pronounce these stress correctly.
- Ask Ss to look at the stress, words and sentences - Ss practise saying the stress of
on the board. Pronounce the focused stress (first in questions and the answers
isolation and then in the words in each sentence
such as: (’How, ’practise, ’speaking, ’English
’every ’day, ’reading, ’comic ’books, ’writing,
’email, ’friends, ’learn, Be ’cause, ’want, ’sing
’songs) a few times as a model.
- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to - Listen
listen silently.
- Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and repeat - Ss listen to the recording and
the focused stress. Repeat the step. repeat.
- Divide the class into pairs to take turns to repeat - Ss repeat in choral and
the questions and the answers. individual repetition of the
- Ask some Ss to say the sentences, paying sound, words and sentences
particular attention to the pronunciation of the stress until pupils feel confident.
of ’How, ’practise, ’speaking, ’English ’every ’day, - Ss look at the book and
’reading, ’comic ’books, ’writing, ’email, ’friends, answer questions.
’learn, be’cause, ’want, ’sing ’songs. Provide help
and correct mistakes when necessary. - Play the game (2 teams)
- T comments.
3. Listen and circle a or b. Then say the
* Pre-task
- Ask Ss to look at the uncomplete sentences on - Identify the task
2/P50. Help them to identify the task.
- How many sentences are there?
- How many answers for each question?
- Tell them that they are going to listen and circle to
complete the sentences. Then say the sentences
- Run through the uncompleted sentences. - Ss listen to the recording
* Task cycle twice and get the information
- Ask Ss to listen (3 times) and circle the right they hear to the complete the
answers. sentences
- Ask Ss to exchange their answer with their - Ss listen again to check
partners before reporting them to the class.
* Language focus
- Ask Ss to report the answers. - Ss swap their answers before
- Read out the completed sentences to the class. checking as a class.
Provide explanation(s) when necessary.
- Teacher’s comment.
- Game: Lucky numbers - Ss give answer individually.
+ T prepare cues words for Ss to ask and answer
about how they learn English.
+ Ask Ss the way to play the game?
- T comments
4. Let’s chant
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on 3/P50 and ask: - Look at the chant
What are these students doing?
- Ss listen to the chant (twice) - Listen to the chant
- Ask Ss read the chant and sentences by sentences. - Listen to the chant
- Ss clap the hands forward rythym. - Read the chant
- Ask Ss work in groups/pairs. - Pair work
- Call out some pairs to demonstrate in front of the - Do the chant
class. (Ask Ss to use the other answers) - Pairs
5. Wrap - up
- What have you learnt today
- T comments - Recall
- Recite the chant at home.
IV. Evaluation
--------------------=   =--------------------
Week: 12 Date of teaching: Friday, November 26th 2021- 5B, 5A, 5D, 5C
Period: 24 Unit 8: What are you reading?- Lesson 1/P(52)
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Use the words and phrases related to the topic what story/book someone is reading.
- Ask and answer questions about what story/book someone is reading.
2. Capacities:
- Students develop communication, cooperation, self-study, problem-solving abilities.
- Students develop skills of listening and speaking.
- Students know how to combine words with gestures, gestures, facial expressions
when communicating.
3. Attitudes:
- Students get interested in the lesson and participate actively in all class activities.
- Students love English stories.
II. Language focus:
- Sentence patterns: What are you reading?
I’m reading (a story about Halloween).
- Vocabulary: scary, names of books/stories (The Fox and the Crow, The Story of
Mai An Tiem, Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs).
III. Teaching aids:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, Flashcards, soft book.
2. Students’: books, notebooks.
IV. Teaching processes:
Steps of activities Students’ activities
1. Warm up ( Chatting) - Answer
+ Are you happy now?
+ Do you like learning English?
+ Why do you learn English?
+ How do you practise reading English?
+ Do you like reading story?
2. Look, listen and repeat
- Pre - teach vocab using pictures on 2/P52 - Read new words
The Fox and the Crow “picture”: con cáo và con
The Story of Mai An Tiem “picture”: truyện Mai
An Tiêm
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp “picture”: Aladdin và
cây đèn thần. - Read new words
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs “picture”: Bạch - Match
Tuyết và bảy chú lùn. - Ss students turn their book
- Get Ps repeat a few times.
- V-C-T (Matching) - Look at the dialogue
- Ps look at the title of the unit and the pictures. Get
Ss identify the characters in the pictures.
- Ss students turn their book
Who is he? (Peter)
What is he doing? - Look at the dialogue
And who’s he? (Tony) - Listen and point to the
What are they talking about? (a ghost story). appropriate line in their books.
- Set the context: You’re going to hear the dialogue between Peter and
Tony. Tony wants to know what Peter is reading. - Students take turn to read the
- Play the recording twice: once for Ss listen all the dialogue.
way through and once for them to repeat. Pause - Pairs to read the dialogue
after each line for Ps to repeat a few times. - Find model sentences
- Divide the class into groups to take turns to say
the lines from Tony and Peter.
- Presenting new structure:
- T elicits the structures by asking Ss some questions and ask Ss to speak
out the model sentences. Write them on the board, get Ss to repeat a few - Read model sentnece in
times in turns.
chorus and in pairs
What are you reading?
I’m reading (a story about Halloween). - Give meaning and using
- Ask Ss read the model sentences - Model with T
- Concept check: meaning, using and intonation?
- T gives more examples.
3. Point and say
- Point to the pictures and set the context: Imagine you are reading these - Identify the task
books. You’re going to practise asking and answering questions about
- Ss read the example and elicit their prompts to
complete the speech bubbles. - Look and read the word cues
- Model the task with the whole class: - Model with T
- Point to picture a and ask:
T: What are you reading?
Class: I’m reading The Fox and the Crow.
- Ps take turns to point to the pictures, ask and answer questions about - Ss take turn to repeat the
the tittle of the books/stories. Monitor the activity and offer help as sentence patterns.
- Select a few pairs to perform the task in front of
the class, using the pictures in Ps’ book. Praise if - Some pairs perform the task at
the pair has a good performance of propnunciation the front of class.
and laguage usage. Others observe and give
- Game: Lucky numbers (To talk about the name of comments
- Play the game
the books/stories that you are reading).
+ Give instrucsion.
+ Ask Ss: how to play the game and divides class
into two teams and gives their team’s names.
4. Let’s talk
* Pre- task: - Identify the pictures
- Have Ss turn their book to page 53. - Ss take turn to repeat the
- Run through the guiding questions and the sentence patterns.
answers. - Model with T
- T models with class in order to give Ss what to do
T: Do you read books in your free time?
S: Yes, I do.
T: What are you reading now?
S: I’m reading …
T: What’s your favourite book/ story? - Pairs
S: It’s ……. - Pairs
* Task cycle:
- Ask Ss to take turns to ask and answer.
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task in front
of the class. Praise the Ss if they add some extra
language based on what they know.
- T comments
5. Wrap - up
- What have you learnt today? - Recall
- Comment
IV. Evaluation
--------------------=   =--------------------
Week: 13 Date of teaching: Monday, Novemer 29th 2021 - 5A, 5B, 5C
Period: 25 Tuesday, November 30th 2021 - 5D
Unit 8: What are you reading?- Lesson 2/P(54)
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Use the words and phrases related to the topic the character in a story is like
- Ask and answer questions about the character in a story is like
2. Capacities:
- Students develop communication, cooperation, self-study, problem-solving abilities.
- Students develop skills of listening and speaking.
- Students know how to combine words with gestures, gestures, facial expressions
when communicating.
3. Attitudes:
- Students get interested in the lesson and participate actively in all class activities.
- Students love English stories and the characters.
II. Language focus:
- Sentence patterns: What’s he/she like?
He’s/She’s generous.
- Vocabulary: kind, hard-working, clever, gentle, generous
III. Teaching aids:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, Flashcards, soft book.
2. Students’: books, notebooks.
IV. Teaching processes:
Steps of activities Students’ activities
1. Warm up
- Whole class listen to the song on 6/(P55) - Listen to the song
- Ask Ss to tell the names of the main character in the song and what is -Tell the names of the main character in the
she like. song
2. Look, listen and repeat
- Get Ps identify the characters in the pictures. - Ss open their books to P.54, and answer
some questions.
Who are they? Who are they talking about?
- Set the context: You’re going to hear the dialogue between Mai and
Quan. Mai wants to know what Quan is reading.
- Ss listen to T
- Play the recording twice: once for Ps listen all
the way through and once for them to repeat. - Ss listen to the recording
Pause after each line for Ps to repeat a few times. while looking once
- Divide the class into groups to take turns to say - Ss listen to the tape twice and
the lines from Mai and Quan. repeat
- Presenting new structure: - Ss work in pairs to read the
- T elicits the structures by asking Ss some questions and ask Ss to dialogue
speak out the model sentences. Write them on the board, get Ss to - Find the new structures
repeat a few times in turns.
What’s he (Alladin) like?
He’s generous.
- Ask Ss read the model sentences
- Concept check: meaning using, intonation? - Read in chorus and in pairs
- T gives more examples. - Give the meaning and using of
- Pre - teach vocab the new sctructures
kind “expl”
hard-working “expl” - Read vocab
clever “synonym”
gentle “action”
generous “Vietnamese”
- Read vocab
- Get Ps repeat a few times.
- Match
- V-C-T (Matching)
3. Point and say - Ss look and read word cues
- T runs through the pictures and words cues. - Identify the task
- Draw Ps’ attention to the example. Point to the
picture of Mai An Tiem and ask Ps to read the
example. Then set the context: Immagine you are
reading this book. Let’s practise talking about the - Model with T
character in this book.
- T model the task with whole class: Picture a and
ask: What is Mai An Tiem like?
Class: He’s hard-working. Repeat the step a few - Ss listen and repeat
times. Then call on a few open pairs to go through - Pairs
the rest of the pictures.
- Pupils take turns to point, ask and answer - 4 pairs to practice in front of the class.
questions about the quality of the characters in the
stories in this section. Monitor the activity and - Ss play the game in two teams
offer help when necessary. - Ss listen to the T’s guiding.
- Select a few pairs to perform the task in front of
the class. Praise the pair if they have a good
pronunciation and laguage usage.
- T comments.
- Game: Noughts and crosses
+ Give the instruction of the game.
+ Divide whole class into two teams and check
their comprehension.
+ Gives the word cues of the game:
(1) (2) (3)
Snow White/ The Fox/ clever An Tiem/hard
kind working
(4) (5) (6) - Listen to the T’s guiding
Tam/ gentle Doremon/ Harry Poster/
- Model with T
clever intelligent
(7) (8) (9)
Aladdin/ Your Yoursister/ - Ss work in group of four.
generous brother/hard- kind - Ss practice in front of class
working (Pairs)
- Comment.
4. Let’s talk - Talk individually
* Pre- task:
- Have Ss turn their book to page 54.
- Run through the guiding questions and the answers.
- T models with class in order to give Ss what to - Recall
* Task cycle:
- Ask Ss to take turns to ask and answer.
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task in
front of the class. Praise the Ss if they add some
extra language based on what they know.
* Language focus:
Ss talk about their favourite story.
5. Wrap - up
- T: What have you learnt today?
- Ss say: (Ask and aswer questions about what the
character in a story is like.)
- Ask Ss to remember the structures and vocabulary.
IV. Evaluation
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Week: 13 Date of teaching: Friday, November 12th 2021- 5B, 5A, 5D, 5C
Period: 26 Unit 8: What are you reading?- Lesson 3/P(56)
I. Objectives: (Mục tiêu)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will have been able to: Cuối tiết học, Hs có thể:
- To pronounce correctly the sentences stress and the intonation of questions and the
answers: ( Luyện phát âm chính xác trọng âm và ngữ điệu của các câu hỏi và câu trả
- Develop listening, speaking, and reading skills.( Phát triển kĩ năng nghe, nói và đọc)
II.Languages focus:( Trọng tâm ngôn ngữ)
* Phonics: stress sentences.
1. Vocabulary( từ vựng): Review
2. Sentence patterns (Mẫu câu): Review
III. Resources: ( Đồ dùng)
Online book (Sách mềm).
IV. Procedures. (Tiến trình bài dạy)
Steps of Activities Students’ activities
1. Warm up Ss sing the song on 6/(P55)
2. Listen and repeat.
- Look at the two questions and the answers to the
board. Draw Ss’ attention to the stress of the
sentences. Tell them to listen to the recording
(twice) and pronounce these stress correctly.
- Ask Ss to look at the stress, words and sentences
on the board. Pronounce the focused stress and
intonation.(first in isolation and then in the words
in each sentence such as: (’What, ’reading, ’Fox,
’Crow) a few times as a model.
- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to
listen silently.
- Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and
repeat the focused stress. Repeat the step.
- T says the sentences and makes rythym first.
- Divide the class into groups/pairs to take turns to
repeat the questions and the answers.
- Ask some Ss to say the sentences, paying
particular attention to the pronunciation of the
stress of ’What, ’reading, ’Fox, ’Crow . Provide
help and correct mistakes when necessary.
- T comments.
3. Listen and circle a or b. Then say the
sentences aloud
* Pre-task
- Ask Ss to look at the uncomplete sentences on
2/P56. Help them to identify the task.
- How many sentences are there?
- How many answers for each question?
- Tell them that they are going to listen and circle a
or b to complete the sentences. Then say the
sentences aloud.
- Run through the uncompleted sentences.
* Task cycle
- Ask Ss to listen (3 times) and circle the right
- Ask Ss to exchange their answer with their
partners before reporting them to the class.
* Language focus
- Ask Ss to report the answers.
- Read out the completed sentences to the class.
Provide explanation(s) when necessary.
- Teacher’s comment.
- Game: Lucky numbers
+ Give instructions and divide class into two teams
(Ask and answer about story/favourite stories and
the main characters).
+ What do you have to do now?
- Comment.
4. Let’s chant - Ask Ss to look at the pictures on
3/P56 and ask about the chracters on the chant.
- Ss listen to the chant (twice)
- Ask Ss read the chant and sentences by
- Ss clap the hands forward rythym.
- Ask Ss work in groups/pairs.
- Call out some pairs to demonstrate in front of the
5. Reinforcement. (Củng cố)
- T? What have you learnt today?
- T comments.
6. Home link (Về nhà)
Recite the chant at home.
IV. Evaluation
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