Social Science (Que 3 & 4)

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What are the various perspectives which discuss the need of Disarmament and give
an account of various obstacles in the way of Disarmment.
Need of Disarmament :
i) To avoid war : Arm race cause bloody and costly war. Armrace increases the insecurity of
the states. So disarmament is an effective way to prevent war and maintaining peace.
ii) To reduce the destructiveness of war : Disarament is needed to reduce the sufferings and
destructiveness of the war. Because of this reason some states have ratified agreements
baning the use of destructive kinds of weapons in wars.
iii) Frankenstein Syndrome : It is a fear that a creation made by a human being will turn
against its creator and destroy humanity. The nuclear weapons invented by humans will
destory them when war broke out. So disarmament is needed to avoid war.
iv) Moral reasons : War is a moral wrong. Prepartion and attending armrace increase the
chances of war. So philosopers suggest that disarmament help to reduce international
v) Economic reasons : Reduction in the arms leads a state to save funds and this funds
should be utilized for the welfare measures of the state.
vi) Social reasons : In the developing countries, the problem of poverty, hunger, discease,
illiteracy, housing and the standard of living occurs due to military expedition. Nuclear tests
and explotions have polluting effects. To avoid this problems Disarament is needed.
vii) Policitical reasons : Political difference become fear and suspicion which the armrace
generates. Armaments provoke the political difference and result in war. War was not a
answer to man’s problem. The sprit of militrisim is apposed by the principles of democracy.
viii) Pshychological reason : The armrace and nuclear weapons has developed a belief in the
younger generation that world is an irrational place in which the improvement of the society
is hopeless cause. To avoid this disarmament is neede.
ix) To win public opinion : Common assumptions is that world public is in favour of
disarmament people support to a government that proposes disarmament. World public
opinion goes against the state to engaged in armrace.
i. Fear and insecurity : Nation prefer’s security. If a nation will secure with less arm, then it
is easy to follow the concept of disarmament. Disarmament is not possible until a nation
secure with less arm.
ii. Mutual distrust : If the disarmament proposal is put forth by one nation then it became a
suspicious action in the view of other nation. One state distrust the proposal of other state. In
the atmosphere of distrust, disarmament is not possible.
iii. Political issues and disputes : Arm race amoung the state begin with political rivalry for
supremacy begins. Resolving the political issues without arms is way for disarmament.
iv. Super power conflicts : The strained relations between the superpower served as a block
in the way of disarmament. As along as the cold war peristed between them the process of
disarmament could not make headway. The inability of the two states to reach a mutual
agreement in the field of disarmament was a great obstacle.
v. Advancement of military Technology : The Advancement of military technology increased
the arm race nearly six nations has nuclear weapons and nealy 12 nation has the capacity to
produce it. This encourage others to produce nuclear weaspons. The production of nuclear
weapons becames a prestiges issue of a nation. So many state engaged in arm race.
vi. Lobby of Arms Industry : Countries like USA, France, Britain, Russia etc produced arms
and sold to other countries thus earn huge profits without reducing the armament industry’s
production, disarmament is very difficult.
vii. National Interese : Arm bargaining is a game of give and take and every nations want to
take much and give little because security is dear and fear is strong.
viii. Ration : When the state agree to reach an agreement of disarmament, a question arise as
to ratio of arm reduction between various state. Because every state want to be superior in
armaments to others.
ix. Insincerity : The neuclear Non-proliferation treaty does not probhit nuclear powers from
possessing the neuclear wapons, but it probhit the prossesion of nuclear weapons by non-
nuclear states.
4. What is cold war? What are the causes of cold war.
Cold war is a diplomatic struggle between the two super powers after the second
world war for world supremacy. It is due to distrust and suspicion between the two power
blocs in general and in particular. Due to the distrust super power engaged in arm race,
military preparedeness, alliances and etc.
Causes : Two views :
i. According to orthodox view soviet Russia is responsible for cold war as it
introduced communist principles in eastern countries after second world war.
ii. According to revisionists united states which emerged as super power among the
western nation was responsible for the cold war.
Orthodax view – The USSR Responsible :
i. The unwillingness of soviet union to conduct democratic elections in the countries
such as Poland, Hungary, Romanic and etc is one of the cause for the cold war.
ii. Russia refused to withdraw her forces from Iran where as US and Britian withdraw
forces from Iran.
iii. Soviet Russia destroyed German industries and transfer costly machines to Russia,
so US and Britian spent huge amount to recover German economy.
iv. Soviet leader refused to help the post-war construction outside Soviet Russia.

v. Soviet union has maintained a huge army after the second world war.
vi. It activity in the United Nations irritated US.
vii. The coomunist ideology by the soviet union promised to destroy American type of
economy and political system.
viii. The apprehension on the part of the Americans was that the soviet union was a great
threat to peace as well as their own power and position.
Revisionist view – The USA Responsible :
1. The American military intervention in Russia in during Bolshevik Revolution and it
did not recognise the communist regime until 1933.
2. During the second world war the activity of US increased the doubts of soviet union
instead of removing in the following ways.
a) America refused to inform about the Manbattan project to develop atomic
b) Delaying in sending the Lend – Lease supplies
c) Delay to open up the second front.
d) America failure to inform about the war strategly to the extent it was informed
to Great Britain.
e) failure to inform the use of atomic bomb against japan. Russia thinks that the
use of atomic bomb against japan was to frighten her.
3. US supported Nazi’s in Italys and Poland which causes suspicious in the mind of
soviet Russia.
4. Lend – Lease aid which soviet union getting from America was cancelled after the
defeat of Germany many demands of soviet was refused by America. Futher US
designed a marshall plan for the recovery of Europe without the participation of
Soviet Union.
5. US thinks that Russia wanted to establish the principle of communisim in European
countries. But Russia wanted oil concession in Persia and from Turkey she wanted
sea access from Black sea to Mediterranean Sea.
6. President Truman was one of the important reason for cold war. He highly apposed
communisim. According to him evilideology of communism effect the development
of USA.
Objective View - Both are responsible :
i. Misperceptions : The cold war between soviet Russia and America was rooted by mutual
misunderstanding each party consider that their own action as virtuous and other as
malicious. This resultant in conflict and distrust.

ii. Mutual Antagonism : The cold war was due to mutual Antogonism. Mistrust and fear
between two powers resultant in cold war. Hostile interactions between both parties leds to
cold war.
iii. Idealogical incompatibilities : The principle of communism creat fear in the minds of
Americans. There threat was increased because they thought that it was totalitarian and anti
democratic. American policy was against communism. Americans felt that communism is an
evil system in which people are deprived of their life and liberty.
iv) Economic Interest : Capatilist economy was followed in USA where as socialist economy
controlled by state was followed in USSR. The western nations like America were developed
countries, they depend on the third world countries for raw materials but Russia wanted to
establish communism in third world countries. So it was one of the cause of cold war.

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