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As options for secondary education increase, a trend of enrolling at gifted high schools seems to have emerged.

In my
opinion, the advantages offered by these schools are what drive numerous students to opt for it. Firstly, a gifted high
school offers students peers with similar interests that can be conducive to their education. By studying with friends,
one's overall understanding of a subject and academic performance can further improve. Moreover, with such peers, a
student may encounter more opportunities that can be of benefit to him or her. For instance, one may hear of a
standardized test such as the SAT, which various colleges use to assess students’ capabilities, from their friends.
Secondly, the environment that students experience in such schools can be a merit. Gifted high schools are likely to
have high-achieving students that can act as role models to others, inducing those students to work harder and
receive better academic results. In summary, gifted high schools offer their students a variety of advantages, namely
peers having common interests and a beneficial environment.
- Avoid using the passive voice.

- Make sure you clearly state your arguments and provide a sufficient explanation for them.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 2, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5
Đỗ Đặng Trúc An
For a long time, homework has been widely regarded as an integral part of a well-rounded education and the learning
process in general, thanks to the enormous benefits it offers students. Firstly, homework encourages learners to
revise their lessons, enabling them to thoroughly grasp the core ideas of those concepts and fulfill their assignments
more competently. Since schoolwork is based on the utilization of learned knowledge to complete more advanced
tasks, students are stimulated to hone their academic skills, thus understanding their subjects more deeply. As a
result, they tend to perform better in academic tests, opening them up to various career paths. Secondly, homework
develops students’ numerous soft skills, especially time management skills. Oftentimes, learners typically have to face
various tasks from different subjects at the same time, which promotes decent time-management skills such as
planning a schedule or identifying priorities. Such capabilities are crucial in the hustling society of today, where people
are expected to handle heavy workloads. In conclusion, homework is effective for students to revise their knowledge
and improve their soft skills. Therefore, schoolwork should be utilized to its full potential by both teachers and

- The writing should be more concise.

Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 2, Lexical Resource 2, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2
Nguyễn Xuân Ngọc Khánh
In recent times, due to the desirability to study at elite high schools growing exponentially, many students believe
choosing an elite high school for education is the best choice without careful consideration of certain flaws. To begin
with, although advanced high schools do offer higher level of education, these academic programs are mostly meant
for academically gifted pupils. As a result, students who qualified through either loopholes, family status, or sheer luck,
may struggle immensely during the school course. In turn, leading to the aforementioned students to fail classes, and
eventually failing to progress to the next grade. Correspondingly, the terrible academic achievements can leave a bad
stain on the student's resume, even though they studied at an elite high school. Additionally, studying at advanced
high schools without the necessary intellectual prowess will only place more pressure onto the pupil. Consequently,
leaving the pupil to feel as if they were left behind academically. In conclusion, while elite high schools, in fact, offer a
better educational program, these programs are only meant for highly intellectual students. Subsequently, creating an
uphill battle for not as gifted students.
- You need to come up with stronger arguments and organize your writing more effectively.

- Pay more attention to sentence structure. Three of the sentences in the paragraph are ungrammatical.

Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1
Ngo Hong Phuc
Most 9th graders aim to get into a gifted high school, despite not knowing about the drawbacks of studying in one.
First off, applying for a gifted high school often means sky high expectations from both peers and parents. Parents
who believe their children possess academic talents might push them too hard and neglect other aspects also vital to
their growth such as recreational activities. Berating children when their academic scores don't meet a certain criteria
is still an accepted and rather ubiquitous method of "education", leading to a deterioration of mental health and
potentially self-harm in students during the most unstable period of childhood. Being surrounded by acclamation also
poses a threat to students' mental health when they aren't able to keep consistently high results. Secondly, there's
also the misconception of the quality of education being higher in gifted high schools. While These schools offer a
substantially harder program to follow, but often overlook the importance of the method of teaching. Giving students
hard worksheets and show the answers later isn't interactive nor engaging for students, and yet so many teachers
nowadays adopt this style of teaching. Education should be about trying to make students understand, not let them
figure out on their own. All in all, gifted high schools might not be for everyone and students should be more aware of
the struggles when attending one.

- You need to come up with more relevant arguments.

- Avoid using quotations and contractions.

Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Trương Tùng Anh

Nowadays, many parents, especially in Asian cultures where education is crucial and can determined one’s life, have
a tendency to enroll their children in a gifted school to ensure their offsprings’ futures. Firstly, a student who entered a
gifted high schools may be able to have a better future than students in normal school. Since Gifted high schools have
a good reputations that can aid students in having a higher chance of being in a good university or studying abroad
and therefore, increasing the chances of landing a well-paid job. Secondly, enrolling in a gifted high school can enable
a student to learn their gifted subjects in a wider range and thus, having a lot of skills in that subjects and may gain an
upper hand over other participants for that subject-related career. In conclusion, learning in a good environment such
as gifted high schools may allow a student to study wider in a specific subject and having a brighter future. This also
implies how environment can affect one’s study route.

Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Nguyễn Hoàng Nam

In the present-day world, with the development of technology, people need to improve their skills to cope with their life.
Attending a gifted school will provide us with everything we currently lack. Firstly, gifted schools can undoubtedly
enhance the level of studies. For example, students can be given a large number of challenging exercises. Therefore,
it increases student knowledge and logical thinking skills. Secondly, gifted schools provide a wide range of outdoor
activities for their students. In Vietnam, there are numerous gifted schools, like the Ha Noi - Amsterdam high school
for Gifted, that organize enjoyable events for high school students. Finally, gifted schools give a largeness of vital life
skills. At gifted schools, we have the opportunity to meet many helpful people whom we can follow. In conclusion,
attending a gifted schools is an excellent decision to boost your skills and achieve your goals.

- The paragraph is too short.

- Avoid using the 1st and 2nd person voice.
- You need to come up with stronger arguments and develop them more effectively.
Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Lê Nam Phong
Homework is crucial to a student's life due to its benefits. Firstly, homework teaches the students to study and work
independently. When doing homework, students will have to figure out how to do things correctly without the help of
teachers. This will promote self-learning for pupils. Eventually, a student's academic score will gradually improve.
Secondly, homework makes the students learn the importance of time management. When students are assigned a
lot of homework, they will have to schedule when to start doing each and also finish it before the deadlines. Therefore,
it helps the student to manage their time better. Finally, homework builds a positive learning attitude for students.
Homework helps develop healthy study habits, such as: doing homework daily, completing homework before
entertainment, preparing for the next class... Homework serves as an opportunity for students to learn new things,
rather than a burden that needs to be done. In conclusion, homework is beneficial to students in many ways and
significantly contributes to a student's educational approach.

- You should develop your arguments more logically and provide stronger supporting information.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Phạm Tùng Lâm

In recent years, there has been a matter of major controversy over whether gifted schools should be eliminated.
Although they offer certain benefits to both teachers and learners, they also create a divide among students and put
unnecessary pressure on their pupils. To begin with, gifted programs by their nature promote segregation, for they
label each student either talented or not. This division may create an unhealthy environment for development where
students not selected into gifted schools feel inferior to those who do and doubt their own potential. This conception is
highly undesirable at such an early stage of life because it impedes their learning progress. Furthermore, advanced
students in gifted schools would earn a reputation for being intelligent, which places an intense amount of pressure
upon them. In many cases, the duty to uphold this reputation causes them to overwork themselves, which in the long
run would culminate in mental illnesses. In conclusion, while gifted schools have several advantages, they create
segregation and place an immense academic burden on their students who learn there.
- The first of the two arguments should be clarified and developed more.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 2, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2
Nguyễn Ngọc Huy Anh
In the academic world, it is believed that becoming a student of a gifted school is the vast majority of students’
passionate yearning. In regard to these two following merits aplenty associated with elite schools, students’ ambitions
to study here are understandable. The first and maybe most significant advantage of it is that gifted schools’
curriculum and facilities. For example, gifted school offer high-qualified curriculums and modern appliances that are
different from regular schools, so studying there may help students facilitate their development and follow their true
potential. Furthermore, gifted-school students are highly likely to be awarded bursaries as their school’s study quality
is superior to any others, which is a springboard for each student’s successful future. An additional merit of being a
student in an elite school is its high-standard-educating environment. To be more specific, students may have new
friends, who are their parallel fellows. From this, one could learn not only from teachers but also from their friends and
accrue more experiences. In conclusion, to a certain degree, it is fair to say that there are plenty of advantages that
students can benefit from in gifted schools.

- The writing is overcomplicated. Your sentences should be shorter and more straightforward.
- You need to develop your arguments more effectively and provide stronger supporting information.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Nguyễn Minh Khuê

In my opinion, students can gain numerous skills by doing homework. Firstly, homework teaches students how to
manage their time, as they know when it is due and how much time is left to complete it without interfering with their
free time. They can also learn to prioritize their time more effectively. For instance, a student with five assignments will
do the one closest to due first. Secondly, homework helps students revise study materials on their timetable. This
allows students to go through courses again if necessary or to take their time to ensure they thoroughly comprehend
them before moving on. Therefore, this cultivates good study habits and encourages in-depth comprehension of the
concepts. Finally, homework promotes student independence, because when students complete projects on their own,
they learn to take responsibility for their learning and become more self-sufficient. To sum up, homework provides
essential skills for students' future careers.

- You should explain your claims more clearly.

- You are using several words incorrectly.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Phạm Duy Thiện Nhân

Nowadays, an increasing number of students desire to enter a high school for the gifted due to its numerous benefits,
which will be discussed below. Firstly, studying at an elite high school gives students many edges in their academic
development over ordinary schools. When surrounded by outstanding friends, students must exert themselves to keep
pace with their classmates, which positively affects their academic performance. Secondly, one may be equipped with
a host of societal skills when partaking in after-school activities. It is undeniable that there is a wide variety of
extracurricular activities at gifted high schools which provides pupils with skills such as leadership, teamwork, critical
thinking and problem-solving since they have to collaborate with other students to conduct their projects. Finally,
students can gain access to many opportunities associated with their future universities. If one longs for a scholarship
to study abroad, it is advantageous to them because the admissions committee of overseas universities has the
propensity to favor candidates coming from gifted high schools. Moreover, many domestic universities give gifted
students direct admission on condition that they prefer to study domestically. In conclusion, owing to these
aforementioned arguments, there seems to yield a plenitude of benefits to study in a gifted milieu.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 2, Lexical Resource 2, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyễn Minh Trang

The concept of students working on exercises given by the teacher at a different location other than their school has
always been a rudimentary component in the process of education for as long as us humans have known it. In this
paragraph, I will discuss the overall positive influence of homework towards scholars. First and foremost, schoolwork
is able to aid students in remembering knowledge that has been taught to them at their respective educational
institute. The main purpose of homework is to reinforce students’ grasp of the subject they are studying. Moreover,
due to the nature of the majority of curriculums, teachers are often not given adequate time to thoroughly cover every
single aspect of a particular subject, therefore schoolwork acts as a competent medium to offer scholars opportunities
to master the topic. Another reason why homework is a crucial element of a student’s educational experience is that it
bolsters several vital skills. In order to be able to complete their schoolwork before the requisite deadline, it is essential
for students to figure out how to balance the time it takes to finish those assignments with other aspects of life. This
process of trial and error helps them develop certain skills such as time management and problem solving, which will
undoubtedly come in handy in their future careers. Last but not least, homework also acts as a gateway to connect
teachers, parents and students. Through the means of schoolwork, teachers are able to understand the relative
aptitude of the scholar and have a better grasp on which areas the student excels at as well as which ones the student
needs improvement in, enabling them to adapt and adjust to their students’ needs more suitably. Furthermore, parents
are also able to see what their children have been learning at school and make an effort to address any inquiries they
might have. On the whole, homework is an incredibly important factor in the academic experience due to it reinforcing
the lessons learnt at school, supplying students with practical skills like time management and problem solving, as well
as providing a method for teachers and parents to become more involved with the scholars’ studies.

- The paragraph is way too long.

- The writing should be more concise.
Task Response 1, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Vũ Nguyễn Nhật Minh

There are numerous beneficial advantages to doing homework that is crucial to succeeding academically and
professionally. Firstly, homework allows us to practice and reinforce the skills and knowledge that we have learned in
class, which can help our understanding and memory of the material. In general, students that do homework regularly
are more likely to pass their exams and tests than those who do not. Secondly, homework helps students develop our
time management skills and organizational abilities. Doing homework in a certain time frame makes us form a
schedule that is beneficial to our study/work life. Thirdly, completing homework on time demonstrates to our educators
and peers that we are responsible, that we are dedicated to the subject, and that we are willing to put in the effort to
succeed. In conclusion, homework is an essential component of the learning process, allowing us to complete our
goals and reach our full potential.
- Avoid using the 1st person voice.

- You need to provide stronger supporting information and clearly explain your claims.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Đặng Hoàng Tuệ Anh

School for the gifted is a specialized one for exceptionally talented individuals. Therefore, being admitted to a gifted
high school is a significant milestone in almost every learner’s academic life because of the following reasons. Firstly,
one’s performance in class will improve considerably when constantly being exposed to bright peers. It has been
proven that the act of emulating a successful individual will enhance one’s self-discipline and time management skills
by degrees. In conjunction with better academic affair, elite schools offer their students with improved opportunities to
study abroad. Overseas universities have a tendency to give priority to students enrolling in gifted and talented
program rather than those studying at ordinary schools. Precedence is given to gifted schools due to the fact that
students here are educated by various dedicated and accomplished teachers. Thus, their intellectual abilities are
thought to be superior to those of other candidates. Taking everything mentioned above into account, it is obvious that
being in a congregated gifted programs brings clear advantages to students.
- You need to organize your writing more logically.

- You should use more precise language to clearly state your claims.

- The writing should also be more concise.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Lê Bảo Trang
Admission to a gifted high school, which is the aspiration of millions of students, is credited with engendering
considerable benefits. It goes without saying that compared to a normal standard high school, an elite high school
indeed equips students with the ideal conditions from peer to teachers and courses. To begin with, owing to the
candidates sharing equitable stipulation through entrance examinations, gifted high school can precisely opt for
competent students. Hence, mutual purposes of life can help them simply get on with each other, share similar
opinions and gain a competitive edge. Besides, with masterful teachers, effective lessons are in their capable hands.
Broadly speaking, students in gifted high school can internalize better with innovative and proficient teachers, which
gains their opportunities to promote their result and partake in prestigious universities. Lastly, students supported by
their inherent ability of a subject can be administered holistic and specific courses in their field which allows them to
become an authority on the subject that is orientated to prop up their later choice of professions. To summarize, the
education at gifted schools should be stimulated for the reasons I have mentioned above.

- The writing is overcomplicated and largely incoherent. You are using quite a few words incorrectly.
- Avoid using the passive voice.
Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion .5, Lexical Resource .5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Nguyễn Thu Thảo

Topic: The benefits of studying at a gifted high school
Studying at a gifted high schools is an exceptional environment for students to cultivate knowledge and soft skills due
to the following reasons. Firstly, learning at a selective high school is likely to increase children’s future employability.
Those educational institutions have the tendency to adopt numerous gifted learning programs with advanced
instructions from well-trained teachers, which provide students with specialized education about the subjects that they
excel in. As a result, the knowledge learners acquire during attending high school can be a comprehensive
preparation that simplifies the interviewing process as they have already had a good command in their professional
fields. Secondly, gifted high school is a friendly and secure environment for students to fully fulfil their potential. Since
the entrance examination is a strict method to select most high-qualified students, learners tend to have the
opportunity to study with knowledgeable and determined pupils, which creates a welcoming environment for students
to support others and change for the better. Moreover, studying at gifted school also means facing with less social
evils such as bullying or the usage of vape as students at those schools mostly have good conduct throughout
secondary schools. To summarize, studying at a gifted high school is beneficial to children in terms of their further
professional development and overall well-being.
- You need to develop your arguments more effectively and clearly explain your claims.

- The writing should be more precise and straightforward.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Đặng Trâm Anh

Nowadays, the issue of education has gained widespread attention from the public, and homework is also included in
the discussion. Although Many people think that homework assignments should be abolished; however, I disagree
with this opinion. I believe that homework plays an important role in ensuring the learning efficiency of students, as
they give an overall revision and practice of the theory students are taught at school. First and foremost, handouts
help juveniles revise all the information they get during lessons. Many students tend to forget that information they
receive in class if they just hear about it once only; therefore, if they complete their homework as a second look
through theories, they would memorize the information better. Besides, homework also acts as practise for the
mundane theories they learn in class. Frequently, there is not enough time for educators to cover both information and
practise in a period. When doing assignments, students can apply the theories they learn during lessons to the
exercises they solve, and therefore help them absorb the knowledge more effectively. In conclusion, I think that
homework is very beneficial for students, and they should make an effort to complete their homework adequately.

Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5
Ngô Thu Phương
When gifted schools come to one’s mind, they might think it’s the best environment to study, make connections, and
cultivate the mind. Though studying at a gifted school brings people numerous benefits, there are some dark twists
that are hidden underneath the glimmering reputation of gifted academies. On one hand, being at such a great
condition allows students to even develop their favorite skills and subjects even further. It can also lift the weight off of
students with getting into universities and getting a job in the future. Additionally, dedicated gifted schools enable
students to study with their peers and teachers who have similar interests and abilities to them. Teachers can create a
lively atmosphere, while classmates can encourage and help each other throughout the school year. However, on the
other hand, there are two sides of a coin. It can put extreme pressure and expectations on a student. Being in an
gifted program with high-achieving peers that have varying academic strengths can make students may feel stressed
because they don’t excel everything. On top of that, if they only study without social interaction, it can lead to anxiety,
depression, and low self-worth. To sum it up, studying at a gifted school education has equal disadvantages and

- Pay more attention to the prompt. You should only be writing about either the benefits or the drawbacks.
- You need to develop your arguments more logically and clearly explain your claims.
- Avoid using contractions and informal words/expressions.
Task Response 1, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyen Minh Anh

Education is a core foundation for youngsters' growth and social development. Therefore, elite education is formed to
provide an exclusive and prestigious environment for candidates from privileged backgrounds. All that said, even with
its top-notch infrastructural and academic qualities, these schools have several drawbacks. First off, the whole concept
of elite education perpetuates and, in a way, encourages social inequality as a whole. It is known that these esteemed
institutions often greet students from affluent families with open arms but prove to be hesitant to accept young and
aspiring kids from less wealthy backgrounds. As a result, this has shed even more light on the prominent gap between
the rich and the poor. As such, young ones from public schools may feel inferior to those who went to high-end
schools because of their families' incapability to financially support this education. Secondly, the elite school
environment may lack diversity in mindsets and opinions is evidently lacking with such a selective class of scholars.
Undeniably, the similarity in each teenager's society and economic circumstances creates little space for innovative
thinking and instant problem-solving skills, further hindering the development of a well-rounded individual, suitable to
acclimatize to the ever-changing world. All in all, despite its astonishing benefits to students, the perpetuation of unfair
treatment to contrasting classes in societies paired with the absence of variety and diversity on academy grounds are
clear downsides.

- You should organize your writing more logically and make stronger connections between the issues you identify.

- There are a few sentence structure issues. Avoid long sentences and proofread your writing for potential grammar

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyễn Thảo Linh

Education, a necessity in today’s modern world, comes in variety of form but the most popolar is schooling, like
everything else in life,varies on the level of mastery, as a result, there is there is the school for the gifted of which
benefits I will be discussing in the paragraph below. Firstly, the curriculum provided there is extremely heavy difficult to
keep apace,what this means is that they are extremly similar to university ones.Therefore, this helps smooth the
transition and act as a springboard to developing crucial skill for them at college . Secondly, the enviroment of studying
at such schools is healthy for studying. For example, a student in the aforementioned conditions would find
themselves motivated to catch up with their peers leading to a snowball effect of scores improving and increased the
morale of the studying sessions. In conclusion, while being educated in such an enviroment can be stressful,it can
also be rewarding for those who devote themselves whole-heartedly to the target that they strived to reach.

- Pay more attention to punctuation.

- You need to use more precise language and clearly state the benefits.
- The writing should be more concise.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Nguyễn Anh Khoa

A gifted high school is a specialized environment for students to study and cultivate their mind. Although it has some
disadvantages, studying in such a school brings various advantages. Firstly, these schools provide learning conditions
which differentiate between each student’s needs. Talented children are given work appropriate with their academic
level and progress at their own pace. They will receive better curriculum or advanced instruction in subjects they excel
in and specialized education for ones they struggle with. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to take in-depth
study in their favourite topics. Secondly, gifted schools build the foundation for their future success. Since the gifted
schools have an intensive curriculum, students get accustomed to learning quickly and having a heavy workload,
therefore they gain crucial skills for succeeding in university and their careers. In fact, Many researchers also exhibit
that children who receive gifted programs have a tendency to go on higher levels of graduate study programs. In
conclusion, studying in gifted schools offers a wealth of distinct benefits.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 2, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Tran Gia Thuy An

Topic 2: These days. a myriad of students are competing to get to study in a gifted high schools. because of the
multiple benefits that these schools provide. First of all, the greatest benefit is that in these schools, students will be
studying with others who have the same education level and interested subject. This not only helps students make
friends easier but also encourages them to study harder. Secondly, the teachers in a gifted school are obviously better
than teachers in normal schools, which will help students with their questions in the field they are studying and teach
them deeply about the problem. Lastly, studying in gifted schools will give students more future opportunities. For
example, gifted students will likely be chosen to join international student competitions such as IMO or IChO,...
Furthermore, if students are planning to go abroad, being a gifted school student will also help them gain more
advantages than normal students because recruiters always consider gifted students as a top choice.

- You need to come up with stronger arguments and develop them more effectively.

Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Bùi Hải Trung

It is generally acknowledged that doing homework benefits students. To begin with, homework act as a revision for the
knowledge students have gained from previous lectures. Researches shows that students only retain half of the
knowledge taught in school; therefore, doing homework allows them to memorize it and put it into practice.
Additionally, as students keep a habit of doing homework, they progressively build up critical abilities, such as
research and reading habits, task and time management and autonomous learning. Moreover, these abilities
encourage accountability, discipline, self-direction and independent problem-solving - vital skills required in their future
career paths. Lastly, homework is a form of response to how much students have grasped from lectures. Teachers
modify their teaching methods to comply with students' progress based on these responses. Given this, it may be
concluded that it is essential for students to do homework as it provides a variety of benefits for them.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Nguyễn Bảo Linh

In discussion of the advantages of homework today, many believe that homework is the key to the student's academic
success. Personally, I strongly support this opinion due to the following reasons. First and foremost, a student will be
more likely to memorize and perform better academically if homework is given out to them. Since the students must be
able to comprehend the materials at school to do their homework, they will ask more questions and will also pay more
attention in their studies. Secondly, students will also be more disciplined and be able to perform independent
problem-solving, which is incredibly important in modern-day society. In addition to this, students will have to know
how to appropriately manage their time so that they can perform both their social lives and academic studies. This will
also give students a sense of accountability which will benefit them in the future. However, teachers should also take
the pressure that students might get from finishing their assignments into consideration, and should try to give them an
enough amount of work that can be completed in a short notice. In conclusion, the right amount of homework will
greatly help students in understanding materials at school.

- You should provide stronger supporting information.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 2, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Pham Tri Dung

A gifted high school is a high-quality educational institution which differs from others in that its students could attend
specialized courses on certain subjects. This type of school proves beneficial to its students for two main reasons.
One considerable benefit of a gifted high school is its ideal environment for students to augment their knowledge and
conquer competitions. In these schools, a greater emphasis is placed on the specialized subject and thus experienced
teachers could teach curricula geared towards excellent individuals. This means that students who want to compete in
nationwide or international competitions could stand a better chance of winning. For instance, both of the two
Vietnamese gold medalists in the 2023 IMO(International Mathematical Olympiad) are individuals from gifted high
schools students. In conjunction with that benefit, gifted high schools also enable students to better pursue their
professional careers or intellectual jobs. Due to their prior knowledge of the subject in high school, students of gifted
high schools could excel in university and achieve high GPAs for their CVs, they could also supply the demand for
intellectual job positions such as mathematicians or geologists. In short, gifted high schools offer considerable
advantages and one should refer to them when choosing a high school for education.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 2, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Đàm Tiến Khôi

Nowadays, the advantages of assigning homework to students are controversial. In my opinion, homework has some
following significant benefits. First of all, assigning homework is a great way to practice self-discipline and
responsibility in children because at home, teachers cannot supervise children doing homework like in class. At that
time, students learn and do exercises completely based on their self-consciousness. If adults pay attention and praise,
it will stimulate children to promote this spirit. Since then, the child has become a person with a high sense of
responsibility and self-discipline. The next advantage of doing homework is that it will help students prepare better for
final exams. If students do not do well on assignments then they will learn how to do better in future exams without
penalty. Doing homework is also a way to provide students with the opportunity to practice things that will help them
be more successful in school. Last but not least, homework also help parents know the learning status of their
children. Homework likes an information channel to help parents update and monitor their child's classroom learning
because through homework, parents know the results of the test and the knowledge their children are learning in
class. From this, parents can suggest ways to tutor and guide their children more effectively. In conclusion, homework
has very important role in the education and learning of the students.

Plagiarism -> 0

Lê Thanh Tâm
Nowadays, many students aspire to attend elite high schools in virtue of the following factors. Firstly, gifted schools
have the optimal academic environment. The company of many a talented friend will exert supportive peer pressure
when students endeavor to emulate others' educational performance. Consequently, one will be given the essential
motivation and experience to hone his skills and ameliorate his weaknesses. In addition, teachers at these schools are
highly professional in pedagogic skills, therefore, students should be educated at a better standard. Secondly,
graduates from gifted high schools might be in favor if they apply for the opportunity to study abroad or scholarships
from domestic universities. This is partly because the scholastic achievements of such candidates are primarily
superior to their ordinary counterparts, hence they tend to receive more precedence from the admission committees
both in their own country and abroad. In conclusion, according to the aforementioned reasons, studying in a gifted
milieu is definitely beneficial to high school students in myriad ways.

- You need to use precise language and clearly explain the benefits. Avoid making vague statements.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Vu Hoang Ha Linh
The advantages of attending a gifted high school are innumerable, and this paragraph will highlight a few of them. First
and foremost, those institutes can provide students with an optimal environment in which they can grow and foster
their inherently outstanding talents, thus facilitating them to pursue their own interests and ambitions. No matter how
talented an individual is, if he studies in a low-quality environment, he will be unable to reach his full potential.
Furthermore, in those schools, students will have an opportunity to meet and interact with their like-minded peers,
thereby mutually assisting others not only in academic endeavors but also in other fields. As a result, they can make
substantial progress, and gradually achieve their goals. Less educated students in the other institutes, on the other
hand, are apt to act more impulsively and thoughtlessly. Such demeanors may have an adverse influence on those
around them. To encapsulate, there are a plethora of merits of studying in a gifted high school.

- You need to use precise language and clearly state/explain your claims. Avoid making vague statements.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Trần Lương Huy

Gifted high schools has always been a popular option for students who wish to pursue a higher level of learning in
their preparatory school years as it has proven to be beneficial in many ways. Firstly, the intensive environment would
force the students to perform the best they can. If the learners are placed in a surrounding with peers as good as if not
better than them, it would provide healthy competition, hence enhancing their learning experience and allowing them
to quickly become accustomed to high paced lessons. Secondly, since gifted high schools are designed to be tough,
learners would have to adapt to the tough curriculum. For example, the students will not only be challenged with plain
knowledge, but also their ability to run a group project or excel a presentation. Therefore, they will be developing vital
skills which leads them to being preeminent in college or university. In conclusion, studying in gifted high schools has
many perks and advantages, so therefore learners should make use of them in a beneficial way.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5


Becoming a top - notch student of a selective school is the ultimate goal of many secondary school students in this
day and age . From my perspective, the advantages of studying in gifted school are undeniable .To start with,
educational curricula in specialized schools nowadays are completely challenging and exhaustive even with excellent
students .Therefore, in order to keep up with schoolmates and obtain knowledge , one should be hardworking , which
means striving for full attendance in classes .As a result, it is likely that constant emulation in terms of academic in
gifted institutions might be a prelude for everlasting competitions in real world . Furthermore , the admission committee
are highly to show a preference for the gifted students in comparison to those in other school.This is because the level
of a student from ordinary school may not be on par with that of an top - notch students from a gifted school. This up to
the point that elite students have been recognized better than common pupils in both academic and extracurricular,
which lead to the bias from the committee . In conclusion, there are reasons why studying in a gifted institution is
considered to have a lot of benefits.

- Review basic punctuation rules.

- You are using several words incorrectly. In particular, avoid using words with a negative connotation when describing
the benefits of something.
- You need to clearly state your arguments and explain them appropriately.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Lê Minh Thi
One of the most conspicuous topics these days is whether or not children should be given homework or not. While
some people argue that homework is detrimental to students, I believe it plays a crucial role in today’s education.
Firstly, homework helps children to improve their time management skills. Children can learn how to logically organize
their timetables as they have to finish their tasks on time. Doing homework enables them to divide and prioritize their
work effectively. Therefore, they can optimize their spare time for revision and self-teaching. Secondly, homework is
indispensable in encouraging self-learning and problem-solving. Being assigned homework after school, students can
apply their in-class knowledge themselves. In this way, they can develop their autodidactic skill and independent study
habits. This development is especially advantageous for students in higher education when mostly they have to take
ownership of their learning process. In brief, with these tangible proofs, homework will continue to benefit the next
generation in the future.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 2, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Vũ Linh Đan
Aside from classwork, most schools provide students with homework to consolidate what they have learned and
further enhance their knowledge. Indeed, the method has certain advantages which benefit them greatly. First of all,
doing homework encourages self-learning, consequently improves students’ sense of responsibility, and teaches them
how to discipline themselves. Hence, it also gives them the opportunity to advance their critical thinking skills and
problem-solving abilities. Secondly, doing homework after school allows students to revise what they have learned in
class. According to research, students only remember approximately 46% of what they have been taught at school
after a day. Thus, in order for students to retain as much of the target knowledge as possible, it is important to revise
lessons after school. Doing homework makes sure that their knowledge is firmly consolidated. Homework also gives
the student a chance to revise with other classmates, providing the opportunities to ask questions, view different
perspectives, and give the students a better understanding of the subject. Finally, homework keeps students away
from their phones and computers, reducing screen time and promoting the productive use of time. All in all, homework
can improve students’ skills and knowledge, which is why it is very important.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 2, Lexical Resource 2, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Nguyễn Khánh Linh

In this day and age, parents are willing to dispense ample money for extra classes in the interest of getting their
children into a gifted high school for the following merits. To begin with, elite institutions provide learners with the one
of the finest studying conditions. Since these schools generally seek for the brightest pupils, teachers, therefore, are
required to establish effective teaching methods in order to encourage students to develop to their full potential.
Furthermore, learners are given the opportunity to refine practical social skills through extra-curricular activities that
the academy furnishes them with. Another logical reason is how noble schools allow pupils to focus on a preferred
subject by dividing the classes based on a particular subject. Accordingly, this is bound to assist in future
employments as the fact that an interviewee graduates from an elite institution is likely to make a substantial remark.
Yet, while making their best effort to maximize their skills, students maintain a brilliant performance in other subjects
notwithstanding. All in all, teenagers these days are constantly sharpening their knowledge for this unparalleled
opportunity of becoming a gifted high school student.

- You need to develop your arguments more and clearly explain your claims.

Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Trần Cẩm Linh

It must be admitted that homework plays an indispensable role in education nowadays. It helps students to develop
necessary skills both in and outside of school. First and foremost, homework gives pupils an oppoturnity to revise their
lessons more thoroughly. Doing homework every day enables them to recall the information they are taught at school;
therefore make them feel less stressful when they are studying for exams because they have less work to do then.
Moreover, it motivates students to study harder and try their best to achieve their goals. For example, if a secondary
school student wants to enrol in a gifted high school, he will have to finish his homework regularly to memorize what
he learnt in class more fully, thus allowing him to get excellent marks in exams and enrol in the high school he wants.
Subsequently, homework is an effective way to promotes students' self-studying ability. As students do their
homework without the supervision of their teachers, they have to find information themselves in order to complete the
assignments, thus improving their independence. Last but not least, it makes children learn the importance of time
management, which is an important skill needed in both their study and their future career. When children are
assigned homework, they will know its deadline and have to priortize their work so that they can complete it in time.
Based on the arguments cited above, it is evident that homework has numerous benefits to students which should not
be ignored.

- The paragraph is too long.

- Pay more attention to spelling.
Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Đặng Hà Phương
These days, more and more parents are applying their children to gifted high schools rather than normal ones, as they
are claimed to be more beneficial to students. Related to their first benefit, it is obvious that in these schools, students
may have an advantage in their academic learning. This is because the teaching staff in elite high schools must be
skilled and experienced, with interesting and salutary lesson plans. As a result, students can gain a deep
understanding of the subject as well as a detailed guidance and support. One more benefit is the professional learning
environment gifted high schools can provide for students. Admittedly, in order to be accepted into these schools,
students need to be both intelligent and hard-working. This way, students may get the chance to study in a well
educational milieu, further leading them to develop their personalities and improve their senses of learning in a positive
way. To conclude, gifted high schools may have positive contributions to students’ both learning and self-developing

- You need to use precise language and clearly explain your arguments. Avoid making vague statements.

Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyễn Linh Nga

In this ever-changing world, students are getting smarter, resulting in gifted high schools for talented students. I think
that gifted schools have lots of benefits. Firstly, at gifted schools, students would learn a harder curriculum. The
teacher wouldn't need to worry about bad students and could freely teach complex subjects. For example, if a group of
gifted students learn with a group of bad students, the teacher would not be able to teach the difficult subject. Also, the
teacher would have to explain to the students who don't understand, wasting lots of time for the talented students.
Secondly, gifted schools create an environment for talented students. Students can now share about the subject easily
as they are on the same level. This is a really good thing since they can help each other understand more about the
subject. In conclusion. I think that gifted schools create an environment for talented students and the teacher would be
able to teach complex subjects.

- The language is far too basic. Try to use more advanced vocabulary.
- Avoid using contractions.
- You need to explain your arguments more clearly.
Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Nguyễn Nghĩa Gia An

Doing homework is one of the most essential tasks to do when studying at school. In my opinion, Homework can bring
you a lot of advantages and benefits for your studies. Firstly, it helps you revise the knowledge that you have studied
at school. It will help you remember things you learned better and avoid forgetting what your teachers taught you.
Secondly, doing homework will ensure that your teacher can check your progress and comprehension when you
study. They will acknowledge your mistakes and parts that you are not good at and make sure to cover those subjects
better for you. Lastly, doing homework will enhance your time management and your ability to arrange work so that
you can do it more efficiently. This skill will give you a lot of benefits especially for your future job considering the
amount of work you will have in the future. In conclusion, homework is a tool that will greatly support your schoolwork
and your future life.

- The writing is far too informal. Avoid using the 2nd person voice.
- You should develop your arguments more and clearly explain your claims.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Lê Bá Đức
TOPIC 2: The benefits of studying at a gifted high school

Nowadays, the term “high-quality school”, also known as “gifted school,” is becoming a hot trend among students as
well as their parents. In my opinion, this tendency is completely justified since elite high schools can provide students
with a great learning environment. Firstly, it is obvious that students can develop their in-depth knowledge of many
prospects. Since high school students are taught by professional and dedicated teachers, they are able to be offered
gripping lectures and be completely engrossed in the subject. As a result of being well-equipped with expertise, gifted
students could have a chance to partake in many national as well as international competitions, which is a great
springboard to their further work in the field. Moreover, attending an elite school also means students have the chance
to study in a friendly and dynamic environment. As gifted students are talented and well-educated, they together
create a motivating community where each one gets inspiration from others and makes lots of efforts to achieve
accomplishments. In conclusion, it is advisable that students study for elite high schools due to the numerous
privileges offered specifically to them.

- You should provide stronger supporting information to clearly explain your claims. Avoid making vague statements.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyen Bui Van Hien

Homework has always had many benefits and importance in a person's life. Specifically, homework can be beneficial
to a student's education as well as their skills. First and foremost, homework persuades students to self-study which
improves their independence and problem solving, as they must take responsibility to work by themselves outside of
class, which will prepare them for life as adults. Moreover, doing homework helps students to develop self-discipline,
as mandatory tasks will force students to complete it even if they dislike it. Secondly, doing homework will help
teachers to understand the students’ strengths and weaknesses so that the teacher understands what each students
need to improve their academic performance. Furthermore, students can also perceive the knowledge from the lesson
better by doing homework to revise, as well as take in from other extensive topics to aid their academic performance.
In conclusion, homework is an important tool that is beneficial to students academically.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyen Duc Tam

Besides the activities that students partake in during the lessons, homework also plays the role of revising knowledge
and several other advantages. First of all, homework assists in developing self-disciplined study habits. Furthermore,
they encourage students to consult resources such as dictionaries and grammar reference books. Homework,
according to research, aids in the development of practical knowledge, self-discipline, learning attitudes, and problem-
solving abilities. Self-discipline and self-study will be extremely beneficial to students later in college or when looking
for a job. Homework also provides an opportunity to develop receptive abilities that are often not available in the
classroom. It is also an important part of the learning process, such as when doing projects and researching
information. Homework helps to connect lessons and can be used to reinforce what has been learned and prepare for
the lecture afterward. To summarize, homework is an important part of today's education, schools should continue to
assign homework to students in order to improve their self-discipline as well as their intellect.

- You need to organize your writing more logically and clearly explain your claims.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Nguyễn Bảo Lâm

Homework plays an essential part in every student’s academic life, and in this paragraph, I will go over some benefits
of homework for schoolchildren. Firstly, homework helps teachers measure their children's understanding of the
lessons that day. Their assignment will demonstrate how well they understand the subject. By doing this, teachers can
determine where students' understanding is lacking and adjust their curriculum, or they can work with students to
review and fill in those gaps. Secondly, homework gives students a golden opportunity to review the class material.
For example, in math class, there are a lot of formulas, properties, and theories that students have to remember in
order to solve problems. Thanks to homework, students can memorize things more quickly, simply, and thoroughly.
Moreover, the more exercises and questions they do, the easier and faster their approach to the same problems in the
future will be. In conclusion, I believe that homework will cement the students’ understanding and knowledge and also
do them good in the long run.

- You could connect your ideas more logically and smoothly.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Vũ Nguyễn Diệu Linh

It is not uncommon for becoming a student at an exceptional institution to be the burning ambition of any aspirant, for
the following persuasive reasons. Firstly, when surrounded by talented friends, one must strive to keep up with them in
terms of academic achievement. Competition in the learning environment not only encourages independent learning
but also lays the foundation for similar pressures in the future. Constant emulation at a talented school may be a
precursor to endless competition in real life later on. Secondly, a gifted schools provides gifted children with a
comprehensive education. This will not only make students reach their full potential in their specialized subject but also
assist them to reach new heights of knowledge. As a result, a distinguished scholar can meet the entry requirements
for university entrance as well as access to a wide range of career options. In conclusion, based on the preceding
considerations, there appears to be a plethora of benefits to learning in a gifted environment.

- You need to provide stronger supporting information and clearly explain your claims. Avoid making vague
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Dương Minh Huyền

Homework reinforces and helps students remember what is being taught in class and increases their general
understanding of the language. Homework helps to forge self-disciplined study habits. In addition, they encourage
students to look up materials such as dictionaries and grammar reference books. Doing homework helps children
practice self-discipline and responsibility for their learning. In the long run, children form self-study skills, live positive,
standard lives, and do not neglect their obligations. Thus, through the above analysis, it can be seen that actively
doing homework helps children have time to think, reason, and prepare well for the lesson. If there is a part you don't
understand, you can ask your classmate or teacher. This activity helps children understand the lesson, deepen their
knowledge and not be afraid of the teacher and the subject.

- The paragraph is too short.

- Avoid using contractions and the 2nd person voice.
- You need to organize your writing more effectively. The paragraph lacks logical structure and a clear purpose.
Task Response .5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Đặng Hoàng Lâm

For a long time, teachers have handed out homework to students after classes are over. This long trend of handing
out after-school work for students has yielded some mixed results. In my opinion, the advantages of homework vastly
outweigh the disadvantages for the following reasons. First of all, homework encourages self-learning for students.
Since homework, as the name suggested, works at home, students are more encouraged to research about what they
learned in class, and put it into practice. Additionally, studying at home can help develop their critical thinking skills, as
many subjects require one to be creative and research into it. Homework may also allows students to enable time
management skills. Due to homework having a deadline, it may encourages students to be more careful with how they
spend their freetime to make space for doing school work to prevent work overload. This also helps with their future
career, as many jobs require employees to manage their time efficiently to yield the best result and go up the ranks. In
conclusion, homework has many benefits that can equips students with important skills, and, if done correctly, allows
students to be more positive towards studying in general.

- You should explain your arguments more clearly and provide stronger supporting information.
- Pay more attention to the subject-verb agreement and review the use of modal verbs.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Vũ Bảo Châu
It is said that learning at a gifted school may contribute considerable benefits to the students. In my opinion, I fully
agree with the statement above for the following rationales. Firstly, gifted schools can provide talented students with
higher course curriculums. Since elite schools consist of students of the same profession, the teachers are able to
develop an academic syllabus that can commensurate with all those students, therefore improve the students’
intellectual potential and enhance their performance. Even more, gifted schools offers a friendlier environment than of
normal schools. The majority of pupils here are well-educated and well-behaved, consequently, students may develop
a better society, stimulate long-lasting friendships and eradicate the problem of bullying. Finally, elite performers may
focus in any specialized subjects that they prefer. Gifted schools encourage students to choose a narrower curriculum
in order to allow for greater focus in their favorite subject, thus helps them to become a professional at the subject, as
more time spent in one domain inevitably leads to mastery. The postgraduates are enabled to define their life career
easier also. In conclusion, studying in elite schools lead students to better results in general.

- You need to provide stronger supporting information and clearly define the impact of the benefits you identify.
- The writing is confusing at times. Pay more attention to sentence structure and make sure that you are using all the
words correctly.
- Review the subject-verb agreement.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Tran Tung Anh Khoa

In contemporary society, the demand for high-quality academic environment is increasing alongside technological and
cultural growth; therefore, it is not uncommon for students to opt to attend Gifted High Schools. In my opinion, Gifted
High Schools can be beneficial to students on grounds of two contributing factors. First and foremost, they provide
learners with top-notch educational quality. To put it another way, when attending a Gifted High School, students will
have a chance to study under the guidance of the best authorites in their fields. In addition, being able to study in
classrooms with cutting-edged facilities boosts their acquiring intensive education in specialized fields. Secondly,
gifted students are offered more chances to study abroad since gifted students’ resumes are often more beautiful than
others. Moreover, when enrolling students, top institutions abroad often give priority to students from Gifted High
Schools. To exemplify, according to a recent survey by the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training, a large
proportion of Gifted Students are offered scholarships to study in top institutions. All in all, students can reap two main
benefits of studying in a Gifted High School.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyễn Công Bảo Duy

Homework offers many benefits for students in life. As more practice is required, a better understanding of the
knowledge one has learnt will be acquired. This will lead to enhancement in academic performances. One of the main
benefits of homework is the encouragement of independent learning and problem solving. Students will have to solve
and work through tasks and exercises at their own pace. By doing so, the application of the knowledge provided in
classrooms is a must, giving students a better grasp at the concepts taught at school. One can consolidate their
knowledge by doing homework, therefore, developing a study habit that will prepare one to work alone. Another key
skill is time management. The completion of one’s assignments is required along with other duties. Students’ can learn
to prioritize tasks and manage their own time effectively, skills that are beneficial both in and out of school. In
summary, homework is beneficial for students, whether it be a grasp of knowledge or the development of time
management skills.

- You need to clearly describe the benefits and their outcomes.

- Pay more attention to the structure of your writing.
Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Lê Anh Thư
Enrolling in a gifted high school is beneficial for students. First of all, it allows students to advance their education
theoretically and heuristically. Through the intensive and extensive learning program, learners can not only gain deep
insights into specialized subjects, but they can also broaden their knowledge about the attendant problems. Likewise,
modern school facilities such as the well-equipped laboratory enable students to experiment with theories they have
learned for themselves, so their knowledge will not just stay on paper, but can be understood thoroughly. This is not
often the case in traditional high schools, where these facilities are not always available due to the high cost. In
addition to providing comprehensive education, gifted high schools also offer students opportunities to partake in
extracurricular activities. Intending to improve learners’ soft skills in parallel with academic ones, these schools
encourage a myriad of student-led projects ranging from arts, science, charity, and so on. For example, students will
have to collaborate and communicate effectively with one another to develop a well-planned activity schedule.
Moreover, since these activities are an asset in applying for prestigious universities, students in gifted high schools
may have a better chance of standing out and getting accepted. In conclusion, gifted high schools are an ideal
environment for students to develop comprehensively.

- The paragraph is too long.

- The writing should be more concise and direct.
Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Nguyễn Băng Châu

There are many arguments between the positive and negative effects that homework can have, both in the short and
long term. In my opinion, it can be beneficial to students in both terms. First, in the short term, it is a way for students
to review what they learned at school. By doing exercises related to the class material, students will remember longer
and may be able to understand more about the topics they were taught. Moreover, teachers can benefit from giving
out homework as well. After checking students' homework, teachers can figure out how well they learned and also find
ways to aid them in studying. Second, in the long term, students can develop useful skills and habits which will be
necessary. For instance, certain homework assignments requires students to work as a team. This can help develop
teamwork and leadership skills because one student has to take charge and divide the work between the team.
Everyone will have to cooperate to finish before the deadline. In conclusion, homework has many advantages.
However, it should be given in moderation so as not to discourage the learners.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Đặng Minh Hoàng

Nowadays, homework is considered a necessary thing for every student. In this paragraph, I will demonstrate its
substantial advantages of completing homework. Firstly, doing homework helps students improve their learning skills.
After each class, a revision at home is important, as it helps them understand the lesson better since covering all the
extensive knowledge learned at school is nearly impossible. Thus, students can be more confident and prepared for
the next examination. Secondly, homework can also improve students’ time management skills. For instance,
organizing time between part-time work and study in college will help them to rest, avoiding insomnia, which affects
their health. Finally, students who spend more time with their homework can help students concentrate and focus
better on what they are doing. Concentration provides them with a long-term memory that can be used in the future
when it comes to memorizing a hectic schedule for work. In conclusion, given the advantages of homework, doing it
should be encouraged among all students.

- You need to provide more relevant supporting information. The paragraph says little about homework as such.
Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Liêu Quang Hải Long

In many countries, homework is an established part of school life since it offers considerable benefits, which will be
highlighted in this paragraph. Firstly, it helps students understand concepts learnt at school in depth. Most teachers
assign homework based not only on the content of the lesson, which includes practices requiring both core and
advanced knowledge of it. As a result, by frequently doing their homework, students will develop an in-depth
understanding of the concepts previously taught in class instead of just the primary theory. Secondly, homework
promotes self-learning. In other words, as a result of frequently doing homework without teachers’ close supervision,
learners will develop independent study habits. Numerous studies have noted the significant improvement in students’
work habits caused by homework. This directly indicates that if utilized, homework will better learners’ independent
learning skills. In conclusion, homework offers students numerous benefits, most noticeable of which are an in-depth
understanding of the lesson and improved self-learning skills.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Nguyen Ha Linh
There has been strong opposition from students, parents and educators against the assignment of homework to
students due to their concerns about its excessive workload. However, I believe that homework undoubtedly brings a
variety of advantages, including improving one’s academic performance and strengthening family relationships. Firstly,
by doing homework, students can enhance their study process. They can apply the concepts learned at school to
homework, helping them to gain a deeper understanding of the knowledge. Moreover, revising lessons through school
work assignments can help youngsters to retain the concepts longer. Therefore, engaging in homework on a daily
basis strongly improves one’s grades and studying skills. Secondly, homework gives parents opportunities to be close
to their children. While helping children with homework, parents can learn about the learning progress and the
difficulties that their children encountered. Thus, the relationship between parents and children is improved. In
conclusion, homework can offer numerous benefits that contribute to the improvement of a student's educational
achievement and family bonding.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 2, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Lâm Vũ Kỳ
Over the years, homework has remained a controversial topic among the masses, especially students. Some may
advocate that homework is an absolute burden to them, given that students could spend hours, or even days, finishing
their assignments. Although this thinking is valid to a certain extent, I firmly believe that homework is of paramount
importance to students. Firstly, homework contributes to the understanding and retention of the materials learned. To
be more precise, applying one’s knowledge and transferring it by writing to do homework is more likely to help the
student to memorize and utilize what they have learned to the maximum. Another pronounced benefit of homework is
that it consolidates time organization in students. It is evident that students receive numerous homework assignments
in a school day, and they only have at most a few days to finish them. To do that in time, students must be able to
manage their schedules so they can finish all tasks on time. This way, thus enhancing the capability to organize their
time effectively. In conclusion, notwithstanding all the demerits that homework offers, I side with the perspective that
the merits will be far greater.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 2, Lexical Resource 2, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyễn Thị Hà Phương

Assigning homework to students is presently a disputable matter among individuals as many assume homework has
the potential to supplement schoolers’ academic performance as well as their memorization skills, while some contend
that homework might result in educational burnout. Regardless of numerous strong outcries about the
unnecessariness of homework, I thoroughly lean towards the view that homework plays a crucial role in the field of
education. First and foremost, homework promotes the development in memorizing and problem solving as students
have to apply the knowledge they have acquired through lessons in order to resolve the assigned tasks. For instance,
if a student wants to complete their homework accurately, they recall their understanding of a specific concept that
was taught and by that they are able to remember the information more effectively. Moreover, homework is granted to
provides students the core skills that will more or less complement their future. Time management, resources analysis
and self-esteem are incredibly enhanced through the process of doing homework as it enables students to set their
goals, build their responsibilities and distinguish trustworthy sources. In brief, despite having a plethora of
disadvantages, the benefits of homework apparently outweigh as the majority of educational institutions still assign
homework to their students.

- Your sentences tend to be overlong and overcomplicated.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

khau chi lam

In today's society, an increasing number of students aspire to receive a quality education to enhance their prospects
for a better life. Consequently, homework has become a crucial aspect of their learning journey as it reinforces the
knowledge acquired in school. Primarily, homework assists students in enhancing their academic performance by
allowing them to repeat what they learned in class. This repetition helps to consolidate the information in their memory.
Moreover, homework enhances students' ability to study independently and manage their time efficiently. Self-study
teaches children to take responsibility for completing homework without external assistance. This helps them learn
how to manage their time, stay focused on the task at hand, and solve problems independently. These skills are
fundamental in both school and work. Lastly, homework provides an excellent opportunity for parents to participate in
their child's education. This involvement strengthens the bond between students and their parents when parents assist
their children with homework and gain insight into what their children are learning at school. In conclusion, homework
is a vital tool for students as it offers numerous benefits, including improving academic performance, developing
essential skills for school and life, and promoting parental involvement in education. Therefore, homework plays a
significant role in enhancing students' education.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 2, Lexical Resource 2, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2.5

Nguyễn Hưng Thịnh

As the significance of education is getting more widely recognized, many schools for the gifted have been opened,
providing the targetted students with an exceptional learning environment. The advantages of this education paradigm
are irrefutable on account of the following reasons. Firstly, an elite school ignites one's natural gifts as well as
promoting their individuality. Such schools encourage their learners to explore the talents they are endowed with,
therefore can offer them with a suitable curriculum that focuses on the subjects they excel in. Additionally, gifted
programs are mostly taught by specialized teachers who can understand and adapt their skills to a variety of learning
needs. Secondly, being surrounded by a group of like-minded peers will give youngsters a strong motivation to
improve themselves constantly. As each of their schoolmates possess their own strengths, one will eventually have
the incentive to keep up with them in terms of both academic performances and extra-curricumlum activities. In
conclusion, due to the aforementioned points, students greatly benefit from enrolling in a gifted milieu provides
considerable benefits.

- You need to clearly explain your claims and provide stronger supporting information.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Truong Thien Binh

It has long been debated whether homework is a crucial aspect of education or simply a nuisance to generations of
students. However, I believe that homework is a beneficial learning tool due to the following three main reasons, all of
which will be discussed further in this paragraph. Firstly, homework helps to reinforce knowledge and enhance one's
memory power. By completing At-home assignments provide an opportunity for students to revise and recall the
information learnt in class, therefore establishing a deeper comprehension of study materials. Secondly, homework
encourages students to develop a sense of responsibility. By completing homework consistently and on time, students
are encouraged to be directly involved in their own progress and take ownership of their academic goals. Finally,
homework acts as a means of promoting self-directed learning. This means that through completing at-home
assignments, children are able to self-navigate at their own pace as well as evaluate their needs and weaknesses. In
conclusion, I believe that homework is a powerful educational apparatus with countless benefits and should continue
to be an integral part of learning.

- You need to analyze the consequences/impact of the benefits you indentify.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 2, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Đinh Minh Anh

The benefits of studying at a gifted high school

Due to the rapid development of technology, mankind requires a vast amount of education. However, not everyone in
a specific area can meet the demand. That’s why some developed cities and countries started to open public gifted
high schools for students who have higher levels of IQ and are a place to develop exceptionally outstanding talents in
the fields of basic science. These public schools are designated for secondary students with a talent for the sciences,
social sciences, or foreign languages. Studying at a gifted high school can provide more advanced information on one
subject or topic, which gives the students opportunities to explore their interests and their strengths in one field. For
example, gifted high schools in Vietnam often organize festivals and events that give students a chance to try
teamwork activities or individual skills. Furthermore, since most students have to take an entrance exam, it is easier to
interact with peers who share the same interests as them. For example, they can discuss the problem together without
burdening the other person. In conclusion, a specialized high school is a stepping stone for students to achieve more.

- The paragraph lacks a clear purpose.

- You need to come up with stronger arguments and provide more relevant supporting information to explain them.

Task Response 1, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyễn Thanh Thảo Nguyên

Homework has always been a significant part of an adolescent’s life. In this paragraph, I will highlight the advantages
of homework. Firstly, children can develop time management and study skills. Children who do their homework are
better prepared to manage their time and organize their study schedules, which is a highly valuable ability to have
when they transition into senior high school, tertiary education, and ultimately the workforce. Early completion of
homework during the academic years ensures that it becomes a habit rather than a hassle. Furthermore, with
homework, teachers may monitor students' development and identify pupils who are having difficulty understanding
the material or lagging behind their peers. Homework submission also teaches students to be diligent and responsible,
as disciplinary measures are frequently taken if it is not handed in or done to the requisite standard. Additionally,
homework may be a useful topic of conversation when parents and teachers meet. In conclusion, homework had and
will always be an important aspect of modern education.

Plagiarism -> 0

Nguyen Bao Nam Anh

Homework is undeniably an integral component of school life that holds relatively significant educational value. This
welcoming trend has provided students with various benefits. Firstly, homework contributes to one’s self-study. Since
homework refers to assignments given to students to complete outside of regular class time, students have to work
without the supervision of a teacher. As a result, it urges them to think independently and be more proactive in the
learning process. Apart from encouraging students to actively engage in their studies, homework is of great
importance to one’s academic growth. As homework is designed to consolidate learned concepts, it determines
whether or not earlier information has been assimilated. Thus, students can evaluate their work accordingly and make
proper adjustments to improve their academic performance. All in all, homework is an essential aspect of education
that will improve academic outcomes and help juveniles develop a sense of responsibility in their initial stages.

- You need to come up with stronger arguments and explain them more clearly. Avoid making vague statements.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Pham Minh An
Nowadays, an increasing number of students have the aspiration to enroll in an elite high school for several reasons.
Firstly, being surrounded by talented peers gives students an incentive to keep honing their skills in fear of falling
behind others. This competitive environment can also prepare them for the fierce competition in the workplace later in
life. In addition, establishing relationships with those friends could be meaningful with a view to learning from each
other’s strengths. Secondly, gifted high schools often provide specialized courses, which enable students to follow
their academic pursuits under the guidance of professional teachers. Finally, the demanding curriculum covered could
help students develop critical thinking and tolerance to school pressure. Thanks to these valuable skills and the
recognized quality of gifted high schools, one can have an advantage over his ordinary counterparts in applying for
overseas universities. In conclusion, for the above arguments, studying at an elite high school proves to bring
substantial benefits.

- You need to develop your arguments more and clearly explain your claims.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Nguyen Ha Chi
Studying in a gifted high school offers pupils a plethora of positive aspects. To begin with, it enhances the learning
outcomes . A competitive environment in which peer pressure is imposed will make students aware of their capability
compared to other elite mates; as a result, this raises their attitude towards schoolwork as they emulate others.
Additionally, the expulsion of those who fail to achieve certain academic criteria may also contribute to their effort to
strive. Secondly, it serves as an edge on the subject of tertiary education as well as employment opportunities. Even
when students do not particularly have an outstanding performance, they are still assumed to be more intellectual
since they passed the cut-throat entrance exam and were taught by top teachers. Employers and individuals involved
in the scholarship selection process may consider this an advantage over others whose CVs do not mention studying
in a prestigious highschool. To recapitulate, an elite high schools is of great benefit to pupils.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Lê Minh Ngọc
Nowadays, students are prone to be given homework after each studying session. While there are numerous
arguments for and against the benefits of school assignments; it is commonly asserted that homework is a helpful tool
during the learning process. In my opinion, the tool profits students' academic progression. Firstly, homework serves
as a reviewing material that helps with knowledge testification. To be more precise, it deepens one's understanding of
the material learned in class by further practicing and applying. Hence, students can have a clear understanding of
different concepts besides developing critical thinking through homework in the long run. In theory, learning is
frequently associated with practice, which can suggest the importance of homework as a form of knowledge
enforcement. Secondly, school assignments prevent students from time-wasting activities. Take the case of teenagers
overusing smart gadgets in their free time. Instead of surfing the internet unnecessarily, homework now gets rid of
their free time besides benefiting their studies. In addition, the tool helps students to acquire better time management.
To sum up briefly, homework is advantageous to the academic journey.

- You need to develop your arguments more logically and provide stronger supporting information.
- The writing should be clearer and more straightforward.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Ngô Thị Minh Diệp

Topic 1: The advantages of homework.

Homework has invariably been part and parcel of every student's learning process due to its benefits. Firstly, it permits
pupils to reinforce in-class theories. Repeated practicing may acquaint them with the principles of the subject matter.
Accordingly, they are bound to gain deeper insights into what was taught during classes. This studying method is
undoubtedly an efficient means of knowledge revision. Secondly, after-class exercises promote learners'
industriousness and time-management skills. By regularly completing homework assignments, they will be equipped
with good studying habits. In reality, some teachers also consider their pupils' diligence a significant grading feature.
Additionally, as homework may be time-consuming, students must spare adequate time for it. As a result, they may
learn how to plan and prioritize tasks, which substantially contributes to their future success. To conclude, homework
is a valuable tool to enhance pupils' academic performance. Therefore, it is crucial that they take a positive attitude
toward it.

- You should provide stronger supporting information and a clearer explanation of your claims.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 2

Ngô Trần Thảo Nguyên

It is inevitable that homework provides numerous benefits and advantages for students, especially those who are in
their senior year. First of all, since homework must be completed individually, doing it aids in the development of
responsibility and self-discipline. As a result, students’ ability for time management was enhanced, making it easier for
them to complete their homework on time. Secondly, homework encourages self-learning and independent problem-
solving skills, which helps students gain a deeper understanding of certain subjects or topics. In addition, homework
has been proven to improve students’ academic performance since it sharpens their focus and memory. For instance,
according to a study conducted by professor Harris Cooper from 2006 showed that 70% of students who completed
their homework had better academic outcomes than those who did not. To conclude, despite the fact that there are still
numerous objections against its use in schools, I believe that having homework is essential in order to attain personal
goals and succeeding academically.

- You need to develop your arguments more logically and clearly explain your claims.
Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Trần Vi An
Homework is always considered as a daily practice or revision to improve the students' learning skills. Therefore, it is
necessary to know about the advantages of homework. Firstly, doing homework helps students prepare for upcoming
lessons. Once they finish all their homework, they will have a more thorough perception of the previous lesson,
thereby developing an interest in them to know more and more about a particular topic or subject, making them feel
much more confident to acquire further knowledge in the next lessons. Secondly, doing homework regularly
encourages independent learning and problem solving of students. They are challenged to do some difficult tasks by
themselves at their own pace, helping them have critical thinking. Also, students will be able to gain the knowledge
that they learnt in the classroom more efficiently. Last but not least, homework helps learners improve their time
management skills, as schedules and timetables have to be set reasonably to ensure that all exercises are completed
during the day. In conclusion, doing homework is totally a helpful task, therefore, it is necessary for students to spend
some time on homework given by their teacher or tutor to achieve the best learning quality.

- You should develop your arguments more logically and provide stronger supporting information.
Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Nguyễn Ngọc Đan Lê

Homework has always been a topic of debate in the education field, with many acknowledging its value while others
doubting its usefulness. In my opinion, homework is a great tool that offers a lot of advantages for students. Firstly, it
provides students with additional practice and further reinforcement of the knowledge they learn in class. They can get
a better understanding of the subjects by practicing and applying the concepts outside the classroom on their own.
The homework given out by the teachers may come in many different forms, such as multi-choice exercises, open-
cloze questions, or essays, which demand the students to actively engage with the material. Therefore, students will
improve their memory recall and long-term learning. Secondly, homework serves as a valuable tool for teachers to
evaluate their students' understanding of the subject and identify areas that may require further instruction. By
assessing the students' homework, tutors can measure their academic capacity and detect any potential
misconceptions or gaps in knowledge. Using This information will be valuable for teachers to improve future lessons
and address specific learning needs. In conclusion, when used correctly, homework can be a fantastic tool to help
enhance students' learning experiences in a number of ways.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 2, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Trần Linh San

Dreams of admission to gifted high schools are not rare among students aiming at a secure future for themselves.
Indeed, such schools are increasingly favourable for several understandable reasons. The first and most unanimous
account for this popular option is the exceptional environment in gifted high schools that hardly exists anywhere else.
To be specific, those schools are homes to numerous prestige professors, who have invaluable experience and
updated knowledge. Hence, being educated by them enables the chances of changing for the better and acquiring the
needed knowledge, especially for those with pure talents to be harnessed maximally. Secondly, studying in gifted high
schools not only means learning from the teachers but also from the innumerable refined and talented learners. Gifted
high schools only select the most elite and outstanding group of students who are able to adapt swiftly to the
excellence of their peers. This necessitates their will and desire to keep up with their classmates effortlessly.
Additionally, having excellent friends in various fields also acts as a reminder not to let success go to one's head and
always strive to upgrade oneself. All in all, gifted high schools have always been the topmost choice for thorough
education as for the benefits gained from the teachers as well as their schoolmates, and will probably withstand as
long as they can maintain and promote their present strengths.

- The paragraph is too long.

- The writing should be more concise and straightforward.
Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Phạm Trần Mai Phương

For centuries, homework has always been as bad news in the eyes of students. Despite its inextinguishable hatred
from students, homework does have some advantages belonging to it. Firstly, homework helps students become
better with their time- management skills. If a subject has homework with a deadline told in advance, students ought to
learn to manage their time with a view to not rush and around the clock when the deadline arrives. When many
teachers set a deadline for their homework, students will have to split their time after school into many parts of the day
so as to not have the subjects interfere with one another, therefore, making students better at managing their time.
Moreover, homework helps students remember what was taught to them in class better. Specifically, Homework
makes students apply the knowledge to exercises which will be able to help remind them of the knowledge which was
taught. Based on the two points above, homework is undoubtedly beneficial to students.

- You should clearly establish the impact of the benefits you identify.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Phan Doãn Sơn

Studying at a gifted high school has many benefits, but in my opinion, the most important benefits are the learning
environment it provides and the chances it opens up. First and foremost, the gifted learning environment encourages
them to focus on the subject they are interested in and good at, which could help ignite their love for studying.
Furthermore, in gifted high schools, the teachers are specialized in their subjects, allowing them to teach in a more in-
depth way. Therefore, the students could grasp complex subjects more easily than if they were to learn at normal
schools. Secondly, after you graduate from a gifted high school, you will have a more in-depth understanding of a
subject, and it will help you apply to better universities. In addition, some universities also offer direct enrollment or
give bonus points on matriculation exams for students of specific gifted high schools. In conclusion, learning in gifted
high schools has many amazing benefits, with the stated two benefits being the most important.

- Avoid using the 2nd person voice.

- You need to provide stronger supporting information and clearly explain your claims.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Cù Nguyễn Gia Huy

Despite the fact that homework is very much a part of every students' life, not many young people nowadays can fully
acknowledge the advantages of homework. Firstly, with homework, students can revise and further understand the
contents learned at school. With advanced technology and the help of the Internet, modern students can also easily
find matters related to their lessons as well as discover their own preferences when it comes to studying new topics.
Moreover, homework helps students Mastering the skills of time managing and boosting confidence is another one of
homework’s upsides. When there is a deadline to a specific work, pupils will have to balance their life to solve it in
time; and the fact that they can work out the problem by themselves without the need of the teachers’ assistance can
greatly help with the student’s trust in their own abilities. Despite all the benefits, a large amount of work can actually
put strain on a student’s shoulders, so it should also be carefully considered by teachers. Overall, it’s such a shame
that so many people look down on homework, overlooking all the great values of it just because ot requires a bit of
extra effort and time.

- You need to provide a proper thesis sentence and stick to a particular position throughout the paragraph.
- You need to organize your writing more logically and clearly explain your claims.
- Avoid using contractions and informal words/expressions.
Task Response 1, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Lê Uyển Linh
Becoming a student at an elite high school brings about many benefits in terms of academic performance and learning
environment. First, studying at an emulating milieu fulfills aspirants' ambition to keep up with other talented
adolescents. As gifted programs require heavy workload and intensive curriculum, students have a tendency to
endeavor to accrue knowledge and hone crucial skills to keep pace with others for incessant competition in real life
later on. Second, being surrounded by intelligent and open-minded friends, they are likely to have an opportunity to
express themselves openly and confidently regardless of races or differences. As a result, talented students have
greater outlooks on life than other students studying at normal schools. Moreover, good friends will be a significant
factor in building durable relationship and save unforgettable memories during teenage years . To recapitulate, owing
to these aforesaid arguments, it is inevitable that studying at a gifted high schools brings a wealth of advantages.

- You should develop your arguments more logically and provide stronger supporting information to explain them.
- The writing should be more concise and straightforward.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Mai Diệu Hương

Homework has existed for hundreds of years and is still an essential part of today's education system. In this
paragraph, I will be discussing the benefits that homework can provide to students. First of all, pupils are able to revise
what they have been taught at school by doing assignments. This can help them further understand the given
information and be able to remember it more accurately. Secondly, homework forces students to manage their time
efficiently. School is already a full-time job for children, and having extra assignments to do after class requires them
to organize their schedules to be able to finish the homework in time. Doing this will help students develop better time
management skills and independent thinking. These are one of the most crucial skills for both students and adults and
will prove to be extremely helpful later on in their lives. In conclusion, homework provides students with multiple
benefits, and students should take advantage of it to perform better academically and develop important skills for their
adult lives.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyễn Phạm Khải Ninh

There are two advantages of homework: it helps students reinforce the knowledge and skills they learned in class and
improve their time management skills. Firstly, students will gain more knowledge and skills after they completed their
homework assignments. Therefore, they can apply what they have learned in class independently. Secondly, their
time management skills will be improved as they have to schedule their work in order to fulfill their tasks in time. Not
only do students learn to improve their time management skills, but they also to prioritize tasks. These are essential
skills in both academic and professional settings. For instance, Van, a 7th grade students, has a lot of homework from
her teacher and she has to finish it in time. Therefore, she has to schedule her work and decide which task to do first
in order to finish her homework in time. In conclusion, homework provides valuable opportunities for students to
reinforce their learning, and develop their time management skills.

- You need to develop your arguments more logically. Make sure you clearly explain your claims but also avoid
including redundant or repetitive information.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Tạ Trần Hoàng Lâm

At it's core, a gifted program is made to properly help explore the student's passions, utilize their talents and abilities to
it's full potential. This type of program has proved successful time and again. So what are the benefits that brought
upon these successes? Firstly, these programs usually involve a greater workload, a fast-pace study environment.
This prepare students in gifted high schools for the transitioning to university as these study environments develop
crucial skills, work ethics essential for excelling in universities and colleges. Secondly, gifted schools and programs
enable student's communication with peers of the same interest and passion. This means creating a stimulating,
friendly environment and helping them easily make friends. Finally, being labeled as gifted undoubtable gives a boost
to one's self-confidence. This effect is especially amplified as confidence is key to achieving higher levels
academically. In conclusion, gifted programs clearly has remarkable benefits for certain groups of students.

- You need to come up with more relevant arguments and clearly explain them.
- There are quite a few basic grammar errors. You should proofread your writing more carefully.
Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Nguyễn Đức Minh

From my point of view, homework has a vital role in students’ studying progress. Firstly, homework enables students
to revise what they have learned in class. Doing assignments related to knowledge students have learned in class,
students can not only enhance their memories and study more effectively but they can also be prepared for the next
lesson and exam in the near future. Additionally, doing homework can advance skills like discipline, time management,
and independence, which are crucial in the workplace. Secondly, students doing homework will help their parents to
be involved in their learning. Therefore, parents can know what the student’s strengths and weaknesses are to help
direct their future. Parents will also be the ones who help students to broaden their knowledge and provide assistance
and encouragement. With the aforementioned, homework has proved to be beneficial to students.

- The paragraph is too short.

Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Nguyễn Võ Quỳnh Anh

It is undeniably true that homework has brought about many significant advantages for students. To begin with,
homework strengthens learning and helps students to do better on academic assessments. By doing schoolwork,
students have the chance to practice and revise what they have learned during class. Additionally, they can improve
their comprehension and remember the lessons and formulas by doing assignments on their own. Homework can also
help students to prepare for upcoming examinations by offering quizzes and review materials. Secondly, homework is
helpful in personalized learning. Students’ requirements and aptitudes are taken notice of in their homework, enabling
them to specialize in areas that require further practice and assistance. This is vital since every student is taught the
same curriculum in class. Finally, homework improves self-study skills. It motivates students to create effective study
plans, take responsibility for their learning, and adopt study strategies that will help them in their education. In
conclusion, homework can provide children with customized learning, self-study skills, and reinforcement for learning
and testing.

- You should explain your arguments more clearly.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 2, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Vũ Thanh Hà
It is a well-established fact that studying at a gifted high school brings forward multiple advantages to adolescents.
Firstly, high schools for gifted children go above and beyond to develop their extraordinary abilities. Gifted high
schools provide a stimulating environment with advanced and comprehensive courses, giving ingenious students the
opportunity to delve into various subjects that extend well beyond the standard curriculum. This approach encourages
academic engagement and ensures students remain constantly challenged and pushed to thrive. Secondly, gifted
schools create an environment where gifted individuals are given the chance to attend classes with peers of
comparable abilities and interests, which fosters growth and learning. Moreover, it makes it easier for students to
make friends with like-minded individuals, strengthening the bond among peers. Thirdly, gifted schools frequently offer
an extensive range of extracurricular activities that comply with students' preferences. This plays an essential role in
providing adolescents with a well-round education. In conclusion, it has become evident that the benefits of studying at
a gifted high school are undeniable.

- You need to use more precise language and clearly explain your claims. Avoid making vague statements.
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyễn Tường Vi
Homework plays a crucial role in students’ education. By doing homework, students acquire time management skills
and are likely to achieve higher academic performances than those who do not. In order to complete homework on
time, students learn to use their time effectively. While doing homework, not only should they identify which tasks to
prioritize, but they also have to satisfactorily finish their assignments in a limited time. In addition to assisting students
utilize their time, homework offers students chances to reinforce their knowledge, therefore improving their academic
performance. Burdened with extra curriculum activities, chores, and entertainment, some students may not spend
adequate time revising what they learn in class. Homework is an opportunity for students to recall what they study in
class, as well as apply their knowledge. Those who have yet to understand the content of the lessons can learn the
lessons again through homework. With frequent practice and revising, students achieve better grades in tests. To
conclude, homework helps develop time management skills and improve academic performance.

- The paragraph lacks cohesion. You need to use more effective transitions and connect your sentences more
Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyen Ngoc Khanh Anh

In today's modern world, an increasing number of students enrolling in a gifted high school is becoming a more and
more prevalent alternative to studying in a public counterpart. In my opinion, this trend is beneficial to students in
numerous ways. First of all, their peers can facilitate their own growth. To put it simply, they are pushed into a
competitive environment in which they are compelled to perform at their best ability in order to match their fellows. In
addition, students in segregated high schools can also assist each other in their studies by covering each other's
weaknesses and overcoming learning barriers together. Secondly, such high schools enable learners to be educated
by acknowledged experts. Therefore, they can have a much better grasp of academic subjects, offering them
opportunities to obtain high marks in those subjects. Consequently, these scores may enable them to be eligible for
tertiary education and benefit from great career prospects. In conclusion, elite high schools can bring many
advantages to students including a stimulating environment from their classmates and experienced educators.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyễn Tuấn Anh

Homework has long been a subject of occasional debates, despite that, it undeniably offers students numerous
benefits and academic development. It is not an easy feat to grasp a whole new concept or idea presented in lectures.
Thus homework, which serves as an extension of the learning process outside the classroom, can help students
review and solidify their knowledge of the materials. In other words, This practice of repetition helps learners better
retain and understand the information. Moreover, homework teaches students to organize work and manage time,
seeing as they need to adhere to deadlines and determine which task needs prioritizing. Assignments train students to
be familiar with responsibilities, which is undoubtedly a crucial skill when facing the challenges of higher education and
the professional world. In addition, with homework, teachers can evaluate learners’ progress more effectively, spot
areas of weaknesses, and give feedback accordingly. Homework cultivates a feeling of discipline and tenacity as
pupils deal with difficult problems, teaching them the need of diligence and resolve. In conclusion, when well-balanced,
homework can play a pivotal part in developing diligent, knowledgeable, and independent students.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1.5, Lexical Resource 2, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Trần Quỳnh Trang

Nowadays, Gifted high schools seem to be the focus of the conversation whenever parents have a discussion about
picking schools for their children. While some believe that this type of school has more drawbacks than advantages, in
my opinion, gifted high schools bring more benefits to their students. In the first place, gifted schools could offer their
learners an opportunity to have better education programs. The schools' teaching staff includes highly qualified
instructors with quality teaching programs and a range of extracurricular activities. Additionally, Gifted schools care not
only about education but also social skills. As a result, when entering the schools, students can expect a better study
environment followed by various outdoor activities to improve their social skills such as talking in front of a crowd or
communicating with others. Another reason for choosing gifted high schools is that the schools could make their
students' profiles more beautiful. For instance, when applying for scholarships, an applicant who has a profile from a
gifted high school would be preferable. This plays a crucial role for choosing gifted high schools, since we study for
better occupations and living standards, therefore having a profile that the judges prefer more could bring plenty of
advantages. In conclusion, there are still some disadvantages to choosing a gifted high school, it would seem that this
kind of school brings more benefits tha drawbacks for the students studying there.

- The paragraph is too long.

- The writing should be more concise.

- You need to provide stronger supporting information and explain your claims more clearly.

Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Bùi Phương Linh

Being able to study at an elite high school is a dream come true to many students, with the ability to learn with the best
teachers and brilliant, outstanding friends. In my opinion, However, set aside the merits, its demerits also coexist. First
and foremost, surrounded by the majority of friends of academic brilliance, it can form a state of stress, between one
and their classmates. Being surrounded by high-achieving peers, students may feel pressure to keep up. Such thing
can create a harsh and toxic environment where jealousy and envy exists, not a progressive learning environment.
Secondly, one can be much more busy compared to peers studying in a normal school. Elite high schools normally
offer bonus homework, more study sessions together with an enhanced curriculum. It can lower one's social skills,
with less social interactions and more stress, as one do not get the time they need to rest. In summary, one should
consider thoroughly before choosing a school to attend, knowing and understanding their pros and cons beforehand.

- You need to state your arguments more clearly and provide stronger supporting information to explain them.
- You need to organize your writing more logically.
- There are quite a few sentence structure issues.
Task Response 1.5, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1.5, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1

Lê Đức Khang Duy

Topic 1: Dating back to the time homework was invented, it has always been considered a tedious and strenuous
abominable task, but in reality, it's the contrary. To begin with, finishing work assigned by the teacher is a golden
opportunity for students to revise and practice their skills or knowledge acquired during class. School periods usually
last about one hour and 10 periods at most. It might seem like a lot, but about half of this amount of time is dedicated
to conveying knowledge, and the other half is for exercise, which is indisputably little for pupils to apprehend.
Consequently, homework is integral to fully making the most of the lessons. In addition, assignments from the teacher
can be an effective way to teach learners about time management. Apart from the monotony of sole recreation,
students will now learn to allocate their time and give priority to studying, which will inevitably be versatile in both the
near and distant future. To sum up, it is no exaggeration to say homework is indispensable in schools for its
overwhelming merits of more practice and the handling of many assigned tasks.

- Avoid using contractions and informal words/expressions.

- You are using several words incorrectly.

Task Response 2, Coherence and Cohesion 1, Lexical Resource 1, Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.5

Nguyễn Đình Anh

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