Group 3 Final Case Study

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Comparative Analysis on Basic Calculus

Grades of SHS STEM Students who Took

Different Programs During their Junior
High School at Valencia National High

Submitted by:

Arban, Jayson

Bitoy, Ruel Japhet

Mabini, Christine Jean

Mella, Rommel

Rubio, Lesther


This study focuses on comparing the basic calculus grades of senior high school
STEM students who pursued different programs during their junior high school
education. The assessment of students' academic performance, particularly in
mathematics, plays a vital role in shaping their educational paths and future
opportunities. Understanding the impact of program choices on students' mathematical
proficiency is crucial for optimizing STEM education and guiding students towards
successful academic and career pathways in science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics fields.

By examining and comparing the basic calculus grades of senior high school
STEM students, this research aims to gain insights into the effectiveness of different
programs in equipping students with the necessary mathematical skills and knowledge
required for advanced STEM studies. The study will explore potential variations in
students' mathematical proficiency based on their program choices, which can inform
educators and policymakers in enhancing the teaching and learning of calculus within
the context of STEM programs.

Strong performance in basic calculus indicates a solid foundation in

mathematical reasoning and problem-solving abilities, which are essential for success in
advanced STEM courses at the senior high school and university levels. Exceptional
grades in calculus can also enhance students' prospects for college admissions,
scholarships, and specialized program opportunities in their desired fields of study.
Therefore, the comparative assessment of basic calculus grades among senior high
school STEM students holds significant implications for both students' academic
trajectories and the optimization of STEM education.

The case study was conducted at Valencia National High School, situated in the
city of Valencia, Philippines. The selection of this particular educational institution as the
research setting was driven by its diverse student population and the emphasis on
STEM education. By focusing on STEM students, the study aimed to investigate the
comparative assessment of basic calculus grades among students who pursued
different programs during their junior high school education.

To ensure a representative sample, participants for the study were randomly

chosen from the STEM student population. This approach minimized potential bias and
facilitated a diverse range of respondents. The data collection process involved the
administration of a Google Forms questionnaire to the selected participants. The
questionnaire was specifically designed to gather information related to the participants'
basic calculus grades during their junior high school education. It included inquiries
about the program they pursued, and the grades they achieved in the subject. By
utilizing a digital platform like Google Forms, the data collection process was
streamlined, and participants were given a designated time frame to complete the
questionnaire, ensuring consistency in data collection.

The collected data underwent rigorous analysis employing appropriate statistical

methods. Furthermore, comparative analyses, such as analysis of variance (ANOVA),
may be employed to identify any significant variations in calculus grades between
students who pursued different programs. These statistical analyses would provide
valuable insights into the comparative assessment of basic calculus grades among
STEM students at Valencia National High School.

By employing this comprehensive case study methodology within the context of

Valencia National High School, focusing on STEM students, utilizing a Google Forms
questionnaire, and applying statistical analysis, the research aims to provide valuable
insights into the comparative assessment of basic calculus grades among students who
pursued different programs during their junior high school education.
Tools Used

The researchers employed the One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to

determine the presence of a statistically significant difference among the means of the
variables under investigation. ANOVA is a statistical technique used to compare the
means of three or more groups and determine if there is evidence of a significant
difference. In the context of this study, ANOVA was applied to examine whether there
were significant differences in the means of the basic calculus grades among the STEM
students who pursued different programs during their junior high school education.


Interval Plot of Regular, Science Curr, ...

95% CI for the Mean





Regular Science Curriculum SPA SPS

The pooled standard deviation is used to calculate the intervals.

Based on the interval plot, the researchers can

conclude that there are notable variations in the average grades of students in Basic
Calculus based on the programs they took in Junior High School at Valencia National
High School. The Science Curriculum had the highest grades in the subject, followed
closely by the Regular and SPA programs. Lastly SPS got the lowest score According to
the Tukey Simultaneous 95% test, these two programs showed similarities in their
performance. To assess the statistical significance of these differences, the researchers
opted to conduct a One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
Fisher Individual 95% CIs
Difference of Means for Regular, Science Curr, ...

Science Curr - Regular

SPA - Regular

SPS - Regular

SPA - Science Curr

SPS - Science Curr


-10.0 -7.5 -5.0 -2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0

If an interval does not contain zero, the corresponding means are significantly different.

Residual Plots for Regular, Science Curr, ...

Normal Probability Plot Versus Fits
99.9 6


10 -3

1 -6
-10 -5 0 5 10 88 90 92 94
Residual Fitted Value



-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6


The objective of this study was to examine the potential differences in Basic
Calculus grades among students who pursued different programs in Junior High School
at Valencia National High School. To achieve this objective, the researchers utilized the
One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) as a statistical method to assess the
significance of these variations.

Upon conducting the analysis, the researchers examined an interval plot, which
provided valuable insights into the mean levels of Basic Calculus grades among
students. Based on this plot, it can be inferred that there are significant differences in
the mean levels of Basic Calculus grades among students who pursued different
programs in Junior High School.

To enhance the credibility of their findings, the researchers proceeded with

additional analyses using Tukey and Fisher pairwise comparisons. The results of these
comparisons also supported the previous observation that there were significant
disparities in Basic Calculus grades among students who chose different programs in
Junior High School. This outcome further strengthens the conclusion that, within the
specific context of this study, the levels of Basic Calculus grades among students in
different programs show notable variations.

Regular and SPA are not significantly different based on the Tukey and Fisher
pairwise comparisons

Based on the results and discussions, in order to have a better grade in basic
calculus, student must take Science Curriculum Program in Junior High School.

In light of these comprehensive analyses, it can be confidently concluded that

there are significant differences in the Basic Calculus grades among students who
chose different programs in Junior High School. This conclusion is substantiated by the
combined findings of the ANOVA, Tukey and Fisher pairwise comparisons, Normal
probability plot, and histogram analysis. Therefore, indicating a potential difference in
their overall basic calculus performance regardless of the other external and internal
factors such as class schedules, learning ability, and etc.
Regular Science SPA SPS
93 88 89
96 98 90 86
85 98 87 87
91 91 93 83
90 87 85 85
93 94 88 86
88 91 90 86
92 88 89 93
89 91 89 87
92 90 95 82
94 96 92 85
94 94 91 89
90 96 92 88
90 97 95 86
91 92 91 87
87 90 87
85 89 92
92 97 92
95 96 89
90 96
93 95
87 98
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