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Name:________________________________________________ Class:_____

1984 Chapter 1 Questions

1. How have the clocks in the story been changed?

2. Describe the setting of the story (details: smells, conditions)


3. Describe the large poster. What is the caption beneath it on the wall?

4. Why doesn’t Winston take the lift?


5. Why is it difficult for Winston to climb the stairs?


6. Why can’t the telescreen be completely shut off?


7. How does the telescreen differ from our television?


8. What is the word on the flapping poster?

9. What police bother Winston?
Name:________________________________________________ Class:_____

10. What city and country does Winston live in?


11. Why do you think Winston can’t recall the city of his childhood?

12. What can Winston see from his window?


13. What are the 3 slogans of the party etched on Minitrue?


14. How many buildings like these can Winston see from his window? What are they?

15. Which is the most frightening? Why?


16. Why doesn’t Winston have any food at home?


17. What does he drink?


18. Where does he sit to write and why?


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