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Exam for DD2410 - Introduction to robotics 2018-12-19

Permitted aids: Paper, pencil, eraser


Answer on the separate answer sheet. Write legibly, ambiguous answers

will be given 0 points.

Each question can be awarded a maximum of 4 pts. If a question can be

awarded partial credit, this will be explicitly described in the question.

Maximum possible score on the exam is 100 pts. Any bonus points will be
added to the exam score.

A passing grade requires a sum of exam score and bonus points of at

least 80 pts.

A sum of exam score and bonus points of at least 70 pts will be graded as
Fx, which means that the student is given the opportunity of completing
the grade to a passing grade after passing an oral exam.

Course responsible: Christian Smith (

Question 1:

1 (13)
Given a 4 DoF (RRPR) SCARA manipulator, which of the following pairs
of quantities should we expect to be able to control independently? (4 pts.
for correct answer)

a) Interaction forces and pose of the end effector

b) Orientation and position of the end effector.

c) Interaction forces and velocity of the end effector.

d) Acceleration and pose of the end effector

e) None of the above

Question 2:

Mark the following statements regarding grasps as either true or false:

(1p per correctly classified statement.)

a) Both form closure grasps and force closure grasps depend on the
friction between gripper and object. F

b) Both form closure grasps and force closure grasps require the
gripper being able to produce arbitrary normal forces in contact with
the object, in order to withstand arbitrary forces on the object. T

c) All form closure grasps are also force closures. T

d) All force closure grasps are also form closures. F

Question 3:

Mark the following statements regarding manipulator control as either true

or false: (1p per correctly classified statement.)

name: _______________________________________________________ number:______________________________

2 (13)
a) Computed torque control is robust with regard to model uncertainty.

b) Force control requires a direct measurement of force at the end

effector. F

c) Defining a controller in the task space of a manipulator is more

computationally efficient than defining it in joint space. F

d) Straight line trajectories in joint space will always be straight lines in

task space. F

Question 4:

Which of the following is a typical trait of reduction gears? (4 pts for

correct answer)

a) They reduce the torque output of the joint.

b) They reduce the influence of the motor's inertia on the manipulator


c) They reduce the required rotational velocity of the motor.

d) They reduce the backlash at the joint.

e) None of the above.

Question 5:

Mark the following statements regarding manipulator kinematics as either

true or false: (1p per correctly classified statement.)

a) The maximum velocity of a manipulator in a singular configuration is

zero in all directions. F

b) The inverse kinematics are still defined for a manipulator in a

singular configuration. T

name: _______________________________________________________ number:______________________________

3 (13)
c) The manipulability index is zero for a manipulator in a singular
configuration. T

d) Redundant manipulators cannot reach singular configurations. F

Question 6:

What is the positioning error (position repeatability) for a typical industrial

manipulator? (answer that is at most one order of magnitude from true
value of either KR40 PA or IRB 120 pictured above gives 4 p)

Answer with a number and a unit.

acceped range: 0.001 mm -- 0.5 mm

Question 7:

Given a 4 DoF SCARA (RRRP) manipulator, how many possible different

inverse kinematics solutions exist for a typical reachable end effector
pose? (Correct answer gives 4 p)

Answer with a number.

Question 8:

How many parameters are there for each link in a DH table? (Correct
answer gives 4 p) 4

name: _______________________________________________________ number:______________________________

4 (13)
Answer with a number.

Question 9:

Mark the following statements regarding inverse manipulator kinematics

as either true or false: (2p per correctly classified statement.)

a) The inverse kinematics function is a nonlinear mapping from the

end effector coordinates to the base frame coordinates. F

b) At least one inverse kinematics solution exists for all reachable

positions. T

Question 10:

Order the following operations with regard to computational cost, from the
one requiring the most effort to compute to the least. (Complete list in
correct order gives 4 p) cdba

a) Calculate the inverse Jacobian for a PPP cartesian gantry robot

given the DH table and current joint values.

b) Calculate the forward kinematics for an RRP Scara robot given the
DH table and current joint values.

c) Calculate the inverse kinematics for RRRRRR IRB 120 (robot in

right image in Q6) given DH table and target position.

d) Calculate the forward kinematics for RRRR KR 40 PA (robot in left

image in Q6), given DH table and current joint values.

Question 11:

Mark the following statements regarding the behavior tree below as either
true or false: (2p per correctly classified statement.)

name: _______________________________________________________ number:______________________________

5 (13)
a) If we add "... AND not re-charging" to the condition, fast switching is
less likely. T

b) The battery is only recharged if the condition is False T

Question 12:

Mark the following statements regarding behavior trees as either true or

false: (2p per correctly classified statement.)

a) If the top node of a behavior tree returns failure, the ticking stops. F

b) A condition has fewer possible return statuses then an action. T

Questions 13:

Mark the following statements regarding the behavior tree below as either
true or false: (2p per correctly classified statement.)

name: _______________________________________________________ number:______________________________

6 (13)
a) If someone closes the door after the agent has passed it, the agent
will turn around to open it again. F

b) If someone unlocks the door while the agent is trying to unlock it,
the agent will try to open the door. T

Question 14:

Given the planning problem defined by X and U below. Each correct

answer gives 2p.

a) What is the min number of transitions needed to get from (0,0) to

(2,2)? 4

b) If, instead U = {(x,y) x,y in Z such that x=0 or y=0}, with Z the same
as in a above, what would be the minimum number of transitions
needed to get from (0,0) to (2,2)? 2

Question 15:

Mark the following statements regarding planning as either true or false:

(2p per correctly classified statement.)

a) RRT* finds better solutions than RRT, at the price of increased

computations T

b) A* finds better solutions than Dijkstra’s algorithm, at the price of

increased computations. F

Question 16:

For each alternative below, mark if it is true or false, regarding a

differential drive robot. (1p per correctly classified statement.)

a) It is sufficient to know the distance between the wheels to calculate

how much the robot has rotated. F

name: _______________________________________________________ number:______________________________

7 (13)
b) It is necessary to know the distance between the wheels to
calculate the distance traveled by the robot.F
c) Each wheel is driven by a separate motor. T
d) To drive forward with a certain speed, you would typically have to
give +V voltage to one motor and -V voltage to the other motor. T
Question 17:

When comparing a fixed-wing and a multi-rotor drone which of the

properties match fixed wing best. Mark each alternative as true or false.
(1p per correctly classified statement.)

a) Vertical landing and take-off F

b) Can stand still in the air F
c) High manoeuvrability F
d) Can glide T

Question 18:

Mark each of the following statements as true or false regarding the gait
for a walking robot. (1p per correctly classified statement.)

a) The gait describes the shape formed when a walking robot has all
legs on the ground and the knee angles are larger than 90 degrees F
b) The gait describes the walking pattern, i.e., order in which legs are
lifted and moved. T
c) The gait denotes the number of leg movements before the walking
pattern is repeated. F
d) The gait describes the shape formed when a walking robot has all
legs on the ground and the knee angles are less than 90 degrees F

Question 19:

Which of the following sensors are exteroceptive, mark each alternative

as true or false. (1p per correctly classified statement.)

b) Gyro F
c) Accelerometer F
d) Radar T

name: _______________________________________________________ number:______________________________

8 (13)
Question 20:

Match each letter a-d with the correct number 1-4.

(1p per correct match)
a. Use motion commands 4. Prediction step 1. Global localization
and odometric information
to estimate the motion

b. Use exteroceptive 3. Update step 2. Kidnapping

sensors to correct the
position estimate

c. Find the position 1. Global localization 3. Update step

starting from a uniform
probability distribution

d. The robot is moved in 2. Kidnapping 4. Prediction step

away that is not at all
modelled and typically not
detected by the sensors

Question 21:

Mark each statement about an occupancy grid as true or false. (1p per
correctly classified statement.)

a) The world is divided into cells, each of which describes if that part of
space is occupied or not T
b) The representation can only handle 2D spaces F
c) We make strong assumptions about what the world looks like F
d) Heavy post-processing is needed to determine what parts of space
are actually free since the grid only tells what parts are occupied. F

Question 22:

Mark each statement as true or false regarding the use of a local map for
navigation. (1p per correctly classified statement.)

a) Often represented as an occupancy grid. T

name: _______________________________________________________ number:______________________________

9 (13)
b) Good for fusing sensor information. T
c) Often referred to as a cost map in the context of ROS. T
d) Local maps are seldom used these days because sensors are now
so good that there is no need. F

Question 23:

Mark each alternative as either true or false regarding a particle filter

(when compared to a Kalman filter). (1p per correctly classified

a) State represented by a Gaussian F

b) Handles multi-modal distributions well T
c) Scales well with the number of state dimensions F
d) Handles non-linearities well T

Question 24:

Mark each statement regarding SLAM as either true or false. (2p per
correctly classified statement.)

a) SLAM would typically be harder in a dynamic environment than a

static one. T
b) Closing loops results in reduced accuracy in most versions of

Question 25:

Your phone is often equipped with both an accelerometer and a gyro.

Which of these is best suited to determine how to orient the display when
you look at the screen?
Accelerometer (gives the direction of gravity when phones is still)
Answer sheet

Q1: __________
Q2: a)_____ b)_____ c)_____ d)_____ Q3:
a)_____ b)_____ c)_____ d)_____
Q4: __________
Q5: a)_____ b)_____ c)_____ d)_____

name: _______________________________________________________ number:______________________________

10 (13)
Q6: __________
Q7: __________
Q8: __________
Q9: a)_____ b)_____
Q10: ___ ___ ___ ___
Q11: a)_____ b)_____
Q12: a)_____ b)_____
Q13: a)_____ b)_____
Q14: a)_____ b)_____
Q15: a)_____ b)_____
Q16: a)_____ b)_____ c)_____ d)_____
Q17: a)_____ b)_____ c)_____ d)_____
Q18: a)_____ b)_____ c)_____ d)_____
Q19: a)_____ b)_____ c)_____ d)_____
Q20: a)_____ b)_____ c)_____ d)_____
Q21: a)_____ b)_____ c)_____ d)_____
Q22: a)_____ b)_____ c)_____ d)_____
Q23: a)_____ b)_____ c)_____ d)_____
Q24: a)_____ b)_____
Q25: __________

name: _______________________________________________________ number:______________________________

11 (13)
Answer sheet (Facit)

Q1: ____b______

Q2: a)__FALSE_ b)__TRUE_ c)__TRUE___ d)__FALSE___

Q3: a)_FALSE__ b)__FALSE___ c)__FALSE_ d)__FALSE___

Q4: ___e_______

Q5: a)_FALSE_ b)_TRUE_ c)TRUE_ d)__FALSE___

Q6: _acceped range: 0.001 mm -- 0.5 mm

Q7: ____2______

Q8: ____4______

Q9: a)__FALSE___ b)_TRUE____

Q10: _c__ _d__ __b_ _a__
Q11: a)_TRUE b)_TRUE
Q12: a)_FALSE b)_TRUE
Q13: a)_FALSE b)_TRUE
Q14: a)____4_ b)__2
Q15: a)_TRUE b)_FALSE
Q16: a)_FALSE b)_FALSE c)_TRUE d)_TRUE
Q19: a)_TRUE b)_FALSE c)_FALSE d)_TRUE
Q20: a)_4____ b)_3____ c)_1____ d)_2____

Q22: a)_TRUE b)_TRUE c)_TRUE d)_FALSE

Q23: a)_FALSE b)_TRUE c)_FALSE d)_TRUE
Q24: a)_TRUE b)_FALSE

12 (13)
Q25: _Accelerometer (gives the direction of gravity when phones is still)

name: _______________________________________________________ number:______________________________

13 (13)

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