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Assignment Summary

Innovation within an organization

Innovation relating to technology

Develop your technical analytical skills in terms of analysing innovation in your organization

Your role within the innovation process in your organization – what role do you play within the innovation process
and how can that role be developed further

Pick projects – innovations database and the spin offs and CK-EPR integration – apply innovation practices

Enhanced engagement with stakeholders

Contextualise the innovation process in your organisation – demonstrate the valid use of the concepts in each

Wk 1 innovation funnel ie: describe the innovation funnel applied to my particular setting – where the concept
doesn’t apply discussing why the concept doesn’t apply – is just as or far more useful than leaving it out. The
acknowledgement that the concept exists however is not valid for these reasons (which are obviously evidenced b
citations will be a good way of going about that.

If there are important concepts that you feel are not relevant, engage with the concept by acknowledging its
existence, then discuss / evaluate why it is not suitable in your particular context – that can be a brief sentence or 2.

Include the application of your learning (development of your portfolio) – development of your program portfolio -
documenting the digital or technological innovation strategy creation process and evidence your critical exploration
of that topic area – so what does this look like

Exploring Innovation

The first case study is in relation to the organization’s innovations database, where the Innovation Funnel was
applied as a complete process, the idea was developed as a result of a brainstorming session during a leadership
workshop using a technique called ‘unpeeling the onion’ . The opportunity was developed by the library team in
collaboration with IT which went on to win a national innovations award and thereby influence policy within NHS

The second case study is in relation to integrating a clinical decision support system with the hospital’s electronic
patient record system. The idea was generated as part of an exercise termed ‘walking in another’s shoes’ – a method
that is about generating innovation through facilitating experiential learning and design thinking. This was completed
prior to Covid (this method would not now be possible in a hospital environment in the current covid pandemic)
Previous success with the innovations database helped to gain acceptance for this project with the Director of
Planning and Strategy, the Chief Clinical Information Officer and the Chief Information and Technology Officer and it
is hoped to interview them for this assignment.

Other sources of innovation are generated within the organization through quality improvement initiatives among
clinicians, with ideas or projects being submitted to a judging panel with the hospital’s fundraising charity branch
then funding the wining projects.
What are the sources of innovation for your org - competitions

Executing Innovation

Explain the execution – so once you have a proof of concept, how is it executed, what does the team look like –
lightweight team? A team that is cross functional? How Does it work? Do you outsource your innovation execution –
if so how does that work?

What process controls execution – is it stage-gate? How does that work? Are there maybe design criteria – these are
some of the ideas you might explore in the execution of innovation. This is where you expand on the examples
handed in in week 5 to expand and illustrate those concepts that we would have been reading about, in action.

Exploiting Innovation

Once a technology has been executed a lot of organizations stop there – but a mature innovation process is
continuously looking at how to exploit existing technologies – not always looking for new ideas. So with existing
technologies what you want to look at is “Do you have a road map?” Do you have a technology roadmap which
allows for that exploitation of existing technologies. Do you have a strong intellectual property IP? How much
reliance is there on market channels and branding etc, or have you got strategic partnerships which allow for the
exploration / exploitation of these technologies even further. You role in the innovation process for these last 2
parts you have to apply a reflective model there to complete your self evaluation.

Technological innovation can be defined as the act of introducing a new device, method, or material for
application to commercial or practical objectives.

1. True
2. False
Question 2
1 Point
Technological innovation is the only driver of competitive success for many industries.

1. True
2. False
Question 3
1 Point
GDP refers to Gross Domestic Product.

1. True
2. False
Question 4
1 Point
Externalities are costs or benefits that are borne (or reaped) by individuals other than those responsible for
creating them. Choose the answers that apply to this.

For example a business emitting pollutants in a community are imposing a negative externality on the
community members.

For example a business builds a park in a community, creating a positive externality.

For example a community builds their own youth hall creating a positive externality.

Question 5
1 Point
The innovation funnel describes the concept of many ideas garnering a few if any successful new innovation

1. True
2. False
Question 6
1 Point
Innovation can be defined as the practical implementation of an idea into a new device or process.

1. True
2. False
Question 7
1 Point
An idea is the ability to produce novel and useful work.
1. True
2. False
Question 8
1 Point
Creativity refers to something imagined or pictured in the mind.

1. True
2. False
Question 9
1 Point
Invention refers to the specialisation in creating new products and processes.

1. True
2. False
Question 10
1 Point
Research and development (R&D) refers to a range of activities that extend from early exploration of a
domain to specific commercial implementations.

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