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Type at the comment section what you still recall about literature.Author.

In Spokane or written
form.Another response said that literature is a reflection of human experiences. That is correct.
You are really great, my dear learners.But let us try to proceed to these terminologies.The first
one is literary theory.This is the body of ideas and methods we use in the practical reading of
literature.It ishjvjbknml,;.’/ work. Objective B formalism puts focus on the grammar, the structure
of the plot, the character roles and syntax. But what do we mean?By syntax.This is the
arrangement of words and phrases to create well formed sentences in a language.So how do
we get that clear?For example, let's try to identify some of the elements of the short story. I
hope that you are familiar with the story the necklace by the Democrat.Can you please tell me at
the comment section the main characters of this story?Type it now.That's right.If your answer is
Matilda.That's correct. If you akljhgcfgjhvkjlbk;nlnswered mutual or cell, that is also correct.If you
answer it lazelle porcia, that is also correct.So basically, that's how formalism is used as an
approach. It does not focus on other things such as cultural or psychological implication and
others, but just simply the form. Thus we have the term form Melissen.So moving to the next
approach, we have structuralism.Structuraljkhjghfgd the moralist criticism.It is also called as
Christian Humanism.It examines literature against civil and ethical criteria.If judges works based
on their ethical teachings or morals.The wireless criticism, when used as an approach in
critiquing a piece of literature, well, a work that encouragejhgbdsjkl;4 always.You're right.
Always women.And usually these characters do not readily mold themselves into the traditional
role of women that society these dictates they must adhere to.These women or women
characters make their own decisions, are not afraid to express their own opinions, and they are
ready to deal with the consequences of doing so.Can you possibly think of a female character
that you encountered in different literary pieces, such as film, short story, or any other type of
literature?Who is your most favorite?You may take your response again at the comment
section.And you followed your learners? If so, please hit the heart emoji once again.We are
actually getting the hits of the lesson. They're learners, they attentive as we continue on the
next.And here are the key points of our lesson for this day.A literary theory is a body of ideas
used for studying literature. It is also a method used to analyze literary text.Formalism is an
analytical method that focuses on literary form and the study of literary devices within the
text.Structuralism relates literary compositions to a larger structure, such as a genre or a system
of recurrent patterns.Marxism refers to the social, political and economic theories of Karl Marx,
including the belief that struggles between social classes are major force in history and that in
the future there should be a society with social classes.When you read a text, think about how it
may affect or influence its readers. Will it encourage them to do good?Will it cost them to do
negative effects?Asking yourself these will help you with making a moralist criticism of the
work.Feminism is a term used for the variety of beliefs, movements and ideas regarding a
common goal, which is to define and achieve equal rights for women in terms of personal,
political, cultural, economic and social concerns.Feminist literature is fiction or nonfiction work
that supports the goals of feminism.At this point, my dear learners, I hope that you were able to
understand these literary approaches and I was able to unlock the difficulties of the
terminologies that we used in this lesson. Now we are going to proceed to the question and
answer part.Of the lesson.You may type your questions at the comment section. We will be
helped by our teacher, moderators, and of course you are going to be given one minute to think
and to type your questions.Your timer.It starts now.

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