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Dialogue Podcast

Levi (Host): Hello and welcome to our podcast on the use of technology in different
fields. I'm your host, Levi Vázquez, and today we're going to explore how technology
is transforming various aspects of our lives. We are joined today by our guest,
Eduardo Álvarez, who is an expert in this field. Welcome, Engineer Eduardo, it is a
pleasure to have you in the program.

Eduardo (Guest): Thank you Levi, it's a pleasure to be here.

Marisela (Presenter): So, let's start with a general question. How do you think
technology has affected our lives in general?

Isaac (guest): Well, technology has changed the way we live, work and communicate in
so many ways. From smartphones and social media to artificial intelligence and
automation, technology is affecting every aspect of our lives. It has made our lives
easier, more efficient, and more connected than ever before.

Levi (host): That's very true. What are some of the specific areas where you see
technology making the biggest impact?

Ximena (Guest): There are so many areas where technology is making a significant
impact. For example, in healthcare, technology is transforming the way doctors and
patients interact, enabling remote consultation and monitoring, and even robotic

Marisela: It's amazing to see how much technology is transforming our world. But
with all this progress, there are also concerns about the negative effects of
technology. What are your thoughts on that?

Eduardo: Yes, there are certainly concerns about the negative effects of technology.
For example, excessive use of smartphones and social media can lead to addiction,
anxiety, and depression. However, I believe that if we use technology in a way, we can
minimize these negative effects and maximize the benefits.

Levi: That's a great point. So what do you think the future holds for the use of
technology in different fields?

Isaac (Guest): I think we can expect to see even more exciting developments in the
coming years. We will see more advanced AI and machine learning technologies that
will allow us to make better decisions and automate even more tasks. We will also see
more use of virtual and augmented reality in various fields, from entertainment to
education and healthcare.

Marisela (Presenter): That sounds fascinating. Well, thank you very much for joining
us today and sharing your thoughts on the use of technology in different fields.

Ximena (guest): Thanks for having me. It was great to be here.

Marisela (presenter): to conclude this interview we will receive an engineer from

bikini bottom, he is Engineer Ubaldo Hernández. Good evening how are you?

Ubaldo (Guest): Good afternoon, as my colleagues have mentioned, technology in these

times is essential for us since we can use it for medical purposes and also for
communication with the environment. Systems Management deals with integrating,
planning and controlling the technical, human, organizational, commercial and social
aspects of the entire process (from analysis and design to the operational life of the
system). The main objectives of Systems Management are usually: Plan and control
the entire process of analysis, design and operation of the system within the budget,
deadline, quality and other agreed conditions.

Levi (Presenter): This would be all from us about the current technology interview
that is linked to computer systems engineering. For the next chapter do not miss
"Yeri Mua ends with Naim".

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