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of Supercritical Fluids 37 (2006) 342–349

Comparison of the solubility of ␤-carotene in supercritical CO2 based

on a binary and a multicomponent complex system
Marleny D.A. Saldaña a , Li Sun a , Selma E. Guigard b , Feral Temelli a,∗
a Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada T6G 2P5
b Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada T6G 2P5

Received 10 August 2005; received in revised form 1 December 2005; accepted 5 January 2006

Carotenoids such as ␤-carotene are gaining interest in the food industry due to their nutritional and antioxidant properties. Understanding the
solubility behavior of carotenoids in supercritical CO2 (SC CO2 ) is fundamental for any industrial supercritical process application and design.
Solubility of ␤-carotene was measured in both a binary and a multicomponent complex system. Solubility of ␤-carotene in the binary system was
measured using a quartz crystal microbalance technique at temperatures of 40 and 50 ◦ C and pressures ranging from 120 to 200 bar. Solubility of
␤-carotene in the multicomponent complex system was determined from dynamic extraction experiments using a laboratory-scale supercritical
extraction system. Carotenoids were extracted from freeze-dried carrots with SC CO2 at temperatures of 40 and 50 ◦ C and pressures ranging
from 120 to 327 bar. ␤-Carotene solubility values for the binary system measured herein and reported in the literature are of the order of 10−7
mole fraction while the solubility values for the multicomponent complex system (␤-carotene extracted from carrots with SC CO2 ) under the
same conditions are 5–10 times smaller. Solubility in both systems increased with temperature and pressure. The difference in the solubility values
obtained using both systems is mainly due to the matrix effects of the multicomponent complex system such as the cell structure and the interactions
of ␤-carotene with other components such as carbohydrates in the carrot matrix.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: ␤-Carotene; Carotenoids; Carrots; Piezoelectric quartz crystal; Solubility; Supercritical fluid extraction

1. Introduction critical temperature of CO2 is beneficial for thermally labile

carotenoid, resulting in minimal carotenoids degradation during
The demand for “natural” food colorants such as carotenoids extraction.
is growing due to consumer concerns for food safety and quality. Understanding the solubility behavior of ␤-carotene in SC
Carotenoids also possess provitamin A activity and antioxidant CO2 is essential for developing different applications at an indus-
activity, which could lead to reduced cancer risk [1]. Carrots are trial scale. To date, solubility data reported in the literature for
a major source of carotenoids, containing 60–80%, 10–40% and pure ␤-carotene in SC CO2 show large discrepancies, with sol-
1–5% ␤-carotene, ␣-carotene and lutein, respectively [2]. ubilities ranging over more than one order of magnitude. This
To date, two principal extraction methods have been used to discrepancy can be, in part, attributed to the different experi-
extract carotenoids from carrots: (i) traditional solvent extraction mental techniques used to measure ␤-carotene solubility in SC
(TSE) [3] and, (ii) supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) [4–8]. CO2 , such as the dynamic [9–11] or circulation [12] methods.
TSE requires long extraction times, consumes large amounts of Some of these techniques present deficiencies in sample collec-
organic solvents and there may be solvent residues left in the tion especially for solutes of low solubility such as ␤-carotene.
extracted products after the solvent removal step. SFE on the Correct solubility measurements rely on equilibrium conditions
other hand uses supercritical carbon dioxide (SC CO2 ), which being attained but this is difficult to confirm with some tech-
reduces potential for oxidation of carotenoids and there is no niques [13]. The piezoelectric quartz crystal or quartz crystal
solvent residue left in the extracted product. In addition, the low microbalance (QCM) technique can be used for measuring sol-
ubilities in situ for compounds that exhibit low solubilities or
that are thermally labile. However, the QCM technique is very
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 780 492 3829; fax: +1 780 492 8914. sensitive and may sometimes be subject to electrical or mechan-
E-mail address: (F. Temelli). ical interferences.

0896-8446/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.D.A. Saldaña et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 37 (2006) 342–349 343

Sangbin and Mi [6] used dynamic extractions to deter-

mine solubility of ␤-carotene from freeze-dried carrots (Dancus
carota L.) by SC CO2 and mixtures of CO2 and ethanol or
methanol at temperatures of 40 and 60 ◦ C and at pressures
of 138–276 bar. The highest solubility achieved was 4.90 and
0.60 ␮g/g CO2 for ␤- and ␣-carotene, respectively, at 40 ◦ C and
276 bar. Other studies [7,8] have investigated the extraction of
␤-carotene from carrots using SC CO2 ; however, no solubility
data were reported.
The main objective of this study was to compare the sol-
ubility of ␤-carotene in SC CO2 obtained using two different
techniques. First, a piezoelectric quartz crystal or QCM tech-
nique was used to determine the solubility of pure ␤-carotene
Fig. 1. High-pressure QCM apparatus. 1: CO2 cylinder; 2: filter; 3: valve; 4:
in a binary system (␤-carotene + SC CO2 ). The second method cooler; 5: ISCO syringe pumps; 6: check valve; 7: pressure transducer; 8: pres-
was based on the dynamic extraction of ␤-carotene from car- sure relief valve; 9: extraction vessel; 10: quartz crystal holder; 11: quartz crystal;
rots using SC CO2 . The solubility measured using this second 12: spring-loaded contacts; 13: thermistor; 14: water bath; 15: digital tempera-
method is representative of the solubility of ␤-carotene in a mul- ture indicator; 16: thermometer; 17: vent; 18: RQCM; 19: computer with data
ticomponent complex system (␤-carotene + carrot + SC CO2 ). In acquisition system.
addition, the extent of degradation of ␤-carotene during solubil-
ity measurements was also evaluated. erated circulating water bath and a heated water bath from
Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh, PA), and a stainless steel high-
2. Materials and methods pressure vessel from Frontier Valve International (Edmonton,
AB, Canada). The temperature in the high-pressure vessel was
2.1. Materials registered by a YSI 406 thermistor (Dayton, OH) and a ther-
mometer in the water bath indicated the temperature of the sys-
␤-Carotene (99.9% purity), mixed isomers ∼2:1 ␤-:␣- tem. A pressure transducer (Omega, Stamford, CT), connected
carotene (95% purity) and lutein (∼70% purity) standards were to the inlet tube, monitored the pressure of the high-pressure ves-
purchased from Fluka–Sigma Aldrich Co. (St. Louis, MO). sel. Data from the pump (pressure and flow rate), the thermistor
Supercritical fluid chromatography grade CO2 (99.99% purity), and the pressure transducer were collected by a LabViewTM data
CO2 bone dry (99.8% purity) and nitrogen (99.95% purity) acquisition system.
were purchased from Praxair Canada Inc. (Mississauga, ON,
Canada). Solvents such as hexane, acetone, methanol, chloro- 2.2.2. Loading β-carotene on the crystal and solubility
form, dichloromethane and acetonitrile, all HPLC grade, were determination
obtained from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn, NJ). Polished quartz ␤-Carotene was dissolved in chloroform to obtain a solu-
crystals (9 MHz AT-cut) with wrap-around gold-plated elec- tion of known concentration (10 mg/mL). An aliquot (1 ␮L) was
trodes were purchased from International Crystal Manufacturing placed on the quartz crystal electrode area. To obtain a uni-
Co., Inc. (Oklahoma City, OK). The properties of the crystal formly distributed layer of ␤-carotene, the solvent was slowly
are: area of 1.96 × 10−5 m2 , density of 2649 kg/m3 and stiffness evaporated under gentle nitrogen flow. The crystal frequency
of 2.90 × 1010 N/m2 . A Research Quartz Crystal Microbalance was recorded before and after loading to ensure that the fre-
(RQCM) was purchased from Maxtek (Santa Fe Springs, CA) quency shift was in agreement with the amount of solute placed
and was used as both the oscillator and frequency counter. on the crystal. After loading, the crystal was placed in the high-
Carrots, Apache variety, were provided by I&S Food Ser- pressure vessel, which was in turn connected to the pumps and
vices Ltd. (Edmonton, AB, Canada). The carrots were washed placed into a heated water bath. After 30 min, the inlet valve was
and chopped into 5 mm cubes at room temperature with a food opened and CO2 was introduced. The pressure transducer and
chopper. After being well mixed, the carrots were freeze-dried thermistor monitored the pressure and temperature in the vessel,
for 5 days until a moisture content of ca. 0.8% was reached. respectively. The frequency of the quartz crystal was recorded
The cubes were then ground by a Quadro Comil grinder and every 10 s throughout the experiment. The experiment was con-
sieved until a desired particle size distribution (0.5–1 mm) was tinued until the frequency reading remained constant (±5 Hz).
achieved. All samples were vacuum packed in several moisture At least two replicates were performed for each experimental
and O2 -barrier bags and stored at −18 ◦ C in dark until use in condition. Experiments were conducted at temperatures of 40
extractions. and 50 ◦ C and pressures ranging from 120 to 200 bar.

2.2. Solubility measurements using the QCM technique 2.2.3. Theory

Using the QCM technique for solubility measurements in
2.2.1. QCM and high-pressure apparatus supercritical fluids (SCFs) involves placing a known mass of a
The apparatus (Fig. 1) consists of two ISCO 500D syringe solute on the surface of the electrode area. As the solute dis-
pumps from ISCO Inc. (Lincoln, NE), an Isotemp 3013 refrig- solves, the mass change on the surface of the crystal results in
344 M.D.A. Saldaña et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 37 (2006) 342–349

a frequency change according to the well established Sauerbrey (15 cm × 4.6 cm × 5 ␮m) (Supelco Inc., Bellefonte, PA). Sam-
equation (Eq. (1)) [14]. The mass change (m, kg) due to solute ples (50 ␮L) dissolved in methanol/dichloromethane (1:1 v/v)
deposition onto the crystal can be calculated by the change in were injected. The mobile phase consisted of methanol with
frequency (F, Hz) and by knowing the other constants such as 10% (v/v) acetonitrile at a flow rate of 1 mL/min at isocratic con-
the resonant frequency of unloaded crystal (F0 , Hz), the active ditions. The separated lutein, ␣-carotene and ␤-carotene peaks
vibrating area (A, m2 ), the quartz crystal density (ρq , kg/m3 ), were monitored by a UV detector at 450 nm. ␤-Carotene, ␣-
and the quartz crystal stiffness (µq , N/m2 ). This mass (m) was carotene and lutein standards were used for identification and
then used to calculate the solubility of ␤-carotene in SC CO2 in quantification based on their respective calibration curves.
the binary system. In an effort to determine the ease of degradation of
carotenoids, a separate experiment was conducted where the
2F 2 m carrot extract obtained by SFE was subjected to heat treatment
F = − √0 (1)
A µq ρ q followed by HPLC analysis. Two different samples collected
after SFE (0.050 and 0.042 g) were diluted in 10 mL hexane. An
2.3. Solubility measurement using dynamic extraction of aliquot (1 mL) was placed in a tube and heated at 70 ◦ C for ∼2 h.
carrots Once the solvent was evaporated, 1 mL methanol:methylene
chloride (45:55 v/v) was added followed by HPLC analysis.
2.3.1. Supercritical fluid extraction The chromatographic conditions used for the separation and
A laboratory-scale SFE system equipped with a 300 mL identification of isomers of carotenoids were adopted from
extraction cell (Newport Scientific Inc., Jessup, MD) was used Chen et al. [2] and Chen and Tang [16], who employed a
as described previously [15]. The extraction temperature was mobile phase of methanol:methylene chloride (99:1 v/v) with
monitored by a thermocouple immersed in the centre of the methanol:methylene chloride (45:55 v/v) as sample solvent and
extractor. A stainless steel basket (15 cm × 13 mm i.d.) was fit- a polymeric Vydac 201TP54 column (Separations Group, Hes-
ted into the extraction vessel for easy loading and unloading of peria, CA). A total of eight carotenoids were identified in
the dried carrot sample (2 g). CO2 was compressed to the desired the heat-treated carrot extracts: trans lutein, 9-cis-lutein, 13-
pressure using a diaphragm compressor and the extraction pres- cis-␣-carotene, 13,15-␤-carotene, trans ␣-carotene, 15-cis-␣-
sure was controlled by a back-pressure regulator. CO2 flow rate carotene, trans ␤-carotene and 13-cis-␤-carotene, which agree
(1.2 L/min, measured at ambient conditions) was controlled by with the retention times presented by Chen and Tang [16].
a micrometering valve. Each extraction run was continued for
8 h. Extract fractions were collected every 60 min in side-armed 2.4. Statistical analysis
glass tubes attached to the depressurization valve, which were
held in a refrigerated circulating bath at −20 ◦ C and weighed. All experiments were carried out in duplicate and means
The extracted material was transferred into a pre-weighed glass were reported. Analysis of variance of results was performed
vial by washing the collection tubes with hexane, which was using the general linear model (GLM) procedure of SAS Sta-
then evaporated under gentle nitrogen flow. The samples were tistical Software, version 8 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The
weighed and stored at −18 ◦ C until HPLC analysis. At least two model consisted of the main effects of pressure and temperature
replicates were carried out for all the experiments. Experiments and their interaction effect. Multiple comparison of means was
were conducted at temperatures of 40 and 50 ◦ C and pressures carried out using Tukey’s Studentized Range Test at a level of
ranging from 120 to 327 bar. significance of α = 0.05.

2.3.2. Soxhlet extraction 3. Results and discussion

Soxhlet extraction of freeze-dried carrots was carried out to
determine the initial amount of carotenoids present in the car- 3.1. Pure β-carotene solubility by the QCM technique
rots. Two grams of freeze-dried carrots and 50 mL hexane were
placed in a Soxhlet apparatus and refluxed for 4 h. The hex- For each QCM experiment, the resonant frequency (F0 ) of the
ane was removed and the extract was dried under a gentle flow 9 MHz quartz crystal was measured. The average resonant fre-
of nitrogen. Then, the dried sample was diluted using 5 mL quency was 8,993,155 Hz with a standard deviation of ±77 Hz
methanol:dichloromethane (1:1 v/v) and 100 ␮L of this solu- based on five measurements. Such low standard deviation was
tion was mixed with 400 ␮L methanol:dicholoromathane prior observed in all the resonant frequency measurements for five
to HPLC injection. Three replications were performed with a different crystals.
standard deviation of less than 6%. Table 1 shows the results of frequency change due to the
loading of 1 ␮L ␤-carotene solution on the surface of the quartz
2.3.3. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) crystal. The overall frequency shift (F) was used in the Sauer-
analysis brey equation (Eq. (1)) to calculate the total mass change (m)
Carotenoids identification and quantification in the extract on the surface of the electrode. This mass was then compared
samples were performed according to Mendes et al. [11] to the mass that was loaded onto the QCM with the syringe as
using an HPLC system (Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc., shown in Table 1. The mass placed on the crystal as calculated
Columbia, MD) equipped with a SupelcosilTM LC-18 column by the Sauerbrey equation (Eq. (1)) was in accordance with the
M.D.A. Saldaña et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 37 (2006) 342–349 345

Table 1
Mass calculation using the Sauerbrey equation
Mass based on solution volume loaded Mass based on Sauerbrey equation

Volume (mL) 1.0 × 10−3 F0 (Hz) 8993155

Concentration (mg/mL) 10.0 F (Hz) −9894.0
Theoretical mass (mg) 1.0 × 10−2 Sauerbrey mass (mg) 1.05 × 10−2

Error between mass values determined by two techniques = 5.0%.

Fig. 2. Frequency and pressure change in a solubility experiment of ␤-carotene

at 150 bar and 40 ◦ C. Fig. 3. Solubility of ␤-carotene at 40 ◦ C and different pressures in the binary
system (␤-carotene + SC CO2 ).
mass delivered by the syringe. The small error (5%) between the
two methods was typical for the numerous runs performed and Table 2. Fig. 3 compares the solubility data from Table 2 to those
was within experimental error. reported in the literature. A large discrepancy between solubil-
Fig. 2 depicts the frequency and pressure change versus time ity data can be observed at higher pressures. For example, at
during a ␤-carotene solubility experiment at 40 ◦ C and 150 bar. 120 bar, the solubility varies from 0.1 to 4.3 × 10−7 while at
For the first 10 min, the frequency reading was at 25 ◦ C and 200 bar, this variation is from 0.2 to 6.7 × 10−7 . This discrep-
10 bar. Then, the temperature was increased to 40 ◦ C and at ancy can be in part attributed to the differences in the purities
20 min the pressure was increased to 150 bar. This pressuriza- of the ␤-carotene and CO2 used and to the different experimen-
tion leads to a frequency drop, which can be attributed to: (i) the tal techniques used by the different researchers to obtain the
change of CO2 properties and state, and (ii) to the CO2 adsorp- reported solubilities. Sakaki [9], for example, used the dynamic
tion onto the quartz crystal and the surface of the solute. The technique while Škerget et al. [18] used the static technique and
frequency then begins to increase due to the dissolution and dif- Cygnarowicz et al. [12] used the circulation technique. More-
fusion of ␤-carotene into SC CO2 , resulting in a loss of mass over, higher solubility values were obtained in this study for
from the crystal surface. From 20 to 80 min, dissolution is rapid all the pressures investigated when compared to the literature
due to a large driving force [17]. As equilibrium is approached, data [9–12,18–21] (Fig. 3). Lower solubility values reported in
less solute dissolves and the frequency stabilizes. the literature might be attributed to the limitations of the differ-
Solubility data for ␤-carotene in SC CO2 obtained in this ent experimental techniques such as the lack of a high-pressure
study at 40 and 50 ◦ C and different pressures are presented in window on the extraction vessel to observe equilibrium, lack

Table 2
Solubility of ␤-carotene in SC CO2 in binary and complex systems at different conditions
Pressure (bar) Temperature (◦ C) Density (g/mL) Solubility (mole fraction)

Binary systema Complex systemb

120 40 0.718 4.3 × 10−7 ± 0.4 2.4 × 10−8 ± 1.1

150 40 0.780 5.8 × 10−7 ± 0.5 5.6 × 10−8 ± 2.9
200 40 0.840 6.7 × 10−7 ± 0.1 13 × 10−8 ± 3.7
120 50 0.585 7.2 × 10−7 ± 1.4 7.0 × 10−8 ± 0.8
150 50 0.700 7.5 × 10−7 ± 0.3 13 × 10−8 ± 0.6
200 50 0.784 9.4 × 10−7 ± 0.9 24 × 10−8 ± 5.0
a Solubility of pure ␤-carotene in SC CO2 by QCM (mean ± standard deviation).
b Solubility determined by dynamic extraction from carrots with SC CO2 (mean ± standard deviation).
346 M.D.A. Saldaña et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 37 (2006) 342–349

of attainment of equilibrium, ␤-carotene loss during depressur- satisfied, the amount of ␤-carotene present in the freeze-dried
ization, and ␤-carotene loss due to precipitation inside valves carrot sample was compared to an estimate of the amount of
and tubing. Although, precipitated ␤-carotene can be recovered ␤-carotene needed to satisfy the solubility limit. Based on the
by washing the tubes with an appropriate solvent; this step is initial ␤-carotene content of the freeze-dried carrots (1832 ␮g ␤-
not implemented in all studies. Another possible source of error carotene/g dry carrot, as determined by Soxhlet extraction) and
might be off-line sampling protocols, which involve collection assuming a solubility of the order of 10−6 mole fraction (based
of the ␤-carotene in a cooled flask or tube, containing a sol- on the highest level of binary solubility obtained by QCM in this
vent or sorbent trap followed by gravimetric, chromatographic or study, Table 2), the calculation reveals that sufficient ␤-carotene
spectrophotometric analysis. With on-line sampling, solubility is exists to saturate approximately 300 g of CO2 . Thus, the slope of
measured, prior to the depressurization, using chromatographic the initial linear portion of the dynamic extraction curve is used
or spectrophotometric analysis [22], eliminating ␤-carotene loss for solubility calculations. The second condition of low flow rate
and additional sample handling. However, saturation of the UV must also be met in order to use dynamic extraction data to cal-
detectors at high concentrations should not be overlooked when culate solubility. Dynamic extraction techniques use flow rates
on-line sampling is used [11]. that vary from 0.04 to 0.4 L/min in the literature [9,11,21,24].
On the other hand, with the QCM technique, some of these However, Subra et al. [8] extracted ␤-carotene from 1 to 2.5 g
sources of error and ␤-carotene losses could be avoided, result- freeze-dried carrots and studied the effect of higher flow rates
ing in higher solubility values. However, this technique also (0.4 and 1.2 L/min). Subra et al. [8] observed higher yields of
has some drawbacks: the preparation and loading of the sam- ␤-carotene at a flow rate of 1.2 L/min. Sun and Temelli [25] also
ple onto the crystal can be very challenging in addition to the evaluated the effect of flow rate (0.5 and 1.0 L/min) on the extrac-
system being highly sensitive to small changes in electrical cur- tion of ␤-carotene with SC CO2 + canola oil as a co-solvent. The
rent, any air flow or motion in the surroundings and any other solubility controlled region of the extraction curves for the two
interference occurring in the same room or even next door. As flow rates tested overlapped in a single line, indicating that sol-
well, the form in which ␤-carotene crystallizes on the quartz ubility limit was reached. Dunford et al. [26] also found that the
crystal upon evaporation of the solvent might influence its solu- solubility controlled region of the extraction curves for mackerel
bility. For example, Sakaki [9] noted that amorphous ␤-carotene oil using SC CO2 overlapped in a single line, indicating that the
impregnated within alumina beads was more soluble in SC CO2 flow rate in the range of 0.5–1.4 L/min had no effect on solu-
than crystalline ␤-carotene. In this study, the morphology of the bility. Roy et al. [27] reported the extraction rates of oil from
␤-carotene deposited on quartz crystal was examined by scan- tomato seeds with SC CO2 and observed that using CO2 flow
ning electron microscopy (SEM). The crystal morphology was rates of 0.8–3.3 L/min resulted in a similar slope in the initial
uniformly irregular orthorhombic, similar to that observed by part of the extraction curve. Therefore, the flow rate of 1.2 L/min
Cocero and Ferrero [23]. This crystal morphology of ␤-carotene was chosen for this study and it was assumed that equilibrium
as well as the even spreading of the solution on the electrode sur- was indeed reached.
face might contribute to the variation of the mass reading from Fig. 4 shows the amounts of ␤-carotene extracted using SC
the QCM. All of the above-mentioned factors might contribute to CO2 at temperatures of 40 and 50 ◦ C and different pressures
the somewhat larger standard deviations under some conditions as a function of the mass of CO2 used. The extraction yields
(Fig. 3), especially for a compound of low solubility (×10−7 ) of ␤-carotene obtained at the end of 8 h extraction increased
such as ␤-carotene. with temperature and pressure. Solubility of ␤-carotene was cal-
Analysis of variance results showed a significant (p ≤ 0.5) culated from the initial linear portion of the extraction curves
pressure and temperature effect but their interaction was not as reported in Table 2. Solubility of ␤-carotene in the com-
significant (p > 0.5). The solubility of ␤-carotene in SC CO2 plex system ranged from 2.4 to 24 × 10−8 mole fraction. Sim-
in the binary system increased (p ≤ 0.5) with temperature from ilar to the binary system, the solubility of ␤-carotene in the
40 to 50 ◦ C (Table 2). Solubility increased significantly (p ≤ 0.5) complex system was also significantly (p ≤ 0.05) affected by
with pressure from 150 to 200 bar; however, solubility at 150 bar temperature and pressure but the pressure × temperature inter-
was similar (p > 0.5) to that at 120 bar as well as that at 200 bar. action effect was not significant (p > 0.05). Solubility increased
(p ≤ 0.05) with pressure from 150 to 200 bar, but solubilities at
3.2. Solubility of β-carotene in the multicomponent 120 and 150 bar were similar (p > 0.05). As well, the solubility
complex system by dynamic extraction of carrots increased significantly (p ≤ 0.05) with temperature from 40 to
50 ◦ C.
Dynamic extraction of carrots was used to determine the Fig. 5 shows the comparison of extraction curves of ␣-,
solubility of ␤-carotene in a multicomponent complex system ␤-carotene and lutein at 40 and 50 ◦ C and different pressures
(carrot + SC CO2 ). Dynamic extraction data (in particular, the after 8 h. Higher amounts of ␤-carotene followed by ␣-carotene
mass of carotenoids extracted as a function of the mass of SC and lutein were obtained. The quantities of ␣- and ␤-carotene
CO2 ) can be used to determine the solubility provided that two extracted by SC CO2 were one order of magnitude higher than
conditions are met: (i) that sufficient ␤-carotene is present to those of lutein. This difference is a reflection of the concentra-
saturate SC CO2 and reach the solubility limit, and (ii) that tions of these carotenoids in the carrots. These results suggest
the SC CO2 flow rate is sufficiently low to allow equilibrium the possibility that lutein can be separated easily from the extract
to be reached. In order to ensure that the first condition was by changing operating conditions.
M.D.A. Saldaña et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 37 (2006) 342–349 347

Fig. 4. Extraction of ␤-carotene from carrots at different pressures and (A) at

40 ◦ C and (B) at 50 ◦ C. Fig. 5. Extraction of carotenoids from carrots at different pressures and (A) at
40 ◦ C and (B) at 50 ◦ C. 1: ␤-carotene, 2: ␣-carotene, 3: lutein.

As with ␤-carotene, the solubilities of ␣-carotene and lutein

can be calculated from the dynamic extraction data presented in soluble than others, affecting the solubility behavior, for exam-
Fig. 5. This calculation yields solubility values of the order of ple, cis isomers of ␤-carotene from a matrix of algae are found
10−8 mole fraction for ␣-carotene and 10−9 mole fraction for to be more soluble than trans isomers of ␤-carotene in SC CO2
lutein. The polar nature of lutein results in a lower solubility [24].
in SC CO2 . Both data should be used with caution since it is In this study, isomerization of trans-␤-carotene to cis-␤-
unknown if sufficient ␣-carotene or lutein is present to satisfy carotene was not observed, even for samples that were cov-
solubility. Scarce (if any) solubility data are currently available ered with aluminum foil and stored for more than 6 months
in the literature for either of these compounds. at 4 ◦ C prior to HPLC analysis. Furthermore, deliberate iso-
The extent of degradation of ␤-carotene through oxidation or merization of ␤-carotene was attempted in SC CO2 extracts.
isomerization during SFE is a controversial topic in the literature, Isomerization was not possible at temperatures less than 70 ◦ C
especially when reporting solubility data for ␤-carotene. Chang but was observed at 70 ◦ C in approximately 2 h. Fig. 6A
and Randolph [28], for example, reported that ␤-carotene was shows a typical HPLC chromatogram of a carrot extract
oxidized by CO2 , producing epoxide compounds. However, Jay obtained after SFE before isomerization in which three main
et al. [29] did not find any evidence of ␤-carotene oxidation using peaks are identified (compounds a, e and g) for lutein, ␣-
CO2 as a solvent and Cocero et al. [30] affirmed that this reac- carotene and ␤-carotene at 4, 13.4 and 15.3 min, respectively.
tion is not possible from a chemical view point. Isomerization A small quantity of lutein (∼0.35 ␮g/g) was present while
of ␤-carotene (forming mainly cis isomers) during SFE [31] and ␣- and ␤-carotene were in appreciable amounts (∼16.27 and
solubility measurements [32] were also reported. Besides, sol- ∼33.39 ␮g/g, respectively). In Fig. 6B, eight major peaks were
vent traps such as hexane used to collect the extracted material identified (compounds a–h) at 4, 5.9, 11.9, 13.2, 14.5, 16.1,
have also been reported to cause degradation through isomer- 16.7 and 19.1 min, respectively. Compounds f, h and d were the
ization [11]. There are also reports that some isomers are more main isomers formed while compound a increased considerably
348 M.D.A. Saldaña et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 37 (2006) 342–349

ubility in the binary system was 4.3 × 10−7 mole fraction at

120 bar and 40 ◦ C while the solubility based on the extraction of
the multicomponent complex system was 2.4 × 10−8 mole frac-
tion. Similar trends of an overall increase in solubility with both
temperature and pressure were observed for both systems. There
was a 5–10 times difference between the solubilities obtained
for the two systems. This difference can be attributed to the size
of the carrot particles and the extent of the rupture of the cellular
structure in which the ␤-carotene is present freely or complexed
with other components. As reported by Holland et al. [33], car-
rots mainly contain carbohydrates (6 g/100 g of carrot) some
of which is in the form of fiber (2.4 g/100 g of carrot). Freeze-
dried carrots are multicomponent mixtures where the presence
of other compounds such as carbohydrates may affect the sol-
ubility behavior of the ␤-carotene, which is in part not freely
available for solubilization in SC CO2 .

4. Conclusions

The simple QCM static technique provided in situ binary

solubility data for ␤-carotene in SC CO2 . The QCM technique
allows the diffusion, dissolution and kinetics of the process to be
monitored, thus ensuring that equilibrium is reached. Further-
more, some errors are eliminated with this method, as there is no
Fig. 6. Typical HPLC chromatograms of carrot extracts from SC CO2 extraction: need for sample collection after the process. Solubility values
(A) before isomerization: (a) trans-lutein, (e) trans-␣-carotene, (g) trans-␤-
for the binary system were in the range of 4.3–9.4 × 10−7 mole
carotene, and (B) after isomerization at high temperature: (a) trans-lutein, (b)
9-cis-lutein, (c) 13-cis-␣-carotene, (d) 13,15-␤-carotene, (e) trans-␣-carotene, fraction while solubility values for the multicomponent com-
(f) 15-cis-␣-carotene, (g) trans-␤-carotene and (h) 13-cis-␤-carotene. plex system (␤-carotene extracted from carrots with SC CO2 ) at
the same process conditions were in the range of 2.4–24 × 10−8
mole fraction. This difference can be attributed to the formation
after isomerization. A total of eight carotenoids, trans-lutein
of complexes of ␤-carotene with other components in the car-
(a, ∼2.73 ␮g/g), 9-cis-lutein (b, ∼0.51 ␮g/g), 13-cis-␣-carotene
rot matrix and to the free availability of ␤-carotene within the
(c, ∼0.02 ␮g/g), 13,15-␤-carotene (d, ∼2.42 ␮g/g), trans-␣-
internal cell structure for solubilization into the SC CO2 . Pre-
carotene (e, ∼17.93 ␮g/g), 15-cis-␣-carotene (f, ∼5.47 ␮g/g),
liminary solubility data for ␣-carotene and lutein of the order of
trans-␤-carotene (g, ∼18.95 ␮g/g) and 13-cis-␤-carotene (h,
10−8 and 10−9 (mole fraction), respectively, were also obtained
∼1.99 ␮g/g), were found in the carrot extract following heat
for the complex multicomponent system; however, more exper-
treatment. To avoid degradation of ␤-carotene during the extrac-
iments are needed to ensure that sufficient carotenoid is present
tion process, analysis and storage, exposure of the samples to
to satisfy solubility.
oxygen, heat and light should be avoided or minimized. Exper-
imental precautions can minimize sample degradation such as
the use of nitrogen for drying the sample, the use of dark colored Acknowledgements
vials or covering sample vials with aluminum foil for storage,
the use of a fresh batch of sample for each single data point to The authors would like to acknowledge the Natural Sci-
avoid accumulation of ␤-carotene isomers [22] and maintaining ences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC), the Alberta
the collection flasks at a low temperature. Agricultural Research Institute (AARI), Alberta Crop Industry
Development Fund (ACIDF), AVAC Ltd. and AFMNet-Canada
for funding this project.
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