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In - On – At

Prepositions of time & place

Remember, we talked about these prepositions being like a target, becoming more and
more precise

In is used for a non-specific time during a year/a month/ a

season – or even a day (for example: in the evening)

On is used for a particular day or date, or a part of a day, if we use

the day’s name (on Saturday morning)

At is used for a particular time

It is exactly the same if we are talking about places. We use the same prepositions,
becoming more and more precise with each one

In is used for land area – a country/ a county/ a town or

city. (She lives in Birmingham) We can also use it if we refer to
specifically being inside a certain building ( I will meet you in
the cinema – that is to say, not outside)

On is used for a particular street (She lives on Berlitz


At is used to talk about the particular house/ number on

the street (She lives at 56, Berlitz Avenue)

As you can see, in the same way as the prepositions of time become more precise, going from in to on to at, so
too do the same prepositions when they are used to describe a place.

REMEMBER: with a verb of movement (go/walk/drive/ take the train/ travel etc) + a place we use the
preposition to. (I’m taking the plane TO Paris on Monday)

Try the following exercise, choosing in/on/at or no preposition each time.

I am flying________ Helsinki ________ 20th July. I have only been to Finland _______ the winter.

I will meet my colleague ______ the airport, ________ 4.30. My ticket is ____________ my wallet.

He will be coming ______ London _______ June for a conference. We will arrive___________ Helsinki ________ 10.00

The airport is ____ Sunshine Boulevard. Our hotel is __________ the centre of the city.

The flight is _______ 6.00 ____________ Tuesday evening. It is _________ Etala Esplanade.

The office is ____________ Helsinki.

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