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Team : A+ (Anh 1)

Member & Student : Phan Hai Linh - 2112790040

ID Le Thuy Ha - 2113790023
Ta Minh Huong - 2112790037
Dinh Thuy Duong - 2 2111710016
Nguyen Quynh Nga - 2111710036
Chu Thi Yen Nhi – 2113700050

Class : Anh 1 – K60 EHQ

Course : Advanced Reading
Lecturer : Mrs. Le Thi Bich Thuy

Ha Noi, July 12th 2022


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................9

Critical thinking has always played a fundamental role in not only

education but also real life. Applying this skill to the assignment we are tasked to

finish, we’ve developed a Reading project targeting disadvantaged children in

provincial areas. This program will focus on helping the students getting exposed

to reading culture as well as digital resources of knowledge and improve their

English skills through a bilingual reading project. To explain our work more

thoroughly, we have prepared a draft, a proposal, a report, and a presentation. We

want to both practice the skills we have learned throughout the course and

challenge ourselves with a more demanding project.


This report will focus on the production of our reading project, including our
plan, timetable, methodology, as well as our reflection on the production.

In summary, we planned to implement the Reading project “LET’S REA+D!” in

a primary school (Le Van Tam) in a developing province (Hoa Binh). As we
explored the context of the area, we figured that the students are in need of a new
approach to basic subjects (such as Literature and English) but the school has not
found a method of provision. Therefore, we decided to aim for this group of
students, who is often forgotten by the authorities because they are not in a
particular remoted area nor face serious difficulties. By offering a reading project
based on a bilingual book, the program wants to introduce to both students and
educators a new way of learning.

This report will be divided into four chapters, and each of them will provide a
deeper perspective into our reading project.

The first chapter is Abstract, we would provide the audience with an overview of
the project.

The second chapter is Introduction, we would like you to have a closer look at the
target audience.

The third chapter is Research Methodology. In this chapter, we are going to

provide you with our working process from the beginning until the ending stage.

The last chapter is Conclusion, we are going to speak our thoughts, our
appreciation and valuable lessons that we have derived from the working process.
Moreover, it is an honor of us to express our eternal gratitude towards Mrs. Le
Bich Thuy for her dedication and elaborate instructions.


The methodology of this project is “learning by practice”; each of the member

of our group will have a chance to work at different positions and have a
contribution to the project. Our real time research process will be presented
below along with other comments concerning this process.

Table 2.1: Research Process

Duration Activity
01/06/2022 - 07/06/2022 Researching and deciding on a book
08/06/2022 - 15/06/2022 Making the 1st draft and pending
16/06/2022 - 23/06/2022 Making the 2nd draft and pending
23/06/2022 - 30/06/2022 Making the 3rd draft and pending
01/07/2022 - 10/07/2022 Preparing for the presentation

(Source: Conducted by author)

We started by deciding on the book we wanted to make a project of, and we

came to a conclusion, which we stayed true to the very end, that children
would be the audience that we will aim for.

Initially, we chose the book “The Little Prince” written by Antoine de Saint-
Exupéry because of its simplicity yet endearing way of storytelling, along
with meaningful messages. Then we listed all possible projects that we can
build on this book and came to a conclusion of 2 projects. We could not
settle on just one of them so we presented all two options to the teacher.
(Picture 2.2: A+’s first draft)

(Source: Conducted by team A+)

After submitting to the instructor, we received feedback on the layout of the

ideas. Therefore, we adjusted the way we delivered the draft, but kept the
original ideas. After the second submit, the leader of the team had a chance
to directly talk to the lecturer and receive further comments on the first draft.
Based on the feedbacks they receive and the references from other teams’
drafts, members of team A+ had come to several conclusion and kept
Following the comments, team A+ decided to redo the project, changing
almost every detail of the first draft and keeping only the concept of holding
an exhibition. The book was changed to “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis
Carroll, and the exhibition’s activities were also significantly replaced.
Further information about the second draft of team A+ can be accessed here,
as well as our unsubmitted draft.

However, the leader was contacted again to consult more about the
objectives of the project. Although the team has built several plans and all of
them have not suffice the original criterias, after talking to the lecturer again
and again, team A+ had got an almost complete view of the project. The
criterias of the project are:

- Reading must be the centered activity.

- The project must guarantee that all of the participants will read the book
we recommended them.

- The reading project is a social project, therefore it must aim to help the
ones in need (for example: mountainous and remote areas, the disabled,… ).

- We, the students building this plan, will work with the mindset of the
members of a non-profit organization, so we will not aim for the sponsorship
but rather the meaning this project will bring to society.

- The project should have an unique and creative approach.

With these insights in mind, we once again built another plan, and this time
this project has been approved of. After polishing the final draft, we proudly
present to you the Reading project “LET’S REA+D!”. The complete set of
the final project includes:

- 01 Draft

- 01 Proposal

- 01 Report

- 01 Presentation (in the form of a video in which we recorded ourselves).


Working on the project was an exciting and very valuable experience for us.
To be more specific, we got to bond over the course of building the plans, as
well as understand each other more. As a leader, I was able to get to know
my teammates’ strength more as I distributed them to do different tasks
during the period we worked to finish weekly presentations. Consequently, I
could deploy each of them to their applicable positions and maximized their
strong points.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our beloved lecturer: Mrs
Le Thi Bich Thuy, for providing us with invaluable guidance and knowledge
throughout the “Advanced Reading” course. We would love to receive your
feedback so that we can improve our work further in the future.


Authors of ideas Tạ Minh Hương (Indie game)

First draft Lê Thuý Hà (Exhibition)

Further developing the ideas The other members

Ideas for the second draft Lê Thuý Hà (original author)

Adjusting & developing the plan The other members

Final draft Ideas for the final drafts All 6 members

Target audience research Lê Thuý Hà, Đinh Thuỳ Dương

Objectives Tạ Minh Hương

Program description Đinh Thuỳ Dương

Proposal Assistted reading technology

Nguyễn Quỳnh Nga
Promotion plan

Calculating budget Chu Thị Yến Nhi

Evaluation (Survey form) Phan Hải Linh

Slide maker Tạ Minh Hương

Phan Hải Linh
n Presenters All 6 members

Video editor Đinh Thuỳ Dương

Report Report writer Phan Hải Linh

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