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In today's health-conscious society, more and more people are paying attention to
their eating habits. Specialists agree that a moderated, nutritious eating plan is
essential to gaining and maintaining good healthiness. The food we eat, both in
quality and quantity, has a significant impact on our complete health and provides
us with many scientific advantages.

Thanks to the inexhaustable work of specialists who is majored in food studies,

everyone now has a wealth of nutritional understanding. Extensive research and
studies have proven the health value of different foods. For example, eating snails
can prevent bone problems while providing our body with important calcium, or
consuming an apple everyday can help people against cancer. Besides, some
researchers said that having balanced diet plans is important, and all people in
each age have to be had proper versions for themselves. By following those
plans, they can get the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Culinary professionals provide more than just a pleasant dining experience. They
also explain the health benefits of a varied diet and provide knowledge on how to
texture different ingredients to promote health. Pea, for instance, contains a lot of
iron, which is very good for muscles and brain growth. Also, tomato contains a
lot of vitamins helping the body absorb better. As you combine pea and tomato
into dishes, which can help the body intake iron more effectively.

Scientists and professionals have explored the nutritional properties of foods and
the best ways to conserve them through cooking. Their contributions deepen
people’s knowledge of how food affects the body and how to prepare it
accordingly. Based on advice from culinary experts and scientific research,
people can now make best choices about their food to get optimal health and
In summary, the food we eat provides a range of scientific benefits to our
physical health. The more we understand, the more our health can develop. The
society is more and more evolved, so each individual should choose what to
consume adaquately.

Thesis statement: The food we eat, both in quality and quantity, has a significant
impact on our complete health and provides us with many scientific advantages.
Cause 1: Thanks to the inexhaustable work of specialists who is majored in food
studies, everyone now has a wealth of nutritional understanding .
Supporting details:
1. eating snails
2. consuming an apple everyday
Cause 2: Culinary professionals provide more than just a pleasant dining
experience. They also explain the health benefits of a varied diet and provide
knowledge on how to texture different ingredients to promote health
Supporting details:
1. Pea
2. Tomato
 Combine pea and tomato into dishes, which can help the body intake iron
more effectively.
Cause 3: Scientists and professionals have explored the nutritional properties of
foods and the best ways to conserve them through cooking.
Supporting details:
1. deepen people’s knowledge of how food affects the body and how to prepare
it accordingly.
2. people can now make best choices about their food to get optimal health and

1.After finishing this unit, I have gained a range of vocabulary that helps me
improve what I need in writing skill. Through two reading articles, I have aslo
enhanced the ability of translating beautifully into Vietnamese.

2.My thinking have been still the one (before and after deepening into this unit).
Actually, science is good for people to obey because everything surrounding us
is logical, but if it is too logical, it will be not completely good. I assumed that
we should eat following the common sense style more than the science style.
For instance, scientist said that, you should not eat cucumbers with tomatoes
when ordering a chicken rice set because you can be poisonned but actually if
you eat a little, it is still okay. Eating normally with your own diets is better.

1. Have you ever been hesitant to eat something that you had never eaten
- Yes, I have. It is about the first time I decided to buy and eat jellyfish. In
my mind, jellyfish is not edible because its “ inside poison”. For one
thing, I actually don’t know what jellyfish contains. Then, thanks to
google, I read one study regarding the nutrition inside jellyfish, so I just
dare to consume.
2. Have you ever stopped eating a type of food that you used to enjoy
eating? Why?
- Yes, I have. Halting eating meatball is what I did because of its sauces.
When I scooped the sauce into a small bowl and put them overnight, I ứa
frankly surprised at what happened; the chili sauce bowl could be not
washed clean. Thus, I realized that the sauce contained the edible
chemicals inside. Although it is little bit, if you eat them day by day, it
will lead your health to meet your “ edge of death” soon.

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