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Dynamics ENGI 24859

Week 7

Topic covered Details in class Comments, important points
Midterm test • Covering modules 1-3 all

• Review all posted materials
• Lab classes scheduled February 23 were cancelled due to college closure
• Modules 4 - Mass moment of inertia is now posted student should review the materials and attempt the
questions below
Question Comment etc.

Use pulley theory and the equations presented in

chapter 10

Assume AB rotates at 100 rpm, determine the

angular velocity of pin C.
Write the relevant equations solve using
trigonometry or by using a graphical approach

Using the information provided to determine actual

location of pin B. Write a valid equation of motion
solve as suggested above

Review the module on mass moment of inertia.

Split the part into standard parts (e.g. prism and

All questions from Walker, K. M. Applied Mechanics for Engineering Technology, 8th Edition

Developed by M. Arthur

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