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Solid under stress

Useful Links for revision:
Wales/Unit-1/Detailed-Notes/1.5. Solids Under Stress.pdf

Hooke’s law:
States that for an elastic spring or wire the extension of it is directly proportional
to the force applied to its end.

This is shown in the equation:


Where F is force

k is the spring constant [The stiffness of the spring]

x is the extension of the material

Solid under stress 1

Force over extension graph

This graph of Force over extension shows that Hooke’s law is obeyed up until the line is
no longer straight.
When the line is no longer proportional it reaches the limit of proportionality.

Force extension graph explained:

Up to point x:

The material obeys Hooke’s Law [Force is proportional to extension]

Material extends elastically - If force was removed from the material, it will
return back to its original shape and size

From x to y:

The material no longer obeys Hooke’s Law [Force is no longer proportional to


Solid under stress 2

The line passes the point of proportionality.

Material extends plastically - If force was removed from the material it will no
longer return back to its original shape

The area under is the work done

Work done in the graph

For the proportional (Hooke’s law) part of the graph, the work done can be worked out
with the equation:

W = work done

F = force applied

X = extension

Solid under stress 3

Derivation of elastic potential energy equation:

When material extends beyond the point of elasticity, the work done is used to break the
bonds to deform the material.

Stress and Strain


The tension across the material per unit area

Solid under stress 4

Stress has the unit Pa (pascals) or Nm^-2


The extension of the material per unit length due to the stress applied onto the

Strain has NO UNITS (As it is m/m which cancels out)

Youngs Modulus:

The ratio of stress to strain of a material for a material obeying Hooke’s law

It is basically the spring constant of a metal.

Youngs Modulus has the unit Pa or Nm^-2

Solid under stress 5

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