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Unit : Query Performance

In this Exercise you will use BW Statistics to find effective Aggregates.

1-1 Get aggregate proposals using BW statistics.

Highlight ‘InfoCube’ at the top of the screen and then click on
the find icon. Enter in the InfoCube name ‘AGGR_XX’, then
press ‘enter’. Double clicking on the icon before the InfoCube
found will bring you to the ‘AGGR_XX’ InfoCube location on the
Highlight the ‘AGGR_XX’ InfoCube and click on the right
mouse key. Select ‘Maintain Aggregates’ from the menu options.
This brings you into the ‘Aggregate Maintenance’ screen for the
selected InfoCube.
1-1-1 Click on the ‘Proposals’ button and then select ‘BW Statistics’
from the drop down menu list.
1-1-2 Optimize means that the BW System will look through the list of
suggested aggregates to find which are the 20% least called up
aggregates. If any of these 20% is covered by another aggregate
and itself was called up two times, the covered aggregate it will be
retained in the list of aggregates. Otherwise it will be deleted and
the number of times it would have been called up are added to the
covered aggregate.
1-1-3 They need to be activated and filled.

1-2 Select suitable aggregates from ones proposed.

1-2-1 Criteria for suitable aggregate:
 Keep number of records in aggregate as small as possible
 Try to maximize the number of summarized records
 Check that it is actually being called up when queries are
Highlight the aggregate that is to be activated and filled. Click on
the candle icon from the icon selections at the top of the screen.

© SAP AG 2000 TABW90 Performance - Solutions - 1

Once the activation process has been completed a pop-up will
appear asking whether you want to fill the aggregate. Affirm that
you do and the system will proceed with the filling. Afterwards
both the activate and fill status lights should be green.
1-2-2 Open up another session by entering ‘/orsrt’ in the command line
and hitting enter.
Once in the ‘Query Monitor’ use the F4 help to see possible
queries for the InfoCubes in your BW system. Search for the
‘AGGR_XX’ under the InfoArea ‘TABW90 AGGREGATES –
Performance Unit’. Once found, click on it and select one of the
queries by double clicking on it. Then execute it from the Query
Monitor. Repeat this process for the other queries of this
Once again from the Administrator Workbench go into the
‘Aggregate maintenance’ screen for the InfoCube ‘AGGR_XX’
and check to see if any aggregates have been called up.

1-3 Activate and deactivate aggregates.

1-3-1 After checking the ‘Aggregate Maintenance’ screen and finding out
which aggregates have been called up.In ‘Aggregate Maintenance’
screen for your InfoCube view the aggregate hierarchy.
In the Aggregate Maintenance’ screen highlight the called up
aggregate and then click on the icon ‘deselect’ from the icons
liste on the top part of the screen.
Then go through the process outlined in 1-2-3 again.
Afterwards check the ‘Aggregate Maintenance’ screen for the
AGGR_XX InfoCube and note if a different aggregate is being
called up now.
1-3-2 Be careful in deactivating an aggregate because, although it will
not be called up when a query is executed, it still is part of the
change run.

2-1 Analyze Query using RSRT:

2-1-1 Enter in the transaction code RSRT to go into the ‘Query Monitor’.
2-1-2 Follow the solution for 1-2-3 in Section 2: Finding Effective
2-1-3 Execute the query in ‘execute & debug’ mode by either clicking on
the ‘execute & debug’ icon or using the menu path ‘query’ ->
‘execute & debug’.
2-1-4 This is a split query with two subqueries. The system makes a
suggestion for an aggregate for the second subquery but is using
the aggregate that you created in the first exercise for the first
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2-1-5 Follow the solution for creating, activating, and filling aggregates
in Section 1: Creating Aggregates.
2-1-6 Follow the solution for working with the ‘Query Monitor’ in 1-2-3
of Section2: Finding Effective Aggregates and then execute the
query’SALES QUERY SPLIT’ with the technical name
‘AGGR_XX_SD_1 in ‘execute and debug’ mode. If you have now
created the second suggested aggregate both the one you created in
the first exercise and this one should now be used in the execution
of the above query.

© SAP AG 2000 TABW90 Performance - Solutions - 3

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